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Hey guys!! How are you this Hump Day? First off, did you see we hit 300k subs on YT, pinch me! I say WE because it is WE, could not do any of this without your support. THANK YOU! I had a rough week this week, I tripped down my stairs, I mostly caught myself, but in the flailing I hurt me neck, which I already have problems with, the worst I ever have. The next morning it was 10x worse and I spent the day crying in bed, unable to move or talk. Not to be dramatic but it felt like I severed every cord in my neck. Not to be more dramatic, but I thought I would never be able to look sideways again. With the help of a masseuse named Jody, and some muscle relaxants, I finally felt a bit of relief for the first time in 5 days. SNAPS FOR JODY!!! I feel like there is light at the end of the severed cords ;) If there are any of you that live with chronic pain, I am sincerely so sorry and I pray for you and hope you can find answers. 

Anyways Womp Womp. Good news is, Tombstone will be up in like 15 minutes, and I hope you have as much fun watching with us as we did watching it! Doc is burned in my heart forever I think.

Also I cannot tell you how emotionally attached I have become to Joel and Ellie, most likely unhealthy, is there a support group for us? 

AND BOND BABY! The Pierce Brosnan poll will go up next week....orrrrrrr should we watch all of the PB ones? Should I poll that? He was my dads bond and my unbeknownst N64 Bond. Tell me your thoughts. 

There is the WMW Poll going on right now, I LOVE seeing and reading all your comments on the poll posts, I really am excited to watch any of them. The poll will end in just a couple hours. 

Ok thanks for everything friends. You all always cheer me up :) So many heartsssss



B.J. Wilson

*Massage Therapist*, not "masseuse" please! Otherwise I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

Jeff Rogers

Hope your neck feels better.

David RedEagle

You HAVE to watch GoldenEye. The others are good but GoldenEye is a must!

Brad P

I'm so glad you're feeling some relief from the pain, Cassie. Sounds like it could have been a lot worse.

Robert da Spruce

Sorry to hear about your tumble. I hope your neck feels better Cassie.

Bill Maurer

Hope you feel better. Tombstone is a great movie. Looking forward to some more Bond, interested in your view of LaLD

Michael Johnson

Oh wow we sure hope you get whatever help you need to get feeling better! Please take it easy if you need!

Robert da Spruce

Congrats on 300k subscribers!! 🎉


Emotionally attached to Joel and Ellie? Welcome to the club. Got attached to them a decade ago playing the game, and then again when the show came out. Hope your neck heals quickly.

Seth R

Watch all the PB and Craig bonds


As someone who lives with chronic pain, mostly in the neck/cervical spine area, I know what you're feeling. But take heart in the fact that the neck and spine are resilient. Every time that I have thought " Oh god, I've passed the point of no return... Now I have to get surgery," a combination of exercises and gentle massage and muscle relaxers has brought me back. So I'm glad that your accident wasn't as bad as you thought. Please take care of yourself.


Congrats on your subscribers. I wish you a speedy recovery. If you and Carly are willing to watch all the Pierce Brosnan Bond films then go for it!!! I look forward to seeing them.


The first 2 Brosnan Bonds are the only good ones of his run. The other two are embarrassingly bad, bordering on offensive.

tiny baby kitty man

Man, the PB question is so good. My personal opinion is that Goldeneye is the only one of his really worth watching, but at the same time, you owe it to yourself to see how quickly the franchise can shift over 3 movies. I think it might make you more appreciative of the reset that Craig's Bond provided. Watch 'em all, I say.

Richard Bourne

The theme song for Live and Let Die just rocks! Note this was after Dirty Harry hence the .44 mag revolver I believe.

David Freese

Sorry about the tumble down stairs and your neck. I feel the pain with you. Glad you got the kinks out . As for Bond you know I'm not a big fan so I say just watch 2 like originally planned but I'll be happy with what majority and your team decide to do. Have a great week and keep safe.

