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Hey guys! Here is the second half of The Godfather, which will premiere this afternoon on YT. Hope you enjoy!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 




Michael T

Wow, Cassie, what a quick response! I begged for Part 2 just 25 minutes ago, and now here it is! 👏 😃


Fun watching along after replaying The Godfather video game.


Please consider watching Godfather 2. It is widely viewed as an even better film.

Stephen Malloy

The baby being baptized was Coppola’s daughter Sofia.

Wes Stewart

Abe Vigoda who plays Sal Tessio was often rumoured and mistakenly reported as dead over the years, starting with a People magazine article in 1982. Vigoda’s wife would frequently receive condolence cards and letters. He made frequent guest appearances on Conan O’Brien poking fun at this. He finally passed away in 2016, aged 94.

Reece Coventree

You didn't mention it on camera so I would like to point out Talia Shire, the sister who gets married, is Adrian in the Rocky series.

David Woodbridge

The baptism scene at the end has to be one of the best edited sequences in movie history. The juxtaposition of Michael verbally renouncing the ways of Satan while simultaneously engaging in the ways of Satan creates a palpable feeling of evil that few other films have achieved. This scene is all the more powerful because it's the culmination of Michael's fall from a moral idealist to a gangster even more ruthless than his father. Like Satan, Michael has fallen from heaven and is now the prince of deceit.

Björn Von Knorring

My understanding is that the movie is quite accurate in describing how it was.

Kat Farlowe

Another great reaction video Cassie! I agree that I don't understand the violence of the mafia and the consistent thirst for power, but that is a part of life that I am glad I am not involved in. But watching it on film is fascinating! Marlon Brando is considered one of the greatest actors of all time. He influenced a whole new generation of actors, many of whom used The Method style of acting (https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1079479568). Two of his most notable roles are in A Streetcat Named Desire (as Stanley - STELLLLA!) and one of my all-time favorites, On the Waterfront (which has a wonderful love story), both directed by Elia Kazan. He won the best actor Oscar for this film and On the Waterfront. You should add the latter to your rotation. It is exceptional and is where the quote "I could have been a contender...I could have been somebody..." comes from. Thanks for brightening my day again!

David Guin

A great job, once again. Thanks

Cliff Endicott

Hi Cassie. I don't think I'm alone in thinking that reactions like this, where you are so far out of your usual element, is why everyone finds your reactions so enjoyable. You have such an innocence, and you are so taken aback when horrible things happen. Most people have an easier time because they can easily compartmentalize.... "it's only a movie." But your reactions seem to feel everything deeply, like it is all real. That level of genuineness, so without guile of any kind, is what sets your reactions apart. Thanks (as usual) for a fun video.

Stephen Malloy

It occurred to me that while the baby is being baptized with holy water, the new Godfather Michael is receiving his baptism with the blood of his enemies.

Joe Kim

Marlon Brando is considered by many as the greatest American actor of all-time but he wasn't an easy guy to work with to put it mildly. Many people consider Godfather II to be even better than the original, probably because Francis Ford Coppola was given more freedom by Paramount after the huge success. Robert De Niro and Robert Redford auditioned for the role of Sonny but De Niro eventually got to play the young Godfather in the sequel.

David Woodbridge

That's a good connection, Stephen. A holy baptism of water versus an unholy baptism of enemy blood.

S M Galli

Hey Cass great reaction as always . Just want to say, you are going to hear a lot about how bad GF3 is. While it def is not as good as the first two. It’s in my opinion still important. It’s really all about Michael and his struggle for redemption and reconciliation. Just don’t watch the “Coda” version and Don’t listen to the naysayers and give it a fair chance. Oh and BYW Luca Brasi was a real mobster with the Columbo crime family that Copala chose to cast!

Art of Free Speech

Just to be clear, it is NOT every guy's favorite film. I think the Godfather is a slow (in a bad way) snoozefest. I know there are lots of people who love it, just as I love some films other guys hate, but I didn't like this one bit.

CarSVernon .

really a snoozefest? i can understand some people calling the second one that, but the first is pretty dynamic.

Steven Johnson

Cassie, in response to your outro, I remember a quote from the real Henry Hill whom Goodfellas was based on. I’m not sure if this is the exact language but in regard to the portrayal of that world he said, “The Godfather is what mobsters thought and pretended they were like….Goodfellas is how they actually were.” I’ve always thought there was some good insight in those words and probably a decent amount of truth as well. Great job as always! 🤘


I can understand people not liking it, but a snooze fest? Really? This is one of the most immersive, well-paced 3-hour movies ever made. It truly does not feel like nearly 3 hours long. It's not really a slow burn either. It's punctuated with excitement all the way through.

Christian Solis

I get that people feel we should respect everyone's opinions but you're just wrong in every sense of the word. I bet your favorite movie is Norbit, weirdo.

Art of Free Speech

To all 3, YES! A snoozefest. Because YOU find it "dynamic" or "immersive, well paced", doesn't mean everyone will. Way to go right to the personal insults, there, Christian. How very tolerant of different opinions you are... It amazes me the sheer arrogance of all 3 of you. I'm 100% certain there are movies I love that you would call snoozefests, and that would be fine with me, even ones I think are perfectly paced. FFS, not everyone likes the same things, but you are all so certain your opinion is the one that must be shared by everyone. Next time I'll be sure to check in with the 3 of you to know what "the right opinion" is before posting... (not). How incredibly sad you can't accept someone not liking what you like!?!

