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Wow! I loved this movie, what is not to love though? A true, inspirational sports story with the amazing Chadwick Boseman. That was so much more than a sports movie. It hurts me to my core to see the attitude that so many had back then, I can’t imagine the courage and bravery that JR and so many had to have. I love movies where I learn, especially with this kind of storytelling that makes you want to be better, and this was both!

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[Full Reaction] 42 (2013)


Rick Moreno

Now that you’ve watched this movie, you can watch baseball on April 15, when every player wears number 42 for Jackie Robinson Day! 😊

Andrew Hogan

It really is an underrated film and baseball movie. Can’t wait for Days of Thunder. Also, will you be reacting to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

Shehab Dawoud

If you want to learn about someone who was truly brave, watch Malcolm X. Spike Lee's masterpiece with Denzel Washington putting in the performance of his life.

Yann Laliberté

As a Montrealer, I would have loved to see more of that part of the story. I know that he was super loved here. There is a plaque on the house he lived in.

James UK

Another movie you might be interested in is Invictus (2009). It stars Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman and is the true story of how the 1995 Rugby World Cup helped unite a post apartheid South Africa.

Adam Grunther

You should watch Get on Up. It’s a biopic about James Brown with Chadwick playing him.

Gábor Árki

I keep suggesting it for a while now. One of my go to feel good, inspirational movies.

Odd Thomas

The Rookie with Dennis Quaid is another great baseball movie imo

Rosario Cicero

Instead of this mediocre affair you should be watching Do the Right Thing to celebrate BHM

James UK

The rugby in it isn’t great, and Matt Damon is about half the size of Francois Pienaar, but of course that isn’t the point. Good movie!

Jason Dolan

What a great Monday! Feels like midweek already!

Chip MC

Come on man, you don’t gotta put one down to praise the other. “Do The Right Thing” is a masterpiece in my opinion, but “42” is absolutely worth watching and the story is incredibly important.

Chip MC

“Malcom X” is must see cinema. I was lucky enough to get my copy signed by Spike Lee back in like ‘05.

Mike LL

Another movie I saw for the first time here with Cassie. Very heartwarming. Had a few tears in my eyes in different places in the movie. Great story and cast, always love a true story and true sport stories can't be beat.


Well, most of my lights turned blue. 😂 Luckily two can play at that game.

Chip MC

This was a meet and greet event for the re-release of a Special Edition DVD of “Malcom X” at a Barnes & Noble in Columbus Circle in Manhattan. I also got to meet Guillermo Del Toro at this same bookstore years later for a similar event.

Rosario Cicero

Yeah I know. It’s just that she rarely ever watches movies that I’ve seen and this is one of them. I was venting that’s all

Terry Yelmene

Baseball. Period-peice. Americana (with our lovely Canadian-American singing the Star-Spangled Banner). A true biopic story. Racial injustice... heck, any injustice... all wrapped up in one CASSIE reaction? I do love this PiB channel! Fantastic reaction Cassie! If others are still suggesting baseball films for a react....there is only one GREAT, TRULY GREAT Baseball - Love story left for Cassie. ' PLEASE consider reacting to: 'For Love Of The Game' staring Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston!!!

Chip MC

I feel that. I’ve actually considered suggesting “Do the Right Thing” to this channel a few times but have held back bc the film is just so damn real. Hopefully Cassie does get around to it at some point.


Cassie, for BHM… “Do The Right Thing” would be a great option.

Michael Lynch

Another awesome movie starring Harrison Ford is Air Force One.

Shehab Dawoud

That's nice, man. Spike might be the most slept-on director of all the great ones. Some of that is of his own doing, but in terms of subject matter and rewatchability, he's got as many bangers as pretty much anyone.

Shehab Dawoud

If there is room for it, it would be cool. However, if there's only room for one other film besides 'Just Mercy', then I'd say it'd have to be 'Malcolm X'. It would only be fair and fitting considering we had a film about MLK recently, and she was shortly introduced to brother Malcolm but seemed like she knew little about him.

