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Well this was just so entertaining! I love a life/body swap movie! At first I was questioning the casting for these roles, but by the end I was hooked on them both! My mom always says "looking good billy ray"  haha never knew where it came from until now, always thought she was referring to Miley Cyrus' dad haha! 

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[Full Reaction] Trading Places (1983)


Clay F

Recommended Dan Aykroyd: -The Blues Brothers (1980) Also suggest SNL - Best of Dan Aykroyd (DVD 2005) https://www.amazon.com/SNL-Best-Dan-Aykroyd/dp/B000A6T230 Some Aykroyd SNL skits (late 70s in early seasons of SNL): -Super Bass-O-Matic -Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute -Consumer Probe: Irwin Mainway -The French Chef -Coneheads -Two Wild & Crazy Guys Me and high school friends would meet regularly on Saturday night in the late 70s to watch SNL.

Clay F

The two baggage carriers were both SNL alums, one being Al Franken who became US Senator of Minnesota. Recommended Eddy Murphy: -48 Hrs. (1982) -Dolemite is My Name (2019) -his SNL skits (arguably the best SNL cast member of that era). Eddie Murphy standup (profane, groundbreaking, popular. Could be offensive): -DELIRIOUS (1983). The album release won Best Comedy Album at the 1984 Grammy Awards. Used the words f*ck 230 times and shit 171 times. in 1996, he released a statement apologizing for his use of the word faggot. You can watch for free on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qe3aTHXj7u4 -RAW (1987). The highest-grossing stand-up comedy concert film ever released, making $50.5 million in the United States and Canada.

Clay F

I recommend 48 Hrs. over Beverly Hills Cop and Coming to America. Both Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte are awesome in 48 Hrs. I was in college when 48 Hrs. was released in 1982.


Very much looking forward to seeing your reaction to this one. It's very very of its time, but it's heart is in the right place. Ackroyd, Murphy, Jamie Lee Curtis and the late great Denholm Elliot are on fine fine form and the whole thing just zips along very nicely until it goes off the rails on the train . . . Oh to go back and change that, it was a misstep at the time and now it's just cringe. The rest though is fantastic. It contains one bit which will always be timeless too. Eddie Murphy's look to camera during the "Commodities Lesson" is the greatest Fourth wall break in cinema. Just perfect.


Wow, an early morning present, just like Christmas! I'm glad you enjoyed this absolute classic comedy with some of the best in the business.


You were very loopy in this video from all the medicine and it was hilarious, you're the best

Gábor Árki

There is a fun fact I like about this movie since hearing about it: the casting of Don Ameche (Mortimer Duke). Director John Landis thought of the character as someone like an old Don Ameche and wanted him for the role, but everyone was sure he died. Landis even contacted the Screen Actors Guild, but they said that Ameche had no registered agent, and his royalties were forwarded to his son. Landis accepted this as proof that he indeed passed away. But after hearing about this story, one of the secretaries vowed to have seen Ameche regularly in Santa Monica. Lack of other options they did a search for a "D. Ameche" in the area using directory assistance and were able to find him. At this time he has not been acting in a film for over a decade, because apparently, no one had offered him a role. While shooting, Ameche was opposed to using foul language and always apologized in advance for what he had to say. Also, he was only willing to perform one take of the scene where he had to shout "f... him" toward Randolph. After this movie, his carrier was resurrected and it led to him being cast in Cocoon (1985), a role for which he won the Academy Award as best supporting actor. I bet Cassie was not fond of him in this movie, but I'm confident she would love him in Cocoon. Looking forward to this one. Even though it is very much a product of its time it is a fun an entertaining movie with some still relevant social commentary. Also, I believe this might be the first appearance of Eddie Murphy on PiB. Hope this will put some of his other, early movies on the radar, especially Coming to America, which is sort of a companion piece to this.

Christopher Smith

Super short cameo, but train manager guy who gives a hard take on "Bill of Lading" was the funny responses fella in the tower in "Airplane". He is giving instructions to baggage handlers one of which is comedian and ex-Senator Al Franken. Such a quotable movie. "First Moses, now this!" "They call that the quart of blood technique." "That's a nice purse." "It's beef jerky time." "Vould you help me with my vooksack?"

Dave Hill

Merry New Year!!!

Adam Grunther

I highly recommend watching the (kind of) spin-off Coming to America. It’s just as funny as this movie, if not funnier.


I’m glad you enjoyed it. This movie is very funny and clever. 80’s was Eddie Murphy at his peak. I would agree that this is a movie that takes place around Christmas and not a Christmas movie.

Robert da Spruce

I haven’t seen this one in a long time. Looking forward watching your reaction Cassie!

Tim Raths

Now you’re ready for Coming to America and Beverly Hills Cop.

