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Ohhhhh heeeeyyyy, long time no see ;) 

Welcome to 2023! While 2022 had so many wonderful moments, the last month was ROUGH and I am excited for a fresh start, a happier, HEALTHIER and more intentional year!

For PiB I have some big goals, but also some tiny ones because I love a good "think small and be pleasantly surprised if you pass it" mindset (says no business expert ever) A second channel, the 2022 POPPIES, a bunch of fun sister videos etc. 

I want to thank you all again for being a part of this popcorn family, for supporting me, for encouraging not only me but each other, for making me laugh and opening my eyes and heart to amazing stories and perspectives. 

Ok coming up this week is a real hodgepodge of stuff-Bull Durham from the dice game, Robocop because I made a promise and The Right Stuff because I saw someone doing a space puzzle on Instagram and all of a sudden had a strong desire to watch this movie that has been on my short list for a while!

It is Carly's birthday month this month so I'm letting her have the popcorn pick of the month again but I guess I'm giving this one to myself too haha

Also don't forget to vote on the final "What World Should I Return to" Poll that just went up, we're down to the top 4!

Ok I hope you all stayed safe last night and are having a beautiful day starting 2023!


ps:thanks to Planner for this awesome collage of all the movies I watched in 22



Matthew Dunham



Robocop!!! Can't wait for you to sport the baby blue Robocop shirt! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

William Bryan

My mom had a heart attack and red-lined a couple times early in Dec. They brought her back though. Put her on blood thinner. She says she feels better. Hopefully 2023 will be kind🤞🤞😌😌

Matthew S Graham

Robocop is amazing, but it was almost rated X for violence!!!

Tim Raths

Robocop is one of my favorite action movies of all time so I can’t wait to see what you think of it.


Looking forward to good things to come!

Mike LL

That's a good slate of flicks. Will make space aliens happy 😂


Robocop let’s goooooooo

Bill Hayden

"The Right Stuff" A forgotten gem. Cassie, you'll love it. Get ready for goose bumps the night you watch it.

Matthew Dunham

The Right Stuff is a classic. Great choice.

Henry Graham

These are three movies I absolutely love! Looking forward to watching them with you, although whenever I revisit The Right Stuff it does mean I have Bill Conti's theme music stuck playing on a loop in my head for ages afterwards.

Philip G.

Robocop is one of the most over-rated movies of all time!!

Collar City Guy

I hope you have an even more prosperous and healthier New Year! Looking forward to hearing more about the second channel!

Wally Hartshorn

I love that you’re doing The Right Stuff! It’s an amazing movie, but NOBODY has reacted to it yet!

Phil Stubblefield

Happy 2023, Cassie, Carly, and fellow Patrons!

Tim Raths

Glad your family is feeling better and looking forward to hearing more about the second channel. Happy New Year!

Dave Hill

Yeah, I'm kinda thinking she will fall into that category as well. I mean I don't hate the movie, but there is a lot that I think will make her cringe. Luckily, The Right Stuff will be there to help put her in a happy place again...well as long as she watches that AFTER Robocop that is.

Mike Lemon

Have the "I don't want to see this scene" blanket ready. Two scenes are pretty long and fairly bloody/gory. You will know them when they start.


Todzilla, were you the persistent Patron whose been asking Cassie to watch Robocop for a while? 😁

'Pappy' Johnston

Ok....pass it on to Carly....NO ROM-COMS! (...it defeats the point of the channel in my opinion... jus' respectfully sayin'...) Step outta ' that comfort zone girl and go, (Open Range), for it! 🤣😂🤣😂👍🏻🙂


A good start to a new year!


Wishing a very happy healthy new year to you and the fam! I'm excited about all the upcoming stuff.

Kuskesh Haramzadeh

The Right Stuff is one of my favorites! I don't think that I could ever get tired of watching that flick.


Merry New Year! Hahahahaha!


my shortlist for 2023 are, The Majestic, The Goodbye Girl, Paper moon, Little Big man, to Sir With Love, What Dreams May Come, National Treasure 1 and 2 and RED retired Extremely Dangerous with Bruce Willis part 1 and 2

'Pappy' Johnston

Hahahaha RIGHT! If so *cowboy-hat-tip to the ladies* 🤔 Ya'll enjoy. Justified reruns, here I come. Hahahahaha

Tim Raths

She’s seen What Dreams May Come. She reacted to it very early on, on the channel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A0ygbRUCtWA

Kristin D

I would love for Carly to have her own pick of the month, along with yours.

Terry Yelmene

The PiB reaction videos catolog that was created and published to Patreon and YT in 2022 was stunning and IMHO, far outshines every other reactor channel. Congatulations and Well Done!

