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Well this was just the cutest thing to watch before Christmas. It was perfect, sweet, tender and catchy as heck! Me and Carly have had the songs stuck in our heads since. I apologize for this being late, its been quite an adventure here with no running water for four days because of the freezing temps and then would you believe we got sick again?!  I hope you're still in the mood for this reaction, personally I like to keep my tree and twinkly lights and Christmas still alive for the week after Christmas.

Another quick note about the reaction-My parent's TV kept disconnecting from Bluetooth for our headphones. I kept having to look to the side and press "connect" on my phone which is why I kept looking to the side. 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

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This movie is a family tradition on my mom's side. My mom and her 3 sisters all know all the lyrics to "Sisters" by heart and sing along every December. The family matriarch (my grandmother) recently passed away at 98, but this reaction and watching along brings me great joy.

Mark Iyemura

I have attempted and usually succeeded in watching this movie for the holidays for 50 plus years. Originally it was watching it replay on network television (like It's A Wonderful Life it was played annually for quite a while), then on VCR tapes, DVDs and now streamed. I love musical movies from this era and have DVDs of most. There is something charming about White Christmas that I never tire of and getting to watch Danny Kaye and Vera Ellen dance is also a plus.

Jay Davis

It'll be 60 here tomorrow. So it won't be a White Christmas. But at least I can watch one with y'all. Thanks!


I just watched white Christmas again I’d like to let you know that Vera Ellen was was passed her prime in this movie . She was one of the 5 greatest dancers in Hollywood when she was younger, male or female .there was Fred Astaire, Gene, Kelly , Vera Ellen , and probably the best of all of them was Eleanor Powell . You ought to see her go . Anyway, what you girls call cheesy is more likely “innocence” It’s a better word . You really should watch some classic MGM musicals. You would love them. In the movie, Holiday Inn was the unveiling of the song white Christmas after being sang it on any TV show or variety show he would say thank you Irving …. For Irving Berlin who wrote it it was the greatest selling and most covered song ever recorded

Rick Adams

So you're saying you DON'T have ADHD? 🤣

Joshua Stormont

We usually keep things up for most of January

Danny (Icarus)

Hope you feel better soon ! 👍

Krusty “Topher”

Uhhhh I didn’t even take my tree down from last year! Yeah I’m hillbilly….so what?!😀

Johnny Liu

Being sick and no running water sounds like a nightmare. Hope things get better quickly for you all!

Stick Figure Studios

WHiTE CHRISTMAS is my sister-in-law's favorite movie. She's seen it more times than she can count. And yes, I also happen to like it quite a bit. :-) It's a classic for a reason. Charming, funny, sweet and very tuneful with memorable songs by the great Irving Berlin (not the least of which is the title number). Expertly directed by the great Michael Curtiz (who also did CASABLANCA and THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD) and with a stellar cast. Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen are all screen Legends. But the fellow I'm most excited about you being introduced to here is the iconic and inimitable Danny Kaye, one of my all-time favorite actor / singer / dancer / comedian / performers. I am hoping that he made enough of an impression on you with this film that you will want to check out more of his delightful and hilarious filmography... particularly THE COURT JESTER, HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN, THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY and WONDER MAN. Really looking forward to watching this reaction.


I cannot tell you how happy I am that Carly joined you for this one! I was hoping she would, looking forward to watching along!

Michael Barootian

Been waiting for this, it’s my favorite Christmas movie!! Fun fact, Betty is played by Rosemary Clooney…George Clooneys Aunt.😁

Andrew Rose

I sincerely hope you and your family feel much better soon. Hurts to see you struggling with illness. Sending prayers for quick recovery and time for you to relax and give yourself a break.


No running water, house full of sick kids and adults - malfunctioning entertainment and runs to the local store to keep things running, but a entire house full of people? …. those are the types of Christmases my family remembers best. Long story short, my favorite childhood Christmas involves a hurricane in 1979, border state family members taking refuge in our home, a broken central heater, one fireplace, blankets everywhere, and one big television making miserable people laugh. We still talk about it today. Oh, and White Christmas is a classic - but I’d say mostly because of its music. It still is the gold standard for classic Christmas tunes.

