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This is for all the wildcards and promises and "just for fun" pillowcase pulls! This poll is kind of fun because they all seem to be so different! I literally have no clue what will win but I think its going to be great! 

Christmas movie poll up next! 

Update for the week coming in 20 minutes!



Jaccob Cortes

There can only be one...

nick bell

Lol...Contender ain't winning. Oh well.

Seymor Butz

Before you watch it....look up short history of the battle of Thermopylae.


Come on 300! What woman wouldn't want to see 300 shirtless, in-shape men for 2 hours?


if Jeremiah wins i will give you a million dollars ,fuck it,if it even comes 2nd i will give you 500k

Bill Hayden

Jeremiah Johnson was filmed in Utah. Just sayin'

Alex Gorell


Carmine Red

Wow! The Contender! I love that movie! Great to see it's on some other people's radars too!


Highlander is a movie that Cassie will like and not like at the same time. And since I don't like 300 and haven't seen Jeremiah Johnson, I guess I have to vote for it. 😂


THIS IS SPARTA! Highlander is good though.

John L Woolfolk

Jeremiah Johnson is an easy vote for me

Jason Dolan

There can be only one


Omg anything but 300. Just an abomination of a movie.


Only ones I've seen on the list are 300 or Highlander

Ross Warshaw

Highlander by far! Gotta a love story included, killer soundtrack, and I don't think it's like other movies. She and Carly would like it. 300 is very good, but also hyper-violent for them.

Brian's Dog

Highlander and 300 are the only movies on subscription streaming (HBO MAX).

Jon Johns

James, here's a little info, it's a screenplay based on two different books. It had a budget of $4 million and grossed $40Million at the box office. It's slow, quiet, and beautiful, most of it filmed on Redford property in Utah. I just finished watching it for about the tenth time today, and it still holds up, although it is slow paced, it is compelling all the way thru. Just my humble opinion...

Dissonant Bard

Legend is the most Cassie movie here

Jon Johns

Yeah, 300 has a unique 'Style' and although it's kind of, sort of an 'underdog' story? I am not sure they would like it, not to say they have to 'like' everything, just saying they would find things about "300" that appeal to them. even if they don't like it.

Uncle Phoenix

300!!! OMG! Can’t Hardly Wait!

Bill Hayden

I used to cowboy on a cattle ranch just north of Paonia, CO. I used to stare at the Uncumpahgre all day long. Just sayin' 🙂


Thanks Jon and Celeste. I will definitely give it a watch. I'll let you guys know what I think about it after i see it

Richard Maurer

300 is fiction, not meant to be accurate history. Never could figure out why people, like The History Buffs, can't understand that. It's completely meaningless as to whether 300 is historically accurate or not.

Godzilla Jones

Legend you'd absolutely love, Highlander is a cult classic, and Jeremiah Johnson is one of my top 5 westerns. 300 is super fun too

Celeste McAllister

You described it well Jon,I love the reverence for the land and the authentic portrayal of the Crow & Blackfoot nations...this is mountain man country here on the western slope...personal note it's a favorite of the men in my family..

Dean Holt

I like 300 but voted for Highlander so it’s just a classic and I think Cassie will enjoy it more

Richard Maurer

THIS IS SPARTA........assuming 300 wins the poll, of course.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Most of these would be a good watch lol still hoping 13 Hours will find it’s way up the queue soon lol

Katie Jackson

The Family Man with Nicholas Cage and Tea Leoni is really good and underrated. Also Miracle on 34th Street. There's always some holiday specials you could do. I'm not sure which ones you've seen but there are a lot of classics to choose from

Richard Maurer

The best films based on history are ironically the ones that throw out historical accuracy in favor of story. In fact, the more wildly exaggerated they are, like 300, the better the film is. If you're looking for historical accuracy they have these things called documentaries you should check out.

China Andronicus

Dear Lord ANYTHING but 300!!! That is the biggest piece of garbage made!

