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This was so sweet and tender! I can't believe it's taken me so long to watch this. I could not picture a better person to play Santa. Every character was perfect!  Also, sorry for the late-in-the-week videos. It's been a busy week at the PiB household! Trading Places will be up tomorrow :)

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[Full Reaction] Miracle On 34th Street (1947)


Ted Little

It is perhaps worth noting that movies before the 1950's did not have long opening credits: seldom more than a minute and a quarter. Longer credits came in when the unions demanded them. Many opening credits became little productions in their own right (the best example may be the original Pink Panther). It reached the height of silliness with Superman the Movie, which had both long opening credits and interminable end credits. George Lucas did get in trouble with the unions and had to pay a fine when he opened Star Wars without credits. The first film that I know of that did that was actually Citizen Kane (1941) but the unions were not as strong then.


I’m late to the party on this one , I just watched it again, but you really do have to watch the updated version of “Miracle on 34th St.” and while your at it George C Scott’s version of “A Christmas Carol”

Clay F

First watch of the movie for me. I liked it. Plus, your reaction was infectious. I like the scene early in the movie when Kris Kringle spoke with the Dutch orphan in Dutch (that's the kind of special moment that a kid actually experiencing would remember). II haven't watched that many Christmas movies. I thought this sweet and heartwarming. Also, seemed like a true Christmas movie. I forgot that Natalie Wood (who played Susan) was a child actor. As you may know, she was in several big movies before her mysterious death in 1981. I though the casting for the fake psychiatrist was good -- he played his part well. I don't know the "To Market" song. Lastly, I recognized right away William Frawley (who played the political adviser to the judge) from "I Love Lucy" and "My Three Sons" -- two TV series I watched a lot as a kid.


The remake with Mara Wilson is adorable too.


Who’s been to the Macys at Herald Square in NYC?

Mike LL

This was the Christmas movie of my (60's) childhood. It's a Wonderful Life had not become omnipresent on every channel and A Christmas Story had yet to be made. This, Rudolph, the Grinch, and A Charlie Brown Christmas was it. Super excited to see this reaction later today. A Christmassy legal thriller should be right up Cassie's alley, lol.

Craig Russell

Why would anyone go to NYC this time of year (or ever, as far as I am concerned.)?

Ronny Boss

This and A Christmas Story are my two Christmas movies traditions I watch every year since b4 I could remember watching them. My mom always had a Christmas movie night with my brother and I on Christmas Eve before bed

Daniel Goldberg

Edmund Gwen won both the Golden Globe and Best Supporting Actor Oscar for this role. In his acceptance speech for the Oscar he said “Now I know there is a Santa Clause”. And his beard was real. I thought you might like to know these things, Cassie. Merry Christmas!

Colin Davis

I'm sitting here watching this movie for the first time along with you Cassie. I just finished watching The Polar Express. I haven't seen that movie to completion in probably a decade or more. I loved it. I remember watching it as a kid, I was probably 9 I think. When I have children of my own, There will be certain movies I will encourage them to watch lol. I also talked to my dad about this movie, said I wanted to watch it, he instantly said, "watch the 1947 version and not the new one. it's way better." This movie was released 3 years before he was born so naturally he likes the classics

Bert Towle

Maureen O'Hara played Doris Walker in this film. Cassie's previously seen her in "The Quiet Man" as Mary Kate Danaher. 11 years later, she and John Wayne appeared together again in "McLintock!", another film right up Cassie's alley.

Shawn Kildal

The young girl is Natalie Wood. She was a very popular actress of the 50s, 60s and the 70s. She is probably best known for playing Maria in THE WEST SIDE STORY (1961). She was also in REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, THE SEARCHERS, GYPSY, and SPLENDOR IN THE GRASS just to name a few. She died in the early 80s in a "boating accident" that caused her to drown. She was only 43 years old. There's still speculation to this day on what really happened on that boat.

Shawn Kildal

In the Queen Gamit, you see Beth Harmon styling her hair and outfits to match an actress's photo she's looking at. That actress is Natalie Wood. The people behind the show wanted her look to match Natalie's look back in those days.

Shawn Kildal

I know I'm in the minority here but that's okay. I loved this version, but I actually prefer the 1994 remake. It might be because I saw that one first and it captured my heart first. I really, really hope Cassie will watch that one as well. Next year perhaps?? She said she couldn't imagine anyone else in those roles and I felt the same way about the 1994 version. I think she would be torn.