Joshua Beltran

I think it's worth watching all of the Brosnan Bond movies. Again, not because they're all good, but because I feel it adds context to the start of Daniel Craig's run. The shift from Die Another Day to Casino Royale, I remember was so jarring.


Wait they're going to skip Timothy Dalton? The Living Daylights and License to Kill? :( I wish Cassie would at least check out every Bond actor.


Cant wait for The Last of Us! And so happy you could catch yourself and brace your tumble. Stairs can be dangerous with back luck! And I'm so glad your necks feeling better and you're back in the ring like Rocky!

Collar City Guy

I hope you are back to 100% soon, as you've had a rough 12 months or so health wise. 2 Bonds are enough, as it will allow for you to venture into other movies, like older John Wayne westerns, Sly movies like First Blood/Rambo or even his new series Tulsa king or some sci/fi like Close Encounters of the 3rd kind. Be well Cassie.

Adam Grunther

I mean if you’re considering doing all the Brosnan Bond movies, do you think you can watch For Your Eyes Only since it came in third on the Roger Moore poll? Most people consider that film to be his best after The Spy Who Loved Me. You would honestly enjoy it.

Gabriel L.

They aren't skipping TD, there just isn't a poll since he did only two movies.

Gabriel L.

I vote no on every PB film. I mean I would enjoy seeing you react to *every* Bond film, but if you are going to do only two Connery and two Moore films, I say keep the trend with the two best Brosnan films as well. Which will be Goldeneye and… either the second or the third, people seem to disagree which! But I don't think it is worth watching all four for the sake of Die Another Day (the last Brosnan film). Would rather you get a sampling and then move on to Craig.


Cassie — first off, hope you are feeling better 🙌🙏 we are all praying for your recovery! TLOU was WILD — so nervous for your final episode reaction 🙈 but I’m relieved to know you haven’t given up on the Bond series!! GOLDENEYE & TOMORROW NEVER DIES are PB’s best ones, imo. Looking forward to more of your James Bond content 💯🙏


Alright, if you say so. IMO, the tonal shift in Bond actually occurred in Dalton's era. I consider him a kind of proto-Craig. He's worth watching once.

Johnny Liu

Yikes, that accident sounds terrifying and painful, wishing you well and a quick recovery!


Oh my goodness, I’m glad you’re alright! I live with chronic pain and it really is no fun at all. Rest will do wonders over anything else, if you can manage it. I know you must be so busy. I hope you continue to feel better ❤️‍🩹 and congratulations on 300k!


They said originally that they're going to watch both of Dalton's movies. So there's no poll.


Live and Let Die does have a banging intro song

James UK

I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’d never tell you not to watch more Bond movies but I’d certainly give Brosnan’s 4th one a miss. The first is great, the next 2 are good. The less said about the 4th the better. Honestly I’d prefer you to watch a third Connery and Moore film than a 3rd and 4th Brosnan one. As things stand you’ll be watching 5 of the first 14 and all of the last 11 if you watch all of PBs. One more from Connery and Moore would help balance things out. Also don’t forget about Timothy Dalton before PB.

Ian Cano

Anyone know the poll on WMW she's talking about?


Congrats on 300k subs, Cassie! So well deserved. Really looking forward to your TLOU 8+9 reactions!


Pierce Bond - Goldeneye is an absolute must. Personally, his other (Bond) films aren't nearly as good. The 2 Dalton films are good. I love that you plan to watch all the Craig Bonds - Casino Royale is a fantastic movie.

Captain Caveman

I say watch all of the Roger Moore Bonds and 1 or 2 Brosnan.


I think you’d enjoy all Pierce Brosnan Bond movies. He’s so good and they are so fun, even the more outlandish ones. Much better than the Craig movies in my opinion, only for the fact that Brosnan seems to have a fun time with in. But the Craig movies tell a continuous story, so I hope you’ll watch those all too! :P

Kelly Marie

Oh no! Hope you're feeling better now! I've fallen down the stairs before and sprained my knee so bad that I couldn't walk normal for about 2 months. Not fun times. Please take care of yourself. 🤕 Congrats on the 300k subs, how exciting!! 🥳 I really enjoy your reactions, so thank you for still being here with us and doing them. I would love to see some more comedies and rom-coms, to lighten the mood once in a while 😉

Chip MC

Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better, that sounds like it was/ is v painful.