Daniel Goldberg

I was hoping that the both of you would be watching this one and I was not disappointed. Your reactions are just so heartwarming! And to answer your question, the song White Christmas did not originally come from this movie. It was first in a movie called Holiday Inn, where it was also sung by Bing Crosby. Let me also jump on the Danny Kaye bandwagon and encourage you to react to more of his movies. He is a forgotten gem.

Miles E Coburn

Still in the mood? January, April, June, September, etc. Heck, I watch "White Christmas" throughout the year!

Björn Karlsson

I know a cute movie. But it's not a Christmas movie...🙃

Celeste McAllister

People had style back in the day shout out to Paramount wardrobe department and legendary designer Edith Head,any of her dresses featured in this movie I'd love to try on!❤💚💙🎄🎁


The Crown Jewels in American entertainment. Authentic. The depth of talent and effort never fails to impress.

Jim Williams

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks the actor who plays Faramir in Return of the King looks a *lot* like Danny Kaye? If you watch my two favorite Danny Kaye films, "Hans Christian Andersen" and "The Inspector General", the resemblance is even stronger, imo.

Steven Ashford

I sing Christmas songs in July. No worries! My family got the stomach virus Christmas night, oh yay. NOT!! Happy New year Cassie and Carly.

Anthony Perez

Well I am glad to see that Cassie and Carly both seemed to get as teary as I did from the minute the General walks down the stairs until the dual kiss behind the Christmas tree. Who would have thought that a military themed musical number could do that ?


Cassie, I'm so glad that you have been introduced to these iconic stars from that time. They don't make movies like this anymore. This was the golden era of movies. Bing Crosby's voice is like velvet and what can I say about Danny Kaye... actor/singer/dancer/comedian. They have appeared in many movies and I really hope you check out more... especially Danny Kaye 🍿

Miles E Coburn

Great reactions, Cassie and Carly! If you liked this musical, you might want to check out, "Singin' in the Rain" (1952), stars Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor. And yes, it's a pretty good love story. Plot holes aside.

Ted Little

Part of the fun as you become more and more familiar with movies of this era is seeing old friends in bit parts. The train conductor was the drunken Santa in "Miracle on 34th Street" and the picture of Betty and Judy's brother was Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer, who was the one who opened up the swimming pool in "It's a Wonderful Life."

Odd Thomas

I liked High Society better - Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly!


Yes, Holiday Inn is a musical about a performer that only wanted to work on holidays, oh, and there's a girl too, of course.

Seymor Butz

You should save white Christmas youtube edit for next Christmas when you are too busy to keep the schedule full and lower your stress. Just a thought.

Mike LL

Wasn't that a wonderful surprise? It made the reaction so much better having both Cassie and Carly there.

China Andronicus

Those gorgeous costumes were done by Edith Head, who was nominated for thirty-five Oscars and won eight. She is also responsible for most Hitchcock costumes, so you've seen her work before (Rear Window for one) and is who the character Edna Mode from the Incredibles is based on. The absolute queen of costume design.

Mike LL

Bing Crosby was a great entertainer, revolutionized American music recording (look it up), was notable for his "Road" picture series with Bob Hope and the movie Going My Way (1944) where he won his Best Actor Oscar (yes he sang and acted in the movie) and the movie would come up in the Oscar poll as a Best Picture winner if she ever pulls the 1940's decade out for the selection (I am beginning to doubt she put those decades in the bowl, snicker, snicker).

