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Well OK ok OK!!! Don't want to spoil too much, but we did not expect that?! Maybe dust ain't so bad after all ;) Doc?! are you kidding me, he was amazing, they all were! Can't wait to see your comments on this one!

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[Full Reaction] Tombstone (1993)


Chris W

Guess I know what I'm doing tonight.

Night King01

Did anyone else’s audio cut out about a quarter of the way through

Zane From Canada

I've said it before and I'll say it again. There's not a weak mustache in this film. 👨😁

Jason Dolan

Love a good movie about frozen pizza!


It’s hard to find a bad Kurt Russell movie

Michael Lynch

Doc gets most of the credit in this movie but my favorite is Kurt Russell. Skin that smoke wagon. Jerk that pistol and go to work.

Michael Lynch

This movie is so freaking awesome

Robert da Spruce

Perfect timing. I was looking for something to watch tonight!


Yes, scrolled ahead to check and noticed that too

Bill Maurer

Looking forward to seeing this one with you. What's the latest on watching "The Searchers" ?????

Mike Adams

The downloaded version from google drive works all the way through. Must be a youtube thing

Patrick Gibbs

I visit Doc’s headstone every time I go to Glenwood Springs, CO!

Cassie Tremblay

Not sure why it did that, but it's fixed now :) just make sure to refresh and click the fixed link!


And this is why Val Kilmer was and is still one of the best actors out there. Great cast working together

Night King01

It’s surprising how accurate this movie is given that’s a Hollywood movie. Yeah Wyatt actually walked out in the middle of gunfire and killed curly bill point blank with a shot gun. The only exaggerated thing that happened was the amount of people they killed, I think in real life they only killed 4 people. Also the deputizing of the cowboys actually happened.

'Pappy' Johnston

That's what I've been trying for so long to tell you about Westerns!!!! There's some very good westerns out there! You've been watching things like Unforgiven. Don't get me wrong, Clint Eastwood, has some good stuff, but he's an acquired taste and for those who don't like Westerns, (YOU 😂🤣), can put a bad, (dusty), taste in their mouth. My favorite western, as you by now well know, is 'Open Range!' Followed closely by Tombstone, which is then followed by a smattering of great John Wayne classics like True Grit. If You liked Tombstone, for real, then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, for REAL, put 'Open Range' on your radar. 👍🏻🙂 (... COME ON PATREON FAMILY BACK ME UP ON THIS ONE!!! 😂🤣😂🤣👍🏻🙂)

'Pappy' Johnston

As in Arizona, who's been to Tombstone many times for real real, all I can say to all of that is......*where the firm nod* Yup! 👍🏻🙂 Also, the showdown in the middle of the street when the sheriff got killed, between the cowboys and Wyatt really happened as well.

'Pappy' Johnston

That building is Still there today and is now, (at least the last time I was down to Tombstone, I live in Phoenix), kind of a tourist shop....👍🏻🙂

Just Plain Bob

Hey Cassie! So glad you enjoyed the movie. It’s one of my favorites. For background, Doc Holliday was given his nickname because of his previous profession: dentist. He worked as a dentist for a short while before being diagnosed with tuberculosis (his mother died of the disease), at which time he moved west, ostensibly to take advantage of the drier, warmer air. He was also an inveterate gambler, which likely also informed his decision to go west and frequent saloons and gambling halls. Those that knew Doc were mostly just acquaintances, with few people other than Wyatt actually considering him to be a friend. Bat Masterson, another famous lawman and friend of Wyatt’s, was somewhat critical of Doc but admitted that he was a good person to have on your side in a fight and that he was always loyal to Wyatt. You also might have noticed that Ike Clanton refers to the Earps as “pimps” at one point. This is because several of the Earp brothers were married to, or living with, current or former prostitutes. In fact, it is believed that Wyatt was a bouncer at a brothel before he moved west and that Mattie was a retired (or possibly even still working) prostitute that worked at the same brothel. There is much that is left out of the movie, by necessity, regarding the events leading up to the infamous shootout. To have included everything would have resulted in a five hour movie. Probably the biggest underlying issue was Wyatt’s campaign for Sheriff of Cochise County, against Johnny Behan. At the time, county sheriffs were also responsible for tax collections and were allowed to keep 10% of the taxes they collected – easily enough to make them rich for the time, which made the office of sheriff much-coveted. After a stagecoach holdup, Wyatt enlisted Ike Clanton’s aid as a confidential informant, believing that capturing those responsible would be a boon to his campaign. Ike proved unable to stand up to the pressure and became convinced that Wyatt was telling others about their agreement, something which would almost certainly result in his murder if it got back to the cowboys. As a result, he came to resent the entire Earp party, including Doc Holliday, who he mistakenly believed was aware of his status as an informant. Anyway, I could go on all day about the things left out of the movie and the surprising number of things they got EXACTLY right (the dialogue along the street as they approach the scene of the shootout was taken directly from court transcripts), but suffice it say that this is a fascinating episode in the history of the old west. If you’re interested in reading more about the actual events, I highly recommend the following books: 1. Wyatt Earp: The Life Behind the Legend by Casey Tefertiller 2. Doc Holliday: The Life and Legend by Gary L. Roberts 3. Tombstone: The Earp Brothers, Doc Holliday, and the Vendetta Ride from Hell by Tom Clavin 4. The Last Gunfight: The Real Story of the Shootout at the O.K. Corral – And How it Changed the American West by Jeff Guinn 5. Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West by Tom Clavin