Stick Figure Studios

I'm so sorry to hear about your fall. My wife has chronic pain so I get to see up close what living with it can be like. I hope your condition continues to improve considerably quickly. Maybe your finally reaching 300k subscribers will help lift your spirits in that regard. Congrats on that BTW. :-) Can't wait to see your reaction to TOMBSTONE. Now you finally know who Wyatt Earp is. ;-) As for the Pierce Brosnan Bonds... There's a part of me that feels it's unfair to Connery and Moore that you'd do all 4 of the Brosnan movies after only doing 2 each of theirs, so previously I would have said stick to the "2-movie" plan. However... After the debacle that was the Roger Moore poll (where one of his best and one of his worst was chosen) I no longer trust Patreon to steer you correctly on Bond. I'm confident that Pierce's debut film GOLDENEYE will win as pretty much everybody agrees it's his best. I'm also fairly confident that his last one DIE ANOTHER DAY will not win as pretty much everybody agrees it's his worst. Thus, it would have come down to which of his middle two should follow GOLDENEYE (TOMORROW NEVER DIES or THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH). My vote would've been for WORLD as I think it is very good and one of the most woefully underrated Bond movies, but I fear the vastly inferior TOMORROW has a god chance of getting selected by this community. If I have to endure TOMORROW NEVER DIES and DIE ANOTHER DAY in order to guarantee your reaction to THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, I will do it. So I say, watch all of Brosnan's films. I would have liked you to have watched ALL of the Bond films anyway, but since that didn't happen, maybe this is the next best thing. Very interested in your reaction to LIVE AND LET DIE. Just remember that it gets a lot better after this.

Art of Free Speech

VERY much with you on doing only 2 each for Connery and Moore, but then all of Brosnan and Craig. To me, this is bass ackwards. Doing 2 each of Brosnan and Craig, but doing all of Connery and Moore would have made so much more sense in my book. I have no clue why anyone would say to do it any other way. Personally, I'm kind of dreading sitting through all of Brosnan's and Craig's Bond films. I may even just skip them when the time comes. To me, they're not really James Bond films. They're more like Mission Impossible or something. I am curious, though... which movie do you think is Moore's worst? Because Live and Let Die is my favorite Bond film of all time (I'm a fan of the more comedic Bond, but to each his own).

Art of Free Speech

Seriously... all of the Connery and Moore films, and 1 or 2 of Brosnan and Craig would have made so much more sense.

Art of Free Speech

Nonsense, Stick... LaLD is the Bond with the most clever dialogue of all of them, and the most fun Bond film there is, IMO. It's my clear favorite Bond film of all time. It's interesting you thought that lowly of it.


I wouldn't say lonely but I'm a fan of the Sean Connery series. But anytime I hear about this movie the intro music always pops in my head.

Art of Free Speech

So sorry to hear about your pain, Cassie. I lived with intractable chronic pain for years after taking rounds over in the desert, and was on heavy medication for years. No fun at all. I hope you continue to get better. Congrats on 300k! 400k is around the corner! After reading through the comments, apparently I'm in the minority when I say that after Connery and Moore, Bond films went significantly downhill. Doing 2 of Connery and Moore, but all of those by Brosnan, Craig, and Dalton is just, IMO, wrong on every possible level. Still, I know you and Carly are still young so the more modern looking films seem better to you. Just wait 30 years and watch remakes of things like She's All That, 10 Things I Hate About You, and National Treasure, and see people reacting to the remakes and ignoring the originals because they will look more modern to them and you'll see what I mean.