Mike LL

So glad you could share this reaction during the holiday season. I doubt if I could find the right words to convey what I want to say, but it is one thing for you to discover this wonderful film and be entertained and give such an entertaining reaction. It is quite another to be a witness to that reaction to a film you have loved and treasured for decades, and be grateful that you find the film as entertaining as those of us who have intimately known this film for so long and have it be tied up to this special holiday. There is just a big difference in films today, they all seem so dark, grim and somber with muted colors, and then you see a big bright colorful heartwarming festive joyous movie like White Christmas. The “Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)” number always moves me, such an important message in life (gratitude is the attitude). It was special seeing you watch an old fashioned song and dance number from an old Hollywood musical, and to see you realize that the Bing Crosby you have heard sing all those old Christmas tunes all these years was that actor on the screen. Yes, great movies are made and have been made in every year, and there are so many more great films to see. I have had some people tell me that this is not a great movie, but merely a good one. I have had doubts about the movie myself that nostalgia tends to muddle. If they are right and the movie is merely a good one, its a wholesome goodness that can make one feel really great. Thank you Cassie and Carly, Merry Christmas to you and Everyone. Have a Happy New Year!

Richard Bourne

Cassie, take and easy and get well for the New Year.


Don't know if you've seen Sister Act, but Mary Wickes, the housekeeper, plays sister Mary Lazarus in that movie.

Stick Figure Studios

SINGING IN THE RAIN is arguably the greatest musical ever made and I've been pushing it on this channel for a long time. I am positive she will love it.

Stick Figure Studios

I was watching a movie a few weeks ago with William Powell and Myrna loy called I LOVE YOU AGAIN and to my surprise alfalfa showed up as a Boy scout in one scene.

Mr Trick

A couple things I don’t think get near enough recognition in the praise for this movie is Vera-Ellen’s incredible dancing and the place White Christmas holds in the history of post-war movies. A whole generation had to deeply relate to that aspect.

Stick Figure Studios

I was going to mention that same thing in my comment, but forgot. If they're not familiar with Rosemary Clooney, they have almost certainly heard of her nephew George. He served as one of the pallbearers at her funeral.

Jyn Jilly

I legit fell in love with her while watching this just now lol I had seen this before and liked it like a decade ago but I didn't remember details. But watching it again she was the standout for me. I'm going to look up her other movies

Tim Raths

That’s what I thought she was going to do with The Apartment when she watched it last year but it’s still a Patreon exclusive.

Miles E Coburn

I don't know if it's true, but imagine if it was. Supposedly, Edith Head was the inspiration for the character Edna Mode in Brad Bird's "The Incredibles" (2004). Just looking at the two, side by side, and you can really see it.

Miles E Coburn

The background of the two female stars (Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen) is genuinely interesting. At least to me it was. Vera-Ellen was a fantastic dancer, but had serious qualms about the singing parts. Likewise, Rosemary Clooney was a great singer, and was seriously worried about the dancing parts she would have to do.

Matt Rose

You've gotta give it up to John Brascia, the dancer paired up with Vera-Ellen/Judy Haynes. He was pretty stellar in the film as well.

Story Archer

Here in Louisiana, you ladies would laugh. If there's a category 4 hurricane coming, people are lined up buying alcohol for hurricane parties... but if there are snow flurries seen in the air - not snow on the ground, just in the air - they shut down schools and people are clearing the shelves of canned goods. Fortunately that only happens once every few years so it's seen as pretty special down here. I would like to spend at least winter in Canada or someplace like Montana, just to experience it.

Hannah Mather

I adore that you guys watched this on actual Christmas Eve together. I'm so glad you guys loved this as much as I thought. I fully believe this is THE best Christmas movie there is. Thanks for sharing!

Sam Hui

Danny Kaye is one of the most versatile performers ever! I saw a documentary about his life and really admire him not only for his show business career but also for his humanitarian work. A truly great person !

Sam Hui

Please check out the career of Danny Kaye, he is the most versatile performer ever. And his humanitarian work is legendary! We don’t get much of this kinds of genuinely good hearted person in the world anymore


Love that you loved this movie. Not sure anyone replied on where the song White Christmas came from, but Irving Berlin originally gave it to Bing Crosby much earlier for his radio show. My favorite story is how after Berlin wrote it, he handed it to his secretary to transcribe and said that he’d not only just written the best song he ever wrote but the greatest song anyone ever wrote. Considering White Christmas is the best selling song of all time-he might have been right. If you are interested in exploring more classic musicals, great ones to start with are Singing in the Rain (possibly the greatest ever), Funny Face, Summer Stock, An American in Paris and Meet me in St Louis. I also suggest exploring the pairing of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Fred and Ginger films are practically their own genre. I love Swing Time, Shall We Dance, and Top Hat, but my favorite has to be the Gay Divorcee. Fred and Ginger dancing to “Night and Day” (which Cole Porter wrote for Astaire) really can’t be topped.