Mike LL

I would have a lot to say about comparing the two versions, but I think discussing the remake would be spoilers because Cassie has yet to see it. Hopefully no one discusses details about the remake in these comments.


This has always been my favorite Christmas movie. It's such a wonderful story with a great cast. I make sure I watch it every year. Nothing against the remake, but there is something magical about the original that I don't think can be beat.


I hear there's one or two good restaurants. Some museums too, if memory serves.


This movie is a Christmas classic. It is a very sweet movie and captures that Christmas spirit.


Great reaction. I knew you would like it, it even has some courtroom drama ;) Too bad you didn't recognize Maureen O'Hara from The Quiet Man but maybe because that was in color. Also, the first woman who got sent to a different store for a toy was Thelma Ritter, the nurse who takes care of James Stewart in Rear Window. She often played that type of role, which reminds me of her role in Pillow Talk -- a must see classic rom com you haven't seen.

Mike Lemon

"My parents never lied to me." About what? Just what are you implying? DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in THE SUN it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? VIRGINIA O’HANLON. 115 WEST NINETY-FIFTH STREET. VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Andrew Hansen

This movie was always the start of Christmas for our family. We watched it on Thanksgiving as we prepared the Thanksgiving meal. One of the dissolusioning moments was when I went to Macy's in New York and found out they no longer had a toy department. What a classic movie.

Steve Holton

The “Russian Prince” Santa’s friendly geriatric physician references as an example of harmless delusion is Mike Romanoff, who ran the famous classic Hollywood restaurant “Romanoff’s” and created the dish “Noodles Romanoff.” As David Niven describes in his enjoyable autobiography “The Moon’s A Balloon,” Mike Romanoff claimed to be descended from the former Russian royal House of Romanoff, despite all evidence to the contrary. No amount of confrontation with the truth could discourage this deception. In the end most in Hollywood found his façade harmless and charming, hence the inclusion of this anecdote in this wonderful film.

Richard Bourne

Three Oscars, Best Original Story, Best Sceenplay, and Edmund Gween got the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his portrayal of Kris Kringle/Santa Clause .. the only actor to ever do so. The cast was perfect and the story was not overdone. It wasn't full of magic, it was actually plausible under the right circumstances.

Odd Thomas

I loved it, though if anything the ending was too subtle. I wanted to see him fly past with his reindeer!

Mike LL

I know that The Quiet Man put Cassie off because of what she perceived as an old style of acting. Where here is Maureen O'Hara in a movie made 5 years before The Quiet Man and she can see for herself Maureen O'Hara in a more natural, realistic acting style, not over the top, in other words. Part of that is the difference in her role in the two movies. In one she was clearly one of the comedic protagonists in the romantic farce, here she has to play a more dramatic part in the comedy, being the voice of sanity and reason, who comes to the rational conclusion that faith has its place in life. It is just a testament to Maureen's acting talent that she can play such a wide variety of roles. This is not a high priority of mine, nor should it be Cassies's because she has so many movies to see, but I would like her to one day see 19 year old Maureen O'Hara in her break out movie role, playing Esmeralda to Charles Laughton's hunchback Quasimodo in the very lavish 1939 production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, with the proverbial Hollywood cast of thousands.

Richard Bourne

Edmund Gween was actual the Santa in the 1946 Macy's Parade for real, and they filmed the Parade extensively for the June 1947 release. This movie was a huge risk as Macy's and Gimbels had a veto right if this didn't like the final product, but thankfully they both did. This is a great movie to watch the making of type documentaries. 20th Century Fox thought it was too corney, but the all star cast sold it.

Mike LL

Edmund Gween was so wonderful in this film. He was 69 when he acted in this film. I know I saw him in a few other movies, but mostly I remember him in this and Them! (1954) the wacky fifties giant ant movie. Yeah, giant ants!

Mike LL

I also knew Cassie would love this movie, how could she not? The scene with Santa and the little Dutch orphan gets me every time. This movie provides the best case for the existence of Santa Claus. However I am alarmed to learn of Cassie's gum swallowing habit. Hopefully there is a 12 step program for that!! 😂 I hope everyone is recovered and well at your home, Cassie, and wish you a safe travel north and a Merry Christmas, for you and everyone. Hopefully you aren't too behind and there is still time for White Christmas and maybe even The Return of the King next week. But if life and travels get in the way of that, we will all understand.