Chip MC

You know what, that’s true. If it has to be one or the other, “Malcom X”, would be my pick as well.


Hi Terry, Cassie is aware of that movie and I believe it’s on her short list. She watched this for BHM

Keith Jones

I love baseball, I love baseball movies. Robinson's playing major league ball is so important because at that moment America's game truly became America's game...all Americans game. Some quick thoughts 1) in Brooklyn there is a statue of Pee Wee with his arm around Jackie's shoulder https://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/steeplechase-park/monuments/1982 2) Jackie stole home more than any player, which Jesse Jackson noted in his eulogy to Jackie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1_X6iRb7Y brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it. I was fortunate to meet Reverand Jackson once and tell him how much it touched me. 3) Watching Rachel Robinson's interviews for the Ken Burns Baseball documentary she just steals the show, just regal, truly a joy to watch. 4) I have no doubt that the stress of being the first shortened his life passing away at 53. Thank You for watching a great movie about an important moment in baseball and America's history!

Jesus F Christ

Ken Burns produced a good documentary on Jackie Robinson for PBS in 2016 (2-parts, 4 hours total). It's worth a watch if you want to know more about him. The definitive documentary on baseball is "Ken Burns' Baseball", a 9-part (now 11-part) series that chronicles the history of baseball. It's a magical watch.


Damn good movie.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Loved that! Harrison Ford was great, I think it's one of his best acting performances ever; and Chadwick Boseman was amazing, he really looked like Jackie Robinson in the eyes, he captured that intelligence and intensity that Jackie had, had to have. Man did he suffer, especially as a proud man, having to take that abuse, people say it actually shortened his life in the long run, that the weight of that burden never really left him. Surely someone has recommended Ken Burns' "Baseball" documentary series, and I have to ditto that, not for reaction videos but just for a great series detailing some great stories in a surprisingly entertaining narrative style, and baseball's history is really full of so many fascinating stories. So, if you get a chance, Ken Burns "Baseball" 👍 Also, GO DOYERS!!! They break my heart almost every year, get so close and then blow it... but every once in a Dodger blue moon they win it all.

Gideon James

Hey Cassie, letting you know that there is another Youtube channel posting your content.  https://youtu.be/U45_UyznN5I


A very LONG but yes! *magical* watch. I've seen it 6 times, 3 times with the extra innings. I didn't know about the Jackie doc but will watch soon! Thx.

Jim Frykman

numerous platitudes

Robert da Spruce

Nice reaction Cassie! I totally forgot Wash was in this. The things his character was saying was bad enough. But having him say them was extra cringy because I liked him so much in Firefly.

Steven Ashford

So glad you finally got to this one. Yes very inspiring!

richard wilkinson

Chariots of Fire...1981 Best Picture Oscar, about 1924 Olympics, true story, prejudice confronted, very exhilarating.

Mike LL

Am I mistaken, or did Cassie have no reaction to Abbot and Costello "Who's on First?" Could it be she has never seen it?

Larry Darrell

If that’s true, it ought to be remedied. It might be the greatest comedy routine ever.

Matt Rose

great movie. it gets a lot of crap for winning best picture over RAIDERS and REDS but honestly, it's worthy.

Sam White

Since we are days away from the Superbowl...you need to watch another football movie just like you did last year with the "Replacements". May I suggest "The Best of Times" starring Kurt Russell and the late great Robin Williams?

Super Powered Design (Jim)

Football movie suggestion: Draft Day. Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner and CHADWICK BOSEMAN

Super Powered Design (Jim)

Also... LOTR kittens? Yes! Here... https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmmLp3NOHS/

Mike Lemon

If people are freebooting her content, that is a good sign she is doing something well. Now she needs to bring the YouTube hammer down and stop it.

