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Woooaaahh this was such a simple film but it was so emotional, and so real. So many moments of chills and lots and lots of tears. Thank you for recommending this ! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, thanks for being here!! <33

Just a quick update: We have Jerry Maguire with Carly coming tonight, and Queen's Gambit tomorrow! Also, Carly and I are watching The Fellowship of the Ring tomorrow. So excited to watch them again and SO SO excited to see her reaction! 

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[Full Reaction] Taking Chance (2009)


Gunnar Rea

Potential stupid question.. Will the LotR - Carly Edition be a video or just a private personal rewatch?

Uncle Phoenix

Omg. I love this channel.

Cole Jennett

I hope you decided on Theatrical for Carly’s sake. 😉


Pretty sure a reaction video. A lot of us have been lobbying to have Carly's recorded for a while! Haha

Jason Dolan

This is actually very apropos for the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, lol

Patrick Egan

I’m SO glad you watched Taking Chance, it’s such a beautiful meditation on the process of bringing our fallen home, and how it impacts so many. Can’t wait for you to show Lord Of The Rings to Carly, it should be a fun switch-up :)

Stick Figure Studios

This is one of those rare reactions where I haven't seen the movie yet myself. Should be interesting.


Cassie, I have no comment to make other than THANK YOU for watching this.

Cole Jennett

Not for a first time watch. Extended is great if you really enjoy it and want to watch it again, but the best chance imo for her to love them is with the theatrical. Note, I realize Cassie loved it despite watching the extended first, but I believe she would have loved them just as much if she had done theatrical first. Just one man’s opinion.😊

Bill Hayden

Frick, frick, frick. Now I have to explain to everyone why I have been crying. Maybe I can blame it on a football game.

Jon Johns

I've also heard it will be theatrical version, but that's not confirmed

Jon Johns

I was really excited to try your home made french onion soup, bill, sorry you had to cut so many onions up, only to accidentally burn it and put it in the trash. Good effort though! 😉😭

Neill Shaughness

Very excited for both Carly's LotR reaction and Cassie's rewatch reaction.

Josh Phillips

All those cars in the convoy with their lights on gets me every time. Such a sad but beautiful thing. Btw the guy who plays Chance’s dad, his name is Tom Wopat. He became famous in the 1980s for playing the role of Luke Duke on The Dukes of Hazzard. One of my all time favorite shows as a kid 😁


I agree and I also think a first time reaction should 99% of the time be to theatrical versions of the movies.


Have the veterans been placated now?

Björn Karlsson

(Oh no, it's that swede again 😒) A simple, very realistic and very emotional movie, with rivers of tears, is Show me love/Fcuking Åmål.

Björn Karlsson

An even more potential stupid question🤣🤣: Gunnar, are you from Norway? 🤪🤪

Björn Karlsson

Aha!! Well that was a quick answer. 😁😁 As you might know, I'm on a mission impossible. I want Cassie to do a reaction of the swedish movie Fcuking Åmål aka Show me love. Have you seen that old movie? It was a success even in Denmark as well.

Richard Maurer

Unfortunately. I'm pretty sure it will be the theatrical LotR. I confess that's going to be a tough pill for me to swallow, I'm debating even watching. For me the the theatricals are like the movies on network tv that are edited for time, while I might causally watch a scene or two, I wouldn't sit down and watch the whole thing.

David Crabtree

Thank you for watching this. A movie that truly honors our brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

Richard Maurer

The theatricals are not the best version of LotR and the extendeds are the best for new viewers. The theatricals leave out major scenes including the death of a major character - so if you don't know LotR you won't even know what happened to that character. And Cassie is going to be spending a fair amount of viewing time explaining what happened in the missing scenes. The theatricals of for the lazy or short-attention span people. Most reactors do the extended cut and most I've seen loved them.

Brent Petty

Chance`s sister was a Navy Petty Officer working on the staff of the Chief of Naval Intelligence at the time of his death. When the CNI, a two-star admiral, learned of it, he reserved a government aircraft and flew himself and the rest of his staff from D.C. to Wyoming to support Chance's sister and he also spoke at the funeral. There is only a brief glimpse of him in the film but I feel the gesture on his part deserves to be mentioned. If anyone wants to read Strobl's report, it was published in the Chicago Tribune, and you can Google it.

