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That last episode!! This show had so many ups and downs and they could have gone so many different ways with it but I'm so happy with the way it ended. Thank you guys for voting for this one (it was the runner up behind The Mandalorian) ! Hope you all had a great weekend! Thank you so much for being here, you're the best <3

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[Full Reaction] The Queen's Gambit EP 6-7


Clay F

I respect the fan enthusiasm/devotion to Firefly, but Queen's Gambit is better for me

nick bell

True Detective next?

Ria Grix

I think Queens Gambit was the best of last year for me…or was it the year before, meh… all those planet covid years feel like just one big splodge of a year. Anyway, it was THE most enthralling bit of tv!

Sean Stuart

I think you only watched the first 3 MCU series. Any plans on visiting the others? I think as of now the only required one is Ms Marvel for the movie the Marvels. Which comes out next summer.

Sean Stuart

Favorite shows of 2022 were Andor, House of Dragon, the Vow season 2, Reacher, and Peacemaker. Looking forward to watching The Peripheral over the holidays. No longer have access to Netflix so missed Queens Gambit. Might watch Cassie YouTube versions so I can kinda say I saw this show

Ria Grix

Also read this about the Queens Gambit influence “U.S. company Goliath Games stated their chess set sales increased over a thousand percent due to the series”

David Martin

I love this series, having watched and re-watched it many times. There are so many excellent aspects to it. When she returns to Methuen and sees the bulletin board, I always tear up. One thing a book has over it's adaptation is that you get inside the head of the characters. The series solves at least one aspect of that with the visions of games. A wonderful solution. The series changes one of the key elements of the book. In the book, she has the visions naturally. The pills help her to sleep, and eventually she can't sleep without them, but she awakens groggy and disoriented. I prefer the series' version, which is very unusual in an adaptation. And she doesn't become World Champion after beating Borgov one game.

Tom Evans

I waited up for this to drop tonight (no worries, I work nights). I agree with what you said in the beginning of the video, there aren't the usual tropes, in fact there isn't even a villain or antagonist. The step-father is pretty useless, but he's little more than an annoyance. Even the big intimidating Russian opponents are decent and respectful.

Björn Von Knorring

It’s open for interpretation. I don’t think she worked for Borgov but she was working for KGB to distract Beth.


Loved it.


Also "it's your game,,, take it"...,,grace

Terry Yelmene

Unbeatable!!! IMHO, I didn't think the PiB Firefly 'Series" reactions could be topped. Yet, 'The Queen's Gambit had it beat in less than half the moves (er, episodes). For me, the only real question is... how does 'TQG' rate against the best of the best PiB movie reacts' 'LOTR', 'Saving Private Ryan', or even the perfect react to; 'Rocky II'. All I'd offer is that for me, this one sets the standard as 'Best TV Series Reaction'.

Björn Von Knorring

Notice Beths clothing. She starts out as a pawn in the first episode and are advancing her clothing and is a Queen in the final scene.

Terry Yelmene

I hope Cassie takes on more serious TV Series than just comic book / superhero fare. Even 'The Periferial' which I think is absolutely 'great' keeps these PiB reactions in the supernatural realm at the exclusion of all else.


Wonderful series. Is that ending Elizabeth Harmon Defecting? Discuss.

Jon Johns

After the weird dark Tiger King time during lockdown, this was some sweet respite....

Jon Johns

I hope we have another POPpies awards next year, this one will be a tough battle with Mando, but I prefer this reaction.


The fun part is that due to the unexpected success of this show, they are nearing the end of production for season 2 - long overdue.

Celeste McAllister

I have to like Beth for her quite tenacity her drive to succeed and her exquisite taste in her wardrobe..loved the white woolen coat & hat ensemble she wore at the final❄🌞😎

Mingo Wayama

Yes, winning a game against the World Champion in a tournament, while a creditable achievement, does not make you the new World Champion. At that time, the world championship competition was a 3-year cycle, beginning with Zonal tournaments (the U.S. Championship being one of the Zonals in every third year), continuing with the Interzonal Tournament, resulting in 8 Candidates, playing a series of elimination 10-game matches, with the two finalists playing a 12-game match to determine who gets to challenge the World Champion. The culmination of the cycle being a 24-game World Championship Match. Grist for a second season, perhaps?


