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Guys. what is happening?! I know it’s happening all over, people are so sick. Kids are so sick. Today I took child B to doctor, tested positive for strep but he also thinks he caught croup from child C who had it last week. Got on antibiotics, should be on the up and up and then Child A threw up all over me and everything else… I don’t know if it’s psychosomatic now, but I am not feeling too hot. I think we’re in for a long night. Is it crazy where you live as well? My best friend is a PA and she said they have seen double the amount of patients they usually see in the last two weeks in their urgent cares. Stay well out there, chug that emergen-c!

This is the schedule for this week as long as I can fend this off. Good news it that we have some already watched!

Also I have some movies like Robocop and Bull Durham pushed to early January as LOTR and Christmas flicks filled up December.

Ok countdown is on, less than two weeks. Are you ready? I also wanted to say although the holidays can be a beautiful and fun time, I know it can also be a very hard time for those going through hard things, struggling with physical or mental health, loneliness, grieving from a loss, missing family etc. I want you to know you are not alone, you are loved, you matter!





Joseph Rardin

Sometime I need a reaction to the 1951 A Christmas Carol 😉

Broadway By Ghostlight

I hope everyone feels better soon! My kiddos are going through it too.

Joseph Rardin

Hope you kid gets better. 😊

Michael Taylor

I’m in Erie, PA and unfortunately tis the season.. feel better and start sanitizing everything..

David Freese

Hope the kids get better. Also thanks for the encouraging words. You are so great to everyone and hope a great 2023 for you.

Michael Lynch

I know the other two are classic for sure, but this week is all about lethal weapon. That movie is just so freaking bad ass. Please tell me your sister watches it with you. It’s a series you both should watch. If not, we’ll happily take a rewatch with your sister.

Jason Dolan

Lethal Weapon is perfect escapism and Trading Places should make you laugh.


Great week ahead! I hope the kiddo's get better soon!

Myles Away

The first Lethal Weapon is a lot heavier than I remembered. I guess I was just remembering an amalgamation of all of them as they do get a bit lighter towards the end of the series.

Daniel Skinner

I'd imagine Lethal Weapon is a series you and Carly should definitely watch together, especially since i know both of you like love stories, the latter Lethal Weapon movies do focus more on a love story.


Hope the kids get well quickly, and hope you and Ben stay well!

'Pappy' Johnston

Sorry to hear about the kids not feeling well. Hope they perk up quick! As a fellow parent I know how crappy and stressed you feel. It's always rough when the little ones are't feeling good. As for the movies, before you watch lethal weapon, or even after, go back to Mel Gibson's Maverick, that you love so much, and rewatch the scene where they robbed the bank that he is in with his friend who's the bank manager. You'll probably notice some similarities with the head bank robber, Danny Glover and Mel Gibson. (... Pay close attention to the background music at that moment... It's from lethal weapon! 🤣😂) Also one of the poker dealers on the steam boat at the end was rigs, (Gibson), lieutenant in lethal weapon, Actor Richard Donner, as well.

Jaccob Cortes

Swear its going around the whole country. My office just had it the past month. Passed from kid to parent and parent to kid.

Барри С Каэмер

It is going around. I have a touch of something but I do not have any kids with me...they are all grown and I have five gandsons and all of them are well (for now). I hope you and your family recover soon and enjoy a wonderful Christmas and New Year's.

Phil Stubblefield

Yup, I've been sick off and on for several weeks, and the headlines say that most of the hospitals around Seattle are twice as busy as usual. My prayers go up for you two and your kiddos!

Robert da Spruce

Sorry to hear about the kiddos. Hope they feel better soon. Also, very nice sentiment at the end of your post. Best holiday wishes to you and your family Cassie!

Mike Gallagher

I'm in PA and it is bad here. My niece had the flu and now my sister has it. My uncle is in the hospital with pneumonia, I had the flu and when it was finally over I went to bar trivia with friends. Two of us got COVID at the bar. It was hell the first night and is getting better day by day. I hope your household gets better soon.