Godzilla Jones

Stoked about Carly watching LOTR. Can't wait.


Hopefully it's the Extended Edition of Fellowship of the Ring. Even though I often think "director's cuts" are inferior to the theatrical version of movies, the LOTR trilogy are the exception for me. Edit: Okay, so I'm confused. Are you two just going to watch LOTR off camera? I think people would enjoy another reaction with you both watching it. There are some reaction channels that upload multiple reactions to the same movie, but they're still enjoyable, because the reactors gets switched up.

Mike LL

I had never watched Taking Chance but agree it is a perfect Veteran's Day movie. It was a very heartfelt reaction. I never knew that the military took such measures to ensure their fallen received such military honors on each step of the journey home. It is so reassuring to know and very deserving. I am so very glad to have had the opportunity to watch this movie.


If you're watching the theatrical version I would like to see your reaction because you'll miss a lot of probably your favorite scenes.

Tim Raths

If you watch the theatrical versions they’re going to feel like completely different movies than the extended that you previously watched.

Richard Maurer

I was, but apparently the plan is to do the theatrical's, so now not so much.

Richard Maurer

Unfortunately the last I've heard they're planning on doing the theatrical's. I completely agree with your opinion, and would only add that the LotR theatrical's also leave out some very important scenes out including the death of a major character. I'm bummed to the point where I may not watch them, or maybe just watch the YT version - if there is one. edit - I think they 're doing a watch along, not sure about YT, although they'd be silly not to -LotR is always a big draw on YT.


Just for the record Peter Jackson himself prefers the theatrical versions.


Would make my night if Jerry Maguire drops early enough

Richard Maurer

Good for PJ - he can watch them in his own home. But he's wrong as far I'm concerned,

Cole Jennett

I’m not trying to be be confrontational, but that’s a little misleading imo. What scenes that she considered her favourite were cut from the theatrical?


I didn't mean to imply I knew for sure. That's just the truth in my case. I can hardly watch the theatrical versions now that I've seen the extended versions. But I think if you do go back and look at her reactions you'll be surprised at how many times she reacted to scenes that aren't actually in the theatrical versions. I'm just saying it will be noticeably different for her probably as they go further in the films though.

Cole Jennett

Ok, that’s fair. I like both versions equally, I just find the extended versions to be just more good stuff, but make for such long movies. Cassie has mentioned that Carly struggles a bit with really long movies, so it’s more for her sake that I’d prefer they watch the theatrical this time. It’s just an unnecessary risk in my opinion when the theatrical grabbed nearly everyone enough on its own😊


In this movie, a non-character named Kevin Bacon participates in an extended funeral ritual. In the course of his activities he engages in mundane conversation with a series of unknown actors. The soundtrack consists of strings and piano. The events are put on film and edited into a sequence with reasonable competency. A young woman named Cassie waxes nostalgic for a national unity that never was. Running time 77 minutes.

brooke atkins

Im confused? Do you have something against veterans or something? I’m asking out of curiosity cause that remark was kinda rude. Lots of veterans in here and on YouTube.

Mike LL

But the extended versions of the movies would not even exist if the theatrical movies were not so successful, widely accepted and praised, and awarded. They are by definition the original and definitive versions of the movies. The extended version of Return of the King did not win an Oscar for Best Picture, but the version you went to see in the theaters did.

Mike LL

I think you watched a different version of the movie, because that is not what I saw.


Never seen Taking Chance but the vets on here seem to mostly agree its a good one so I'll give it a watch for you guys. Thanks for serving.


I havent watched the theatrical versions in many years myself but when I saw The Fellowship in theaters I felt it was the greatest movie I had ever seen. They didn't become bad movies when the extended (better) versions came out. And if Carly can't handle long movies then I get it. ROTK is over 4 hours in its extended glory.

Mark M

I hope the LOTR is the extended version. The Blu-ray’s I have are extended version and I looked at prime video for streaming and looks like they have the extended as well. Edit: I found they have both theatrical and extended on Prime Video in Canada.

Brian McGovern

They aren’t. She said that for Carly, she was going to show theatrical. Might even be Cassie’s first go at theatrical as well. Cassie said it is Carly does not really do long movies too well.

