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This was a quirky little movie, but I kind of loved it? Guys I can't believe I didn't recognize Andy from Shawshank as Nuke šŸ˜µ Not the movie I was expecting and maybe if it wasn't KC I wouldn't have liked it as much, but it was kind of different and fun! Hope you enjoy! 

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[YT Edit] Bull Durham (1988)


KauaiKeith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 06:14:49 Cassie should also know that there are different levels of minor league teams. Starting with Rookie leagues, players can be promoted to Class A (which the Durham Bulls were, then Class AA before getting to Class AAA (Triple A). Triple A players are just one step to the Majors. When Crash Davis was assigned to the Single A Durham Bulls, it was a real insult as he obviously was once promising enough for the Major League club he belonged to once had him at Triple A and was once called up to the big league club. Nobody his age is assigned to a Single A club. That explains his depression and unhappiness.
2023-01-20 02:42:03 Cassie should also know that there are different levels of minor league teams. Starting with Rookie leagues, players can be promoted to Class A (which the Durham Bulls were, then Class AA before getting to Class AAA (Triple A). Triple A players are just one step to the Majors. When Crash Davis was assigned to the Single A Durham Bulls, it was a real insult as he obviously was once promising enough for the Major League club he belonged to once had him at Triple A and was once called up to the big league club. Nobody his age is assigned to a Single A club. That explains his depression and unhappiness.

Cassie should also know that there are different levels of minor league teams. Starting with Rookie leagues, players can be promoted to Class A (which the Durham Bulls were, then Class AA before getting to Class AAA (Triple A). Triple A players are just one step to the Majors. When Crash Davis was assigned to the Single A Durham Bulls, it was a real insult as he obviously was once promising enough for the Major League club he belonged to once had him at Triple A and was once called up to the big league club. Nobody his age is assigned to a Single A club. That explains his depression and unhappiness.

Clay F

Tim Robbins looked so young (maybe in part because of his demeanor/acting). He was age 29 when the movie was filmed, Tim Robbins is now age 65. Kevin Costner is now age 68. Susan Sarandon is now age 77. Recommended Susan Sarandon movies: Dead Man Walking (1995) Thelma & Louise (1991). Good movies with Tim Robbins: Dark Waters (2019) Mystic River (2003) Shawshank Redemption (your first reaction on the channel as you mentioned) is my No. 3 favorite movie of all time (after GF 1 and GF2). Some Costner movies to consider: No Way Out (1987) McFarland, USA (2015) (inspirational sports drama) A Perfect World (1993) ("Clint Eastwood's haunting, ambiguous crime drama is smart and gritty, and features a bravura performance from Kevin Costner")


It was R rated, what did you expect? I saw it in the theater when it came out - No one was offended and everyone had a great time. Next time read a real review of the movie before you watch it.

Alex Tan

Speaking of Kevin Costner, I suggest Revenge (1990, directed by Tony Scott) & Waterworld (1995).

Yann LalibertƩ

This reaction makes me happy. I love this movie

Tim Raths

ā€œYeah? From what I hear you couldnā€™t hit water if you fell out of a fā€™n boat.ā€ One of the greatest movie insults of all time. šŸ˜…

Brian Jones

Easily the best and most realistic baseball film ever made. So many classic and quotable lines.


Andy Dufresne, my name is Dances with Wolves and I'm your new catcher

Bill Hayden

Tin Cup is a great Kevin Costner sports-rom-com. It's like the replacements, but with a different sport. Then there is "Chariots of Fire" a great sports movie. Multiple Academy Awards.

nick bell

A few more Costners... OPEN RANGE JFK SILVERADO


Honestly not a fan of either of those movies. Like No Way Out much better

Jason Dolan

Fun fact Kurt Russell developed this movie for years as a vehicle for him and woke up one day and saw Kevin Costner was attached to star!