Ramzi M. A. Ramzi

Happy New 2023, Cassie. Glad you'll be watching Robocop (1987), one of my all-time favorites. I wonder if you'll be watching the theatrical version or the director's cut. Either one is fantastic, but the director's cut is better in my opinion. Looking forward to your reaction. Cheers!

Steven Ashford

Happy New Year Cassie and Carly! Happy birthday Carly!! Love your updates Cassie and your thoughts on “tiny” goals. Remember a flood starts with rain drops

Colin Gutierrez

I finally tried out the movie suggestion web app and I'm surprised that Center Stage only has one vote. *single tear*

Eric Lopez

Ok not sure if this was thought about already but the way you wrote PiB. How about a t-shirt with PiB in the middle and under it a single popcorn. Also, happy new year.

Stick Figure Studios

Welcome back, Cassie. This is going to be quite a week. BULL DURHAM is a good flick that you should probably like. I've never been as enamored of it as so many people are, but that reaction is sure to please a lot of its fans. The other two, though, I'm particularly excited about because they are among my favorite movies of all time. THE RIGHT STUFF is, for my money, the greatest movie about real life space exploration ever made (better than APOLLO 13 and better than FIRST MAN). It is practically mythic in its portrayal of the original astronauts (if John Ford had directed a space movie, it'd look a lot like this) and the cast is superb. You'll definitely see some familiar faces on screen... maybe even a couple you've seen in other space movies. ROBOCOP, as I said during the last live stream, is really one of the greatest movies of the 1980s (and not just one the greatest sci-fi movies, one of the greatest movies. Period.) It was the first American film directed by the Dutch director Paul Verhoven (STARSHIP TROOPERS, TOTAL RECALL) and, just as many have observed that international artists can actually see and capture qualities in American society better than even we can, it is a wonderfully provocative, intelligent, witty and clever takedown of our culture. The level of sociopolitical satire going on in this film is magnificent (and eerily prophetic, particularly about corporate America and the militarization of the police). I don't mean to make it sound all dry and intellectual. It is not. It is exciting as hell. It is thrilling, it is action-packed and it has some spectacular visual effects -- including some fantastic stop motion animation by the great Phil Tippett (EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, JURASSIC PARK) that still has character and personality in this age of ubiquitous and soulless CGI. It even has a strong dramatic backbone and an emotional core to its story that might surprise you. It's terrific. ROBOCOP is also REALLY damn funny. It's often practically a comedy (albeit a dark one) and one of the funniest of the decade. It's like a superhero/comic book movie (only for adults) that wasn't based on any actual pre-existing source material (like IRON MAN). Even my wife, who is not a fan at all of these kinds of movies, was surprised at how much she liked it. But what most people seem to be talking about is understandably its violence and make no mistake, it is exceptionally violent (so much so that at the time it was almost given an X rating for it, so the studio had to make trims to get it an R, though now the unrated version is widely available) and much of the time that violence is of a very bloody/gory nature... but it is so extreme that at a certain point it becomes pretty ludicrous. It is not exactly gritty violence (like in DISTRICT 9) or even remotely realistic violence (like any War film that you've watched). It is practically cartoonish in nature (like KILL BILL) and it is executed with such style and panache that hopefully it won't be too unpleasant for you. I don't say this to give you second thoughts about viewing the movie. I think it's great that you're watching it and I hope you are able to enjoy and appreciate it. I just think you should be prepared for what you will be seeing. Really looking forward to these reactions. :-)

Celeste McAllister

When you watch The Right Stuff,look at Old Fred the bartender at Ponchos happy bottom riding club..He's played by General Chuck Yeager himself..


Happy New Year, Cassie, to you and your family.


@Stick Figure Studios it's just hard to believe out of Cassie's thousands of Patreons, that she only watched Robocop because she "promised" me LOL. But maybe she did? 🤷

David Strattan

Robocop has a good overall storyline, but there are some scenes of extremely ugly, brutal violence.

Larry Darrell

Holy Yeah!! The Right Stuff ! Been waiting for this since Apollo 13.

Erik Daniel

Happy New Year everyone! Thank YOU Cassie, and everyone involved for letting us be a part of this awesome popcorn family. I hope you know how many days you've brightened.

Jennifer Friebe

Happy new year PiB!!! Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪

Bill Maurer

Happy New Year !!! Looking forward to 2023 Cassie (and Carly). The Right Stuff is a great way to start off the New Year. A welcoming to the Mercury 7 and one of the greatest aviators in US History, Chuck Yeager !!!!!!! You will love the movie !!