Bryan Fritchie

Stuff is going around, but it's nothing compared to what this kid is going through. He's in palliative care and doesn't have long to live. All he wants is 100k followers on YouTube. 😭 https://youtu.be/4PSa-hbHzJw I hope y'all feel better soon!!

thomas king

Black n White Version of Miracle on 34th Street is much better than the colorized version

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Yeah it's getting kinda bad here too, they aren't even asking us to mask up at my job but people are doing it on their own because both Covid and the flu are going around like a messed up game of tag. At least it's not as bad as a couple years ago, I lost my mom to pneumonia caused by Covid before the vaccines came out, not gonna lie, every Christmas has been a little tough since, she really loved the Holidays and they'll just never be the same without her, but I guess it might be a thing now that we just have to deal with every cold season in the future ya know. On a much lighter note, I'm psyched for both Bull Durham and Robocop reactions. Fair warning about Robocop though, it's pretty violent, but the social commentary is kind of awesome. Miracle on 34th Street will be extra special though, it was my mom's favorite Christmas movie.

Neil Varma

Be well all 🤞💙🙏

Jim Finley

Really sorry your kids are sick - I hope you stay well and they get over it quickly. Yes, it's bad here too. The VA sends an email every week with the infection risk levels in all the different departments at the hospital - I don't know why they bother with the details. Since COVID hit, that grid's been solid red for highest risk every week. They're still doing great work - a bunch of the staff gave up a Saturday to run a drive-through vaccination clinic that got both COVID boosters and flu shots in the arms of thousands of local vets - but I worry about going in. My wife and I have dodged it all so far (paused to knock hard on wood with both hands), got our shots, stay away from crowds, and make sure we're masked up at the grocery store, etc. We're in our mid-60s, though, so our resistance isn't what it used to be. Glad we're retired and can stay home. I hope you and your family all have a great holiday season too. Thanks for your kind words to people for whom the holidays aren't such a happy time. Mixed for me. I lost both my parents around this time of year, and there are some other losses too, but my daughter's B-day is the 29th (she hits 40 this year, so there may be drama.) To folks for whom it's not a happy time, I hope it's a peaceful one, and know you aren't alone. Trading Places is great! One of Eddy Murphy's best performances - he made his character ridiculous but somehow touching at the same time, and Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Curtis were great too. One other idea: ever see Reindeer Games? Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron, Gary Sinise. It's pretty twisted, but nobody can say it's not connected to Christmas. Regardless, you all have a great Christmas. Stay warm and dry and eat lots of good food. Take care!


Feel better. I have one that seems to pick up something from school every two weeks. My grandfather has a theory which I don’t necessarily agree with, but he’s 90 years old in January (1933) and it’s hard to debate a century of wisdom. “Everyone needs more sun. Drink water, eat some fruit, have a tall glass of wine, get some sleep and always wear something on your feet!” (I don’t know what he meant by that last thing) but maybe he’s on to something.

Ronny Boss

I've not caught the bug yet and god willing I can avoid it. Don't worry about the schedule, you and your family rest up and recover; we will still be here when y'all have recovered. Stay Awesome house PIB, sending healing wishes y'alls way

David Bunnetto

I don't care what other people say, Lethal Weapon is a terrible movie. Trading places is only a mediocre comedy that doesn't deserve the praise it gets. Disappointing choices...

Wesley White

gosh, I'm so sorry you and most of the family is getting sick! recently last week, a friend of mind caught the flu! at first he thought it was food poisoning, because at first he was just puking, but the next day, he had a fever and body aches! thankfully he's feeling much better now! thankfully I'm feeling fine, I haven't caught the flu since I had my tonsils removed and I was 12 years old when that happened, not to brag lol! that's quite the schedule, can't wait to see your reaction to Robocop, that's a pretty brutal action movie, yet my parents let me watch it when I was 10 lol! Lethal Weapon, Miracle of 34th Street, and Trading Places is a good line up and are all great movies! as mentioned this morning, I thoroughly enjoyed you and Carly's full length reaction to LOTR The Two Towers last night, now I really can't wait for you and Carly's reaction to The Return of the King, so excited lol! that last part you said was very sweet Cassie, just goes to show how much of a big heart of gold you have, one of the many reasons why I'm glad to be here as your patron and subscriber on YouTube! you're sweet, funny, awesome, and amazing! hope you and the family get better soon, much love and support, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and as always....... stay classy Cassie lol!🥰😁😉👍