Joon S

Costner is a baseball fanatic in real life. Also, I second Tin Cup as another great Costner sports movie.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Kevin Costner is a HUGE baseball fan. He went to college at Cal State Fullerton and for a long time I thought he actually played on the baseball team. He didn't, but apparently it's easy to make that mistake because according to their manager, he was at every game and such a booster he was practically on the team. Minor league games sound fun, I've been meaning to go to one, the local team here is the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, they're part of the Dodgers' farm system. Cheap tickets and cheap beer compared to Dodgers Stadium, plus I'm a lot less likely to get stabbed in the parking lot šŸ˜† just kidding I'm a Dodgers fan but it can be tough to get to the park, and who knows, might see the next great player at one of those minor league games. Man I love this movie. Whoever wrote this really understands baseball, the most superstitious of all sports, it's a quirky movie about a quirky sport.


This movie is tied with me for my favorite baseball movie (the other being The Sandlot) and I think of my dad who got me into baseball. He and I played baseball back in high school and catcher so this movie reminds me of my dad cause he talks like Crash. It so funny how the little idiosyncrasies of not messing with streaks and the stupid stuff you'd talk on the mound is true. One of my favorites.

Michael Enos

I will always be in love with Susan Sarandon.. probably as much as you love young Kevin Costner. šŸ¤£. And watching you moon over Kevin Costner was so cute and made my night. This is one of those movies that gives you just a little bit more . Just when you think it's over. I always thought it was odd that Sarandon and Robbins actually had a serious relationship for years because they met on this movie, while it was her and Costner that burned the house down with their chemistry. Your reactions are the best.. hope you're feeling better.. Carly needs to see this one.


A sports movie with love that you'd love is Cinderella Man. Excellent reaction, as always! Stay awesome!

Michael Enos

And it does seem like the 2 things Kevin Costner likes to do more than anything is Baseball and being a Cowboy.


I'm waiting for Cassie and Carly to react to Cinderella Man and Seabiscuit. IMO are two of the greatest sports movie of all time.

Just Plain Bob

Time now for Kevin Costnerā€™s best film, Silverado.

Keith Jones

This is part 2 in the Costner baseball trifecta 1-"Field of Dreams" is a homage to the fan, 2-"Bull Durham" homage to the minors, and 3-"For Love of the Game" homage to the majors. You need to finish the trilogy! Also hitting is the hardest thing to do in sports and if talking to yourself helps...talk. What else can you fail at 70% of the time and be one of the best? And as a fan of a minor league team (Go Fireflies!) we see players go up and down all the time, you learn not to get to attached, pull for the team, not a player. Thanks for a great reaction to a fav of mine, take care of yourself, that cough says you are not 100% yet.

Paul Ark

I may be in a very tiny minority here, but I think Wyatt Earp is one of KC's best films.

Andrew Rose

I'll throw in a vote for Tin Cup as well... another great Costner classic!!

Andrew Rose

Hope you're feeling better Cassie, we missed ya but we can miss you for a little while longer if it helps you get better. :)

Robert da Spruce

Robert Wuhlā€™s character cracks me up! šŸ˜‚ Cassie, not sure if youā€™re aware, but Tim Robbins(Nuke) and Susan Sarandon(Annie) were a couple for over 20 years after meeting on Bull Durham. Unfortunately, theyā€™re no longer together.

Sean Novack

Cassie, since this is one of my favorite films to introduce people to the game of baseball, it's also a great movie to see reactions to. I've NEVER seen a better reaction than yours. Even though you didn't "get" all the baseball ideas, you COMPLETELY "got" the movie. Thanks for starting out the year right! Remember, you just have to take these one day at a time, and the good Lord willing, everything will work out. ;-)

Zachary Carter

I'd love to see a Silverado reaction if you're in the mood for more young Kevin Kostner

Jacob Colson

If you dig this, definitely check out Tin Cup!

Henry Graham

I adore this movie. So witty, so romantic, so lived-in. A despatch from the bygone age when studios made intelligent movies starring adult characters with real desires.

Henry Graham

The next film Cassie needs to experience on her Costner journey is A Perfect World, especially as Clint Eastwood has also become something of a Cassie fave!

Rick Williams

Quirky and different are good ways to describe it. I haven't seen it since it first came out. I will watch your reaction tonight after work an see what it's like all these years later.

Rick Williams

That will be a different Costner movie for Cassie. I think she will like it. Eastwood and Costner are such good actors and always a joy to watch.

