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Whoaaaa, what a ride!!! First of all, the acting and story telling in this show is AMAZING. I feel like I've known Rust and Marty for a loooong time. I do love a good detective show, however I don't think the me 2 years ago would dare watch this haha. It's definitely super dark and disturbing, but captivating at the same time. Thanks for following a long with me for S1, hope you guys enjoyed!

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[Full Reaction] True Detective S1:7-8


Just Plain Bob

If you want something light and sweet to wash down the cup of bitterness that is True Detective, I highly recommend Pushing Daisies.


I know the overall message is that you can't get them all, but I hate the show never went into more about Maggie's father. He was 100% involved with the cult and Marty's girls were exposed to it when they were young. I remember that being the biggest let down with fans when this ended. That it was never addressed.

Christopher Smith

I would also suggest Pushing Daisies. Bright colors, P.I. murder mysteries, romance, Chi McBride makes a crochet gun holster, and lots of yummy looking pies.


I haven't watched the reaction yet (can't wait! ee!), but I agree with Robert and Christopher - I think Pushing Daisies would be a perfect antidote to the bummer of this season ending for you, Cassie.

Scott Macaulay

Yay! My Friday night is set! Don't worry, Cassie, this is fiction and as a true crime buff, cult style murders like this are pretty rare...that we know of. Season 1 seems to be base on an old fiction book called "The King in Yellow" A series of stories that drove the reader mad supposedly. NO one actually went mad...That we know of.....

Jon Johns

Okay, 1) I second (third?) Pushing Daisies, one of the few things where Lee Pace is not a villain. (But it would never get any views on YouTube :-( 2) I would like to push for BBC series, Sherlock (not the Robert Downey Jr. Movie that you've seen) and 3) I am giddy with excitement over bond movies coming. Fingers crossed that they get the views and new subscribers, and this community continues to debate (and even argue) about the actors, movies, and Bond in general. It's a passionate fan base. #LuvYaMeanIt

Jon Johns

I do believe Cassie got the Pushing Daisies boxed set, I don't know where to find it streaming in the U.S. -- I think she'd love that series.

Jon Johns

The production design of Pushing Daisies is wild and wonderful. It is, at it's heart, a beautiful love story, it's fun, quirky, wild, interesting, compelling, clever, and endearing. I've never seen anything like it before, or since. A true original.

Jon Johns

BBC Sherlock is Bandersnatch Cumberpants, and Martin Freeman (who played Bilbo in the Hobbit trilogy, and the US Agent in Black Panther) the 'seasons' are only 3 episodes long (but around 90 minutes each) and is a sort of soft reboot of the old traditional Sherlock Holmes stories. Cassie, I think you've seen the TV show "House M.D."? Dr. House is basically Sherlock Holmes, so his character is familiar to you, even if you don't realize it.

Anthony Perez

In the first or second episode...when they interview some woman...there is a picture of a little girl surrounded by men on horseback wearing animal masks

Stick Figure Studios

Well done, Cassie. You made it. I know it was tough, but it was worth it (and rest assured it's not a true story). It's a dark show, but remember... "the light's winning." Also, watch out for those mirrors. They'll get you. :-)

Ben Livingstone

It occurs to me this is a sword and sorcery scenario. A barbarian who's too violent for society teams up with a mystic who doesn't believe in mysticism, to do battle against a sorcerer who is using innocent lives to further his goal of ascension to godhood. The Robert W. Chambers references fit in well with all that!

Gábor Árki

Sherlock is a great one indeed. I liked the first season, but the second is truly brilliant and so is the third. As for Bond, I'm excited too. My plan for tonight is to watch Dr. No given there will be no reaction. I'm confident they will get decent views despite being older movies. It's a different audience, but they do pretty well viewership-wise on another, smaller YT channel. The first three performed well above the channel average, with Dr. No having the highest of them. And even the later entries tend to perform around channel average views. The classic ones are an untapped market for sure, most reactors tend to watch only the Craig ones.

Brent Petty

I requested the BBC Sherlock series to her in an email a while back, and she replied that she has watched all or part of it already.

Larry Darrell

I remember reading some negative reviews about the Finale when it came out and another reviewer summed up why people were upset. It was because they found out they were just watching an old fashioned Buddy Cop show. Thought that was funny. That’s what I liked about it. No matter how dark it got or how deep into the case it got, the heart of the show was always Marty & Rust’s Journey together.