Christian Solis

Why would I be tolerant of a very stupid opinion, nincumpoop? Again, you are a dumb-dumb.

Christian Solis

Why are you offended by my freedom of speech and my opinion over your stupid opinion, snowflake?

Louis Wilberger

Godfather 2 shows the difference between Vito and Michael as you noticed Michael was ruthless and uncompassionate after the death of Applonia. in Godfather 2 you get to see Vitos' development and compare the two. Give it a shot.


One person attacked you personally (Christian) But you got unhinged and then complained about all three of us, for disagreeing with you. Seriously?

Art of Free Speech

@Christian I'm not offended. I just think you're intolerant. You're also very much misusing "snowflake." Snowflake is for people who think they're special and is a shortened version of "special snowflake" who think they deserve special rights others don't get. I don't demand any such thing, nor have I said anything about this being a free speech issue. It isn't. However, when someone has to resort to ad hominems, especially on an opinion on an aesthetic (it's like calling someone names because they prefer brunettes over blondes), they say far more about themselves than they could ever say about the other person. I'm sorry your life is such that you feel the need to try to bring others down to your level instead of lifting them up. I sincerely hope your life improves and whatever makes you so filled with hate goes away. Have a wonderful night.

Art of Free Speech

@Caomhan84, not at all. I addressed his ad hominem completely separately. With you, my only issue is your insistence the movie is perfectly paced, and that it's stated as fact instead of opinion. What you mean is it is perfectly paced FOR YOU. It's arrogant to think your opinion on the pacing is factual. You didn't say "in my opinion, the movie is one of the most perfectly paced" or "to me this movie is perfectly paced." It's an aesthetic. Your opinion on it is uniquely yours and I respect your opinion, but it's just that. MY take on it is just MY opinion. The only fact about it for me is that *I* found it to be a snoozefest. I don't know where you think I "got unhinged." I feel I've been perfectly hinged the entire time. I haven't resorted to ad hominem.

Zane Richardson

As im sure many others have said, please can you get onto Part 2 as soon as possible before the stories and names escape your head! Been waiting for this one for a year or two since I first discovered your channel!

S Elphick

the second film is better, I wouldn't bother with the 3rd film

Tim Raths

Careful, I said the exact thing and got roasted for it.

Richard Maurer

The Godfather definitely sugarcoats the mob scene, making it seem like only the bad people get hurt, when nothing could be further from the truth. Just their involvement with the protection racket, where money is extorted from honest business owners for "protection" (from the mobsters "protecting" them) is reason enough to despise them,

Richard Maurer

Not all men like Mob movies, I prefer movies about heroes, Like LotR, than ones that try to make heroes out of murderous criminal scumbags. I will say that The Godfather is the best of the mob movies, but that's not saying much considering I think most mob movies are trash.

Bill W

I also am not a huge fan of mob/mafia movies, mostly because of the notion of needing someone to root for, and not just someone who's the lesser of two evils. But I wouldn't classify an (almost) entire genre "trash" despite the caliber of storytelling, dialogue, acting, cinematography, musical score..

Richard Maurer

Well trash might not be the best term I could use, I meant trash from my personal point of view. I understand that many people enjoy mob movies and I don't hold that against them. It's just that well made or not, I personally find them distasteful.

Anthony Vawser

Connie’s long hair versus Adrian’s short hair means I wasn’t shocked or even surprised.

Anthony Vawser

Good golly, CS; you should have quit while you were behind. There is probably a way in which you could have constructively engaged with someone who doesn’t like The Godfather, and done so in a way that brought credit to you as a passionate fan. The way you chose was definitely not it.

Anthony Vawser

Probably why I enjoy watching The Godfather and don’t enjoy watching Goodfellas.

Anthony Vawser

AOFS: All statements about the worth of a work of art are implicitly opinions rather than facts - unless explicitly, arrogantly, and falsely asserted to be facts. Neither Vernon or 84 actually did this; they were just engaging in what I think had the potential to be a constructive back-and-forth. (Of course, Christian’s reaction was utter childishness that reads to me like deliberate trolling, and spoiled the conversation beyond saving.)


Since you recognized a young Diane Keaton, that opens up the possibility that you might also be interested in seeing some of her earlier films…. ANNIE HALL, anyone?

Art of Free Speech

@Anthony Vawser: Whereas I would agree all statements are inherently opinions (as they're products of one's perception), I wouldn't agree people implicitly express them as only opinions. You and I might argue that way, but there is no shortage of people who actually believe what they say is fact, even regarding aesthetics. Similarly, you and I might agree there's more than one right way to do most things, but there are those who believe their way is the one and only right way. Unfortunately, I've met far too many of the "one right way" and "my opinion is fact" types to be okay with the presumption statements on an aesthetic are implicitly opinions. Either way, I respect and appreciate your input.

Russell Teo

You are almost there, Cassie. Seven Samurai, Seventh Seal, Spirited Away, or what is called the Holy Trinity of movie/cinema will complete your journey

Björn Karlsson

Hmm.... Cassie and Ingmar Bergman from 1957 🤔🤔 Interesting combo 😄 Well, as a swede I know other swedish directors and other swedish films that she will appreciate more. I think you know by now what I'm thinking about..😏😏 But of course, Seventh Seal is a classic one, no doubt 😀

Bill W

I guarantee if Cassie had seen this before Lord of the Rings, she would have been calling him FREDO Baggins! =D