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel would be a cassie winner guaranteed. She would love the vintage clothing and witty dialogue.

Mingo Wayama

Thank you so much for reacting to this wonderful series. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought you would, but one can never be sure.


"The Queen's Gambit" is my favorite limited series of the past few years. Director/screenwriter Scott Frank's previous limited series, "Godless", is a dark Western and shares several cast members with "TQG". My favorite Scott Frank adaptive screenplay is Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report" (2002), about a time in the near future when violent crime and murder is eliminated from society by foreseeing them before they actually happen.

Mark D

Beth is NOT the world champion. She beat the world champion but only in the Moscow Invitational. The worrld champion is determined in a separate competition with other high rated players.


Correct. I am fairly sure the biggest achivement in the last episode is not the victory against Borgov. The biggest victory comes when she sits down in the last scene and plays for fun. Not because she's a young girl that feels powerless and wants to dominate others, not because she needs money, not because she likes the attention, not because she's forced into it. Just because there are other people who love the game and she enjoys the company and wants to have fun. This show gets better each time I watch it.

Steven Ashford

OK I finally finished your reaction. So glad you watched it. First of all yes her eyes are mesmerizing. Secondly, by the end wardrobe It’s absolutely phenomenal. She wins both on the board and in real life. In so many ways. The show has so many dimensions. In case you haven’t figured it out yet the Queen‘s gambit is an opening. Pawns are extremely important pieces because they can be traded for other pieces if they make it to the other side of the board. Not to mention there are other things that they can do that can be extremely detrimental to other persons game. Real grandmasters were involved in the play of these games so I would say very little of it is random. There’s a guy on YouTube that actually broke down six of the games that were based on real games and explained how they change them. One of the most famous rivalries in chess took place between 1984 and 1990 and the first match lasted six months and over 72 games were played between the two players before a winner was finally declared. Kasparov vs Karpov if you want to look into. CRAZY! And lastly, I knew when she played the old men in the park he would absolutely melt.

Matt Mabry

Hey Ladybug, I have been waiting all day to watch this with you. Yes, I have seen it three times now, but each time is very, very, special. This time more than the previous. I envy Carly. It was a magical moment seeing you react. I played a lot of chess as a young man 40 plus years ago and I studied the Sicialian defense. WOW, did this series really bring out the NERD in me. Thank you again. I really, really mean it.

Jonathan Hall

It was really fun watching this show along with the reaction for the first time. It was a fantastic show! Chess is like the perfect game because there is no luck. It's the pure skill of one player vs another. I highly recommend you try playing for yourself. There are lots of free phone apps where you can play against AI at easy difficulties to get started or against friends. I think at least having handle on the mechanics would make you appreciate the show even more.

Jonathan Hall

I felt it was her deciding to play the game of life on her terms. Not her biological mother's, not the religious people's way, and not her government's way.


I love being surprised. I had no intention of watching this show because I thought it was another young adult series without meaning or substance. Again, I love being surprised! I know this show is all about Beth, but I am selfishly happy there were no over-the-top or unrealistic displays of shallow, unbelievably chauvinistic men - instead all of the male characters were gracious and supportive (as most of us are). Refreshing! Those last two episodes were fantastic with a perfect ending. Please, let’s find another uplifting short series to watch as a team. This was fun!


Good choice. I didn’t watch the last season, but that series has the same vibe as this one.

Tyler Mathews

This just isn't true, there's no plans at all for a second season, it's a limited series.

Marie Antoinette

Love for you to watch Peaky Blinders!


For a short series i liked Godless, a unusual western series. Where there are mostly women in lead roles. I liked it atleast.

