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Sorry this is getting up late and that I missed the premiere of Days of Thunder yesterday!  We are visiting family so the schedule has been a bit crazy.

I can't believe this was in my lifetime. It was infuriating and makes you want to scream. It also shows courage and strength. I love the storytelling of movies and this is a story I am better for knowing! 

Boba Fett epi's coming tomorrow!

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[Full Reaction] Just Mercy (2019)


Dean Holt

Looking forward to watching this again.

Andrew Hogan

If you’re interested in watching a real NASCAR Daytona 500 it’s tomorrow Sunday at 1:00 pm EST.


some strong performances in this one

Keith Jones

As a longtime 60 minutes viewer I remember when this story broke. I was blessed to grow up in a sheltered upper-middle class home, a legit "Leave it to Beaver" life. That was shattered, and I had to come to grips with the unfairness that exists in our great country. I believe that every American should watch this movie. This movie should not make you feel "guilty" for being white, as some politicians claim, let it make you demand more of all of us and demand that this country live up to its full potential. I encourage everyone to consider giving to the Equal Justice Initiative as I have over the years. Thank You so much for reacting to this important movie, this one is more education than entertainment.


I hadn’t seen this movie before, but I’m glad I did. It reminds me of “The Hurricane” with Denzel. Cassie, I hope you will add John Grisham’s The Rainmaker on your short list of courtroom dramas with young Matt Damon and Clare Danes.

Jayna Hoffacker

Thank you for watching this. I work on death penalty abolition in Georgia, so this movie has always hit close to home for me. It's also been an excellent tool for educating people on the death penalty and the ways it's been used to continue the legacy of lynching in the South. This story is not just in your lifetime as you mentioned at the end of your reaction - it's happening right now. 50% of the people on death row in Georgia are Black, while the state's total population is about 30% Black. This disproportionate representation tracks across the nation in many other states that still have capital punishment (and in state prison populations as well). People on death row also tend to come from lower income backgrounds, and are more likely to have experienced trauma and/or have some form of mental illness or intellectual disability. All of which we also saw in this film. All that to say, there's still so much work to do but each additional person who can be shown capital punishment for what it is brings us closer to the day we can end the barbarity.

Cole Jennett

That was excellent! I’m sure they took some small liberties to make it more watchable, but I have no doubt that all the important parts were true. A lot of people, me included, are sheltered from some pretty harsh reality because of where we live, and how we were raised, so it’s hard to believe this actually happens. Far too often.😔 The Hurricane with Denzel Washington is another great movie you ought to watch sometime.

Chris Bordeman

"This disproportionate representation" tracks perfectly with the fact that black people commit most crimes in the country. Take some personal responsibility and stop blaming white people.

Jason Chirevas

This channel attracts way too many of these ☝️☝️☝️. Not sure why. It shouldn’t. But it does.

Jon Johns

Chris Bordeman: Wow, this is the most racist & uneducated thing I've read on Patreon in at least 2 weeks. Congratulations.

Brian Harris

Chris, did you watch the movie? You don’t think the multiple bullshit shenanigans involved in Jonny D, Herbert, and Hinton’s cases might have represented a pattern of race-based prejudice and malice in policing in America in general and the Deep South specifically? Do you think those three cases are the only ones where such things occurred and Bryan just happened to find them? What’s more likely based on the history of this country, that Black people commit more crimes or that white police are eager to solve cases quickly, and Black folks make good scapegoats?

Jayna Hoffacker

Statistics prove that to be simply untrue. Crimes are committed at fairly equal levels across races. Black and brown folks tend to be arrested more often, convicted more often, and given custodial sentences more often than white people are even when having committed the same crimes at the same rates.

Cole Jennett

This is sad that two people liked his comment already. I bet he was one of them🙄

Robert da Spruce

I had never seen this movie before. I’m glad you reacted to it and brought it to my attention Cassie. I wish this was an isolated occurrence. But I seem to hear this happening much more than anyone would think possible. Especially with convictions that happened before DNA evidence became more prevalent. It seems like we hear, even today, people still being released from prison after being exonerated by DNA evidence. On a lighter note. The actor that played Ray. The gentleman that was next to Johnny D’s cell. Who was released after 30 years in prison after being wrongly convicted, was played by O’Shea Jackson Jr. Whose father is O’Shea Jackson. A.K.A. Ice Cube.