Brian McGovern

Well isn't that a peach? They love Tombstone. They're our huckleberries.


One of my favorites is Soldier. Mostly he just growls in that movie. Love it! 😂

Jason Dolan


Josh Phillips

Probably Val Kilmer’s best performance ever! You just can’t help but love Doc Holiday. This movie made me want three things when I first saw it… a cowboy hat, a lever gun, and to be as cool as Doc Holiday lol. Cassie, when are you gonna get a cowboy hat? 😁


Wow... I'm amazed this made it! 🙂

Brent Petty

Saddens me you didn't recognize Sam Elliott as the sergeant major from We Were Soldiers. :)


poor Michael Biehn, grows a stache nobody can recognize him! thats reese from terminator!


An absolutely stacked cast, remind me to point out all the actors and the roles you've seen them in during the YT premiere😉

Ben Livingstone

The coolest lines in this movie tend to be the ones the real people actually said.

Uncle Phoenix

Wow, I’m terrible at reading lips. Have to watch the reaction video with audio later. Still was a great movie.

Philip Alan

I have visited Wyatt, Morgan, Johnny Ringo & Mattie's grave sites. I love this history so much. Mattie is sadly buried in the middle of nowhere in AZ, in a sad grave with a few others around her. They buried Johnny Ringo where he was shot dead. It's still unknown if Ringo was shot by Holiday or if he committed suicide. This movie may have taken a few liberties. They did find Ringo with a bullet to the head and one bullet spent from his gun. He's also buried in the middle of nowhere by himself. Great movie. Great reaction! Loved that you loved it!

Philip Alan

I've been going to Tombstone since the 80s/90s. Back then, it was so cool to see the old town kinda still looking, you know... abandoned and rustic. Now, sadly, it's Knott's Berry Farm 2.0. Way too clean for my liking. (but I do appreciate them restoring it and not bulldozing it all down). And then having to pay to stand where the fight at the OK Corral took place. Took some fantastic photos during those trips there!

Brent Petty

I read that when he was told he would lose his arm due to his wound, Virgil Earp consoled his wife, saying he still had one good arm to hold her with.

Zane From Canada

You should add Wyatt Earp (1994) to your next western poll. That one is more biographical and covers his life before arriving in Tombstone. Kevin Costner is Wyatt Earp and Dennis Quaid is Doc Holiday. 👍😁👍

Michael Lynch

Just a few things. Wyatt and Maddie weren’t married. Doc Holliday asked Wyatt if he considers himself a married man and he said yeah, pretty much. That means they’re just together but not married. Also, there’s been at least one or two other movies that you didn’t recognize this guy but Ringo is Kyle Reese from terminator. Last thing you girls kept freaking out about all the gunfire and talking about legal things. You can’t really think of it in terms of today’s laws. It was the wild west, and everybody had guns. It was just the way it was back then. When that guy killed the other guy and said it was a fair fight, he actually meant it. If somebody pulled their gun, you were allowed to kill them in self-defense.

Ben Livingstone

I'm usually sold out on the older Westerns, but even the great John Ford turned this story into fiction. It's one of those stories that turns out so much cooler when they stick to the facts. Also, I don't know if you noticed Charlton Heston (Judah Ben-Hur) among the cast.

Robert da Spruce

Great reaction ladies! I haven’t watched that one in a while. I forgot what an all star cast that movie has. Every time someone new appeared on screen, I’m like “Hey, that’s ____ from ____!” 😀 Glad you guys enjoyed it! Looking forward to the final two episodes of “Last of Us”


Doc Holiday was a Dentist before being diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Gábor Árki

How we got here? Let's not to forget the ancient history from January 2022, when Maverick beat Tombstone on the western movie poll and people couldn't get over that for months. 😀 Talking about True Lies, if that happens (edit: let's be optimistic, WHEN it is going to happen) I highly recommend it to be a sisters reaction. 😉

