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Hello friends,

I missed you, between being sick and then going on a little trip to the house of the mouse, I really did miss chatting with you!

Disneyland was exhausting but magical, go check out my instagram for some pics and videos @popcorninbed

I can't believe its Thanksgiving tomorrow!! I feel unprepared, even though I am just in charge of corn and rolls haha. I don't even like Turkey that much, I just love a day dedicated to being cozy, surrounded by family and thinking of everything we have to be grateful for.

Ok so first go vote on the "Catch up Poll" here, and tell me what movies you want to see on the Christmas movie poll next week in the comments!

This week we have the movies pictured above (plus The Best Years of Our Lives I owe you from last week) Can't wait for all of these!

I really am beyond thankful for each one of you, every time I see a patreon notification pop up with a comment or message, I really do get a ping of gratefulness in my heart.

Ok if you are not stateside, I still hope you have a day full of family and gratitude this weekend. If you are in the US, may your gravy be a-plenty and your pies anything but pumpkin ;)

Love you all!



Alex Villarreal

EDWARD SCISSORHANDS should definitely be on a Christmas poll. (Aww, and the family pics are lovely.)

William Bryan

Turkey does suck tbh. We're having leg of lamb with mint jelly

Steven Ashford

Happy Thanksgiving, Cassie!!

Steve Colletti

Happy Thanksgiving! Stay healthy. For Christmas, my must watch has always been "The Bishops Wife" from 1947. It was later remade as the Preachers Wife, with Denzel Washington and Whitney Houston. Most of the other Christmas films (Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Scrooged, Christmas Vacation) are less traditional.

Seth R

Did you get to ride Star Wars rise of the resistance?

David Freese

Happy American Thanksgiving Cassie!! Looks like you enjoyed the trip. Let the holidays begin.

Yann LalibertƩ

A Christmas story has to be in the poll

Mike LL

Those pictures look absolutely fantastic, Cassie! Hope you had a great time! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and I can't wait to see all those reactions!

Robert da Spruce

Great ā€œUglyā€ sweater! šŸ˜€ Itā€™s definitely you! Have a great Thanksgiving Cassie! P.S. I donā€™t like Pumpkin pie either! šŸ˜‚

Robin Craft

Happy Thanksgiving Cassie to you and yours! šŸ—šŸ„§šŸ„‚


Happy Thanksgiving Cassie. Glad you enjoyed your vacation.


Christmas movies for a poll? :D I think "Die Hard 2" and "Lethal Weapon" were already on the schedule? "Miracle on 34th Street" (either version would be great, both? The 1947 version is marginally higher in the web app than the 1994 version, if that makes any difference) "Arthur Christmas" "Hogfather"

Jonathan Hall

I'm thankful to have popcorn in bed reactions in my life

Uncle Phoenix

Awww. So much happiness. (Heart Emoji).

Jake McNulty

Glad you and your family had a great time at Disneyland, and I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving. As for your Christmas movie poll, I'd recommend "Miracle on 34th Street" (both the 1947 original and the 1994 remake), "Arthur Christmas" (2001), "Scrooge" (1970), "Black Christmas" (1974, as an "alternative" Christmas film), "Jingle Jangle" (2020) and "The Snowman" (1982). Have a Merry Christmas!

Mike LL

Pumpkin pie is da bomb, but I do agree that sometimes you have to be in the mood

Neil Varma

Be well šŸ¤žšŸ™šŸ’™


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Wishing you Joy and good health.

Dave Hill

Happy Thanksgiving, Cassie! LOVE the Star Wars pic with Grogu! Too cute! I know you had to have gotten some comments walking around that day. =) I just finished watching the season finale of Andor! OMG it was such an amazing series and I'm so sad it's over (for now)! IMO the 2nd best series Disney has produced outside of The Mandalorian, but maybe some of the best acting and dialogue. PS - I'm geared up to watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles tomorrow. Hope you have time to squeeze it in again at some point too! :)

Cole Jennett

Nice! I didnā€™t realize Mama Popcorn was going too! Thatā€™s so awesomešŸ˜ŠIā€™m sure you all had a blast!