I don't know where popular opinion is leaning these days concerning the rest of the series, but I'm of the mind that watching the following seasons is worthwhile. I remember the criticism for S2 was not totally without merit but I thought that the direction they went with it was another interesting avenue of detective work and great TV just like S1 Either way great reaction. Looking forward to the rest of the month!


If you want to watch an infinitely lighter show, assuming that you haven't already seen it that is, I can wholeheartedly recommend Ted Lasso on Apple TV+

Brent Petty

Sadly, she has also watched a season or two of Stranger Things, but she said she stopped because it was too scary. So that rules out ST and Supernatural. My vote is for John Adams or Generation Kill.

Joshua s. Jackson

You should watch the "Wednesday" series on Netflix. It's a fun show.


have to have to have to have to watch THE LAST OF US!

Odd Thomas

Sharp Objects with Amy Adams. It's only 6 episodes, not as grim as True Detective, and it's brilliant.

Wes Stewart

I’d like to recommend The Good Lord Bird (2020) mini series. I don’t know anyone else that’s watched it but Ethan Hawke is outstanding in it.


as technically inaccurate as it is, think: Fiction = False = just a story!

Mike LL

Wow that is a great insight into this series that I have never seen before. Well done!

Rick Williams

That was a wild ride. Great acting. I didn't know if you were going to make through the last episode. Good job. That was a heavy, dark stuff. Great reaction. Watch out for your foot, Cassie.

Cole Jennett

One vote for The Newsroom!

Mega Reacts

Great reactions! You have to watch Ed TV. Harrelson and McConaughey play brothers. A fun comedy but their chemistry is just as good as in True Detective.

Sindre Kristiansen

I rewatched your Shawshank Redemption reaction today, and wow(!) what an incredible journey it’s been. You’ve grown quite a lot in regards to reaction, but also technical aspects, what you can stomach etc. I loved the reactions way back then and even more so now. Best reactor imo and I’m so looking forward to seeing you finish season 1 of TD 🙌🏻 Have a great weekend, Cassie and everyone here 💙


That montage showing marty and rusts dull single lives hit me particularly hard lol

TinCan Cosmanaut

WHITE LOTUS IS AMAZING. Please please consider it.

Brennan Flora

This is the 3rd time I've watched this season, but the first time I really saw Rust's redemption. It is so great to watch things with different sets of people so that you can discover what you wouldn't see on your own. I don't think I would have found these thoughts if not for Cassie's insistence that a happy ending is always possible (such a wonderful and endearing quality). I think this notion of time being a never-ending circle terrifies Rust to the point that he'll go headfirst into anything that might break the cycle. He'd literally rather not exist at all than to face the thought of eternity. Then he has this encounter with his daughter who doesn't blame him the way that he blames himself. He feels this love that was so incredibly lost to him--that he feared if he felt it again, the cycle would only take it from him again and again and again. I think his return--his "I shouldn't be here"--is proof to him that time is not a *perfect* circle. Perhaps there's the possibility of bends and breaks or that the hypothesis is entirely wrong. His *admission* that the light is winning is evidence that maybe he has begun the healing process. A self-proclaimed pessimist, his comment is optimistic. He even tells Marty: You're looking at it *wrong*. So, Cassie, look what you've done. You've given Rust about as happy an ending as he could suffer. He got to feel his daughter's love, he won a friend, and hope might finally have a grip on him. Not a bad night's work.

Anthony Perez

I am so glad that PIB reacted to this because I would not have watched it myself. And it was amazing...Rust was so broken...I was tearing up in the last few minutes. But when you think about it...at least now Rust knows that his daughter will be waiting for him. Cassie you have changed in the last two years...you're right, you would have never watched this back in the beginning of PIB. Watch out for mirrors. They are portals into other realms. Or you're just a nut who is scared of her own toes. I did not want to tell you this...but in the scene where the bad guy is telling his father he needs to be hosed down...right as he walks away...on wall behind the father to the right of screen...I swear it says CASSIE...not kidding.