I don't know why everyone thinks They are going to love the intro song to LALD. They don't listen to any of the songs They talk over all of the intros. So it doesn't matter. 😂

Gábor Árki

I hope you'll be getting better soon! It is somewhat terrifying how easy is to hurt yourself with just a bad move. I made a wrong step and fell once during my high school year, and that caused a partial ankle ligament rupture. I could barely stand on it afterwards and got even worse by the next day. I ended up spending 2 or 3 weeks in plaster. 🤕 Regarding Bond, Brosnan had a great (GoldenEye), two good (Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough), and one - how to put it - not so good movie (Die Another Day). I'm never going to say you shouldn't watch a Bond movie, especially after all the pestering I made in the comments to watch more/all. 😅 But on the other hand there are several better Bond movies than Die Another Day you already skipped from the Connery era or will be skipping from Moore which makes me somewhat conflicted. Throwing in another idea: if you're willing to add two more Bond movies to the lineup, how about doing top 3 from Brosnan, and top 3 from Moore? That would include For Your Eyes Only from Moore, which clearly has a lot of support based on the poll comments and clearly a better movie than DAD, and would still include the 3 good ones from Brosnan as well. But if this idea is a no go, I say yes to all 4 Brosnan Bonds, it would spare me from choosing between TND and TWINE. Also, hope you didn't forget about Timothy Dalton's two movies, because I'm really looking forward to those. 😄

Marko T.

I think you should watch more Roger Moore movies than Pierce Brosnan movies. Also there are just two Timothy Dalton Bond movies and they are very good.

Jon Johns

Lol, Cassie, the passionate debating Bond fans come thru once again, leaving behind muddy waters. Sorry you're hurting, glad you found a little relief. Took me and my Dr. a year to figure out my medicinal pain mngmt solution... Get better soon, and do your therapy! And good luck with Brosnan, you're never going to please everyone.


I'm really sorry to hear about your neck pain, that sounds terrible. Hope you get better soon! And congrats on 300k on youtube. Few other youtube reactors have hit that number.


It's a decent intro music but not better than never say never again. Not sure what you're talking about. But hey to each their own..

Josh Phillips

Hope you get to feeling better! Muscle relaxers are like the greatest thing ever when you have neck pains. Chiropractor is a close second to the muscle relaxers :)

Stick Figure Studios

I love Brosnan and Craig and I'm always in favor of more Bond (and Moore Bond ;-)), so I have no problem with them doing all of them... Craig especially as all his films tell one overarching story. As for Moore's tenure, I consider MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN to be not only his worst Bond movie but the nadir of the whole series. The post-OHMSS/pre-TSWLM period is actually my least favorite of the whole franchise when they just didn't know what to do with the character. I find them awkward, clumsy, sloppy, schizophrenic and just generally not good. I'll take the weakest Brosnan or Craig movies over those.

Stick Figure Studios

@Art of Free Speech: I was speaking a bit hyperbolically (there are a couple other positive things about it), but in general I'm not a fan of LALD.

John Fode

More Bond is always a good thing. I suggest that you do all the Brosnan (and Craig) films. Please don't skip over Timothy Dalton. (It'd be great if you could do the third place runner-ups for both Connery and Moore, but I understand if that isn't in the cards.)

Happy Hanukkah

Congrats on 300K. Consider yourself pinched. My sympathies regarding your neck. I have had issues in the past with a certain body part. I'm not quite sure if it somehow resolved itself, or if my gingerly babying it has become second nature. I suppose I'll find out the next time I do something like trip on stairs. :-( Re Brosnan, if you're so insistent on a third movie :-), how about a non-Bond one? Nominations: Mars Attacks! (1996), The Thomas Crown Affair (1999), and (I am already flinching) Black Adam (2022). (For obvious reasons, you can make Thomas Crown a double-header with Entrapment (1999).) Oh, and finally Tombstone?! Gloria in excelsis! :-)


"orrrrrrr should we watch all of the PB ones? Should I poll that?" Well, if that's the spirit (if nothing is set in stone...), I think going back to watch a couple of the older ones that you missed is probably an even better idea.


If you knew it was hyperbolic then why say it in the first place. But everybody's allowed their opinion and with upmost respect having a decent conversation about it is fantastic.