Rick Williams

Speak for yourself. She's already been gone forever. šŸ˜£ She just needs to stop running around so much. It runs her down and leaves her open for all the nasty germs and viruses. She needs to spread the travel out some. Now to get better. She needs to stay home and relax. Take vitamins and go to bed early.

Rick Williams

Cassie & Carly would like Cinderella Man. Seabiscuit I don't know. I have never seen it.


A lot of sexyphone in this movie. A lot of great quotes.

Andrew Hogan

Ahh, nice to be back again. Happy New Year. This isnā€™t my favorite baseball movie, but I enjoy it. Iā€™ll definitely echo what everyone else is saying here to give Tin Cup a watch. Heā€™s also great in JFK, 13 Days, No Way Out and Iā€™ve heard rave reviews about his show Yellowstone.

Cliff Endicott

Most people think that this or "Field of Dreams" is Costner's best sports-related film. I love "Bull Durham", but I am one of the few that thinks "For Love of the Game" is his most enjoyable, heart-string-plucking sports film. Having been a tremendous baseball fan my whole life, I love that "For Love of the Game" isn't about a guy that is trying to make it - it's about a guy that has made it, done it all, and is at the end of a long career, trying for one last great moment. It has a reality that most sports movies don't capture (even if it is very Hollywood). Doesn't hurt that my biggest ever movie star crush (Kelly Preston, who I fell for in "Mischief" in 1985) is the love interest, and their relationship is a complex and complicated as a real one. And John C. Reilly was BORN to play a catcher.... Can't wait until you do that one Cassie.


I was never a fan of this film. I found it really tough to watch to the end. I canā€™t understand why itā€™s bought up as one of the great baseball films

brooke atkins

Geez back off!! Maybe not tell a grown adult how to live her life or what she should or should t be doing. Wow so rude!!

Celeste McAllister

Quirky to say the least Annie was well versed in the metaphysical philosophy of the times,Great job reacting Cassie the looks you gave us during the more risquĆ© moments was priceless..the music,the clothing this is one of the time capsule movies from the mid-80's,the style of the day long sleeve button down shirts,jeans and sport coats..looking like my dad before my time!šŸ˜€šŸ˜Ž more KC Cassie! Eventually we're going to get a reaction to that guilty pleasure called 'WaterWorld' ā¤

Lamar Smith

Dearest Cassie, when is the next Live event (opening presents)? McKenzie and I want to send you something Texas-y. Do you have any nut allergies?

Jon Freezin-Rain

Not actually a Costner fan, and Wyatt Earp doesn't hold up next to Tombstone IMO. I like to say my favorite Costner role was in "The Big Chill" šŸ˜‰ (Yes, a Joke) truth? "No Way Out" is my favorite


I'd be down for a "Waterworld" reaction. It's a lot better than its reputation indicates. (Of course, the king of underrated Costner movies is "The Postman," and I'm adamant about that. Yes, that one has some missteps. But it also did a lot of things admirably well, and it was pretty ambitious.)

Mike LL

No Way Out is a great thriller for Kevin Costner the same way The Firm was a great thriller for Tom Cruise. And they both have Gene Hackman. Yes, I think Cassie would like No Way Out.

Mike LL

My guilty confession is that Durham is just the next county over from where I was born and lived most of my life, but I have never gone and seen the Bulls play. I did enjoy them mentioning some real local landmarks like Northgate Mall, and even though the Bulls play in a new stadium, Durham Athletic Park where they filmed this movie is still there. I guess I should never mention that I live just a few miles from the arena where the Carolina Hurricanes play, and I've never seen them either. Just not a sports going person, but I love movies, and I loved this reaction. You always feel a connection with the characters Costner play, and it was great to see Cassie react to a more down to earth and gritty romantic story.


Cassie said she was planning to watch Cinderella Man on one of her live streams. Seabiscuit is a great film, and I highly recommend watching it. It's also set during the Great Depression and stars Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, William H. Macy, and excellent narration by David McCullough.

Odd Thomas

Not my favourite baseball movie tbh

Odd Thomas

Waterworld is such an underrated movie. Mad Max on water. I think Cassie would enjoy it!

