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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Best Years of Our Lives. I'm not sure when we're going to premiere it yet. The Two Towers will hopefully be ready tomorrow but it's just a matter of passing copyright checks! If it doesn't pass then we'll post this in it's place, otherwise it'll post on Wednesday! Also, Trading Places will be up in the middle of the night, should be ready for you by the morning. Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  


[YT Edit] The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)


TinCan Cosmanaut

No rush. Just wondering when return of the king comes in. Maybe january?


love love loved your youtube reaction. I watch this movie at least once a year, I now have a friend to watch it with who enjoys popcorn in bed.

Stephen Malloy

One of your best ever. Loved the graphics too.

Барри С Каэмер

This movie always reminds me of my mom and dad's family all 9 of the men fought in WWII. My dad was a Combat Engineer Company Commander in France, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Lichtenstein through Germany and stayed until late 1946 helping to rebuild many parts of Germany and then did the same in Korea. Dad and all my uncles were my heroes growing up, so I joined the army and fought in Vietnam too. Of course, we did not get the same reaction as all others did before and since Vietnam. My parents and their siblings married either before the war or soon after and my mom and her sister and my dad's sister married their guys too. They are the ones that got me to see this movie so many times growing up and it affects me even more now. Your reaction hit me so hard as I loved that your reaction matched mine. I will love this movie as long as I live. The guy that played Homer really lost his hands doing a bomb defusing and he won two Oscars for the same role. He got an honorary one as they never thought he would win the one for which he was nominated. Everything you saw of Homer was very close to his real life. It is just a great movie. Thank you for doing this reaction.

Robert Jewell

Yay! I've really been looking forward to this since Veteran's Day.

Robert Jewell

Well, now I'm all choked up. Cassie, you're reaction was just swell.

Mingo Wayama

Again, based on your post-reaction remarks, if one is good, then two are even better; which suggests Sense and Sensibility (1995).

David Crabtree

This movie had quite an impact when it was released. It won several Oscars, including Best Picture. It was also the highest grossing film of 1946.

Tim Raths

Love the thumbnail.

Matt Rose

Magnificent movie.

Bill Bowman

The first Hollywood movie that actually addressed what happens when you come home from war. The day to day and the challenges of what is normal is thrown at young people returning with virtually little help. This told the story of the WWII vets when they were the characters.. The mature way they deal with veteran problems(PTSD, Job integration, Alcholism,etc.) has raely if ever handled in such a realistic way. Amazingly the modern Vets nearly 80 years later are still facing the same problems. A powerful story, great dircting, and superb acting.

Michael Simpson

I am very happy that you saw this movie.

Michael T

Yay! "Best Years" is one of my favorite movies of all time — the stories, the cast, the fabulous acting, excellent camera work, it has everything — and your reaction was so touching, truly wonderful. And by the way, Cassie, since I know you love movies with weddings in them, I hope you'll consider watching "Sunrise" from 1927. It's widely regarded as one of the greatest movies ever made, and it's SO romantic. You'd fall in love, I'm certain.


Finally. Been waiting for this reaction forever. 🥰 Yes it’s world war 2. The director William Wyler also served in WWII so so much of it is based on his own experiences as well as other real life stories

Anthony Vawser

Harold Russell is the only person to win two Academy Awards for the same performance.

Henry Fitzgerald

He had his hearing permanently damaged in a single flight during the war... like Jimmy Stewart, it changed his outlook, and his ideas of the kind of movies he wanted to make (not necessarily message movies: both men just had more of a sense that they wanted to make each movie count for something). This is partly to what we owe... who knows how much: this movie, Rear Window, Ben-Hur, Vertigo, Roman Holiday...

Celeste McAllister

Anyone who says OG films are unrelatable to the present time,doesn't understand why these films were made to begin with,This is a time capsule these people lived through the war and postwar,their feels are real and genuine,the dialog is truthful,the sense of compassion is prevalent..TBYOOL is on my own top five movies list of all time! Wonderful reaction Cassie Homers welcome home broke my heart to.💔

Christopher Carr

William Wyler, the film's director, was one of five Hollywood directors who went to war at the request of the United States military to film the different aspects of WW2. Wyler lost his hearing while filming a bombing run over Germany. He returned a disabled veteran and had to learn to direct movies without hearing his actors. Homer, Harold Russell, was a real life disabled veteran who won an Oscar for his performance in the best years of our lives. Cassie, if you liked Teresa Wright and this genre you'll love Mrs. Miniver.

Christopher Carr

Ps. My dad served as an officer in the navy in WW2 in the South Pacific. He met my mother at a USO club. When I was little he would take us to the scrap yards of war planes. We'd crawl up into them and play like we were pilots.

Michael Weiner

Cassie should definitely watch Mrs. Miniver, and I love Teresa Wright. But the main reason to watch Mrs. Miniver is for Cassie to be introduced to the also very great Greer Garson.


And shadow of a doubt. I wish we could have Cassie watch director series reactions. Like as many Wyler films as possible. As many Hitchcock films. The brackets inhibits that from happening.

Michael Ridout

Cassie, This is one of the movies that I wanted you to watch. It is dialog motivated and is the type of movie about relationships, falling in love and it is somewhat sentimental. Some think that you have to totally understand what it was like after the war, but I think you will get out of it what Willy Wyler wanted us to get. Incidentally, this movie filming was started before the war was actually over. Every time I watch the scene where Al gets home my kids make fun of me because it makes me tear up. I can't wait to see your reactions. I'm sure you enjoyed it. Mickey

Christopher Carr

John Huston would be a great director to watch a series of movies.