IMO, you only really need Goldeneye and Casino Royale.

Stick Figure Studios

"If you knew it was hyperbolic then why say it in the first place?" It's called trying to be funny.That's just something that people who have a sense of humor and irony sometimes do. ;-)

John Armbruster

I hope you heal soon, and so excited for Tombstone. Best cast ever, and Val Kilmer was unforgettable

Stick Figure Studios

IMO GOLDENEYE and WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH are his best. This is why I think maybe they should do all four because one of his middle ones will get skipped if they do a poll and I fear it will be the "wrong" one.


I hope you get well soon, I know first hand how unpleasant neck injuries can be. I'm all for seeing you react to all of the PB ones, I can guarantee Goldeneye would come fist in any poll and I've always enjoyed both Tomorrow Never Dies and The World Is Not Enough.


Hey I guess everybody gets to be able to speak hyperbolically and then apologize for it hyperbolically because being hyperbolically capable of excusing yourself for being hyperbolical means you don't have to take responsibility for your statements. But on a positive note your hyperbolical information is informational, informationally and does add to the conversation in a good way. Thank you.

Erik Daniel

Oh lawd, snaps for Jody indeed. I hope your pain free soon and not moving like Michael Keaton in the batsuit for too long. Be careful on those stairs! And a huge congratulation for 300k. 300K!!!! Weren't you just at 250k like yesterday? Very, very well deserved. As for the Pierce Brosnan Bond's, I think that version of Bond might end up being your favorite, so maybe watch them all? PB's Bond's are sort of a mixture of all that came before and that formula might click the best with you. Along with the Craig films of course, but because of the reboot style of them, they are very different than the 'classic bond's'

Marko T.

Only the first two Brosnan movies are great. The third one The World Is Not Enough isn't very good but it has a great theme song by Garbage. I hope you watch Moonraker from the Roger Moore era at some point. It was the most successful one at the box office.

Mike Carey

Hope you're feeling better Cassie!

Joshua Stormont

Praying for you Cassie. Hope the pain continues to go and you have greater movement with your neck


Sorry to hear about your neck injury. Glad to hear you are doing better. As to Brosnan if you are considering watching more of his I would watch his first three.

Robert Jewell

Well, that explains it. There was a period of time where you seemed not posting and I got sincerely worried because you're such an active person. Well, this post shows that you're healing and bright-eyed. Yay!!!

Mike LL

I agree 1000%. No reason to do all the Brosnan films since we skipping some of the best Moore films.

Mike LL

I agree 1000%. Watching all the Brosnan movies while substituting one of the best Moore movie (For Your Eyes Only) for the movie which just happens to have the most popular song (Live and Let Die) will just be more painful with a watch of the least admired Brosnan movie (Die Another Day). That probably doesn't make a lot of sense to a non-Bond fan, but it is how I feel.

Mike LL

I agree with you 1000%. After Connery and Moore, the Bond films did not impove as time went on. Maybe Bond belongs in the Cold War era, or maybe Bond just didn't shine as bright in the era of Action Movies. I would have done it the way you suggested, all the films up to Dalton, and they started picking and choosing the films to exclude.

Mike LL

I can not agree with here, Stick. Watching all the Brosnan movies just to watch the one considered the second best is not a good enough reason to deviate from the 2 per actor pre-Craig structure if we are going to skip the second best Moore movie (For Your Eyes Only) and we are.

Michael Jung

Take your time and heal, Cassie!

Mike LL

This seems like the best solution. Skipping the least of the Brosnan beats and choosing one more Moore!!

Stuart Guthrie Jr.

I'm glad you're doing better. I'll keep you in my prayers for a full recovery.

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

Glad to hear you're feeling better, kid <3 - neck and back issues are no fun at all.

Ian Hunter (NewbieInOttawa)

Also, you're not alone in being drawn to Keanu - I think it's his inate Canadianess that does it - man bleeds maple syrup. ;) I believe he's the only man on the planet that absolutely no one dislikes.