My thoughts are with you and your family. I hate it when my kids are sick. Stay well and I wish a quick recovery for your children. Kids are resilient, I’m sure they will get well soon

Stick Figure Studios

I am so sorry to hear your family is sick, Cassie. I hope you all get well soon. :-( Some good films this week. The original MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET is a classic and definitely a better movie than the John Hughes remake (although, for me personally, the new one has the better Santa Claus; Richard Attenborough is just perfect and makes me want to believe in Santa). TRADING PLACES is a very smart and very funny comedy directed by John Landis (THREE AMIGOS, AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON) starring Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy and Jamie Lee Curtis. The climax of the film is particularly good as it is very unique (thought you may need to watch a YouTube video afterward to explain what's going on in it). But the biggest movie this week as far as I'm concerned is LETHAL WEAPON: the ultimate buddy cop movie with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. It's hardcore macho action from the mind of a guy who excels at that stuff (screenwriter Shane Black) and helmed by GOONIES and SUPERMAN director Richard Donner. With plenty of action and comedy, I think it will be a lot of fun for you. If you enjoy it, I recommend checking out the sequels. They're not quite as good as the original (though the second one is close) but they get even goofier as they go on so they might be even more fun fur you. As for whether it's a Christmas movie or not, in my humble opinion DIE HARD is, but LETHAL WEAPON is not. Shane Black loves to set his stories at Christmas time (IRON MAN 3, LONG KISS GOODNIGHT, etc), but the setting is almost always incidental to the plot whereas the Christmas setting is essential to DIE HARD's plot. Let me put it this way: when they made DIE HARD 2, they felt it needed to be set at Christmas time again (they just considered Christmas part of DIE HARD's DNA). When they made LETHAL WEAPON 2, they didn't. I'm also really looking forward to WHITE CHRISTMAS, ROBOCOP and RETURN OF THE KING with Carly. I have much to say about those titles, but I'll wait until they're on the schedule. In the meantime, stay as healthy as you can. God bless. :-)

Björn Von Knorring

The most important thing is that you take care of yourself and your family. Don’t stress yourself!

Paul Murphy

It's so sad you named your children A, B and C. Do you live in Hollywood? So sad. And your friend PA...at least she gets two letters.

nick bell

Nothing worse than being sick the same time as your kids.

Mike LL

I'm most excited about Miracle on 34th Street. It is the Christmas movie of my childhood, long before the remake was even thought of. It is my go to Christmas movie every year, more than the Christmas Carols, or White Christmas, yes even more than It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story.

Lamar Smith

Dearest Cassie, apparently China’s about to be hit hard w/COVID. If you recall how powerfully ‘Chernobyl’ moved you, there’s some REALLY good news being announced today. It was all over CNN yesterday, researchers have made huge strides in developing fusion power. It’s absolutely key to getting us off fossil fuel. It’s nuclear power without the radiation and nuclear waste. It’s fueled by fusing hydrogen atoms like the processes in stars. There’s two hydrogen atoms in every molecule of water. I ordered McKenzie some PiB swag for stocking stuffers. PiB coming to a Texas middle school soon!

Björn Karlsson

Your health and your kids is the most importent 🤗 take care 😊

Joshua Stormont

Healthy here. Hope you all feel better there. Merry Christmas!

Steven Ashford

Flu a and RSV have been running through our state rampant. All are good in my house though so far. Probiotics probiotics, probiotics. Our pediatrician told us to always take a probiotic two hours. After you take an anabiotic fage yogurt 5% mix with raw honey is another great really healthy probiotic. And finally go buy some bone broth. Not stock, bone broth. The .Marrow in the bone helps heal. Our gut and our gut is 75 to 85% of our immune system. Hope everyone is well soon! Sorry, not everyone is well for your birthday week☹️

Richard Bourne

Sorry to hear about your kids. I don't have any but had heard from friends here we are full cold season now. I have a long term friend who got sick and I got her one of those blood oxygen sensors you can get on Amazon for $30. Emergen-C and Zicam are what I take at the start of any symptoms. D3 is good, but as some learned during CoVid- if you take it over a long period of time it depletes you body of calcium.