Marty McGee

This is easily in my top 10 favorite movies. Such great quotes. I watched it so much in the 90's that I could just about quote it verbatim. "Why Johnny Ringo. You look like somebody just walked over your grave." There's a lot of lingo that took me a few watches to understand. For example, when they talk about going "heeled" that means being armed. When Wyatt confronted the dealer near the beginning (Billy Bob Thornton by the way) he wasn't armed. So the dealer was basically saying, "you're pretty reckless to talk to me like that when you don't have a gun." And Wyatt came back with, "I don't need a gun to deal with an idiot like you." Such a great movie and the cast is absolutely stacked! Ike Clanton is the same guy who played the villain in Avatar. Jason Priestly of 90210 fame played Billy, the young Sheriff's Deputy. Billy Zane from Titanic played the main actor in the troupe. I know you already IMDB'ed it, but I'm always impressed when I see the number of famous faces in this! I love Unforgiven, but it's not a great introduction to Westerns. It's more of a modern character movie set in a Western. Glad you gave this one a shot and also glad y'all enjoyed it so much!


Rain machine malfunction.

Andrew Rose

You two should really put Silverado on your watch list lol..

Andrew Rose

Great reaction ladies! loved it!

David Freese

She's missed him 2 times now. So he's hiding in plain sight when he he's not clean shaven.

Shawn Kildal

She also just watched him in THE ROCK as the leader of the Navy Seals team trying to take back Alcatraz

Wesley White

OMG!!! like I said I was so excited to watch this reaction when you announced that you were gonna watch it, you totally delieverd! I LOVED THIS REACTION! makes me so happy that you watched and reacted to my all time favorite western movie, and you brought Carly into the mix, how else could this have gotten better lol, I so enjoyed this! about 90% of this movie is based on actual real events that happened, for example, the gunfight at the O.K. Corral actually happened, October 26th, 1881 was when it happened! and many of the characters; Wyatt, Morgan, and Virgil Earp; Doc Holiday, Johnny Ringo, "Curly" Bill Brocius, Ike & Billy Clanton, etc. they were real people that lived and died back then! go on Google and you'll find a lot of images of what these people really looked like back then! and the town of Tombstone is a real place in Arizona you can visit! every year, to my knowledge at least, they do a re-enactment of that infamous gunfight! you can actually visit the graves of the three cowboys who died during that gunfight, Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers Tom and Frank! plus in Colorado, that hospital where Doc Holiday died, you can actually visit his grave there! a little known fact for you about Doc, he was actually a dentist believe it or not, I'm not kidding! lastly, another one of the reasons why this movie is one of my favorites, because one of these characters, and I'm not kidding when I say this, is actually an ancestor of mine! the one called Fred White, the town Marshal that was shot and killed by "Curly" Bill Brocius! yup, Marshal Fred White was my great great Grandfather! not to brag, but knowing the knowledge that he knew these people makes me feel kinda proud, don't worry I'm not letting it go to my head lol! another fun fact, is that Wyatt was born in a family of 10 children, including himself, unfortunately some of them died at a very young age, possibly due to some kind of illness! 6 boys and 4 girls, what a jackpot lol! two of Wyatt's brothers actually joined him in his possy when he went on his vendetta against the cowboys, it would be known as the "Earp Vendetta Ride" Warren and James Earp were his other brothers that joined him! [woo] gosh I love this stuff lol! anyway, it's now 1:13 am, it was so worth staying up to watch this reaction! you and Carly are so awesome and fun and cute lol! can't wait for what's next, y'all take care, much love and support, and as always........ stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍

Shawn Kildal

I really believe if it was just a one vote and done poll, Tombstone would have won. But it was a bit of drawn out poll with several brackets and many weren't putting in there votes towards the end of the final poll in the last week.

Shawn Kildal

I know Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton were in at least 3 movies together. Tombstone, Aliens and the original Terminator. Paxton was only in Terminator for one scene. He was the blue haired punk killed by the at the very beginning by the naked Arnold Terminator wanting his clothes

'Pappy' Johnston

All good points and so true. As for the reading, may I also recommend a series of books on Doc Holliday written by Victoria Willcox about his life starting with Southern Son: the Saga of Doc Holliday.

Shawn Kildal

Kurt Russell is still my favorite Elvis. My other favorite movies of his are Used Cars, Unlawful Entry, Executive Decision, Breakdown and Miracle. He's been in a ton of other popular movies such as The Thing, Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Overboard, Tango & Cash, Backdraft and of course Stargate. Cassie, if you ever get around to watching The Fugitive TV series, you'll see a very young Kurt Russell in a couple of episodes. He was probably around 12 or 13 years old I'd guess.