Sujan Ra

Please watch all of the Pierce Brosnan bond movies. They are all awesome

Alan F

feel better soon!

Cody Nelson

I would love for you to watch all the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies! It's actually my favorite era of the Bond franchise! They're the most fun to watch and I think you'll really dig them. If you do end up doing the poll I guarantee Goldeneye will be the winner, though I'm curious to see what will be second place.

Cody Nelson

I don't think she's skipping Dalton, There's just not going to be Dalton poll because he only did two films, so she's likely just going to watch both of them.

Stick Figure Studios

Wasn't really apologizing for it. Just explaining it. Didn't do anything I need to apologize for, but was making sure it was clear what was happening. Was also just thinking that if we were playing a drinking game over every time the word "hyperbolic" was used in our conversation, we'd be totally sh*tfaced by now. :-)

Stick Figure Studios

To quote one of Cassie's Star Wars crushes... this is the way. ;-) I know it means that they will be watching a "bad" Bond movie, but they're doing that anyway, so might as well get more good Bond movies into the mix. There's nothing we can do anymore about how the Connery/Moore polls went, so best to just let that go ("Nooo, she SHOULD have done more Connery or Moore," etc). Sticking to the same plan now out of fairness to them would be potentially cutting our nose off to spite our face. We may not be able to fix the past, but we can at least not screw up the future as badly.

Robin Craft

Prayers for healing and comfort Cassie 🙏 The past few weeks have been the best for me being a Patron here. TLOU (an unexpected but wonderful surprise), James Bond, returning to the John Wick franchise, Mandalorian 3, and my favorite western Tombstone. 🤠

Al Swearengen

Yeeeeees, Tombstone!!!! Better late than never. I could probably watch that movie every day and not grow tired of it. The pacing, the style, the dialogue, the acting. Just incredible. There are so many interesting tidbits about that movie, but here's two that might interest Cassie: Stallone's brother plays a minor role in the beginning of the film, Ed Bailey (yes, Doc does really gut him in real life). Second, Kevin Costner tried to use his clout with the studios to have Tombstone cancelled because he was making a much inferior biopic on Wyatt Earp that came out the following year. Not cool, Kevin.


Get well soon Cassie, seriously, if you need to take a brief hiatus to fully recover then do it. The last thing you want is risk further neck pain.


Yes -- at least of his Bond movies. Would be very cool if he directed the next one.

Morgan A. Colbert

I hope we get some License to Kill, Timothy Dalton was always my favorite Bond growing up. Also sending you good feels and here's to being 100% better directly Cassie!

Steve Barrett

Yes watch ALL the Pierce Brosnan ones. He’s the bomb!

Steve Barrett

sorry about the neck. You might want to try this massager, it saves me anytime I have back muscle spasms.

Steve Barrett

HoMedics Percussion Action... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008981SDI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Stick Figure Studios

@Popcorn in Bed - Yeah, I was afraid of that. It's a very clumsy entry from from a very awkward period of the franchise. Not a good representation of Roger Moore's era. Rest assured, it does get better. I'm confident you will both really enjoy THE SPY WHO LOVED ME.

Stick Figure Studios

Thoroughly disagree. I think THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH is Brosnan's best Bond movie after GOLDENEYE. It's the other two that aren't good.


Moonraker (1979) is a very silly Bond film but in a very amusing, entertaining way. I remember watching a 2007 YouTube interview with one of the MGM/UA executives at the time, Stephen Bach, who said "I was in charge of executive producing two Bond films, Spy Who Loved Me and one of the worst Bond films ever made Moonraker. And yet Moonraker grossed more money than any of the previous Bond films!"

Matt Rose

yeah, not surprised. It's not a great Roger film to start with and is a very 'middle of the road' film in his repertoire. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY is 10x the film.

Larry Darrell

We Tried… But, between the Pierce Brosnan Question and Them not liking LaLD, this gives me hope she might be willing to be swayed into For Your Eyes Only.

Larry Darrell

Yes this sounds Good. She has not gone past Moore yet, so easily mendable. Still regrettable about Dr. No, though.

