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Hey guys here is the YT edit for The Bodyguard, which will premiere on Monday. Hope you enjoy!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 




Krusty “Topher”

That Whitney could really belt it out! One of the best ever!

Yann Laliberté

Nothing against them or their performances but I did not remember how little chemistry Mr Costner and Ms Houston had together. You should watch Bull Durham ASAP.

Odd Thomas

The song was the only good thing about it imo

Bill W

She's not really an actress, and this was her first film. Chances are she wasn't going to have chemistry with anyone. But chemistry takes two parts...you can't just have 1/2 chemistry =D

Happy Hanukkah

Apropos nothing at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd47Z8HYf0Y

Steven Ashford

Dolly Parton wrote this song. She was quite the businesswoman, and had many offers from other musicians to sing it, but she would not allow it. She knew Whitney Houston was the person to sing this song. She bought Dolly world with the proceeds off of this song alone!

Matthew Periolat

Man, I haven’t watched this movie in years! Now, I gotta get personal - I haven’t watched in years because my sister absolutely adored Whitney Houston, from her first album forward. So, losing her so young has been… really hard. So, don’t watch that much because of the memories. Just makes me sad at what we had and what we lost. And yeah, the chemistry at least was real. Kevin and Whitney remained close and he was one of her eulogists at her funeral. As to other Whitney stuff, Waiting to Exhale, The Bishop’s Wife and the musical version of Cinderella with Brandi immediately come to mind. But this was kinda special because this was first and, arguably, her best. Also gave her her most iconic song. It was just too soon. And is always too painful.

Dan Waller

Whitney was beautiful, and an incredible singer!


haha, these films are so predictable.

Yann Laliberté

Chemistry does not mean performances. You can have Meryl Streep and Marlon Brando in your movie, if they don't have chemistry it will show

Sean Novack

Hollywood calls these films a "star vehicle". They're quite common going back for 80 years. You have a bankable star? Put them in a film with a basic plot that a high schooler in drama class could stumble through and let them showcase what their real talents are. In Whitney's case, it was singing like few others ever could, while simultaneously being one of the most beautiful women of her generation.

Sean Novack

Dolly Parton released this song in 1974, written as a farewell to her business partner and mentor Porter Wagoner, expressing her decision to pursue a solo career. It went to the top of the Billboard Top 100 Country songs twice, once in 1974 and again when it was re-released in 1982.

Sean Novack

Is there a full version of this that I missed?

Robert Greschke

Good movie! Try to pick ones that are less romantic. I was afraid you were going to explode when she stopped the plane and got off! :)

Jen Barnes

Yes, from October 2nd. https://www.patreon.com/posts/bodyguard-1992-72808977


I think you and Carly would really love Chocolat (2000) with Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche.

Timothy Roberts

You would love The Preachers Wife with Whitney and Denzel. A Christmas movie and love story.

Bert Towle

Kevin Costner's eulogy at Whitney Houston's funeral was amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BuA2sIhP1A For those who don't know, Cissy Houston was Whitney's mom and Dionne Warwick her cousin.


The Man who shot Reagan, John Hinkley, was recently released from Prison. He said he was glad to be free and looks forward to partying with Jodi Foster.

Viet Ta

I forgot how amazing Whitney Houston's voice was... RIP

Michael Labs

It's been a long, long time since I watched this one. I remember thinking that I would have preferred a more Shakespearean ending with the bodyguard. Overall, it was an okay movie improved by Cassie's reaction.

Al Swearengen

This came out of nowhere. Had no idea it was on the itinerary. Shouldn't be surprised though, considering it's a Kevin Costner movie. Next Costner film needs to be Open Range.


I saw this recently in theaters for it's 30th anniversary, I have grown up watching it. I am so glad you reacted to it. Whitney Houston was an angel on earth. Beautiful and tremendously talented. Great reation, Cass.

Tim Raths

She watched this two months ago and been a Patreon exclusive until now. I wasn’t sure if it was even going to make it to YouTube.

Just Plain Bob

It had been thirty years since I saw this movie. I remembered it as an awful movie with absolutely no chemistry between the leads. Re-watching it now, I realize I gave it too much credit.

Jeff Mar

You need to look up on YouTube Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl... She was incredible...

Anthony Vawser

I don’t go quite that harsh, but we’re still definitely on similar pages. A very dumb script enacted by a non-starting central couple, the pair-of-them acted off-the-screen by Gary Kemp (himself a former been-there-seen-that British pop star as the head-writer in Spandau Ballet). Like you, it was deflating to find that time has not improved The Bodyguard for me, even when filtered through the irrepressible positivity that Cassie invariably brings to a reaction. I only made it less-than-halfway through before knowing I’d had all the Kevin-&-Whitney I needed to last a lifetime.

Happy Hanukkah

After being bombarded with Whitney's version, hearing Dolly's original was a cleansing revelation.


ABSOLUTELY!! Great story and well done film. It brings forward - for me - the suggestion that Cassie and Carly need to do the 1992 "Like Water for Chocolate" as their first foreign film on the channel. Once they bring foreign films into this mix with what they still need to see from American cinema history (ahem.... "Citizen Kane"???) they have content for the next 10 plus years at 2-3 per week.


Her version and Faith Hill's version are by far the best.

Just Plain Bob

Glad you mentioned the positivity of Cassie’s reaction. I should have mentioned in my original post that nothing I said was intended to reflect on the REACTION, only the movie itself. I also want to stress that I fully realize that one man’s meat is another’s poison - just because I loathe this movie doesn’t mean that I fail to recognize that others adore it, and that’s absolutely fine. I know that I certainly love quite a few movies that I’m aware others can’t stand.

Christopher Carr

Costner is one of the best actors of his generation. However, in watching this movie he comes off as hating it. He doesn't seem like he likes WH much either. The best KC movies, IMHO, are Perfect Life, Bull Durham, Swing Vote, McFarland USA, Hidden Figures, No Way Out and Wyatt Earp. WE is superior to Tombstone. There are more. Costner's not afraid to take a supporting role which doesn't diminish the skill.

Kelly Marie

Say what you will about this movie, it was one of the biggest grossing movies of 1992. Cassie mentioned in the review that it’s an “under the radar” movie, maybe now it is but when it came out, it was huge! It also has one of the best-selling soundtracks of all time. I was in middle school when this was released and I couldn’t get enough of this movie. It was one of my favorites! I immediately got the CD after watching it. Cassie should watch Waiting to Exhale for more Whitney Houston and another huge movie soundtrack, which is really good.☺️

Brent Fugett

My mom used to be a huge Whitney fan, she worked at the school board office where I went to school and told me of one of the coaches there who was at a hotel with Whitney in Cincinnati. He didn't want to go bar hopping with the other coaches so just people watched in the lobby. Saw Whitney there, never heard of her, starts chatting it up saying "a girl must be in big trouble to be surrounded by this many serious looking people". Whitney laughed and motions the security away (ironic to this movie. Lol), he reportedly talked with her for a long time and excused himself. Then found out who she was when he picked up a paper the next morning. Mom was always impressed that Whitney didn't feel a need to point herself out when it was clear coach Waller didn't know. Also that she probably enjoyed having a normal honest conversation without all the baggage of her fame for a change.

Paul Mellette

Not a lot of people know this, but it was Kevin Costner who turned Whitney on to the Dolly Parton song "I Will Always Love You" and convinced her to cover it and make it a huge part of her career!