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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for 300 which will premiere tomorrow on YT. Hope you enjoy!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  



Enjoy my reaction as I watch 300 for the first time! 🎬 You can watch the full-length reaction to this movie on Patreon here: https://bit.ly/45IZqMv //🎉 P A T R E O N For all 400+ uncut, full-length movie reactions, early access and behind-the-scenes goodies check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/popcorninbed //📮 M A I L PO BOX 547, Provo UT 84603 I open the packages you send LIVE every few weeks! // 🚇 S U B S C R I B E https://www.youtube.com/c/popcorninbed?sub_confirmation=1 ~3 new videos every week! //👏 F O L L O W Cassie's Instagram: https://bit.ly/3OOTSJc Twitter: https://bit.ly/3KNVxO8 Facebook: https://bit.ly/3QLvcUP Reddit: https://bit.ly/3P6H42p TikTok: https://bit.ly/3smDxnE //👕 M E R C H https://www.popcorninbed.com //📖 C H A P T E R S 0:00 - Intro 3:08 - Reaction 31:56 - Review


Seth R

That must have been one hell of a cut down to not get demonized on YT


Excited! All the best for the NY Cassie.


Wow, Cassie is a Spartan woman! clip that thumbnail 😊


"He was not kneeling, he was being a trampoline!" Another great Cassie-ism 😄

Brent Petty

Narrator was Faramir from LOTR.


Knowing the real history and considering how accurate this movie was, relatively speaking, makes this movie that much better. Also helps to know that it was based on a comic and that the grotesque monsters and disfigured people were purposefully embellished to match the stories the Spartans told of this event.

Charles Woolman

Love your reaction, as always. I hate to say it, but I fear your pillowcase may have a hole. It is the only explanation for why the sensational Sister Team have not yet seen Cinderella Man. One of the best underdog movies out there. I’ll bet all my poutine that you will love it.

Joseph M Sica

Loved loved loved watching this w/ ya! I watched the whole movie w/ ya! Would be a shame to miss your reaction to the whole movie b/c of how good it was! I actually grew my hair long for 5 yearsish because of this movie! I saw those Spartans w/ long hair and had to do it even though the Marines would have ripped me a new hole! Kekek

Dissonant Bard

Fun Fact: King Xerxes from this is the same as the King Xerxes from the Book of Esther

Keith Boyd

I got to see this in theaters. But what made me laugh was that sitting next to me was 3 teenage girls and they were like "oh god look at that one" "Damn lookk at that guys abs" and "shit that one is super hot".

Tom Ocasek

That thumbnail reaction is great.

Happy Hanukkah

Tsk tsk, Cassie. How could you not invite Carly to watch this one with you? She must be so disappointed! :-)

Happy Hanukkah

"Come back with your shield or on it." You can either: 1. return victorious 2. "return" with your dead body being carried on your shield 3. return without your shield, having surrendered or fled. Number three is not an option. In other words, "Victory or death". The "then we will fight in the shade" line is even droller when you keep in mind that just standing there in battle gear and holding those heavy shields was an effort in itself, let alone doing so under the beating Mediterranean sun. Your arrows will blot out the sun? Gee, thanks! :-) These and several other lines are not just Hollywood quips. While we obviously cannot know what was actually said during these events, those lines come from ancient greek sources. [For further research: "laconic."]

Happy Hanukkah

Whole lot of fertilizer in this one. Thirteen in just this edit! :-) (I was going to write "fertilizing, but that just may have been misunderstood. :-) )

Gabriel L.

You probably won't remember this, but Captain Algren tells Katsumoto the story of the 300 near the end of The Last Samurai. So you have heard the short version of this tale before!

Scott Macaulay

I was surprised on re-watching this that I didn't really enjoy it as I did when it came out. It seemed really silly to me but that may be due to the many parodies and ripoffs that came out since, plus I was in the Army when this came out and it was shoved down our throats at every opportunity and every platoon had to be 'The Spartans" I have to remind myself too that this is told as from the Spartan's perspective, as a legend is told in any society. It's based on a true story but as a heavily embellished legend. The actual Spartan's were a very interesting lot tho. The truth is as interesting as the fiction.

Happy Hanukkah

I still enjoy re-watching this, but I was not enthused with the sequel (Rise of an Empire). It is debatable how much of this was due to it being actually worse and how much was due to a more-of-the-same factor. (The very same applies to Sin City.) For those who prefer their history fictionalized, there is the much more grounded historical novel Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield.


one-eyed narrator = Faramir from LOTR

Lamar Smith

Dearest Cassie, McKenzie and I want to send you something Texas-y for the next Live. When will it be?

Karen Campos

:( it's been taken down.

Happy Hanukkah

Oh no! Now I'll have no choice but to run out in this inclement weather to actually buy this movie! And here I thought I had pulled one over WB... 😒


I'm not a huge fan of this movie. The stretching of historical fact isn't that big a deal to me, but the movie looked fake. It took me right out of the movie and it hasn't held up well in my opinion.

Bill W


Brian Smith

youtube took it down

Christopher Carr

Why not just make it a cartoon to save making costumes etc.? Then the producers to hire the actors to do the exaggerated voice overs. This movie has got so much wrong. There were only 300 Spartans at Thermopylae but about 7000 other Greeks from other city states. Xerxes is ridiculous. I can usually appreciate filmatic license but this should have been a cartoon with SpongeBob, Patrick and Homer Simpson. That would be as close to reality as this piece of over acted ____.

Richard Maurer

These movie studios are so stupid about reaction videos. If anything they're promotion for their movies and are introducing older movies to new generations.

Tej Shah

Because this way you get millions of teenage boys and young men taking repeat trips to the cinema, and you make loads of money.


It's adapted from a graphic novel..

Bill W

Cassie, as you might guess, several of these scenes became popular pre-game battle cries/half-time rallying cries among football teams. "SPARTANS! WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION? AH-OOH AH-OOH!" and "TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!!!".

Richard Maurer

It was never meant to be close to reality. It's meant to be what it is, a stylized action film based on historic events. If you want close to reality watch a documentary.


It's funny you mention The Last Samurai, at the end. They actually reference the Battle of Thermopylae during the big battle in that movie too. Probably a good thing you didn't remember that part though since Algren said they were "dead to the last man" which might have been a bit of a spoiler (though as has been said virtually nothing else in this movie is historically accurate)

Connor P


Michael Scott

There is a documentary you might like on YouTube it's called The history of the world I guess

Björn Karlsson

"not anymore, there's a blanket" 😅😅

Richard Maurer

The real question is why is face-licking the symbol for "this guy's a pervert/rapist" in movies? I don't ever hear about face-licking perverts in real life. My best guess is that face-licking became a stand in for the more graphic things this kind of person would really be doing, which if they showed it would at best change the tone of the movie, and at worst put the movie into a whole other category altogether. But still, why did they chose face-licking?

Mike Lemon

Off topic- Watched Amal. Pretty good movie but I have one question- who has a big-ass loom in their living room? Is that a not-rare thing over there or is the director messing with my head?

Björn Karlsson

Aha!! 🤣🤣 well I think she works as an textile artist. They released a book in 99-00. https://images.app.goo.gl/vRZNhLoUbTFfQ8nZ9 I think that they explained it in that. Olof (Agnes dad) is an architect. 🤔🤔 and I don't think the loom is in the livingroom 😄🤔

Björn Karlsson

Hahaha I had to check up what a loom is when you asked 🤔🤪😬 It's actually not super rare here I think. Making carpets (rag rugs??) 🤔and stuff like that as a hobby 😄