Richard Bourne

Miracle on 34th Street is the one I am want to see the reaction to the most. IMHO it is one of those movies worth seeing those "the making of" documentaries because it was a miracle this movie actually got made as 20th Century Fox thought it was too corny. Because they included the real Macy's and Gimbels Dept. stores both stores had a potential veto power on the final product, but they liked it. Filming included the real 1946 Macy's Parade and Edmund Gwenn, the actor who plays Kris Kringle in the movie actually was the Santa in the real parade. The movie was released in June 1947 as people tended to see more movies in the summer and the studio hid the fact the movie had anything to do with Christmas. The movie was a surprise hit with critics and public alike and ran in theaters all the way to Christmas which was unusual. It also grossed over 400% of the costs to make and market it so it was also a big financial success. In 1948 the movie got three Oscors, Best original story, Best screneplay, and most impressive, Edmund Gwenn got the Best supporting actor Oscor for his portrayal of Kris Kringle/Santa Clause, the only person to ever do so.

Dean Holt

Sorry to hear your kids aren’t feeling very well hope they get better soon. Pretty awesome line up of movies coming up I personally think Lethal Weapon is more of a Christmas film than Die Hard as it just has more references throughout the film along with something else but I don’t what to say that as it will spoil the film. I’m glad your giving RoboCop a go but I’m not sure if you’ll like it or not as it’s very violent and has a very unique feel. I can see it being a bit like your Batman 89 reaction as I do think I lot of love for the film is nostalgia based.

Dean Holt

Unfortunately she can’t please everyone, personally I think the first two Lethal Weapon films are the best buddy cop movies. But everyone has different opinion just like I’m glad for a LOTR break as I think the films are really dull but I’ve not moaned as I know everything that gets picked I’m not going to like.

Mr Trick

I guess I’d say Lethal Weapon is more of a Christmas movie because it has more thematic connections.


Take care of yourself and your family

James Moy

I know here in the UK we have an unusually high amount of Streptococcus and Scarlett Fever going around. Several kids at the girls school have been taken ill.

Matt Rose

There's definitely a crud going around. Lots of people I know (especially coworkers) are getting it and it's knocking them on their butts for a couple of days.


Sorry to hear about the fam being sick. Hopefully it doesn't ruin your holidays. I've always felt that Die Hard was a Christmas movie, whereas Lethal Weapon was more of an action movie that just happened to take place on Christmas. In Die Hard, the Christmas theming is just so strong. We're constantly reminded of it. It's even interwoven in Kamen's music score. The secondary storyline of a family getting back together is arguably even Hallmark-y. ... By contrast, Lethal Weapon just throws in a Christmas tree here and there. (P.S. There is no way on God's green earth that Cassie will enjoy Robocop.)

Michael Snapp

Thanks Cassie, such a thoughtful and kind message (despite the sickness issues!)

Celeste McAllister

Bugs travel fast I have #1💖 home from school this week,#2💙has a sore throat..great,home for Christmas no going anywhere this time..I don't know if I could say Lethal Weapon is a Christmas movie any more than Die Hard was..for New Years let me recommend 'When Harry met Sally'..

Matt Rose

For what it's worth, HIGHLANDER just got a 4K/UHD release today, both in physical media and in streaming. I know it's on your list of films to watch so now you can be assured of the best possible presentation. Hope you like Queen!


wash your hands folks, and don't touch your face.


Hope you all feel better.

