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Hey guys! Here is the YT for Galaxy Quest, which will hopefully premiere at some point today. YT is giving me lots of trouble with this one and we're on our 8th attempt of getting it to pass copyright checks. I'm uploading directly to Patreon video so we shouldn't have any issues here. Hope you enjoy!



Celeste McAllister

Never give up,never surrender..Words to live by!! I have to admit that this was a great cast they worked well off each other..thanks Cassie,"Weeee Neeeed youuurr Helllp"

Neill Shaughness

I am so down to see your take on Star Trek

Nathan Swapp

I LOVE that you said "topo gigio" for the Santa Clause reference. My family always said that specific name too when talking about it. Although we always pronounced it like Popo Shisho

Jesus F Christ

Any chance you could reupload Dune straight to Patreon? There's currently no way to watch it because it was on Vimeo.


Hans Gruber secretly escaped and then went undercover as a disgruntled actor

Nathan Swapp

A lathe is large piece of shop machinery that spins material very quickly and a blade cuts it into a shape. Things like baseball bats or table legs are made on them. Obviously it's a terrible weapon to try to build but that's a reference to an old 1960s episode of Star Trek when Kirk makes a rudimentary cannon out of a log.

Kristin D

Loved this reaction, so perfect, and DH and I wish we could see it again for the first time. We love it now just as much as we loved it then. Given that you mentioned you might move up Star Trek on your list, my husband and I felt that it would be the best experience to watch some episodes before the movies. We picked 10 episodes from what we consider the best of the Original Series (ones that we thought you would like specifically) and that also are a good overall representation of the show. 1. Devil in the Dark 2. Trouble with Tribbles 3. City on the Edge of Forever 4. Space Seed (see this before Movie #2) 5. Amok Time 6. A Piece of the Action 7. Mirror Mirror 8. Journey to Babel 9. A Taste of Armageddon 10. The Enterprise Incident

Richard Bourne

Sigourney Weaver is like six feet tall. She is looking great in this movie.


Yes you should definitely move Star Trek up your list. And while you’re in the fake documentary/satire mode I’d love to see you react to This is Spinal Tap, the first film directed by Rob Reiner (who also did Stand by Me, Misery, Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, A Few Good Men) and one of the greatest comedies ever.


What's so cute and endearing about this reaction is the fact that Cassie thought this would be a silly space movie. Only to find out that "Galaxy Quest is captivating, action-packed, and full of heart and drama. Making Cassie laugh, cry, sky punch and get goosebumps all in the span of 10 minutes. What a fun ride and I'm so glad Cassie trusted her Partron Kernels to guide her to a fun, awesome flicker show.

Maria Soberanis

My favorite parts of the movie are "let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!" And when Sigourney Weaver's mouth reads "F**k that!" And the audio is "screw that!" At the chompers

Kristin D

I swear that when I saw this in the theater it was the original audio, and later on when we watched it on DVD we noticed that her words had been edited.

Thomas Williamson

In an interview she said that people treated her differently when she was wearing the blond wig and the push-up bra. She used to put them on and go walking around just to see people's reactions.

Dan Waller

Time for Star Trek? “Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan” is the very best. Some of the best performances ever in a Sci Fi film.

Gideon James

Does anyone have a working copy of Cassie's Halloween reaction and The Force Awakens? The current one does play properly and TFA isn't even available on here at this time. Thanks in advance.

Brian McGovern

I just watched a documentary on Galaxy Quest, produced by Screen Junkies. I am so glad I did because it confirmed my belief that when this originally screened, it was presented in 3 different ratios. Unfortunately, that is lost on all media distributions now. The first ratio was your normal 4:3 tv ratio for the tv show clips. When that ended, it went into 1:85 from the convention scenes, right up to the point where Jason is transferred back to earth. As the doors open up revealing the background of space, it goes into 2:35 ratio and remains like that for the rest of the movie. I also suspect PiB copyright issues may be due to the length. At 41 minutes, it appears to be one of the longest ones out there. There are not a lot out there either. The longest surviving one is JustSumm rewatch. Theirs is just shy of 30 mins and they do about a 10 to 15 outdo, so about 15 min of footage. They tend to reverse their images as well. “ Just FYI”

Michael Scoggins

Why is it none of the patreon edit have closed-captioning? First edits on YouTube don’t have it either. But then later it shows up on YouTube with closed-captions. This is something I need since I am hard of hearing.


Hi Michael! At this time, Patreon Video does not offer closed captioning in their videos, but I believe it is something they are working on. Patreon Video is still in beta/early access and not all Patreon creators have access to it. - KL (PIB Mod)

Gabriel L.

Oh, that is a cool detail. It's too bad the current releases don't follow suit!