Zane From Canada

No doubt we will be seeing some sword play. 😁 Movies to go on the Christmas poll: The Preacher's Wife. (Exactly your kind of warm, tender, magical, feel good movie.) Gremlins. (Funny, strange, scary-but-not-too-scary Christmas movie. You'll love Gizmo. 😁) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. (Another adventure with the Griswolds. Nuff said.) Die Hard 2. (Yes, this is also a Christmas movie. 😉) Lethal Weapon. (Action packed, a bit on the dark side. Mel Gibson & Danny Glover buddy picture.)

Neill Shaughness

For the Christmas poll I would like to formally suggest Joyeaux Noel and Gremlins


C’mon Jeremiah!! Cassie wants more Robert Redford. You know cuz her “crushtopia” 😉


Point Break please!! That last dice game killed me. Swayze and Keanu in one movie!! Twofer!! 🍿

Michael Lynch

Please for the love of God lethal weapon for the Christmas movie

Michael Lynch

Let me guess it’s not historically accurate? It doesn’t have to be to be an enjoyable movie. Honestly, the movie is bad ass.

Brian Jones

300 winning over Highlander? I've lost total faith in this community....lol

China Andronicus

I can’t. I study Greek/Roman history and the classics. I saw this film for free and it was painful and I regret it. 😭😂 I’m not like the other responder here and will leave, it’s just such trash.

Mike Lemon

Except Highlanders, there were 3 of them- Connor, Duncan, and Quentin. And there were 3 series and, what, 5 movies.

Glen Childs

for christmas movies i would recommend the santa clause (Tim Allen) or White Christmas (Bing Crosby)

Steve Colletti

The Preachers Wife is good, but the original, The Bishops Wife (1947) is better. I'm with you on the rest!

Matthew B

Proud 300 voter, come at me


Don't blame Cassie, she hasn't seen it. Just don't watch it. My University Minor was in Classical studies, and I also detest the Movie, but I'm not going to leave in a tantrum over it.

Charles Woolman

I’ve been “out of commission” for a while, so I must have missed the reaction to Cinderella Man. Because…it would be in every poll until viewed…right? It has everything. It’s basically all the thrills of Rocky, but with watered down milk!!!

Mike Lemon

And, of course, the movie that a dozen other "major" reactors have watched is winning. Sigh... Maybe someday we can have some variety win.

Collar City Guy

Cassie: I know it lost a poll in the past, and the dice game at the last live, but is there any chance of you putting Close Encounter of the Third kind on a poll in the future???

Bill W

The Highlander movies were all terrible but the series was great.

China Andronicus

Oh I don’t blame her at all. But it’s definitely garbage and I don’t see her enjoying it. And yeah, definitely not leaving in a tantrum.


Highlander also has a good romantic storyline you'll like.

Miles E Coburn

Nature of the beast when one puts it in a poll. The same ones who voted for it from other reactors are going to vote for it here. Hell, even "Legend" would be a better choice.


Write In: American History X

Rodger Johnson

300 over Highlander AND Jeremiah Johnson?! What's the world coming to... ;)

diego kontarovsky

too bad it's losing, the contender is very good. obama once cited the jeff bridges character as his favorite movie president

Daniel Roberts

Highlander has a built in love story that's epic. There can only be one!


Miles you say that like Legend isn't the clear choice?! Which it so is. As far as 300 goes? I LOVED it in highschool but it quickly lost favor with me. Oh well.

Long-time Sci-Fi Enthusiast

Hi Cassie, for the Xmas Movie Poll please consider the following :- B/W films, The Bishop`s Wife 1947 with Cary Grant, Scrooge 1951 with Alistair Sim, Miracle On 34th Street 1947 with Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O`Hara & a young Natalie Wood. Here is a "sort of " trailer for the former (no spoilers) see :- https://youtu.be/jAFneciOP0M


I'm almost positive those are already on the menu. I'm pretty sure Cassie mentioned it in a recent livestream.

Tim Raths

I’ve seen 300 once and I liked it but didn’t love it and the others I haven’t seen so I’m going to sit this one out.

Stick Figure Studios

Here's a dark horse Christmas movie suggestion for you (and it's a mystery to boot): YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES.