Cole Jennett

I was nervous about this one because i thought there was a chance you wouldn’t enjoy it. Glad to be wrong!

Art of Free Speech

As a former broker, I wrote about 8 paragraphs trying to explain the financial end, Cassie, but I realized it was very hard to understand, so I'm going to do my best to super-simplify things. 1. The market they were trading in is called "futures." They are in effect betting on the future price of things. If you think things will be rare in the future, you buy now and sell later, since they'll be more expensive later. If you think things will be plentiful, you sell now, and buy them back later. 2. The Dukes thought OJ would be rare, so they bought as much as they could as fast as they could. 3. Winthorp and Valentine KNEW OJ wouldn't be rare, so they waited until the price was really high and sold. 4. The price plummeted when the crop report came out saying there would be a bumper crop of orange juice. This meant the Dukes would have to sell their OJ at 1/5th the price and Winthorp&Valentine could buy the OJ they sold at 1/5th the price. 5. So, basically, the Dukes were selling OJ they bought for $140 at $30... a huge loss, and W&V were buying OJ at $30 that they'd sold at $140, a huge gain. I know even that's confusing, but I hope it helps.

Dave Hill

Now you can branch out in several exciting directions from this movie. For Jamie Lee Curtis you can move on to True Lies For Eddie Murphy you can't go wrong with Coming to America For Dan Aykroyd you have The Great Outdoors All great movies for many different reasons! =)

Mike Adams

I've read a few articles trying to explain what they did, this is the best explanation so far. Thank you lol

Mike Adams

Coming to America should be first considering the cameos from this film lol

David Collins

Coming to America and all three Beverly Hills Cop movies are "must see" Eddie Murphy. True Lies (my favorite Jamie Lee Curtis) is #1 by far on Popcorn Requests (stop procrastinating, Cassie!) and has been for months. And it has airplanes that can hover in place (yes, some airplanes can!) as the girls discussed in Die Hard 2.

Alec S

>> they bought for $140 at $30 Do they not quote prices in cents, rather than dollars? I am not a broker, rather just an amateur stock trader, but on South African stock exchange all prices are quoted in cents. For example a share price of ZAR185.50 would be shown as 18550.

Zane From Canada

This is such a classic! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it! It's interesting looking back now and seeing how the trading process used to be done. So much of it is completely computerized. Statler & Waldorf (Marley & Marley) are the old man Muppets that Randolph & Mortimer Duke reminded you of. 😁

Zane From Canada

Exactly, right! And when the "margin calls" came, the Dukes couldn't pay back the money they borrowed from the stock exchange, and they went bankrupt. 👍

Damien beatty

You probably already looked this up but the two muppets you were referring to in the movie "The Muppet's Christmas Carol" were named Marley and Marley. Although the actual name of the Muppets were Statler and Waldorf from "The Muppet show" from the late 70's it was magical.

Odd Thomas

Isn't that a DIY show?


Glad you liked this one Cassie. This is a comedy classic. Great characters all around. Lots of great options for you to branch out from here based on the actors involved. With Eddie the obvious next one is Beverly Hills Cop which made Eddie a superstar. For Dan I would say the Blues Brothers which also gives you John Belushi and a cavalcade of giant guest stars in it plus fantastic music. For Jamie Lee Curtis the obvious next pic is True Lies with Arnold which I know has been top of the list for a long time for you to react to and is often requested from the fans.

Art of Free Speech

@Matt, Mike Thank you both. I really tried to make it as easy as possible, and that's tough because most people can't understand that you can effectively bet on the future price of something. @Alec Here across the pond things are usually quoted in dollars. Quoting gold prices in cents would be ridiculous. It is possible FOJ lists in cents, though, but either way, hopefully it was easy enough to understand. It doesn't affect the math. @Zane Absolutely spot on! This is why trading on margin is so dangerous! I didn't want to get into margin calls because that's a whole other rabbit hole. :D @Cassie Oh, I'm overjoyed that helped. It's so nice to be able to help you understand something considering the 100s of hours of joy you bring me when I get to watch a film I like with you!!! I hope it's not too weird that I answer you when you ask a question during a film. LOL

nick bell

"And she stepped on the ball" Bunny Great line

Mike Lemon

A Big Lebowski reference? Did you think ever that would be happening before starting this movie journey?

nick bell

Chicken man from breaking bad in the jail scene

Jason Dolan

I think this is first time I ever really paid attention to the ending of the movie and understood the logic of the orange juice prices and what was going on with that, so it's okay that you didn't get it the first time around, Cassie, lol. Sell, sell, sell! BUZZZZ!

Jason Dolan

This movie is actually about Winthorpe and Valentine trading places with the Dukes when you think about it, haha. Coming America next!!!