Bill W

Can't wait for Tombstone and Live and Let Die. I'd say only do 2 Brosnans and 2 Craigs. GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, Casino Royale and Skyfall. They don't deserve preferred treatment. Jeez Cassie, I sure hope your neck heals. That had to be a scary and awful experience. Sending up prayers. Don't hesitate to take some REAL time off if you want to. Like several weeks, a month, whatever you need. Congratulations on 300K. That is amazing.

Stick Figure Studios

They're definitely watching all of the Craigs, but if they decide to view only two Brosnans then they'll do a poll. GOLDENEYE will undoubtedly win and DIE ANOTHER DAY will undoubtedly lose, but the second movie could be either TOMORROW NEVER DIES or THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. Personally, I would prefer the latter over the former (as I've never been a fan of TOMORROW NEVER DIES), so rather than chance it losing in the same way that FOR YOUR EYES ONLY lost to LIVE AND LET DIE, I'm willing to watch all four of them with her.

Steve Russell

Cassie you must now watch Keven Costner’s Wyatt Earp for another look at this event in history.

Larry Darrell

Definitely take whatever Time You Need to get better, No Worries there. Would a Neck-Brace help? If anyone could make it Fashionable, I'm sure You Could Do It. If you get the kind that make you look up, then you could always set the TV on top of a tall dresser. ;-) Any-hoo, Pierce Brosnan, James Bond. If You Want to Watch all of the Pierce Brosnan films because they were your Dad's Favorites or because You Feel You may have a Personal connection with them, having grown up during the 90s. Then that's enough for me to say "Absolutely, Yes" No more discussion on that. Although, it brings up another point that some others have already stated, and Forgive Me for adding to them. The James Bond Character that is introduced in Dr. NO (1962) is the same James Bond Character that Carries Thru to Licence to Kill (1989). 16 Films in 27 Years. The Actor changes, but as I've said before, if you look at each actor as a Different Side of the Same Person, then it makes Sense. In 16 Films, there is an Overarching Story that takes place in this Time. Subtle Yes, but Very Clear if you watch All, or even just Key Films. We've already gone far enough past Dr. No, that it's, admittedly, not that important anymore. (Hopefully, you do go back to it at some point, since sadly, it will be the only "introduction" that you have skipped.) Thunderball would have been Great for some Character Development, but after the Events of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, we have come to the Point of No Return. James Bond Loses a Part of Himself, and his Life will Forever Be Changed. He Returns to his Original Course, Unsure of Himself and Not Looking His Best. But, The Journey Continues. The Film in Question right now, that could keep The Journey from having the least amount of Pot Holes, is For Your Eyes Only (1981). I may, or may not, have read somewhere, that Live and Let Die, may have been a Let Down. (-: No one really knows for sure :-) If this is the Case, And since you are thinking of Watching All of the Brosnan Bonds, Would it be so bad to Add a Third Moore Film to the Lineup? Just ONE More Moore Film? Such as the Film that came Third in the Poll. This ONE Film, just might erase any Bad Impressions you may have, or haven't, Gotten Recently. There are some Overarching Story Elements and Character Development, that will Continue Thru the Timothy Dalton James Bonds. Aside from it being one of Roger Moore's All Around Better Films. There were Many of Us, who were against Live and Let Die being One of your Two. As part of the Whole Series of Bond Films, Live and Let Die certainly has its place and should be watched. But, for a First Time Viewer, Live and Let Die, out of context of its counterparts, is not very appealing. The More Moore Bond you get to see, especially after He Finds that Redeeming Side of Himself... Your Whole James Bond Experience will Be All the More Memorable. So Lastly, in summarization, Please Consider adding For Your Eyes Only (1981) to the Lineup, since it was the Third Highest voted Moore Film in the Poll; You may, or may not, have been Let Down by Live and Let Die; and Since You are Toying with the idea of Adding Two Extra Brosnan Bond Films to the Lineup, possibly because they are Your Dad's Favorites and Them being from Your Childhood, Which of course are Reasons I Totally Understand. Pierce Brosnan was my introduction to James Bond, as a child, and only after his First Three, did I see the earlier ones. My Dad bought me the VHS Tapes. Everyone has a First James Bond and a First Time to See the Whole Arch. I'm just trying to help make your First Time as Memorable as Possible, that's all. Be Well, Enhance Your Calm... and seriously, think about that Neck-Brace. If you like to throw Popcorn in your Mouth, it might be easier to spot them if you're already looking up. :-) :-):-) Best Wishes, Get Well Soon. Take Time Off if You Need It. Some of Us Ain't Goin' Nowhere.