Celeste McAllister

MO34thst 1947 the '94 remake is a dull copy..Don't forget "White Christmas" it's a musical but,that's the editors job..

Richard Maurer

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Cassie!

brooke atkins

I agree!! The original miracle captured me when I was just a little girl and I love it to this day. Definitely a movie Cassie would like.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and the whole family! Christmas Movie Poll: The Shop Around The Corner(1940) - It Happened on 5th Avenue - The Miracle of the Bells (1948)- The Bishop's Wife (1947)- While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Jon Johns

Here's a list of nearly everything Cassie has seen, even before she started her "First Time Watching" channel. Check out her Letterboxd page: https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/by/name/

William Bryan

Leg of lamb, roasted lemon asparagus, wild rice, fresh baked French bread, creme brulee, and pumpkin chiffon pie

Jon Johns

Cassie, I would recommend "The Ref" but it is kind of obscure...

Wyatt Nuxoll

Happy Thanksgiving Cassie, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday weekend , I hope you are feeling better as well.

London Davis

Disappointing selection this week.

Gary Trousdale

Iā€™m so happy that youā€™re loving The Queenā€™s Gambit. It caught me totally by surpriseā€¦I mean, who could guess that someone could make a series about *CHESS* so riveting? I love it.

Dean Holt

Love the pictures looks like you had a great time. Iā€™d love to see you watch one or a couple of these if you havenā€™t already seen them. Trading Places, Jingle All the Way, Gremlins and Deck the Halls. You could watch Krampus (2015) but you might have had enough horror film already lol.

Phil Stubblefield

Happy American Thanksgiving, Cassie! We are truly thankful for your presence in our lives! :) BTW, did you know that James Brown wrote a song called Mother Popcorn (which Aerosmith covered 10 years later)? Your mom might want to adopt it as a new theme song! ;)

Mike Lemon

The Hebrew Hammer (2003) for a Christmas movie. Not a chance in the world of it winning, but I love that movie.

Jason Fulbright

Since you have opened the door on the great pumpkin pie debate I am going to share my family's favorite holiday dessert. Everyone who has told me they hate pumpkin pie has always still loved this cake. In fact, on Black Friday we always have kind of an open house where friends will take a break from shopping and stop by for coffee and desset and I'll be baking 7 of these through out the next couple of days. It is a really easy dump cake. I hope everyone has a great US Thanksgiving and a nice weekend with loved ones. I know PiB is one of those things I'm thankful for this year! Now, if your in the mood to try something new... PUMPKIN PIE CAKE 4 EGGS, beaten 1 16oz can of PUMPKIN 1 14oz can of EVAPORATED MILK (like Milnot but if you use Eagle Brand, cut out additional sugar) 1-1/2 cups SUGAR 2 teaspoons PUMPKIN PIE SPICE 1 box YELLOW CAKE MIX 1 cup (2 sticks) MARGARINE or BUTTER, melted 1 cup chopped PECANS Mix first five ingredients together with electric mixer. Grease a 9X13 glass baking dish with nonstick spray and pour in pumkin mixture. Sprinkle the whole box of cake mix over top, do not mix it in. Pour the melted butter or margarine over top. Sprinkle pecans on top. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour or until top is light brown. Serve warm.  Topped with a dollop of Whipped Cream is how we like it.

David Woodbridge

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


I just want to say, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Just Plain Bob

Christmas movie suggestions (itā€™s an eclectic list): 1. The Shop Around the Corner (starring Jimmy Stewart!!!) 2. Gremlins 3. Bad Santa 4. Lethal Weapon 5. Black Christmas 6. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang 7. Die Hard 2 8. Christmas Vacation 9. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

brooke atkins

Cassie what great selections this week. Havenā€™t seen jerry McGuire in years but I still know every line lol nice Veterans Day choice also. I just watched this for the first time a couple months ago and I really liked it. You will for sure enjoy it. I agree with you about the turkey. My grandma use to make a maple cured ham for thanksgiving and it was amazing. Sadly those days are long gone now. I donā€™t do any pies at all so I canā€™t answer which is worse. Pumpkin or pecan cause they are both gross to me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hope everyone has a fantastic thanksgiving and a great week.