Jon Freezin-Rain

No second season at this time according to what I've seen thoughts: This is based from a novel, there is no volume 2 so any second season would not be from the original author. As Cassie said we got a happy ending 😁👍😁 a second season means we need to make her unhappy so we have drama to watch Maybe one of those times for if it ain't broke don't fix it?

Terry Yelmene

Now that Cassie has finished TQG, many here in PiB Community are offering suggestions of TV Series to consider reacting to next. I have many series I'd love to see Cassie react to, but limited length (lessor numbers of episodes) seems to be a most important consideration. Given this preference, I'd like to Strongly Suggest a short (six episode) series called; 'Stateless.' The two great Australian actors Yvonne Strahovski and Cate Blanchett lead a stellar cast to deliver a brilliant and heart-breaking story of the failings of illegal immigration. This Series is More Significant than it is Short. PiB: Please consider reacting to 'Stateless!'

Mingo Wayama

Stateless is an excellent suggestion. A series I like a lot is Indian Summers (Prime Video), a PBS offering from across the pond. But it is 20 episodes, and not many here will likely have heard of it, so I don't expect it to get much love. I count myself very fortunate that my favorite series, The Queen's Gambit, appeared on this channel. I have no right to complain.

David Martin

Here's my vote for "Killing Eve". There are so few reactions to it, probably because it's hard to classify. It's black comedy/parody/espionage/international travel, and many other genres. Excellent acting and directing. It was a big hit when it came out, but seems to have little respect on YT, although the few reactions are universally excellent.

Cole Jennett

I’d like to see The Newsroom as the next series.

Myles Away

That series was fantastic. So glad I finally got around to it


TQG is hard act to follow. In fact, I can't think of any show since then that is as good, short, and uplifting. The best I can come up with are Reacher and Severance.

Steve H

As for me, after I had finished, I strait-away started to watch Queen's all over again.


Adding to other limited series-for a single season I can recommend John Adams, and the PBS mini series of North and South and Jane Eyre. On the longer side, The Newsroom was good ( 3 seasons), both Stranger Things and the Marvelous Mrs Maisel are excellent ( and will have 5 seasons each when done this next year). Also, if you never watched, you should give Downton Abbey a try-it was 6 seasons of 8 episodes, but it was truly excellent.


Thanks for getting me to watch this show Cassie. I wouldn't have watched this if not for this channel and overall I really enjoyed it, I'll probably rewatch it again in the future. The first 3 episodes were easily my favorites and I didn't love watching Beth struggle with addiction but it is what it is. The show ended on a really solid note. Of course she was going to win but I still felt anticipation until Borgov's resignation. Speaking of which- when the dude introduced him it was funny. Hey it doesnt matter what "it" is, there are people passionate about it.

Mingo Wayama

Add my strong second for the 2006 version of Jane Eyre, starring Ruth Wilson. I think Cassie would enjoy it. Nods also to John Adams and Downton Abbey.


Great reaction Cassie! I always love when she puts her elbows on the table, intertwines her fingers and rests her chin on her fingers when she knows she’s got her opponent. I suggest you watch Creating the Queens Gambit and hearing directly from the actress playing Beth

Jeremy T Edwards

I’m happy I got to watch this series again with the best reactor! Thanks Cassie!

Roger Wayne Alms

Thanks for letting us watch this with you. It's really a series about addictions with chess as the background. Chess itself is an addiction which I've had to overcome several times. Now, I've reached a happy medium where I can enjoy it but not let it overcome me. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Steve H

Now a days, with the existence of small super computers, breaks are limited., adjurmants are rare, these games exist before too muc concern over super computers.

Steve H (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:16:31 I'm not drinking, and still sleep in my clothes;
2022-12-14 20:25:33 I think I'm a problem freak; when I see a paper with chess games, I just do the problem games.

I think I'm a problem freak; when I see a paper with chess games, I just do the problem games.

samuel Jakob

Didnt watch this show in a very long time, probably since the year it released, I still remember that I loved it but I completly forgot how good it actually was. Its such an amazing show. Loved your reaction aswell.