Zane From Canada

It's an excellent lineup. I'm very excited! 🎄🎅🥳 I love debates around the classification of Christmas movies. I used to believe that Die Hard WASN'T a Christmas movie. Just an action film that took place at Christmas. I still ask myself the question: ARE CHRISTMAS MOVIES AND MOVIES THAT TAKE PLACE DURING CHRISTMAS THE SAME? Ultimately, it comes down to personal taste and perspective, I think. I have since changed my opinion and fully acknowledge that Die Hard IS a Christmas movie. I have also acknowledged that several others fit the criteria: Die Hard 2, Lethal Weapon, Gremlins, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Ref, and Trading Places. AN INTERESTING FACT: It's A Wonderful Life wasn't classified as a Christmas movie at first. It was a family/drama. Only the last act of the film takes place at Christmas. But it later became one over decades of viewership during the holiday season and is now regarded as a Christmas classic. Happy Holidays, everyone! 😁

Matt Rose

ROBOCOP is a satire masquerading as an action film, much like STARSHIP TROOPERS (another Paul Verhoeven film). I prefer ROBOCOP as I think it's a lot more subtle and funny with its running commentary on violence and consumerism. It also clocks in at a lean and mean 90 minutes with a simply fantastic ending. As to women liking it, all I can say is that my wife borderline adores it. She's not into violence per se but she totally gets what this movie is trying to say and do.

Steve Holton

I just finished a stay helping my parents, who had to be isolated due to a breakthrough COVID infection. Everyone is much better now. Lethal Weapon does begin and end with Christmas music. And the film spotlights the struggle of feeling alone during the holidays. And since that struggle is central to one character’s journey, Christmas is a catalyst for the story like in more traditional Christmas movies. Granted there is less Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Miracle On 34th Street. Hope everyone feels better and can fully enjoy the holidays!

Bruce C Snell

That looks like a fun Christmas lineup. Take care of yourself, get lots of vitamin D (preferably straight from the sun), Vitamin C, zinc, and rest. I'd offer more suggestions, but I'm old (74) and never get sick, so I don't have any recent experience in trying to get well. Just take good care of yourself, you deserve it.

Bill Hayden

Yeah, Robocop will be a little iffy. I'll be shocked as well, if she likes it. And, Trading Places isn't really a Christmas movie. There's a bad Santa, but not much Christmas spirit.

Richard Bourne

Die Hard and Lethal Weapon have another commonality, the Beretta 92F which is the civilian version of the Military M9 9mm pistol which was adopted in 1985. This was a HUGE thing as the US military had used the Colt 1911 in .45ACP since before WWI, and .38 special revolvers. A revolver is a 6 shot handgun, the 1911 was a 7 to 8 shot handgun, but the Beretta which shot the 9 mm (the German round of WWII) had a magazine capacity of 15 plus 1 if you loaded one in barrel first. This was an old vs. new debate in the mid to late 80s so this was a big product placement. Mel Gisbon's character and Danny Glover's character have this back and forth as Danny's character carries "a 4 inch Smith", meaning a 4" barrel S&W .357 mag revolver. After these movies the civilian market ate up this pistol made cool my these and other movies just like what Dirty Harry did with the Smith & Wesson .44 mag in the early 70s. If you ever wonder which firearm was used in a movie there is a database for that.. and here is the link for Leathal Weapon. https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Lethal_Weapon_(1987)

Matt Rose

She may surprise us on ROBOCOP. My wife loved it and she normally hates that kind of thing, so who knows. If Cassie can dial in on the satirical elements of the film, she may really enjoy it.

Jon Brown

I’d like to lend my voice to those saying Robocop probably isn’t a good idea. It’s a rough watch, even for seasoned, R-rated action movie fans such as myself. Really don’t think our Popcorn Princess will enjoy, would hate to see you put yourself through that for us :/

Richard Bourne

I think George C Scott did a good job in 1984, but the 1951 version is probably the classic.

Jon Brown

I’m concerned that it’ll be a mix of how Batman ‘89 and Full Metal Jacket made her feel :/

Dean Holt

As you’ve put anything can be a Christmas movie as since being a kid in the 80s I’ve always watched Star Wars and Raider’s of the lost ark around this time of year so they are both Christmas films from my point of view.

Dean Holt

We shall see but I think you could be right about her feeling the same way as she did about Full Metal Jacket. I just hope people respect her opinion if she doesn’t like it

Erik Daniel

Sorry to hear about all the sickness running through your house. Poor kids, I hope they are able to shake it soon. Pretty much the same around these parts. Lots of people getting sick and I just caught something on the weekend. However, for about 2 hours last night I forgot all about it while watching While You Were Sleeping with you. What a sweetheart of a movie that is and what a fun watch. You are right... cozy. That is a very cozy movie lol. I'm sure, like our family, you will be watching that every Christmas from now on. Alright, hope you guys feel better soon and thanks for everything.