Wesley White

this is a really emotional movie for certain, I've seen it once and even I cried a little, glad you enjoyed it! I'm so excited that you and Carly are gonna watch LOTR together, I hear tell that Carly isn't to big on long movies, but I do hope you two will watch the extended cut, I like literally refuse to watch the theatrical cuts, to many plot holes lol! hope you and the family had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! much love and support and stay classy Cassie lol!🥰😁😉👍

Brian Harris

Carol, something tells me you and I may agree on many things, but not your analysis of this movie. Politics aside (and I actually think the movie’s politics are ambiguous at best and possibly entirely nonexistent), these performances were extraordinary and the conversations were anything but mundane. They were simple, yes, but there was plenty of subtext. Much being said with a look or a gesture rather than with words. As for a national unity that never was … the unity that mattered in this film was in the grieving of loss of life. To Cassie’s point, sadly, Americans can’t even seem to agree on that anymore.

Richard Maurer

Damn near every reactor I've watched were afraid of the length at the beginning, all of them liked it, and many wished it were longer by the end. Watching the theatrical's is a mistake imo.

Richard Maurer

@Mike LL - Your reasoning is flawed. Just because the original version did well at the box office and won awards doesn't mean a better version can't exist. No one had seen the the extended versions at the time those things happened. Most real LotR fans that I've seen online prefer the extends. For me the theatricals have all but ceased to exist.

Richard Maurer

The theatricals are not bad movies, no one's claiming that. But they are, as far as most fans are concerned, the lesser version, Why would you want to show someone the lesser version? In my personal life I've only shown friends and family the extendeds and it's never turned out bad.


I agree. If they go Theatrical Cuts, it would really bother me knowing in the back of my mind that Carly is missing out on various scenes. (Also, I only have the Extended Editions, so it would be pretty difficult to keep my copy synched with a Theatrical reaction.) Hopefully seeing the number of comments here urging them to go with the Extended Edition will sway them.

Mike LL

@Richard Maurer I think in the end neither of our arguments will be the deciding factor, I think that the deciding factor will be the reports that the theatricals are just not available for streaming, so you just may get your way.

Mark James

This movie is so amazing. Part of my jobs in the Marine Corps involved casualty calls (notifying the family that the Marine was injured/deceased and answering questions they may have) and burial details (the actual internment of the deceased). Almost 40 years ago and some memories still haunt me, but that comes with the territory.


Welp, I think we all know from this comment and another one earlier, what emotion Carol falls short of. Time to thaw out that heart and perhaps rid yourself of ill feelings toward veterans.


I agree. Watching the theatrical versions would be a mistake. Another 20-30 minutes isn't that big of a deal, especially for the scenes you would miss. Theatrical shouldn't even be an option lol.

Cole Jennett

I’d honestly be surprised if Cassie even noticed what was cut out.🤷‍♂️

Mike Lemon

Just out of curiosity I checked something. Sixty comments in at the time of this typing- 35 about Lord of the Rings 16 about Taking Chance 2 about Fcuking Åmål (love the dedication Björn, keep it up) 3 about other movies 3 about being a dink and a few about miscellaneous topics.


Cassie said Carly struggles with long movies, even saying that the run time in Meet Joe Black was a bit much for her. The first two are over 3 hours and the last one is over 4.

Björn Karlsson

Hehe thanks Mike 😊😁 Well promoting/lobbying a swedish movie here is not easy 🤪🤪😜😜😆 Pls give that movie (Fcuking Åmål/Show me love) a push with a request 🤗🥰😇


Me too. She probably hasn’t watched LOTR since her reactions to them

David Freese

@Mike LL the theater versions are still both on HBO max and Paramount+ so because Carly wants the theater versions it will most likely be the theater versions.

David Freese

This whole debate about theater and extended versions are kinda mute. Carly was the one who said she doesn't like over long movies so that's why she choose the theater versions. Maybe after Fellowship she'll change her mind but let Carly make the decision.

Richard Maurer

Really? You don't think she'll notice the missing death of a certain someone? I wondered why they didn't show what happened the first time I saw RotK - before the extendeds even existed.