Jason Dolan

Eddie Murphy MUST WATCHES: 48 HOURS (thriller) BEVERLY HILLS COP 1 & 2 (action comedy) COMING TO AMERICA BOWFINGER THE GOLDEN CHILD DREAMGIRLS THE NUTTY PROFESSOR ANOTHER 48 HOURS and in about that order - those are probably the ONLY Eddie Murphy Movies I could see you liking among his more adult themed work

Bill Maurer

This helped me understand what was happening in the trading pits at the end https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/07/19/201430727/what-actually-happens-at-the-end-of-trading-places

Dean Holt

Excellent choices for the other movies and after The Great Outdoors she has to watch Uncle Buck my favourite Candy movie.

Mike Lemon

Based on comments in the reaction, I am, again, going to highly recommend Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995). A court drama based on (very closely) the real life case.

Dean Holt

Glad you liked this one in my opinion Eddie Murphy was at his best in the 80’s. And like a few have already said you need to check out the first two Beverly Hills Cop films and Coming to America (their a love story in that one as well). Love the Big Lebowski reference I think we are all very proud of you lol. One little thing I liked was when Winthorpe got arrested the police number is the same one they used in The Blues Brothers for John Belushi’s character Jake as he co-stared alongside Dan Aykroyd. And I’ve always thought it was a nice tribute to John Belushi who passed away the year before Trading Places was made.

Terry Yelmene

I'm so glad this movie was so well appreciated by Cassie - because the very early '80s was different and John Landis and the first generation or two SNL/Second City crowd were a bit raw. I'm also glad that Cassie came to see Eddie Murphy as a very charming person. But most of all I'm glad Cassie liked Danny Akroid opposite Jamie Jee Curtis as those two are a favorite move couple for me! AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the wonderful and charming movies 'My Girl' and the EVEN BETTER 'My Girl2.' Those would undoubtedly become instant PiB Classics!


Fun movie and reaction leads to fun fact. The corrupt cop with glasses is actually Frank Oz. He voiced Miss Piggy amongst others from the start of The Muppet Show. And of course he voiced Yoda from Star Wars as well.


I think we need to see an Eddie Murphy season! Beverly Hills Cop 1,2,3 Coming to America The Nutty Professor Etc…


“Fifty bucks? No, no, no. This is a Rouchefoucauld. The finest water-resistant watch in the world. Singularly unique, sculptured in design, hand-crafted in Switzerland and water resistant to three atmospheres. This is *the* sports watch of the '80s. Six thousand, nine hundred and fifty five dollars retail!”

Mike LL

Inflation calculator says that watch is worth $20,789 today. But yes, such an absurd comedic monologue about the watch. Comedic genius.

Dave Hill

Dean - You couldn't be more right! Planes, Trains & Automobiles, The Great Outdoors and Uncle Buck are my little "John Candy" trilogy of movies. Love watching them over and over. Looking forward to when Cassie can throw some more Canadian support for John Candy and those other 2 movies of his that we all know she would love!


There's no way on God's green earth that Eddie Murphy made eight movies that anyone "must" watch.

Doug Cook

Can we now stipulate that Trading Places is NOT a Christmas movie?

Gary B

I'd love to see a reaction to Cocoon! I think it's tied up with soundtrack copyright restrictions though - not available on streaming and only available on rather rare DVD copies only

Patrick Flanagan

I'm afraid they are mandatory watches, yes. It's a federal law. You get three annual waivers and then if you don't show proof you're watching them it's a huge fine and possible jail time.


Ohhh… seeing the World Trade Center in movies before 9/11 just breaks my heart Please add Beverly Hills Cop to the list. Eddie Murphy is so funny. I believe Trading Places was his first movie

Rick Williams

Great reaction Cassie. I knew the nudity and some of the jokes would be unpleasant for you. You grew up in different times. That was the 80's. You had to be there. It was a great time to grow up. The guy you recognized who was the original guy in the gorilla suit was Jim Belushi. Merry Christmas. Have fun in Canada. Hurry back for more movie magic.

Timothy Burrows

I wrote a long paragraph but this explains the ending much better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Hgn2t4a7Q

Sam R.

🤣🤣🤣 Trading spaces ..... in the email you said trading spaces 😄😄😄 ill remember for trivia night

brooke atkins

He had hilarious movies back in the day! Why are you always such a downer in all your comments carol?

Jason Dolan

who knew this was such a controversial posting? I didn't even include DELIRIOUS, RAW or HARLEM NIGHTS!


I’ve seen a few mention it already, but Coming to America needs to be one you watch in the future.

Shawn Kildal

You are right about the nudity Cassie. It wasn't necessary. Jamie Lee Curtis told People magazine just this year that she felt "embarrassed" about doing that scene. But those type of shots were commonplace back then.

