Upcoming from the house of Germs… (Patreon)
Guys. what is happening?! I know it’s happening all over, people are so sick. Kids are so sick. Today I took child B to doctor, tested positive for strep but he also thinks he caught croup from child C who had it last week. Got on antibiotics, should be on the up and up and then Child A threw up all over me and everything else… I don’t know if it’s psychosomatic now, but I am not feeling too hot. I think we’re in for a long night. Is it crazy where you live as well? My best friend is a PA and she said they have seen double the amount of patients they usually see in the last two weeks in their urgent cares. Stay well out there, chug that emergen-c!
This is the schedule for this week as long as I can fend this off. Good news it that we have some already watched!
Also I have some movies like Robocop and Bull Durham pushed to early January as LOTR and Christmas flicks filled up December.
Ok countdown is on, less than two weeks. Are you ready? I also wanted to say although the holidays can be a beautiful and fun time, I know it can also be a very hard time for those going through hard things, struggling with physical or mental health, loneliness, grieving from a loss, missing family etc. I want you to know you are not alone, you are loved, you matter!