Darren Gibson

I'm not sure you are ready for Robocop Cassie! Do not misunderstand me, it is a masterpiece. But this is one movie where the bad guys are not just bad, they are thoroughly nasty, and the violence is unlike anything else I've seen in any other action movie. This movie absolutely cannot be lumped into 80's action as it is nothing like what anyone would imagine when they think of an 80's action movie. When I consider that you didn't really like Pulp Fiction, I will be amazed if you like Robocop. That said, we can all see how you've evolved in your journey with movies because of PiB so hopefully you will like it and hopefully my observation above that you are not ready will be wrong! However, as Stick Figure Studios observes above, you do need to be prepared for the on screen violence. If you can get past the violence and consider the film as a whole you'll soon appreciate that everything in the film is extreme for a reason and the satirical nature of the film is brilliantly observed. I saw this movie when I was far too young and I couldn't watch it again until a fascination got the better of me. As an adult I struggled to watch it because of certain scenes that disturbed me as a child but now I'm over that it's one of my favourite movies of all time. It is often described as a "perfect" movie because it has everything a movie should. It's visually engaging, it has a bona fide story with actual stakes and a definite resolution. It is a masterpiece and I really look forward to seeing your reaction to it. Carly should stay home that day though, ok? Have fun!

Richard Maurer

The ratings board was notoriously reactionary during the 80's. It's no worse than any of the real horror movies Cassie's watched for Halloween.

Richard Maurer

Looking forward to Robocop and The Right Stuff. Bull Durham - okay, whatever.

'Pappy' Johnston

Exactly! Speaking for myself, I didn't sign up for mushy-chick-flick-love story-junk. Everyone watches that stuff so where's the fun in that? You're BETTER then that! Keep challenging yourself(s) to KEEP stepping outside your cookie-cutter Barbie and Ken high-school-girl-crush-dribble zone! Keep pushing the envelope Ladies. 👍🏻🙂 and keep growing! 👍🏻🙂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Jesus F Christ

Go into RoboCop knowing this: Yes it was a violent '80s action movie, but it was really a satire of the violence, greed, and excess of America in the 1980s. Action movies at the time were trying to push as far as they could get away with - the most body counts, explosions, gratuitous nudity, and bad language - just so they could be marketed as, "this movie has the most on screen deaths", or "the f-word is said more in this movie than in any other". America in the 80s was all about conspicuous consumption and greed and you can see it in RoboCop when they show the tv shows they watch. The director Paul Verhoeven is from The Netherlands and being from outside America it really impacts the style of the movie. The America he shows us in RoboCop is an over-the-top, almost cartoonish parody of what America was really like, but it's the America the world was seeing in the movies and tv shows we were making and exporting overseas. If all you had to go on about what life was like in America in the '80s was a stack of '80s action movie VHS cassettes, your view would distill down to RoboCop. All that being said, RoboCop is the reaction I'm least interested in this week. Bull Durham is a solid Kevin Costner baseball movie, but The Right Stuff is the best movie about the early space program ever.

Jesus F Christ

Also, suggesting Beverly Hills Cop as a great Eddie Murphy comedy to watch and a great love story for both you and Carly, Out of Africa starring Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. Out of Africa was noiminated for 11 Oscars and won 7, including best picture, and it's a really beautiful film that will have you in tears.

Matt Rose

Don't forget to add HIGHLANDER and THE MUMMY to your 'catch up' lists.

Mike Lemon

Yeah! How dare a channel owner (or her sister) watch a genre she likes on occasion!

Paul Stelter

ROBOCOP is meant to be a satire of Eighties culture. It's good to know this going in because the message can get lost amidst the violence.

Jennifer Medicus

I'm here for The Right Stuff and Bull Durham. I saw Robocop many many years ago. I struggled with the violence so not sure what Cassie is going to do.

Happy Hanukkah

"Robocop because I made a promise" Eat that spinach! :-) :-)

Just Plain Bob

So glad you’re gonna watch The Right Stuff. It’s an amazing movie based on a terrific book written by the legendary Tom Wolfe about the early days of the space program. Can’t wait to see your reaction. I also HIGHLY recommend Space Cowboys, starring Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland and the one and only James Garner as aging former astronauts.

Just Plain Bob

I absolutely believe the opening scene in Top Gun: Maverick has to be an homage to the opening of The Right Stuff, although I’ve never heard anyone attached to TG acknowledge the connection.

Just Plain Bob

I agree 100%. It’s definitely a movie worthy of many re-watchings. I’ve seen it about a dozen times, have a blu ray copy of the film and am still looking forward to watching it when Cassie’s full length reaction comes out.


I agree on the Robocop bit. Verhoeven always puts multiple layers in his movies. Surface level it's just a fun (violent) over the top cool action movie, but underneath there is much more. Often this is not recognized. Same with Starship Troopers. I hope Cassie can appreciate it, but I fear this may not be one of her favourites as there is not much for her to hold on to. As a Dutchman I'm familiar with Verhoeven's earlier work. He made some great movies before coming to the US. Also after his US period. They may be hard to find, but for real cinema lovers and/or Verhoeven fans, you might want to seek them out. Start with Soldaat van Oranje/ Soldier of Orange and Zwartboek/Blackbook. Both WW2 movies.