Mike Lemon

People, people, people. It's golf, the scores should go down if you want it to do better.

Jesus F Christ

You could save For the Love of the Game for opening day 2023 this spring. Carly would like it too. Edit: Opening day this year is March 30th.

Rick Williams

Great Reaction Cassie. Good movie. Thanks for having me revisit it. I enjoyed seeing this movie again. And I enjoyed your reaction. Welcome back. I am glad you are feeling better. But, take it easy. You still have a little cough. Don't over do it and get sick again.

Mike McLaughlin

factoid.. Susan Sarandon met Tim Robbins while making this movie and began a 21 year relationship that yield a couple of kids.. Also Tim Robbins was in Top Gun.. He played pilot call-sign 'Merlin' He took Goose's place in the final scene where Maverick saves the day..


Great to have you back Cassie. This one was fun. Somehow this is one that I had never seen in spite of it being mentioned lots since it came out in the 80s. I think the right word that you used was quirky. In certain parts I thought that the cursing and risque parts of it might have ruined the fun for you but it was good it seems. In some ways it reminded me of a baseball version of the Paul Newman classic Slapshot


What a great reaction! I love that movie and haven't watched it in a while, so thank you. The same writer/director did another movie with Costner - Tin Cup. It's also sports - golf - and while it isn't necessarily;y as smart, it is a really fun romantic comedy. You should check it out sometime.

Alan Kobb

Well, Cassie, you know that I was bugging you to see this ever since it scored a near-miss in a poll last year. It's about time! I also told you that you'd love it, and I could see it all over your face! Now, of course, you can tell your sister that she missed a movie that she will love too. I'm very happy that you kept this on your list, and finally got to it, and I really enjoyed your reaction. My only disappointment is that you didn't do this during baseball season! Oh well... Thanks for a great evening!

Brian Jones

@Mike Lemon - Not if you've seen the film. If I remember correctly it would be more like a +12. :)

John Cranberry

I found this movie so boring and uneventful...

Jeffrey Smith

Another great reactionā€¦really enjoyed it, thank you. Costners character I can really relate to on a lesser scale. I played baseball from a young age through high school. While I wasnā€™t Blessed with the talent to take it much further than that , I had 2 teammates that were and went pro. Played several years in the Mayors each. I will still echo some of the comments here that ā€œFor the Love of the gameā€ is a great movie. Probably his best baseball movie. Tells a story from a great and unique perspective. Has some romance as well. Tin Cup another great Costner movie and arguably his best rom/com kind of role. Thank you again!


That movie tried to be cute. it's hard to be cute with the amount of blasphamey spewing forth every minute. my profanity filter. threw up it's hands, unpinned itself from the chrome app bar and was last seen hitching a ride to a easier movie like natural born killers or pulp fiction. i held out till the let's pray part. naw fam. it gets a imdb 2 stars. She said the woman was quirky. Harley quin would be considered quirky compared to that woman. she was batbleep crazy. not quirky. i Will give it this...it did foul mouthed raunch perfectly lol. in fact. that movie was so bad i am thinking of going back and giving shawshank a 9 and dances with wolves an 8 and because he was the main culprit, field of dreams a 9, Having said that... can't wait for the next reaction.


I have watched the sandlot prolly 100 times. for the longest time it was my Sleep Movie. it's like close to the perfect movie. you didn't like field of dreams?

Bjƶrn Karlsson

I know a movie that didn't try to be cute. It just happened. You know the story šŸ˜‡

Brent Baggaley

Hi Cassie! Happy New Year! I am glad you enjoyed this movie. It is one of my favorite sports comedies/romances of the 1980s. I think that what makes it special is that the writer and director, Ron Shelton, played minor league baseball, so he brought his own experience of the quirky details to the script. He also wrote two other sports comedies/romances: "White Men Can't Jump" which is about amateur basketball with Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes; and "Tin Cup" with Kevin Costner again about golf. In his sports movies, the main point is not about winning the championship, but about growing up and finding True Love. Happy New Year!