Mike Lemon

I prefer the Kids in the Hall take, but you need to have seen Abbot and Costello's to get it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhvmCgs_L4

Timothy Roberts

Great movie and reaction Cassie. He did pronounce his hometown wrong. I live 10 miles from Cairo, GA. It's not pronounced like the city in Egypt.


Thank you for sharing Gideon. There are channels popping up doing this to a lot of reaction channels, not just PIB. Ben and Cassie are trying to be on top of it as best they can! Appreciate the share. - KL

Ronny Boss

Great movie, and some of it was filmed in my Chattanooga. It was really flippin cool seeing folks come into my work from the set dressed in period cloths

Matthew Periolat

Not a movie, but I cannot recommend Ken Burns’ documentary Baseball highly enough. Jackie and other Black ball players figure into the story highly and most of the story here - and more - is in it as well. To paraphrase its opening: Baseball is a funny thing… a classic that manages to be years ahead of it’s time. A democratic game that has excluded more than it has included. The only sport where the defense has the ball. A haunted game where all players are measured against the ghosts of who have come before. Most of all, about time and timelessness, speed and grace, failure and lose, imperishable hope… and coming home. Yeah, I’m a fan. Will be until I’m laid to rest. I’ll share one story about Jackie that I’m fond of. For the Passover in 1947, in one Jewish household in Brooklyn, the family gathered for the Seder meal. As traditional, the youngest boy asked his father “Why is this night different than others?” Before his father could give the traditional response, the youngest answered his own question: “Because a Black man in playing in the major leagues.” Glad you enjoyed and really hope you are inspired to read and know more.


I love Alan Tudyk. You know a man's a quality actor when you can hate him in a role even though you know he's the best teddy bear of a man in the world.

Lamar Smith

Dearest Cassie, can’t let the opportunity to point out the actor who plays ‘PeeWee,’ Lucas Black, plays the QB in ‘Friday Night Lights,’ just saying.

Gideon James

Yeah, there are roughly only 5 good reaction channels on YouTube/Patreon so PIB stands out enough to be stolen. The rest are low quality that isn't entertaining at all. 

Erik Daniel

If we get her to watch it, have to make sure it's the version from the 'naughty nineties'. IMO the best version of that routine. They hit every beat perfectly.

Erik Daniel

I had to watch this in 2 parts because the nyquill really kicked my butt lol. What a great movie and great reaction. I knew you would love Jackie and Rachel, they really are the cutest couple.

Mike LL

Erik, I would have to disagree with you. I've watched dozens of reactions to Who's on First? on YouTube, more reactions to that than anything else, including Star Wars. And the vast majority of reactors use the retired actor's home version, which is almost a minute longer than the naughty nineties version, and is more complete, imho. I would even suggest to Cassie, that if she were to watch and react to it, since it is so short, her reaction would be 10-15 minutes tops, that she should post it in the YouTube members section of PiB. I've thought for a while that a good way for her to build up her membership is to build up her YouTube members section with exclusive short content. Or put it up there exclusive for a short time before she releases it to YouTube. Maybe 2 months exclusive before release.

Aaron Mann

Not a sports movie, but here's a historical movie I'm confident you would love. Amistad. It's directed by Steven Spielberg. Stars Matthew McConaughey, Morgan Freeman, and Anthony Hopkins. It's based on a true story and it is also a courtroom drama, both elements I know you also love. Additionally, it fits into Black History Month, if you still need a selection for this month.

William Bryan

I saw this in theaters. When Ralph Branca said, "take a shower with me Jackie" I just yelled "Oww!" Got a couple laughs 😂😂


Seeing this reaction and especially your ending comments, it's the exact reason I'm a patreon supporter for you. You make a difference too.

Dean Holt

I actually wrote a review on my Instagram account maybe two years ago when I saw it for the first time. And I put in something like he did a incredible job as you hated his character but it must have be very hard for him to do to say those words over and over again. But I personally think this was Chadwick Boseman best performance, he’s also brilliant in a film called Marshall if you’ve not seen it.