Ben Livingstone

If we're suggesting Christmas movies, I want to put a word in for "A Christmas Carol" (1951) with Alastair Sim to be put on a list at some point.

Kelly Marie

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! Eat lots of good food and enjoy the company you're with!! Many blessings and love to you all :)

Bill Hayden

That sweater looks like you are auditioning for the movie, Aliens. The Cassie version. šŸ˜‰ Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.

Kelly Marie

Christmas movies: Fred Claus, Deck the Halls, Christmas Vacation, The Family Man, The Man Who Invented Christmas, Gremlins, White Christmas, and Santa Claus: The Movie.


Christmas movie suggestions: - The Shop Around the Corner (1940) - The Bishopā€™s Wife (1947) - All Mine to Give (1957) - A Christmas Story (1983)

Collar City Guy

Cassie, have you ever seen the Hallmark Christmas movie :A Christmas Wish" with Kristy Swanson it was filmed in your neck of the woods, Mapleton, Utah, and is a rather touching movie

Andrew Hogan

Happy and healthy.

Alan Kobb

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your loved ones, Cassie! One of the things that I'm thankful for is the time I get to spend with you!


Cassie for Christmas you need to watch White Christmas-it is one of the ā€˜great granddaddiesā€™ of Christmas movies. I would also suggest adding Meet Me in St Louis, Christmas in Connecticut ( the original), and Shop Around the Corner (this is the movie Youā€™ve got Mail is based on) to the list. But if you watch no other movie this Christmas-it would have to be White Christmas. It is literally a perfect Christmas movie-Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, rosemary Clooney, and Vera-Ellen are all amazing, the songs are all by Irving Berlin, and the costumes are by the great Edith Head. It will have you singing and smiling like a loon for days and may even cause a few happy tears. Itā€™s just not Christmas for my family until Bing, Danny, Rosemary, and Vera sing White Christmas around the tree in a little inn in Vermont!


Is The Bridge on the River Kwai on the watch list? I think it won a poll or came in second place.


If she isn't already planning on watching it my vote on a Christmas poll would go to Die Hard 2. Its about a blizzard so it's like it takes place inside a snow globe. You know, one of those snow globes with gun fights and explosions in it... and a snowmobile chase.

lance tophoj

Queen's Gambit STAT!

'Pappy' Johnston

What about 'The Long Kiss Goodnight'?!? (Geena Davis and Samuel L Jackson) That movie has SOME Christmas stuff in it! (...'bout 10 to 15 minutes total scattered throughout but....), it's THERE!!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Aaron Mann

The Ref, The Family Man, Last Christmas

Cliff Smelley

Have a great Thanksgiving, Cassie!

Stick Figure Studios

I well just reiterate what I said on the poll: a Dark horse Christmas movie but I think you would enjoy (it's even a mystery) is YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES.


I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving, Cassie! I can't recall if you've seen Miracle on 34th Street, but that would be my choice for a Christmas movie. I enjoy your classics reactions a lot!

Tim Raths

Happy Thanksgiving Cassie! Looking forward to The Best Years of Our Lives reaction.

Ben Cookie

Thanks a lot for your content Cassie and all the best to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

Joshua Stormont

Happy Thanksgiving. I love pumpkin, apple and pecan. I would say George c Scott Christmas carol, miracle on 34th street both of them, and Heidi Shirley temple.

Brent Petty

Gremlins and Fat Man for the Christmas poll.

Larry Darrell

Original Miracle on 34th Street (1947). Remake's finale not as good. They tried though.

Damien beatty

If you haven't seen it then "A Christmas Story" (1983) and "Gremlins"(1984) and for fun how about "Fanny and Alexander" a long, wonderful and completely dramatic Swedish movie from (1982).