Michael Barootian

God Iv been waiting for Jeremiah Johnson for so long now lol.

David Guin

Here's a Christmas (Santa Claus) thriller that will never make a poll (because it's Finnish: mostly English spoken in the film) Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010 Finnish)

Michael Gaskins

I voted Highlander, but 300 and Legend are also really good.


there can be only one

Sean Novack

I have to go with Highlander on this one. It's the biggest cult classic of the bunch. Knowing that film gets better street cred in fandom circles, though Legend is not too far behind.

Sean Novack

The first series was pretty good if you ignored the ending of the first film. (#nospoilers)

Brent Petty

Christmas poll: Gremlins and Fat Man.

Brent Petty

Lethal Weapon is also arguably a Christmas movie :)

Larry Darrell

Not a fan of it either by far, but it fits the pattern for polls. There’s a majority of people that like that kind of film on here. Sucks, but that’s the way it seems. Cassie just has to watch these films to get past them. Who knows, maybe she’ll like it, in that case, it’s a win.

Richard Maurer

For the last time, 300 is fiction, it's lack of historical accuracy is completely meaningless. In fact it just makes the film better. If you want accuracy go watch a documentary, the rest of us will be enjoying 300.

Larry Darrell

Ah man... 300? Dang. Thought everybody had finally forgotten about that movie. Oh well. I guess people still like it. Green Screen and all. But, Lemme just say... JOHN MILIUS. Writer and Director of The Wind and the Lion (1975), Big Wednesday (1978), Conan the Barbarian (1982), & Red Dawn (1984) Writer of Dirty Harry (1971), Magnum Force (1973), Apocalypse Now (1979), & 1941 (1979) Script Doctoring & Dialogue Writing on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), The Hunt for Red October (1990), Clear and Present Danger (1994), Saving Private Ryan (1998) & Behind Enemy Lines (2001) Wrote the U.S.S. Indianapolis speech spoken by Quint, in Jaws (1975). Credited as Spiritual Advisor in the credits for Lone Wolf McQuade (1983) The Real-Life inspiration for the character Walter Sobchak, played by John Goodman, in The Big Lebowski. Oh yeah, and wrote the Screenplay for Jeremiah Johnson (1972).

Terry Wood

All excellent suggestions. ‘Holiday Inn” is another good one, with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire. It was also the debut of the song “White Christmas.” ‘“Going My Way” is another great 1940s film with Crosby, who won an Academy Award for his role as Father O’Malley. It ends on Christmas with one of the most touching scenes ever committed to film.

Terry Wood

Another good one. Also the first time CGI animation was used in a film when the stain-glass window comes to life.


Highlander! One of my favorite films of all time - Queen soundtrack, Sean Connery and Clancy Brown


Better than the TV series? I'm going to have to heavily disagree with that. Better than the first half of season 1 and all of season 6, sure. But not better than seasons 2 through 5, which explored the best part of the Highlander mythos and gave us the best parts of Duncan MacLeod, and showed what it meant to be immortal and participate in "the Game" far better than the movie did. It's immensely watchable even today. Since it's free on YouTube, I rewatch it every few years.

Bill W

Philip G. It's a pretty clear and simple statement. I would take it to mean exactly what it says.

James UK

Christmas movie: While you were Sleeping. Christmasy but not too Christmasy.

Larry Darrell

John Milius and Jeremiah Johnson could use a hand. They will entertain you for your kindly gesture.


All great movies! Christmas poll: Gremlins!

Larry Darrell

300 (2006) is based on a comic book written and illustrated by Frank Miller published in 1998, and only inspired by history, not trying to be historically accurate.

Richard Maurer

Should I start the "Lethal Weapon isn't a Christmas movie, it's just set during Christmas" debate? Because I really want to. It's not that I care that much, I just love long pointless arguments.

China Andronicus

I’m well aware of this fact. That doesn’t mean I have to like it any more. 😂 Everyone can have their own tastes.

Rasmus Kristensen

The Contender is criminaly underrated and overlooked.