Shawn Kildal

I haven't seen this movie in 20 years or so until now, I just saw Grancario Esposito (Moff Gideon from the Mandalorian} in the Eddie Murphy jail scene. He was wearing the grey tank top standing up next to Eddie. Weird seeing him so young


a naked Jamie lee Curtis is all we have, please don't take it from us

Gábor Árki

This was his second. His big screen debut was 48 Hrs (1982), often credited to be the first buddy cop movie.

Gábor Árki

Well, that is sad news. Not sure what is worse. Not having it widely available or studio stripping the original soundtrack and replacing it with alternatives, like they did with Vacation or Married with Children.

Mike LL

For any young teenage boys who got a look at the R rated goings on, it must have seemed like Christmas, indeed!

Mike LL

This part of the movie really confused me. The movie takes place in Philadelphia (the Rocky statue)? Why do they go to New York, to trade commodity futures . . . at the World Trade Center? Not Wall Street? Seems like they should have gone to Chicago, to the Chicago Board of Trade?? CBOT?

Christian Yoder

FCOJ is traded at the New York Board of Trade (now under ICE) which at the time was in the World Trade Center.

Matt Rose

BOWFINGER, absolutely. That's pretty much a non-stop laugh machine.

Gábor Árki

That part was originally scripted taking place in Chicago, but they simply could not get permission to film in that exchange. But they were welcome in New York, so the script has been changed.


If you want to see Eddy Murphy in a excellent movie, and since you like action movies a bit more, I can only highly suggest Beverly Hills Cop. You will love it, I'm sure!


For me, as admirable as the message might be regarding wealth inequality, race, etc., it was very clunky and made me appreciate the quality of films we recently viewed from forty years earlier.

Björn Karlsson

Btw Damian. You liked SML/FÅ. Do you like Lukas Moodysson's movies in general? There will be a release of a new box with his movies 😃😃😃 https://www.arrowvideo.com/blu-ray/the-lukas-moodysson-collection-limited-edition/14017611.html

Jason Dolan

Carol, it doesn't have to be all that - but look, a lot of people love Eddie Murphy so maybe it was just a little much to say that his movies aren't MUST WATCHES - I mean from a pop cultural perspective I was saying these are the most relevant in his career, especially if Cassie liked him in TP which she did, so that's where I was coming from. It's good to mix it up! Hope to hear from you in the future. No disrespect intended though!

Stick Figure Studios

I'd say they're must watches if a) one wants to be a knowledgeable film buff and/or b) one just wants to watch some good, significant movies.

Stick Figure Studios

BTW Cassie, if the butler Coleman looked at all familiar, that's because it was Denholm Elliott, the actor who played museum curator Marcus in the first and third Indiana Jones movies. Oh, and the actor who played the shady Beeks was Paul Gleason, the principal in BREAKFAST CLUB and egotistical Police chief Duane T. Robinson in DIE HARD.

Stick Figure Studios

P.S. Did you catch the double meaning in the title?

Damien beatty

The only other movie in this set I have seen is Lilya 4 ever. I saw it theaters way back when it came out and I lived in a much larger city than I live now, but I have not seen it since. I do remember the actress though was in one of the Bourne movies. I will definitely try and get this box set though I love Arrow video they do great work. to me only Criterion does better with thier dvds and blu rays. Thanks for the information and best of holidays to you and yours.

Björn Karlsson

Thanks and merry x-mass 🎅🎅😀😀 Yeah, that's correct about Oksana Akinsjina (Lilya) She had a role in "The bourne Supremacy" 🙂 Omg Lilya 4-ever is such a sad and depressing film 😪😪😪😪 and it's loosely based of a real girl from Lithuania https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danguol%C4%97_Rasalait%C4%97 Together is an OK movie. I really liked it when I saw it back then, and next fall there will be a sequel to that movie "Together 99" 😃😃 The other ones in the box I havent seen. But I have seen some clips from them 🙃🙂 But his best movie is of course FÅ/SML. In 2017 they did a new digital version of it. Tbh, the original version is very grainy, dark and has strange colors 😁


Seems like every rated R 80’s movie had at least one female topless scene. Everyone loved it back then, now it just seems so stupid.

Lazarus Gonzales

First movie I have watched from beginning to end, after joining your patreon. I have to tell you, I was not disappointed! While I do agree with you, that the nudity was unnecessary, I think when they were making the movie they were trying to convey the massage that Jamie Lee Curtis' character was a prostitute. That's all I could figure from it, lol.


The nudity at the party was meant to convey the type of company that Billy Ray hung out with prior to his transformation

Lazarus Gonzales

You’re absolutely right. I swear I was thinking the same thing. There was even a pimp at the party.

Joe M

I’m actually glad this movie was your first introduction to Eddie Murphy. This was his movie debut. Now you can definitely move on to Beverly Hills Cop.