Larry Darrell

Shane Black wrote it and he loves Christmas, apparently. (i.e. Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man 3, The Nice Guys)

Larry Darrell

Must Watch Christmas Movies, every year for myself, that you haven't seen. (Not unlike films you have seen or reacted to, such as, It's a Wonderful Life, While You Were Sleeping, or The Holiday): Bachelor Mother (1939), The Man Who Came to Dinner (1942), The Bishop's Wife (1947), Miracle on 34th Street (1947), Battleground (1949), A Christmas Carol (1951), White Christmas (1954), A Christmas Story (1983), Christmas Vacation (1989) Some Other Favorites that I really try to watch: Remember the Night (1940), The Shop Around the Corner (1940), Meet John Doe (1941), Holiday Inn (1942), Destination Tokyo (1943), Christmas in Connecticut (1945), It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947), Holiday Affair (1949), Little Women (1949), We're No Angels (1955), Scrooge (1970), Ernest Saves Christmas (1988), Trapped in Paradise (1994), Jingle All the Way (1996), The Family Man (2000) & The Santa Clause 2 minus the North Pole scenes (2002). Happy Thanksgiving to all. Everybody be careful and try not to hurt themselves this year. Overeating can easily happen. Has anyone else thrown their back out from eating too much at Thanksgiving? Or am I the only one?

Brian McGovern

Do you think Carly has a thing for Tom Cruise? ā˜ŗļø


A Christmas Story (1983) Miracle on 34th Street (1947) The Shop Around the Corner (1940)


I know it's too late for a Thanksgiving movie suggestion, but I'm throwing this out there anyway because it's one of my all time favorites but rarely hear about it anymore: "Avalon" from 1990, featuring Frodo! (Elijah Wood as a very young and amazing child actor) The story of a multigenerational immigrant Jewish family, it's also about America in the 20th century. Heartwarming, heartbreaking, funny, nostalgic-- a terrific ensemble cast gives you all the feels. And not just a Thanksgiving movie, but the holiday is used as a recurring theme.


I thought we were getting LotR this month?

Bjƶrn Karlsson

Another good swedish movie is Show me..... Just kidding šŸ˜. F&A is good. A great swedish Christmas movie is "In bed with Santa" aka "Tomten Ƥr far till alla barnen" from 1999. A hilarious black comedy, but it's very complicated, and very "swedish" šŸ˜Š Alexandra Dahlstrƶm (from Fƅ/SML) has a role as an outspoken teenage daughter. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜šŸ˜ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Bed_with_Santa

Terry Yelmene

Yet another specifically good selections week! (...but... you chick-flick affectionato ladies have NOT seen Jerry Maguire?)

Jason Fulbright

How about a Christmas show, Marvel's Hawkeye.

Wes Stewart

I thought Krampus (2015) was a Christmas horror delight and Black Christmas (1974) is another genre classic. I donā€™t even like horror that much.

Mark James

I saw Taking Chance is coming up. It is an amazing movie. I can't wait.

Timothy Williams

Happy Thanksgiving, and may God bless your whole family and give you success and joy in all you do.

Cole Jennett

Cassie has, but she let Carly pick a movie this month, so it will only be a first time viewing for Carly. Pretty sure Cassie only saw it the once, many years ago, so should still be a fun reaction from her too!

Cole Jennett

Sheā€™s seen The Holiday, reacted to Its a Wonderful life last year, and While You Were Sleeping is supposedly on the list for this year!

Rick Williams

Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy, Cassie.

Johnny Liu

Happy Thanksgiving, Cassie!

Jason Dolan

Happy Gobbles!

Mark Sylvester

Happy Thanksgiving Cassie and Carly!


Also, White Christmas is by a great director Cassie has already seen and enjoyed two other films from, Michael Curtiz. He directed both Casablanca and The Adventures of Robin Hood. I echo your enthusiasm for Christmas in Connecticut and The Shop Around the Corner, especially.


I think there is an icicle somewhere in that snow globe, too!


Happy Thanksgiving! You, your sister, channel, and community you created bring a lot of happiness to people all over! šŸ˜Š


Happy Thanksgiving, Cassie! I hope you're feeling much better. Always take care of yourself first and foremost. We'll always be here to watch your reactions so no worries. Btw, I just watched the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special and I would highly recommend you do that for a reaction this Christmas (maybe a Cassie/Carly reaction). Good stuff. Very endearing and I'm sure you would enjoy it.

Thomas Haupt

Happy Thanksgiving Cassie and Carly!

Bjƶrn Von Knorring

Jongle all the way with Arnold Schwazenegger is an anazibg christmas-movie (comedy).