Mike Lemon

The first movie was definitely the best, but the third was pretty good too. The first series was good but you have to pretend it exists in its own world. The rest of the movies and series should be ignored.

Andy Woodhead

Has to be Gremlins for Christmas poll!

Jyn Jilly

You guys know that 300 is not a movie for Cassie. lol That's definitely a guy movie


Christmas Poll: THE FAMILY MAN (Nicolas Cage & Tea Leoni)


All I can say is if 300 is gonna win, Cassie needs to get ready.

Ted Little

CHRISTMAS POLL: The 1951 version of A Christmas Carol (AKA Scrooge) witAlistair Sim. This is the definitive version and truest to the Dickens novel.

Dylan Goracke

White Christmas for your next poll!

Richard Bourne

IMHO you should save 300 for when PIB reaches 300k subscribers. Love the Highlander where a French guy (Lambert) plays a Scot, and the real Scot (Connery) plays a Spaniard. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! This is a great movie, but the sequel sucks.

Andrew Hogan

Apples to Oranges on the movie v. series debate. There wouldn’t even be a series if not for the movie. I enjoyed both for different reasons, but the show had time to go into interesting details where the movie had to grab you in two hours.

Brent Petty

Didn't see where that was the criteria. Regardless, I see it's already on the schedule.

Andrew Hogan

Here we are……. Born to be kings We’re the princes of the universe

Matt Rose

As a backup pick, consider THE REF from 1994. Howlingly funny. Also consider KISS KISS, BANG BANG, another Shane Black comedy thriller also set during Christmas. But HIGHLANDER all the way. It's actually getting a 4K release in the beginning of December so yeah, perfect timing.

Matt Rose

While JEREMIAH JOHNSON is in my personal top ten films of all time, I think Cassie would enjoy some of the other films more.

Matt Rose

KISS KISS, BANG BANG. Another Christmas film from Shane Black. An absolute riot.

Zane From Canada

Yes, indeed! 🤣 Also, reminded me of another Shane Black Christmas movie: The Long Kiss Goodnight. 😁

Uncle Phoenix

I was actually on the fence about that too, However, Cassie and Carly have done really well with violent Bio Epic’s, Braveheart and The Patriot.

Richard Bourne

Really? I am going off memory of over 25 years on this. I'll have to check that out.

Richard Bourne

Maybe before that, but I got this off imdb.com Ramirez : I am Juan Sánchez Villalobos Ramírez, Chief metallurgist to King Charles V of Spain. And I'm at your service.

Cole Jennett

Nothing is ever certain, but twice now she has said it’s a planned Christmas reaction.🎉🎄❤️

Timothy Williams

If we choose what you would like the best, it would be Legend with a young Tom Cruise.

Odd Thomas


Larry Darrell

I’ve changed my tune over the years. I’ll say if the film is set at Christmas time and it’s a fun, enjoyable film, then it’s a Christmas film. One of my favorites that I now watch every year, is Battleground (1949). It is a WWII film that follows the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division during the Battle of Bastogne, which happened during Christmas time. The film features a Christmas tree, Christmas carols, and even a Christmas sermon. The film was an influence on Spielberg when he was making Saving Private Ryan and it is similar to Band of Brothers with the camaraderie between the men.

Rick Williams

Jeremiah Johnson is a great movie. Lethal Weapon is another.

Bill W

Richard- He is originally from Egypt ca 800 BC. He arrives in Spain in the 1500s and adopts a Spanish name. Also, Lambert was actually born in America, but from age 2 lived in Switzerland and France. ..ergo the French accent.

Richard Bourne

Wow, we are being so specific, and that is great. I didnt know Labert was born in the USA, but that doesn't make him a Scot., OK, fun debate in the PIB community here. Thanks for that info.


For a ☃️Christmas movie recommendation I highly recommend Remember the Night. It’s hard to find but I consider this to be a classic forgotten Christmas movie from the 1940s Starring legendary actress Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray. Stanwyck place a chronic shoplifter who gets busted but because it’s Harley her first offense she has to spend time behind bars but because it’s Christmas in the 1940s she’s granted a temporary release from jail. While awaiting her Trial she hitches a ride home with her prosecutor for Christmas The ride home involves some flirting and suggestion that romance might be in the future. It’s a great forgotten classic Christmas movie I watch every year and I think you might enjoy.

