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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Roman Holiday, which will premiere later this afternoon. Hope you enjoy! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] Roman Holiday (1953)


James MacDonald

OK, was the colour grading deliberate? Cassie's red top looks so vibrant.

Phil Stubblefield

Given your love of rom-coms, I cannot believe that you haven't seen this film until now! 🤦‍♂️

Stick Figure Studios

Funny story. Was watching this reaction video and when you say, "Hey, Google," it actually activated my own Google. It then heard your question about ROMAN HOLIDAY, which it proceeded to answer in exactly the same way yours did.. only about a second behind. :-)

Robert Jewell

First Audrey Hepburn film and now THIRD! William Wyler film, this being my other favorite film of his along with The Best Years of Our Lives. You also reacted to BEN-HUR. Audrey also played Ssbrina in the original SABRINA. And you'd really enjoy her in the Hitchcock-styled comic thriller CHARADE and the riveting suspense thriller WAIT UNTIL DARK, but nothing in regards romance beats this one.


Who could not love Audrey. Always liked her with longer hair though.

Cassie Tremblay

haha no, Ben says "i have no idea how to color grade, and that's why every video looks completely different"


This is the first time I’ve seen this movie since it broke my heart years ago. I wished I had your outro back then!! That is definitely the TRUE ending ❤️. Now that you have seen the lovely Audrey Hepburn, I hope you will watch her version of Sabrina, it is wonderful. I think you would also love My Fair Lady. Try to watch even if not for the channel. 😊

Mingo Wayama

Agreed. But reactions to the original Sabrina and to My Fair Lady would be wonderful.

Tim Raths

I watched this film for the first time about 10 years ago and it is the first Audrey Hepburn film I had ever seen and been in love with her since. It’s very easy to get sucked in by her charm.

Just Plain Bob

The ongoing romanticization of royalty is appalling. After all, royalty is founded on the same absurd notion as slavery: the idea that one group of people is somehow greater or lesser than another through an accident of birth. I have zero sympathy for the “trials and tribulations” of royalty. They can abdicate any time they want to, with no negative impact to their nation whatsoever. The position is largely ceremonial and amounts to little more than being a glorified ribbon cutter. They choose to remain in power because it benefits them to do so. It is literally centuries past time that human beings abolish the idea of royalty and all it implies.

Mike LL

Wyler should have gone and filmed it in color. I read he was afraid of the location overshadwoing the cast? Just a couple of years later, Hitchcock wasn't afraid to shoot his location in color in the French Riviera with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief. Grant and Kelley were huge stars, but the star of that movie is definitely the gorgeous French Riviera. Wyler should have embraced his location, lol.

Bill Hayden

Eddie Albert, who played Irving was in the Navy and won the Bronze Star during the battle of Tarawa in the Pacific. And the great actress, Lauren Bacall once said that her favorite thing in the world was watching Audrey Hepburn walk into a room, and all of the men making fools of themselves trying to get her attention.

Ria Grix

Your face when they first kissed! You literally looked like it took your breath away.

Ria Grix

You need to see Breakfast at Tiffany’s obviously.

Jeff Rogers

Is that your first Gregory Peck film?

Tim Raths

I believe she watched To Kill a Mockingbird before the channel.

John Casamassa

If you like Gregory Peck, I recommend The Scarlet and the Black!

Christopher Carr

You have seen two of the giants of Hollywood's Golden Age. Trivia: Audrey was a teenager when the Nazis occupied the Netherlands. Here's a quote from Ms. Hepburn: We saw young men put against the wall and shot, and they'd close the street and then open it, and you could pass by again... Don't discount anything awful you hear or read about the Nazis. It's worse than you could ever imagine."[8] —Hepburn on the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands


my fair lady is a must, I love her in GIGI, and of course, Charade. Audrey Hepburn

Christopher Carr

It doesn't get any better than Audrey Hepburn or Gregory Peck. Good suggestions for AH movies. GP films to see To Kill A Mockingbird, Big Country and the Omen. When I was a kid I figured Kathrine Hepburn was Audrey's mother. Nope, not even related. Now someone is going to say "who is KH?" The two greatest actresses of the "talkies" are Katherine Hepburn and Meryl Streep.

Mike LL

Katherine Hepburn is the only performer to win four Academy Awards, all for Best Actress. Meryl Streep has had more nominations than any performer.

Tim Raths

It’s a real shame that reaction videos to films like these don’t draw a lot of views on YouTube.

Richard Maurer

I know so many young people, as well as some my age, who as soon as they hear the words B&W are like "No thank you, boring!".

Richard Maurer

We get it. Real life royals - garbage. But this is fantasy, and we can have good royals in a fantasy world.

Mary Alice

You have seen the Harrison Ford remake of Sabrina, I would suggest you see the original version with Audrey Hepburn. My fair Lady is another movie. She’s in that you would love. Another movie I think you and your sister would enjoy is not very well known as far as my knowledge. But the name of the movie is called a little romance, it is from 1979 and Lawrence Olivier is in it. Also, I believe it is Diane Lane‘s very first movie ever. It’s a really cute movie about an American teenager and a French teenager. I believe who meet. I’m not sure how easy it is to get a copy of it. I have it on DVD so I think that you can still get it on one of the streaming services. Some kind of wonderful is also really cool movie that I think you both would like. I could go on and on, but these would be a couple of my choices. Thank you for the reaction. I’ve never seen Roman Holiday before, but always wanted to.

Clifton Owens

Miss Cassie, to so many of us, you're our Audrey Hepburn. Your smile and laugh bring us the same kind of joy. Thank you for all the hard work of brings so many great films to your movie reactions.


Try Tyrone Power movie. The Mark of Zorro is pretty good