Scott Macaulay

Whew! Robocop! Prepare yourself. The fact that it is satirical does not soften the very brutal and graphic violence in the movie. I loved it as a kid, but I myself have soured on violence in movies in my old age. I'm like Nega-Cassie in that I started with horror and action as a kid and have evolved into a softie lol. Maybe I should do reactions watching romantic comedies! haha, nah.

Doc Larry

Good choices every one of those movies are very entertaining

Richard Maurer

My term for movies like Lethal Weapon is Christmas adjacent - they occur around Christmas but it wouldn't really change the movie much if they moved it to another time of the year. Real Christmas movies are the ones where Christmas is central to the plot - A Christmas Story being a good example. That being said, anyone who watches it as a Xmas movie - you do you.

Richard Maurer

Here we go again with people saying Robocop is too much for Cassie. It's not nearly as bad as people are making out. It's violent and gory - for a mainstream action film. However it's no worse than some of the horror films Cassie has already "survived". Once again. she'll be just fine.

Bill W

Good call. They're not really Christmas movies...but they're not the first in that gray area. "The Bells of St. Mary's" isn't really a Christmas movie either, but it stars Mr. Christmas - Bing Crosby, and it was originally released around Christmas time. Also..it features the song of the same name, which isn't actually about Christmas, but still considered a Christmas carol.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, my wife -- really isn't into those kind of movies -- was also pleasantly surprised by ROBOCOP. I think its wit and style carries it a long way. Plus, it is really damn funny and has a strong dramatic/emotional backbone to the story in case one isn't into the socio-political/cultural commentary going on.

Stick Figure Studios

I agree with you about LETHAL WEAPON and DIE HARD being/nit being Christmas movies, but actually think there's a chance Cassie might surprise us with ROBOCOP.

Stick Figure Studios

I agree, Matt. My wife, who is also not a big fan of these kinds of movies, was pleasantly surprised at how much she liked ROBOCOP. It truly is one of the best movies of the '80s: a smart, thrilling, stylish, surprisingly emotional and really damn funny sci-fi satire. It's one of those movies that I actually appreciate more the older I get rather than less and, like you, I prefer it to STARSHIP TROOPERS (even though I also like that one quite a bit).

Stick Figure Studios


Richard Bourne

While very weak, the argument for Die Hard is a little stronger since it was the Holiday Party that was obviously chosen by Hans to be the ideal time to do the robbery. In Leathal Weapon, the small drug dealers were doing so under cover of Christmas Tree sales, which doesn't make sense as it is so seasonal and short term.

Rick Williams

The Lethal Weapon movies are a great series. I am sorry everyone is sick in your house. Stay well. I will take whatever you can give. It can be a rough time of year. I could use some of your magic. I would like a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Bill Hayden

You could be right. She might love it. But I'll go ahead and say it... With alllll of the great movies that are out there, that she hasn't seen. I think that her precious time could be better spent. Just my humble opinion.

Matt Rose

ROBOCOP is a lean and mean 90 minutes. How refreshing, considering most movies made in the last 15 years are too long by 25%.

Dean Holt

I do really hope she likes it but Cassie said before she doesn’t like violence in movies and this one is pretty ott at times. It is a good movie but not sure about it being one of the best 80s films as for me that one of the strongest eras for movies and has a lot of competition.

Bill Hayden

I definitely agree. In fact me and my heathen friends are getting ready to play cards and tell lies all while watching "Murder my Sweet" At 135 minutes, it's definitely lean and mean.

Steve Barrett

She watched saving private Ryan! She can handle robocop. The only thing is why would anyone bother- robocop sucks!! (Jk - each his own)


I hope you all feel better soon! Btw, I'm sure you can handle RoboCop based on the movies you've seen on your channel. It should be an interesting watch!

brooke atkins

Great line up this week Cassie! I’ve been waiting for lethal weapon for over a year. I think you’ll really love this entire franchise. Hope you and the kiddos feel better soon. This time of year is hard on so many of us. Stay warm and enjoy the movies in your comfy bed. Hope everyone has a great week.