WOW! I hadn’t seen this movie before, but I’m crying possibly more than Cassie. For everyone who has served, Thank you, Thank you for your service🙏🏼 I think someone else mentioned the process of getting Chance home and all the detail and respect along the way. I was not aware of that, but glad I do now.

Richard Maurer

Again, most people who don't think they'll enjoy the extendeds because of the length end up enjoying them, it happens all the time. And once the mistake of not watching the extendeds is made it can't be taken back. It's not like they can tape it over again.


Cassie, now that you have seen Kevin Bacon in a few movies… Tremors, A Few Good Men, Apollo 13… PLEASE add the original 1984 Footloose to your list. Thank you!

David Freese

You're not getting the point. If Carly only wants to watch theater cuts of the films then it's her choice. Give her the choice just like we all did when these movies came out. What if she really likes Fellowship and watches extended on her own and then watches extended for the other 2 reactions would that be okay or does it have to be your way or the highway?

Richard Maurer

Meet Joe Black is not LotR. No offense to MJB fans but you're comparing a rather lightweight film to one of greatest films ever (the greatest, imo).

Richard Maurer

Sadly, this is probably true. It's not like they're watching them live. why not do an intermission for a half hour or so, like they used to do with long movies in theaters?

Michael Hawk

Outside of the scope of this movie, this very possibly happened: in the pitch black of night, his brothers-in-arms stood in the darkness in a rectangular formation near the helicopter pad as the body was placed in a bodybag and on a stretcher inside the medical building. The Marines saluted as the stretcher team passed en route to a waiting Blackhawk helicopter. The Marines barely saw each other in the dark, but they could feel the elbow of the Marine to his left and felt his own brush the shoulder of the Marine on his right. They held the salute as the body was loaded onto the helicopter, which eventually takes off with a roar, the rotor blast peppering their shins with small rocks. When the helicopter was distant enough to be heard again their commander ordered them to drop their salutes. Then they were dismissed to go back to work, perhaps to sleep. Everyone was morose for at least a week.

Matt Mabry

Hey Cassie, what I am about to say is a tragedy, yet I personally experienced the airport scene. As I traveled regularly for my employer, I was in Connecticut at Bradley Field and while waiting on my flight, I watched the entire process unfold. As a military kid, I placed my hand above my heart as the coffin was removed from the plane and placed into the hearse. I was amazed to only see a handful off others showing their respects. As you have seen some great war movies, Band of Brothers, Pacific, and Saving Private Ryan, I know this movie hit home. Thank You

Mike LL

@David Freese Thanks for letting me know, I hadn't really done any research before I made my post, I was just going by what others had commented. Good to know that both versions are available.

Patrick Egan

That's a real bummer. Not just because the Extended Editions are so much better, but where do you even find the theatrical editions besides on disc?

brooke atkins

Yes!!! I was shocked to learn she hadn’t seen this 80’s classic. It’s right ip your alley Cassie. Dancing, angsy teens and a love story. Do it Cassie!!!

Björn Karlsson

I also know a movie, with angsy, imature, clumsy, curious, spontaneous, shy, frustrated, devastated, happy, etc etc teenagers in love (no dancing). Do it Cassie!!! 😉😉😉😆😆😆 https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/show_me_love

Björn Karlsson

I will correct myself. It's more or less a "Mission impossible" 😬😬😁😁

Björn Karlsson

Eehhh there is a Gunnar among the users of popcorn request. Are you that guy?? 🤔🤔

Gunnar Rea

Seeing as my real name is Michael and I just went with Gunnar Rea because A. Mark Zuckerberg can get lost and B. I am a 12 year old kid at heart, I'm going to guess, no..

David RedEagle

Thank you Cass, for taking a glimpse into a dignified transfer.

Patrick Egan

No one's forcing you to watch any of these reactions. You could have just skipped this one instead of choosing to be so rude.

Jim Finley

I worked for a gunny who had been a recruiter during the intense part of the Vietnam War - he said that where he was, it was policy that when a Marine was killed or wounded, his recruiter had to make the casualty call. He said it still gave him nightmares. Him talking about that and other recruiting duty stories were a big part of why I put in an AA form to request DI duty rather than just wait to see which of the screening teams tagged me for orders first.