Bill W

Andrew- I think my beef is mostly with the casting. Let's cast a guy with an unmistakable French accent to play a Scot, and an actual Scot with an unmistakable accent to play an Egyptian/Spaniard. Also, I just don't care for Lambert's acting (despite my admiration for him marrying both Diane Lane and Sophie Marceau).

Björn Karlsson

(Here we go again 😬😏🤪🤔) I guess you are from Den, Nor or Swe. Do you use Popcorn request? If so, maybe you can help a crazy swede like me? 😇😃🤪

Scott Macaulay

Since you are a big Tom Cruise fan I was hoping for Legend. It’s such a different role for him. One of the best high fantasies put to film IMO.


Don't get me wrong, I like the movie. And I understand that it had to grab the audience in 2 hours, whereas the series has much longer to delve into all the details. But I think the movie just plays fast and loose by necessity, and the music video style (primarily because the director was known for music videos) grates on me a bit. The series took half a season to find its stride but once it did, it just went all out. And Duncan MacLeod is one of the best protagonists in TV history, In my opinion. We live in an era where masculinity is constantly under attack for being toxic. Duncan was a perfect example of the masculine ideal. A truly good, strong man with flaws but always tried to do the right thing, live well, stay fit, always learn...and he loved the people in his life.


The original Miracle on 34th Street on the Christmas poll. You'll love it!

Richard Maurer

Yeah, it's not like 300 will be the only movie we watch from now on. It's one and done, get over it.


They will see more sets of abs than they ever thought they would in their lives. It's a bad movie, but I can see them enjoying it. 😂

Jon Johns

I JUST rewatched JJ for about the 10th time yesterday. It is terribly slow paced, but... there is something about it that is so special, she might connect with it. Is terribly simple, no real complexities to have to try to figure out, and it is almost an indie movie, in its shooting style, etc. But it is a beautiful story, and film. I agree with you Matt. But I can no longer really gauge what she will like or dislike anymore, she has grown so much, and surprises me often.

Richard Maurer

My take is I personally don't think it's a Christmas movie, but if you do think it is then have fun watching it for Xmas. But really, its not a Christmas movie ; )

Larry Darrell

I’m not saying I’d watch Lethal Weapon or like films on Christmas Day or even Christmas Week, but December is OK, if anyone wants. I prefer traditional and mainly classic Christmas films myself.

Carlos Stevens

Every movie here should be on your list. And while we're at it, add Lady Hawk.


I love Legend

Michael Weiner

I second this motion. The original with Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Natalie Wood, and of course Edmund Gwenn. And not colorized, black and white will do just fine!


There is a major difference in style between 300 and movies like Braveheart and The Patriot. But it is what it is and I hope she likes it.


I don't think many people saw it, but The Contender is a terrific movie.

Larry Darrell

It’s on her letterboxhd site as “seen.” If she hasn’t seen it, then a reaction would be awesome.

Gábor Árki

I was hoping there can be only one, but apparently 300 Spartans can take on any adversary. 😀 If suggestions are still welcome for the Christmas poll, I have a few unconventional ones: - Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979) The story of Brian of Nazareth, who born on the original Christmas in the stable next door to Jesus Christ and spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. Due to the subject matter it is kind of an 'alternative' Christmas movie for me. A very unique style of satirical comedy that can only be described as 'Monty Python'. Probably it will be either love it or hate it. I know there are some religious groups that think the movie is controversial and blasphemous, but as a non-religious person I don't really see that. It does mock and make fun of blind faith, but does treat the real Jesus and his teachings with respect. - Trading Places (1983) Due to a cruel and elaborate bet of two millionaires, a snobbish upper-class commodities broker and a poor street hustler find their positions reversed. To be fair, not a real Christmas movie per se. But it is a fun comedy that does take place during the holidays and Dan Aykroyd is even dressed as Santa at one point.