I do like field of dreams (even read the book it's based off of) but I feel it's movie about father and son with baseball as a backdrop. Still a great movie though and would be in my top 10 sports movies list for sure


Cassie: I noticed you reacted to two (2) Clint Eastwood films . If you are looking for other Clint Eastwood films that he both directed and starred in you may wish to consider " The Outlaw Josey Wales"(1976) (Highly Recommend) and High Plains Drifter (1973) both American Westerns. He has appeared in over 60 films so you have a large catalog of work to choose from if you enjoy his work. He is 92 and still going strong.

Scott Macaulay

I never actually have seen this myself! It was quirky. It was really cute when Cassie said it wasn't natural for Kevin Costner to swear.

Jeff Milcheck

Finally watched this reaction. Loved it! And glad you loved it! itā€™s not just my favorite baseball movie itā€™s one of my favorite films of all time. Just a perfect little movie in all aspects. The films director, Ron Shelton actually played a little minor league ball and put a lot of things he experienced there into the film. Heā€™s since been known for writing and directing sports related films. A lot of people here are recommending Tin Cup. And while Iā€™m sure youā€™d love it because of Kevin Costner, Iā€™d rather you checked out his second best movie ā€œWhite Men Canā€™t Jumpā€. A basketball movie starring a really young Woody Harrelson.

Tim Raths

Sheā€™s actually watched three Eastwood films. Gran Torino The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly In the Line of Fire

Jeff Milcheck

Also, you kept saying how Nuke looks ā€œterribleā€ while heā€™s pitching. The thing that made him such a good baseball prospect was how hard he threw. Itā€™s rare someone can throw a baseball 100 mph, and the ones who do, sometimes struggle with control. Hence all the wild pitches. In that aspect this had a plot line very similar to the film Major League as Charlie Sheen in that film had a crazy fastball but little control over it. So in both films, they brought in a veteran catcher to help him outā€¦. To quote the manager from Major League, ā€œthis guys throws a ton! Teach him some control before he kills somebody!ā€


I'm with you Cassie, I went from where is this going? then it rounded second with quirky, followed by hilarity and ended with a touching saucy ending. By the way, Tim Robbins was also in Top Gun (Merlin).

Jeff Milcheck

One more thing: you said Susan Sarandon looked to be about 42 years old in this film. I was curious so I looked it up. She was exactly 42 years old! Tim Robbins was 30. They ended up hooking up on this film and had a decades long relationship that produced a couple of kids.

Shawn Kildal

I couldn't help but notice that she was talking about the Costner movies she liked and failed to include Robin Hood Prince of Thieves in her list.

Alan Kobb

By the way, this is minor league baseball. The players are paid, and these teams act as a training organization, with all the players hoping to someday make it to the major leagues. There are over 100 minor league baseball teams around the US. Near me in New Jersey, for example, are the Somerset Patriots. On just about any game day during the season I can drop by after work and for a $15 ticket I can watch a baseball game and a bit more gets me dinner. It's a great way to have a fun afternoon or evening with the kids. In most parts of the US there is a minor league baseball park a close drive to you, and tickets are cheap, particularly on weekdays, so it's a good, easy, fun thing to do with the kids. I think you're in Utah, so look on the Internet for the Salt Lake Bees. You probably won't see too much of Kevin Costners, but plenty of Nuke-wannabes.

Brian Jones

Open Range is HIGHLY underrated, and IMPO one of the better modern westerns.


Watching Bull Durham and reading this post just bummed me out. My local minor league team, which was founded in 1941, folded after the 2016 season. The stadium faced into the setting sun so all the games started late enough for my friends to be able to get off work and go to a game once or twice a week. It was so fun to be able to spend $20 for front row seats on the 1st base line and watch some baseball. Apparently funding fell through on a new stadium so the team folded. They replaced it with an amateur team, but that is unwatchable. The one time we went to that, we left after 3-1/2 hours and it was still only the 5th inning. There were so many errors, fly outs that became triples because the outfielders were slow, and general sloppiness that it just made me sad to watch after having seen Mike Piazza, Raul Mondesi, Pedro Martinez, Eric Karros, and Hideo Nomo play on that same field.

RJ MacReady

You should react to The Postman.