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Okay, these episodes were a little slower. It seems like they didn't move the story forward as much? I think I feel that way because I'm a bit lost with the politics of it all? I still love the look and feel of it, and I'm glad to be back on Tatooine, but these were just missing the "I need to watch the next episode" feeling. Also, sorry for the audio in this one. It should be back to normal by the next epi's! 

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[Full Reaction] The Book of Boba Fett 3-4


Brian McGovern

The whole series felt like filler to be brutally honest. It was just okay, but as you pointed out, just doesn't grab you until the lot few episodes, and for good reason.

Jason Dolan

You're in luck because the next two episodes will BLOW your mind

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, these two episodes were a bit of a step down, but I think you will find the next two episodes much better.


Very underwhelming, I suggested you start at episode 5, your next viewing will make you glad you stuck with it though

Riggo 82

This whole series is absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately, it wasn't written as a comedy. If you want a good laugh at Disney's expense you should check out EFAP on You Tube, when your done with this series. They give it a proper roast. Which is richly deserved. Disney turned Boba Fett from a tough, resourceful, and ruthless bounty hunter into a weak, indecisive, aged buffoon in his own show.

Jon Johns

Cassie! This is a hard concept for you, but you've actually seen it before! Let's talk 'protection racket'. Basically, you are an honest business woman, who owns a dry cleaner, or donut shop, or whatever. I am a mafia type gangster, like bubba Fett, or, the godfather. I 'make' money by extorting it, as well as engaging in other nefarious criminal activity. (Like in Goodfellas, robbing an airline payroll, or hijacking a truck of stuff, then selling it for $$) but how do I 'extort' money? Well, I send a couple of 'goons' to your donut shop, and threaten to break all your glass cases, unless you pay me a 'tithe' if you will, or, maybe, some other gangster sends HIS goons to your shop with threats, and you come to me for protection from them, (like people came to Don Corleone, asking favors) and pay me tithes in return. Either way, I am protecting you from getting your donut shop ruined. Thus, protection money. Or, a type of extortion. Also, a daimyo was a great lord in feudal Japan, a vassel of the shogun, which is like an emperor. But in Star Wars, bubba Fett is not a vassel of anyone, his title of daimyo just means big boss.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Andor is so so much better than this series. I’m not even a star wars guy in general

Matthew Dunham


Matt Rose

ANDOR was everything that I wanted from SW. The only caveat is that you really need to watch the first three episodes in one go because it's a complete mini-story on its own. After that, you're fine watching the rest of the series at your leisure.

Alex Gorell

The next two episodes will make it worth it.


“ Where is that rancor beast when you need it” Cassie, you might remember in Return of the Jedi, when Luke showed up to rescue Han who was still frozen in carbonite, he was dropped into the pit and killed the last rancor beast.

Mike LL

Watching this series on this channel just proves that watching with Cassie makes anything better, because I am enjoying this much more than the first time I saw it! Must be the company!


You are getting close to the good stuff!

Scott Macaulay

SO far. Cassie's reactions have been pretty on par with most people. Started off hopeful, starts getting bored, and I think we know how the next 2 episodes will go.


If it's too dark, you should think about upgrading to an OLED tv. also lower your lights a bit

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I thought it was so cool they call them Daimyo. Pretty sure someone's already mentioned it, but Daimyo were feudal lords in Japan during the Samurai era. If you remember The Last Samurai, Katsumoto was a Daimyo.


When Fennec was talking about hiring more muscle, I was surprised you didn't react to the musical cue. It should have sounded very familiar to you. Maybe you did. If you didn't, you'll know what I meant when you watch the next two episodes.

Steve H

These episodes are arranged to bring the other shows to be in unison with each other.

Anthony Jackson

You weren’t supposed to start Mandalorian until this was done, and you’ll see why if u finish. Unfortunate


Hey, decided to join Patreon in order to watch these! Can't wait to see your reactions to the whole show. I'm gonna try to binge them in one or two nights! Although it's not my favorite SW thing, I did really like it. Not sure if anyone told you already, but the town Boba Fetts is in /presides over Mos Espa, is the town on Tatooine that Anakin was from all those years ago.

Clay F

Okay to watch Mandalorian S1 and S2 before this series.