Jesus F Christ

All those are a really good representation of TOS, good picks! I'd add The Doomsday Machine and Balance of Terror to bring it to a dozen.

Ria Grix

Remember the Captain of the Enterprise… you know, the guy in the wheelchair. There’s a new franchise, X-Trek! 😆

Ross Warshaw

As written in the script, the aliens had no real personality or "schtick;" it was to be developed later. When Enrico Colantoni (Keith Mars) was hired, he played around with a way to move and talk. The crew loved it so much, they decided to have the other alien actors emulate him. The entire Thermian race owes it's identify to Keith Mars.


The way in which you (Cassie) were saying "punch it" to the pilot on the deck of this fictitious space ship.... it sounded suspiciously similar to Captain Pike's orders to Mr. Sulu on the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek... I think you're quite familiar with Star Trek... LOL :)

Bert Towle

Miners! Not minors!


Now I want to know: what did Veronica Mars do???

Story Archer

Probably shouldn't say this, but the entire time Laredo was taking the ship out for the first time, I was thinking Cassie could probably relate to him better than anyone.

Mike LL

Of course Galaxy Quest is another way of saying Star Trek or vice versa.


A lot of people miss this for some reason. It's one of my favorite parts lol


why does cassie refuse to promote veronca mars becuase of that they did? what did they do? i have to know!

Jesus F Christ

"Look around you. Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?" is my favorite line in the movie.


I've never seen that show but now I need to know!! I immediately started googling the show trying to find out lol


Maybe it was the way the movie ended with Logan Echolls. Not the happy ending that cassie usually likes.

Bill W

I can't find any controversy regarding the show except that some fans were unhappy about the way the 4th and final season ended.

Bill W

I prefer to think of him as Elliot DiMauro. (from Just Shoot Me) =D

Bill W

The only controversy I can find is that some fans were not happy with the way they ended the 4th (and final) season.

Happy Hanukkah

"Makes me want to move Star Trek up my list." No objection, but when it comes to the TOS original TV show, do remember your reaction at 3:13. 32:54 That's funny, you don't look Portuguese! :-) (And for a general rant not directed at this channel, I absolutely hate it when websites hijack browser functionality, as Patreon seems to have done with ctrl-F.)

Bill W

5'-11" - close enough, but Missi Pyle (Laliari) is listed at 6'-0". Always a hottie.

Sean colenso

This was Alan Rickman's most underrated movie

David Guin

It "Looks like Utah" because it is. Those scenes were shot in Goblin Valley (Green River), Utah . . . .

Ken Havran

You hit this nail squarely on the head! When Alan Rickman's character finally says the phrase he hated, finally meaning it.

Mike Melfa

Yes, it ended with a very controversial character death. I’m sure Cassie was not a fan.

Happy Hanukkah

30:26 I didn't know they were doing a Charlie's Angels reboot, but I think you passed the audition, Cassie. :-)


What a movie! By the way this is a case of the studio “meddling” with a movie and making it better. The filmmakers originally planned for this to be an R rated comedy, sex and Drug jokes lots of bad language etc… but after a couple screenings the studio demanded it be recut to PG hence the sigorney weaver “screw that” sceane and other stuff. The fimakers and cast were mad about it but now they all admit that the studio was right! Sometimes it works that way!


Also I very much recommend the classic Star Trek movies but skip the first one Star Trek the motion picture it’s not that great and has nothing to do with anything while 2-6 are all great “with the exception of 5” and tell one long interconnected story. So Start with Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan. If you want to watch a couple episodes of the original series before that’s fine but you don’t really need to it explains all you really need to know in the movies you just will have a little less context.

Viet Ta

What happened with Veronica Mars that Cassie wouldn't speak about it?


There was a controversial character death in the fourth and final season.

Alex Laime

IMO after seeing Galaxy Quest, there is no reason to watch any Star Trek. GQ is so much better that any Trek, and really I see little value in watching any Star Trek at all. This from a lifelong Star Trek fan.

Paul Stelter

"THEY"RE BRINGING IN THE NERDS!" omg hilarious, thank you :)

Bryan Fritchie

Such a loaded cast. And I don't even think Cassie caught that Guy was Sam Rockwell. 🤣

Justin (CaptainProton)

Yay! I am so glad this has gone up on YT so others can view your amazing reaction. The clear delight you expressed at the very end when summing up your experience was truly my favorite part. It felt like this movie exceeded your expectations in all the best ways. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face!

Rick Williams

I can't believe you stole Carly's phase saying the movie was tender. 😯

Harald Mahr

I somehow only now realized that galaxy quest is more or less Three Amigos in space. Its kinda obvious, must have been blind.

China Andronicus

If you have the blu-ray, there’s literally an audio track of the whole film in Thermian. It’s hilarious that they took the time to do that.