Rick Williams

Carly, Happy Birthday! Almost 30. 😕

Rick Williams

Happy New Year, Cassie. I didn't think you were ever coming back. No more getting sick. You have to take care of yourself.

Glen Childs

Happy New Year Cassie & Carly, plus Happy Birthday to Carly!

Ricardo Alanis

I love RoboCop. Curious if you’re watching the theatrical or extended cut. The latter has a tad more gore/violence in a couple of sequences.

Doug Cook

As a NASA nerd for 50 years, (I had astronaut portraits hanging on my bedroom walls when I was a kid in the 60's), I remember looking so forward to the Right Stuff coming out in theaters. I also remember being highly disappointed in it. It's just too campy and they went for a comedic portrayal rather than historical. If I remember correctly, I think I walked out of the movie before it was over.

Just Plain Bob

If there’s a downside to loving something intensely and understanding it thoroughly, it’s that it can be difficult to derive pleasure from entertainment that depicts that thing you love. I spent more than twenty years as a fraud examiner and it drives me crazy every time I watch a crime drama tv show such as Law & Order and the motive for the crime is financial. Without exception, they open a box filled with documents and the answer to all their questions is right there on top. That’s a load of BS. My great uncle served as a trauma nurse in the South Pacific during WW2. He hated the tv show MASH because it didn’t depict trauma surgery or those involved in anything approaching a realistic light.


Happy New Year Cassie and Carly. Your channel gives me so much joy and I look forward to ever post. Congratulations on a great 2022 and I look forward to what you share in 2023.

Joseph M Sica

Hi Kassie! Hope you have a Rad 2023! Happy Birthday Carly! And yeah I'll have to say Robocop was one of the greats of the 80's!


Cassie, As a belated Christmas gift, you may want to watch for your own enjoyment " The HOMECOMING, A CHRISTMAS STORY, " The Heartwarming Holiday Movie, That Inspired "The Waltons" " Whatever you decide to do, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the creater of a truly excellent reaction channel.

Rosanne Stewart

I'm going to keep suggesting Seabiscuit until someone listens. I am 100% certain that both you and Carly would absolutely LOVE it.

'Pappy' Johnston

I know people like 'em, and that's cool, but they never really were, personally, my thing. 👍🏻🙂

Björn Karlsson

(OMG!!!! Here we go again 😬😬😬) I'm just wondering. Have you seen the swedish movie "Raus aus Åmål" (that's the german title of the movie) from 1998? It was quite popular back in 99-02 in Germany. "They" even did an opera version of the movie in Hamburg last year. 🙂 https://www.staatsoper-hamburg.de/en/schedule/event.php?AuffNr=501662


It's a good one. Part of my yearly tradition ever since it became available on the internet. At least put it on the list for next year.

Björn Karlsson

Ok. I will request Seabiscuit (the old or the new one 🤔) If you requests "Show me love". We have a deal. 🫡🤗And Cassie and Carly will loooooooooooooove that movie🫠🫠🫠 Ok done. The new one got a request

Rosanne Stewart

I had never heard of Show Me Love, but I looked it up and it seems charming! I would love to watch along with Cassie! So are requests to be made in a specific place? I always just comment on individual posts but maybe that's why mine never seem to gain traction! :)

Björn Karlsson

You do requests in "popcorn request". Just sign in (It's on the first page of this site among FAQ) You use the same password as you do here on Patreon 🙂

Björn Karlsson

Btw.... SML/FÅ is charming, cute and... and... the best movie I have ever seen, and I'm not a huge fan of swedish movies in general, and I'm swedish 🫠🫠🫠🫠 https://youtu.be/pJTa4EYcdy4 The subtitles in this "new" trailer is not the best. Hopefully it will be better in the new release later this year.

Troy Seva'aetasi

Bull Durham, my daughters (they were old enough) and I love this movie. It really helps that they are big baseball fans and played competitive fast pitch softball. We hope you will enjoy it also. 😁

Björn Karlsson

If you have problems with your popcorn request, just contact Planners. He will fix it 😀 Ask in the thread of FAQ/Start here.

Matt D

In August this year I turn the F word. I can’t believe I’m this old. Haha

Richard Maurer

Just reading the first sentence I wondered what you were going to turn the F word into.

Matthew S Graham

Him getting his hand blown off and the guy toxic waste guy getting splatted were pretty disturbing scenes.


You type really well for a four-year-old. (But seriously, join the club.)

Darren Gibson

No Robocop here. No ROTK on YouTube. I hope everything is ok Cassie 🤞😘