Richard Bourne

Oh, he was in THEM, wow, that was a total B horror movie I watched as a young child several times. I have to re-watch that movie now. The only actor to ever win an Oscar for playing Santa Clause, that says so much. Cassie caught his British accent, slight as it was, in this reaction.

Hannah Mather

I have never been a fan of the whole Santa thing but this is a cute watch, and I'm glad I've seen it even though I wouldn't see it again. Maureen O'Hara is fantastic as always I hope you will watch White Christmas here someday, It's THE best Christmas movie of all time in my opinion and you and your sister would love watching it I think

Larry Darrell

I was 12 or 13 when I lost the full Magic of Santa Claus, for a time. This is why. The Santa Claus my parents always took us to, actually knew me. Actually knew every kid. Standing in line I could here the other kids with him, and Santa would call them up by name, and he knew things about them and they chatted. Then, when it was my turn, He called me by name. It was so freaky, and magical, and awesome. He knew my Teacher's name, and what went on at school. He knew where we went on vacation. He knew my Dog's name. He even knew my Family member's names who live in Missouri, who I saw once a year. He knew what happened in my life through out the whole year. And I Absolutely Knew He was Santa Claus. I looked forward to it all year long. As I got older, around 7 or so, we quit going. My older brother was too old for it, and my friends weren't going to see Santa anymore. My friends didn't believe anymore, and I understood why. I knew that at a certain age most people quit believing in Santa Claus. I even knew my parents bought us gifts, and that Santa was surely not coming down our chimney. But, I still Knew he was real. There was a Magic that I didn't understand, just like David Copperfield. Your not supposed to know the trick, and Santa Claus was the Greatest Magician of them all. Every Christmas morning, we had two different Christmases, in my house. The first was Santa's Christmas. My Brother and I went Christmas morning, to the Fireplace, where we hung our stockings. Setup around the fireplace were unwrapped presents for me and My Brother. And our Stockings were filled. This is what Santa brought us. Santa didn't wrap gifts in our house. I Knew this. After looking at Santa's presents, then we went to the Christmas Tree and opened the wrapped presents my Parents bought us. Now I come to 12 or 13. By now, I am aware that My Parents were buying all the gifts, but I still believed there was a Magical Trick that the Real Santa Claus was doing. It had been Years since I had gone to see Santa Claus, and wondered if he was still seeing kids. I asked my Dad about him one day, and he said he thinks so and began reminiscing about going. Then he proceeded to talk about the whole process of how it worked like I already knew. He talked about how my Mom always went to get hot chocolate just before I got to the front of the line. He talked about how she went to the building across the street and talked to a person who was talking to an earpiece in Santa's ear. That was how Santa knew everything about Me. The sinking feeling I felt after hearing that, I will never forget. I told my Dad, that was the first time hearing about this process. He said something like, "oops, thought you knew." I said ,"Nope, never was told." Thanks Dad. Soon after that, I watched Miracle on 34th Street all the way through, for maybe the first time. This was certainly the first time I completely understood it. This is how I had always imagined Santa Claus being, but didn't fully realize it. Santa doesn't have to be someone who lives at the North Pole, with elves and flying reindeer, visiting every kid's home in one night. Santa Claus is a Spirit that can live in anyone. It can be transferred through kindness towards others and will stay alive through Faith. Like Mr. Gailey said, "Kindness, Joy, Love and all other Intangibles", those are the things Santa Claus stands for. Having Faith in them, is definitely worthwhile and will keep the Spirit of Santa Claus alive, in Everyone. I still, in my later years, don’t just Know, I Absolutely Believe there is a Santa Claus.

Bill Hayden

"Bring in the reindeer" Cassie would be a fierce litigator.

Terry Yelmene

They're going to commit him? He's Santa! ~ PiB Cassie A MIRACLE of REACTION P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N - and - A Miracle for the Heart! Merry Christmas to Cassie, Carly and all of the PiB Community!

Timothy Roberts

That was fun and you are too cute in the Santa hat.

Jon Johns

I enjoyed both, but the remake is very special in a different way. I love it slightly more.

David Patterson

This movie purposefully doesn't outright SHOW us that Kris is Santa, which leaves it open to interpretation. I prefer to view it from the standpoint that he is, in fact, an old man with a Santa complex. This view makes the court case more challenging and I am fascinated by the amount of research Kris would have had to have done in order to live that life (like learning languages and Christmas traditions from other countries, and keeping on top of the toy market enough to make recommendations).