Happy Hanukkah

Both Daltons??? There's four of them! Bob, Grat, Bill and Emmett. (Or if you prefer True Historical Documents: Joe, William, Jack and Averell.) (Yes, I know there's even more.)

Larry Darrell

Yes to all of these, but Seriously, Wyatt Earp (1994). The Whole Earp Story. Terrific Cast, Many Recognizable Faces. Writer & Director, Lawrence Kasdan, also writer of The Empire Strikes Back (1980), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Return of the Jedi (1983), and The Original Script for The Bodyguard (1992).

Rick Williams

You need to be more careful. Take it easy on the stairs. Stop trying to break your neck.

Scott Orr

Happy that you’re recovering.

Brian Lowery

I feel ya. A yearlong journey ended on my birthday recently, with doctors finally diagnosing my health issues as MS. It’s good to finally have a name for it, and something to fight. As for Pierce, I’d start with Goldeneye and then end with Tomorrow Never Dies. His others are not that great.

Stick Figure Studios

I actually TOMORROW NEVER DIES isn't that great, but THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH is. DID ANOTHER DAY sucks though.

Mr Trick

I’d just start with the two top Brosnan flicks (Gotta be Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies). I feel like once you’ve hit every Bond, you’re going to want to go back and revisit more. You can start all over again and do another two Connery’s and so on. The Daniel Craig Bonds are the only ones to really do a fully linear story.


Pierce Brosnan is not a fan of Tomorrow Never Dies (1997). I actually remember when he was promoting his third Bond film on BBC Film 1999, he said "It was completely over the top in Tomorrow Never Dies, it was really nonsense."

Björn Karlsson

Cool 😀😀 A crazy swede here 🤪😜 I harras every Scandinavians here 🥴🥴 I've been working on a project like a year now on Pib. I want Cassie to do a reaction off the swedish movie Fucking Åmål from 1998. Have you seen it??? Did you like the movie? I know it was a success in Denmark as well. If you did and really liked the movie could you please request it in popcorn request, if you have that installed. 😇🫠 European movies needs more attention here on Pib imo. 🤩🤩

Björn Karlsson

Awesome 🤩🤩 A couple of years ago "they" did a theater performance of that movie in Denmark. 😀😀😀

Björn Karlsson

Oh!!! I forgot to mention. Fucking Åmål is known as Show me love in the US and on Popcorn request. 🥴🥴🥴🥴

Michael Gilbrook

You may need to see more than 2 of the Pierce Brosnan (PB) Bond movies, but you definitely don't want to waste your time watching ALL of them. However, you MUST watch the entire Daniel Craig series of Bond films! They are superior to all the others in almost every way: Acting, story, dialogue, cinematography (which was awful in many Bond films), music. The Daniel Craig films make Bond real, with real emotions and real stakes, and less of a cartoon character. And they have a good continuous through-line that connects their stories. I grew up watching Bond films in the theater starting with Sean Connery ("Thunderball") and saw nearly all of them. I missed the last few PB films because they had gotten so bad. And although I will watch the Sean Connery films over and over again, the Roger Moore and PB films are nearly unwatchable and I don't bother. (I quite like the Roger Dalton movies, especially "The Living Daylights"). But the Daniel Craig films are a cut above all the rest, and I'll rewatch those any time. Only one of them ("Quantum of Solace") is somewhat weak, the others are all top-notch!