Aaron Mann

Such a great and thought provoking series. Rust and Marty were an extremely interesting character study. I'm so glad you finally watched this. If you're still in the mood for another detective series, please consider Mare of Easttown. It's another HBO mini series with Kate Winslet as the lead, playing a small town detective. It's a quick 7 episodes, so shouldn't be a huge commitment for the channel.

Shawn Kildal

My top 3 TV suggestions are 1) Fargo, 2) The Mare of Easttown, and 3) Waco. I think Cassie would be totally completely immersed and captivated by all 3. My pipedreams are Deadwood and Homeland but I don't see that ever happening. I do think the other 3 are perfect for her though.

Shawn Kildal

I hope Matthew McConaughey wasn't trying to quit smoking before doing this series.

David Murray

The videotape and the microwaved baby weren't enough for them? Deary me

ryan sims

i love this channel, new patron!!!

ryan sims

must do christopher nolan movies next

Mike LL

My pipe dream is The Wire but I agree on Fargo first two seasons.


Sharp Objects is the best follow-up!

Jeff I.

Going to recommend Sharp Objects a well! It's only 8 episodes and really good.


Wonder if youve seen big little lies. More lighthearted compared to TD and is really good. Acting is top notch

David Murray

Maybe it was subtly addressed by Marty saying that his biggest sin was inattention 🤔

Larry Darrell

How do you not like the Opening Titles? The song is catchy. Must be the visuals. The song is "Far from Any Road," by The Handsome Family. They were not affiliated with the creators of the show and did not create the song for the show. Brett and Rennie Sparks, Husband and Wife, formed the band in 1993, and had had only minor to moderate success, up until people affiliated with the show emailed them about using one of their songs from an album 10 years earlier. Because of True Detective, Millions of people got to hear their song, and were introduced to The Handsome Family. Also, licensing music for shows and movies is one of the few ways non-mainstream Musicians even make money these days. Here is a clip of Brett and Rennie Sparks talking about how their song wound up on True Detective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkDOFflCvwE

Phillip Ribbink

That's actually quite an interesting way of looking at it. Since Robert E. Howard who was a big contributor to the Sword and Sorcery scenario. Was friends with H.P. Lovecraft who was considered the creator of the genre we call Weird Fiction. Both Lovecraft and Howard were fans of Chambers' work as I recall. And the two authors often borrowed each other's ideas. Howard included a few alien beings from Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos (which many now regard the King in Yellow to be a part of) in his own stories. Side note, while it might not be Cassie's cup of tea, I'd be interested to see Cassie's reaction to Conan the Barbarian from 1982.

Shawn Kildal

I wonder if Season 2 would be considered. Cassie did say Rachel McAdams is her favorite actress and she loves Taylor Kitsch (Riggins from Friday Night Lights).

Christopher B.

Just to continue my one-note broken-record mentality: Cassie, if you're looking for a show that is much more uplifting and will leave you smiling, there's always "From the Earth to the Moon". It really captured the spirit and drive of humanity's need to explore beyond our boundaries, and how we feel in our very souls its reward.

Michael Hawk

No, Cassie. You are not supposed to take out the blade unless you are ready to pack the hole with something else to control the bleeding, or leaving the blade in will make the hole worse.

Jim Finley

Oof. Not exactly a Chamber of Commerce "Come to Beautiful Louisiana" ad! This one will stay with me for a long time - very, very dark and very, very good. The ending was absolutely beautiful, and Rust's feeling that connection with his daughter giving him hope was powerful. That wrecked me. My grandson was killed when he was nine - I was more like a father than a grandfather to him, and I've often wondered about that experience people have described of being reunited with loved ones who have died before them - that is my fondest hope, to see him again, along with my parents, one brother who has died, and some good friends. When you said that it was a little dagger in the heart that it wasn't tied to the Tuttles, it was like an echo of the ending of Chinatown.

Clay F

I liked your thought of Marty and Rust going forward being PI's together. The depiction of their connection at the end of episode 8 was cool. Would have been nice if everyone one of those men wearing an aninmal mask in that video would have been nailed, but the series was about much more than that. I like the way season one arguably ended with a sense of hope. "If you ask me, the light is winning." Season 2 - I watched years ago and liked it. I realized then that Rachel McAdams is truly a good actor and not just a pretty face. She was raw. Collin Farrell was also good. Further, has "Tim Riggins". Season 3 - For some reason, I quit watching after 3 or 4 episodes.