Just Plain Bob

Delightful reaction to a wonderful movie. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!


BTW Miss Walker is the fiery redhead in The Quiet Man with John Wayne. Quite a bit different role but she nailed this one too. I'm sure you read that by now but it needs saying again. Maureen O'Hara is great.

Kevin Charley

Why would you even ask this, Craig? You know people live in New York City, right?

Rick Williams

Cassie, I can't believe you got me to watch this old movie that I haven't seen since I was like ten. But, I am glad you did. I discovered that even as an adult I can still enjoy the old Christmas movies that I enjoyed as a kid. You are amazing. Great reaction. But I was shocked to hear that you swallow your gum. 😯 I thought you were perfect. But, I guess you are human like the rest of us. 😉

thomas king

I love this movie. Like u said he is Santa. The Dutch war orphan scene gets me every time. So funny that one sweet old man had the 2 biggest department store in the country practicing Christmas spirit. The March of the Wooden Soldiers is a must watch. A Christmas Story and Fred Claus too

Larry Darrell

“Seeing isn’t Believing. Believing is Seeing.” ~~~ Judy the Elf.

Robert da Spruce

Wonderful reaction Cassie! Definitely puts one in the Christmas spirit! I’m sure some may find it sacrilegious, but there is a 1994 remake if you haven’t had your fill of Christmas movies.

Celeste McAllister

These old time Christmas movies never cease to warm my heart,I've been admiring Maureen O'Hara since The Quite Man she's the Queen of Irish American women! 💚🍀

Celeste McAllister

The 1994 remake has fallen by the wayside but,the 1947 original remains a Christmas staple Jon! :)

Doug Cook

I'll say it again...if you liked this movie you would love "It Happened on 5th Avenue" Released the same year as "Miracle on 34th Street". Just as heartwarming and Christmasy

Dennis Shogren

The judge, Gene Lockhart, also appeared in 1938’s A Christmas Carol, along with his wife Kathleen Lockhart and daughter June.

Gábor Árki

What a wonderful movie. I've never seen it before but - especially with Cassie's reaction - I was smiling the entire time and it put me into a really good mood. I was 6 when my parents told me the partial truth. I know, because there is a picture of me helping my mom decorating the Christmas tree that year. If I remember correctly, they only told me that Little Jesus(*) is very busy and needs help decorating the tree and distributing all the presents. They also asked me not to tell my little brother. (*) A little disclaimer here. In Hungary, it is the Little Jesus who is bringing the Christmas presents. But there is a Santa Claus Day on December 6. Tradition is that children clean their boots and put them in front of a window/door the day before. Good children receive some tasty treats from Saint Nicholas, while children who behaved badly the year prior may find a birch-rod from the Krampus instead.


my favorite A Christmas Carol, no real reason except I watched that great movie with my grandmother back in the 60s when I was a little kid.

Daniel Fowler

Cassie I agree. My parents told me Santa was real and I loved it! I am 34 and to this day I still put out milk and cookies just for the nostalgia as silly as that sounds. My family enjoys it as well, just feels right, ya know?

Stick Figure Studios

This a wonderful movie. It's a classic a reason. Pretty much perfect in every way and Edmund Gwenn is a terrific Santa... but I actually can picture a more perfect one. Though the remake is not as good a remake as this, I think it has an even better Santa. For me, Richard Attenborough (Roger from GREAT ESCAPE and Hammond from JURASSIC PARK) is the definitive movie Santa Claus. He makes me want to believe.

Jonathan Hall

Christmas cheers to you! I'm so happy you did this one!

Glen Childs (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:16:27 I don't know about anyone else, but either this film or It's a wonderful life (in my opinion) has to be watched in the original B&W.
2022-12-20 02:14:19 I don't know about anyone else, but either this film or It's a wonderful life (in my opinion) has to be watched in the original B&W.

I don't know about anyone else, but either this film or It's a wonderful life (in my opinion) has to be watched in the original B&W.

Larry Darrell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:16:32 Agreed. I believe this for all films originally shot in B&W.
2022-12-20 03:33:39 Agreed. I believe this for all films originally shot in B&W.

Agreed. I believe this for all films originally shot in B&W.

Stick Figure Studios

BTW if the actress playing Peter's mom, the woman who told Santa she couldn't find the toy her son wanted anywhere, looked at all familiar, it's because she was Stella (Jimmy Stewart's in house cook / masseuse) in REAR WINDOW.