James UK

She’s since confirmed she hasn’t seen it. Got it confused with Sleepless in Seattle.

Larry Darrell

I have to respectfully refute “terribly slow paced.” Jeremiah Johnson is not an action film and has a story that is not meant to move fast. However, for as much time that passes in the story and ground that is covered in a running time of less than 2 hours, I say it moves pretty fast. The film goes from scene to scene and doesn’t linger. For less than 2 hours, when it’s over, it feels like a 3 hour epic. And there is plenty for Cassie to enjoy. It’s not always the happiest story, but it is rewarding. Also, how can a film with multiple montages be slow paced?

Amy Silknitter

Oh my gosh I’ve never seen anyone do Jeremiah Johnson. IT’S SO GOOD.


a really fun spy/adventure movie is RED starring Bruce Willis. than RED part 2 to continue the adventure.

Odd Thomas

Highlander is the only choice here


The inaccuracies are a minor complaint in this crap pile. Zack Snyder is a horrible director. I’d expect a movie like this to appear on a YouTube channel named “Let’s Watch Movies and Pound some Natural Light, Bro!”. Soundstage, CGI laden, slow motion dumpster fire. One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.

Colin Gutierrez

Also IMO Red2 is one of the few sequels that I think is as good as, if not better than, the first.


I don't want 300 to win, I want JJ to win. BUT it wont win. So highlander it is. Ps highlander is pretty kick butt.

Richard Maurer

Where's all the 300 hate coming from? I never see that on other reactor channels. Maybe it's because this channel seems to have an older demographic, and they hate most movies made later than 90's. I know a lot of people commented on it's lack of historical accuracy, but that seems like a silly reason. How does anyone really expect historical accuracy from a Hollywood FICTIONAL movie at this point?

Anthony Vawser

I hope you’re not going to say that Patreon uses Dominion software in its polls.

Christopher Smith

If you voted for 300, from the maker of sucker punch, then please explain to the class exactly what scenes in this movie you think Cassie would enjoy? If you're being honest with yourself, the answer is none. Highlander is a Cassie joint, romance with sword play. 300 is just not even in the same class folks. Disappointed in y'all.


I'm not that old. I don't like it because it's a mid movie made by a poor director. It's not the worst 'turn off your brain' type movie ever made...but it's definiely not tops from the above list. Also, I don't think it's a great reaction movie tbh.

Connor P

Theres a good chance she would react to both given her history of noticing when two movies are very closely matched in the polls. As for why - well it could be the fact that this is such a step outside of her box. The subjective quality of the movie (I think it is, at the very least, interestingly shot) is almost irrelevant as she has reacted to over 200 movies by now - excluding one at this point for a very subjective reason seems pointless. As to this being outside of her standard scope of films - that is the point of the channel. Broadening horizons, trying new things, etc.

Richard Maurer

I've watched dozens of reactions to this movie and have never really seen a bad reaction. In fact I just watched the TBR Schmitt reaction and his wife, who had never seen it and didn't think she'd like it - surprise! - ended up loving it. It's a great movie centered around a timeless theme - bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. For some reason Zack Snyder gets a lot of hate, but in this movie he accomplished what he set out to do, filming the great comic it is based on.

Richard Maurer

I think she will enjoy the bravery and heroism of the 300 in the face of overwhelming odds. there's only one scene I imagine she might react to badly and it is brief and occurs very early in the film.

Christopher Smith

Even for horizon broadening purposes 300 is a weak choice. snyder is mostly junk, the blue filter on his earlier movies is tough. There are even better frank miller book to movies with better story for Cassie to follow than this boring read made into blue screen stage play. I just do not understand the love, especially over Highlander. Besides, Queen soundtrack > any snyder Mtv music video jazz. I would take Adrian Paul highlander over 300.

Matt Rose

Cassie needs to do a double feature of HIGHLANDER and FLASH GORDON, just for the awesome Queen soundtracks.

Ria Grix

I think Cassie would’ve loved Legend.