Mike LL

I also have a great love for The Gay Divorcee (1934) and think that is one of their best films and the highlight to me is The Continental number. But about 25-30 years ago I would tell you that Swing Time (1936) was my favorite movie, but it has a number now that is not politically correct, as much as I hate that fact and that term. I would say one of their greatest musical numbers is Let's Face the Music and Dance from Follow The Fleet (1936). People go on and on about Top Hat (1935) being their best movie, but I would rank The Gay Divorcee, Swing Time and Follow the Fleet all above Top Hat.

Mike LL

I composed and deleted a long comment I made about what I called the "mix-matched talents" of the cast of White Christmas, but I decided not to disparage this film here. The short of it is that John Brascia was only needed in the film because Donald O'Conner was replaced by Danny Kaye, and if Donald O'Conner had made the picture you wouldn't have needed to see John Brascia at all.

Rosanne Stewart

Bing Crosby was famous for entertaining the troops overseas but he hated performing White Christmas for them. They all clamored to hear it and of course he obliged, but he felt that it made them feel sad and homesick and he was there to cheer them up. One memory I have of watching this movie is when I saw it play in the theater and when a certain background dancer was prominently shown there was a smattering of applause across the audience and confusion from everyone not clapping. The dancer, a very handsome young Latino, was George Chakiris, who went on to give us a riveting, Oscar-winning performance as Bernardo in West Side Story. He's in the background of most of the big dance numbers and is also one of Betty's dancers at the Carousel Club.

Christopher Carr

Vera-Ellen made Rosemary Clooney (George's aunt) look like an absolute whale, which she was not. Vera-Ellen had an unbelievable 17 inche waist. That's what the collars in my dress shirts measure. She was thought to be anorexic before we knew what it was. She was a dancer and just viewed as very slender. Get a measuring tape and make a 17 inche circle. It's unbelievable.

Ted Little

"I Love You Again" is a fun film and well worth reacting to. Alfalfa showed up in numerous films of the time, including "Going My Way," which also features Bing Crosby and two friends from "Miracle on 34th Street:" Gene Lockhart (a Canadian actor who plays the judge), and Porter Hall (Mr Sawyer).

Matt Rose

Like almost all films, scheduling and casting changes require replacements to fill in and hopefully rise to the challenge. I think John Brascia more than rose to the challenge here.

Stick Figure Studios

I was actually going to suggest TOP HAT as well when I saw Cassie and Carly getting caught up in the misunderstanding plot. Fred and Ginger trafficked in those and TOP HAT has one of their most frustrating and hilarious I think. It is their best movie together in my opinion (and one of my all-time favorite Hollywood musicals)... although, like you and Mike, I also enjoy GAY DIVORCEE (you are right about the "Night and Day" number being fantastic, but I actually think that "Cheek to Cheek" number in TOP HAT tops it). Being only their second film together, GAY DIVORCEE feels like sort of a dry run for TOP HAT, trying out many of the tropes that the later film would refine. SWING TIME and FOLLOW THE FLEET are also terrific. I even like CAREFREE and SHALL WE DANCE (the latter being particularly appealing to me as it features music by one of my favorite composers, George Gershwin).


The lyrics to the second song… lol

Mr Trick

That always made sense to me because they’re playing entertainers and in that profession you’d be working to individual strengths and top tier dancers are going to dance with other top tier dancers. The show they were putting on didn’t need to (and wouldn’t) specifically relate to personal relationships.

David Freese

I always believed that Danny Kaye was just as talented as Bing Crosby. Unfortunately people don't remember him as fondly as Bing.