If that’s the one with Alistair Sim as Scrooge, I agree!

Jeff Milcheck

Not super excited about all the 80’s films. Tarantino comments recently about 80’s cinema was right on. One of the worst. But the highlight of this update is we’re finally getting Bull Durham! Hell yeah! Can’t wait!

Bill W

I think Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket and Schindler's List were harder to watch than RoboCop, as far as people getting killed by gunfire/explosions.

Stick Figure Studios

When they did the first sequel to DIE HARD, they chose to set it at Christmastime again. This indicates their think was that Christmas was essential to the DIE HARD brand (though that later changed with the third one). When they did LETHAL WEAPON 2, they did not feel the need to do another story set a Christmas time because they knew that the Christmas setting was really just incidental to the first one.

Stick Figure Studios

@Bill: I often feel that way myself when she watches movies that aren't just "not great" but I don't even think are particularly good (FAR AND AWAY, MEET JOE BLACK, THE BODYGUARD, TWISTER, SPACEBALLS, LEGENDS OF THE FALL, THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER, etc). Plus, there are a number of great films she will just never see (like THE EXORCIST), so as long as she's watching a great film (which ROBOCOP is), I'm satisfied. :-)

David Freese

Tarantino isn't the end all about cinema and movies. His opinion on 80s movies don't mean squat. If you don't like them fine but most of us don't make opinions based on directors and actors.

Richard Maurer

Or maybe they just wanted to repeat that big Christmas box office they got with Die Hard 1? So many decisions in Hollywood are based on money.

Jeff Milcheck

Lol, never said he’s right, just that I agree with him. Others can form their own opinions. 80’s cinema was not good. Sure there were some fun films that came from that decade, but mostly just cheesy action films and comedies. If you can think of some prestige films that were released in the 80’s, let hear them! I can think of a few, but compared to previous and post decades, there not many…. but let’s hear what you got… go!

Larry Darrell

He has actually walked back that statement about the 80s a bit in recent interviews talking about his new book. In regards to Movies being made in Today's era, "Even though this seems a hell of a lot worse than the ’80s was. I’ve been rallying against the ’80s movies forever, and now all of a sudden I feel like an asshole. The ’80s are pretty good now." https://deadline.com/2022/11/quentin-tarantino-interview-cinema-speculation-1970s-movies-1235179503/

John McGoldrick

Great movie, let's hope it isn't the tv edited version but the full version, as the tv edited version had parts cut out at the start.

Jeff Milcheck

I kinda feel like that quote is him saying “yeah, compared to the shit we’re getting now, the 80’s don’t seem so bad!”

Jeff Milcheck

Cuz I think we can all agree, where we’re at now, is a definite low point for movies as an art from.

Jeff Milcheck

Good lord! Are people actually saying Robocop is too much for Cassie!. Is that what it’s come to?

Richard Maurer

@Jeff - You know how some people are in this comments section - "wait, this movie has some violence in it? I MUST PROTECT CASSIE!!!!!"

Brian McGovern

Trading Places reaction will be interesting. Typical 80s fare with gratuitous nudity. Great movie though

Brian McGovern

Curious about your age. I was born in 72 so grew up on 80s movies. There were A LOT of movies that I grew up with and loved in that decade. Most have not aged well, but some I still hold dear because I loved them when first saw them.

Larry Darrell

I grew up on 80s films, and say what you will, there will never be another decade like the 80s. This is a video that I find myself watching at least once a month. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0eflYLkI4A

Richard Maurer

I watched another reaction channel where they thought the whole train sequence was sus. And looking at it myself I had to admit I got where they were coming from.

Richard Maurer

It's funny, I sort of grew up on eighties films too (was in my 20's), and looking back now through reactions I find most of them really cheesy, except for indie horror which was having its golden age back then.

Sam R.

You just concentrate on getting yourself and the family better Rest Rest Rest we can wait 💖💖💖


Hope you and the kids are feeling better! I hate being sick which is why I rarely do it. Edit: Spoken 1 day before I caught the flu LOL. It sucked but it seems I'm already on the tail end of it.