'Pappy' Johnston

Ok a couple of old west terms you ladies had questions about: To Go Heeled= To go strapped. I.E Carrying a gun. Lunger= a derogatory term/name they use for those with tuberculosis, back then, since it affected their breathing and lungs. One of the big things that afflicted folks back them was a SERIOUS addiction to Laudanum. It was prescribed and handed out for everything from a toothache to a common cold and people, just like Mattie, got hooked on the Opeum in it hard and fast. Sad. If you visit Tombstone today it is full of great little shops and you can still make out what things USED to be I. E. bars, hotels and Oleum dens that were clustered at the "poor" end of town, not far from the Corral. So glad you were able to see that there are some VERY GOOD Westerns out ther to enjoy. :-)

Shawn Kildal

I know Dana Delany best as the voice of Lois Lane in Superman the animated series. So many great actors in this movie. I'm so grateful this was one Carly got to join in. Made even more enjoyable. Thank you ladies!

Gábor Árki

Probably. I personally voted for Maverick and glad it did win. For someone weary of the genre it was a good start and still among my favorite reactions from Cassie. But Tombstone would have been a much better second entry instead of Unforgiven.

Erik Daniel

Speaking of Kurt Russell and Kate Hudson, she just posted a really sweet video of her daughter helping grandpa Kurt blow out his Birthday candles. On his 72nd birthday, which blows my mind. I'm with you Cassie, the 90's were and forever will be, about 10 years ago. Thanks for a great movie night, I'm glad you guys had fun with it. Crazy that I don't even think Val was nominated for this role, which is a crime. And how bout that line "Don't worry, I still have one good arm to hold you with". Coulda guessed that one would have struck your hearts.

Brian Harris

I think it’s a better movie, personally. Much more true to life. Tombstone, which does get more of the facts right than you’d expect, is a bit of a comic book. Wyatt Earp is a much longer, darker, more dramatic retelling. It covers more of Wyatt’s life and has bigger historical and social elements on its mind. I think it’s a shame that Dennis Quaid’s excellent Doc isn’t remembered the way that Val Kilmer’s admittedly more charismatic Doc is. It’s still a very good portrayal, definitely the equal of Kilmer’s, just very different.

Brian Harris

“Yeah, I hate him for sure.” “You’re a daisy if you do.” “I’m your huckleberry.” Man, they gave Val Kilmer all the best lines.

Mike Lemon

Don't forget one of the tearjerker-iest movies ever made- The Fox and the Hound (1981).

Mike Lemon

I missed the Maverick vs. Tombstone vote, but voted Maverick every other time. That is definitely one of her top reactions, too bad it was robbed at the POPpies. (jk) Now to get her to watch Lightning Jack (1994) and Cherokee Kid (1996), two more fun westerns.

Mike LL

I haven't watched the reaction yet, I m sure it will be amazing, fantastic (and with Carly? Yes!). There is so much to like about this Western made with all the sensibilities of a modern action film, this will be the Western that makes Cassie fall in love with the genre. I just wanted to point out that this is the umpteenth version of Wyatt Earp and the OK Corral in the movies and how many actors that Cassie liked in a movie that have played this character. Cassie, do you remember that juror you liked in 12 ANGRY MEN that influenced all the other jurors in the case? That was Henry Fonda (grandpa of Bridget and father of Jane) who played Wyatt Earp in MY DARLING CLEMENTINE (1946). Burt Lancaster who was the old baseball player Doc “Moonlight” Grantham in FIELD OF DREAMS was Wyatt in GUNFIGHT AT THE O.K. CORRAL (1957). The Scrounger that you liked in THE GREAT ESCAPE? That was James Garner who played Earp in HOUR OF THE GUN (1967). And of course, Keven Costner was Wyatt Earp in, uh, WYATT EARP (1994). Now if you go off and do a Wyatt Earp Week, don't blame me. We won't mention James Stewart as Wyatt Earp in CHEYENNE AUTUMN (1964). His Wyatt was more of a comical supporting character. But you are more focused on war movies right now. If you want a breakdown of all the war movies these actors are in, I could do that too. :)

Cliff Stephenson

Just curious... How have you not gotten to Silverado on any of your Western polls? It's got Costner....


I don’t comment much, but this was my first time watching the whole movie. I’ve seen bits and pieces and of course grew up hearing the “I’ll be your Huckleberry” line from friends. Outside of a Tom Sawyer reference, I’m still not sure what he meant, but I love Val Kilmer’s performance in this! Another good one.

Steven Ashford

I was waiting for this reaction. I have not watched it yet, but what this movie doesn’t show as his past I wish they would’ve shown a little bit about how he got to where he was in the movie Wyatt Earp with Kevin Costner, and get some more of his backstory his first wife Died while she was pregnant with some type of fever. She had to be quarantined, and he took care of her until she died after that he was not the same person. Can’t wait to see this reaction.

Jyn Jilly

Cassie: Haha How silly people used to talk back then. We're so evolved nowadays. Also Cassie: Prom Prom! Woof!

Michael Jung

Thumbs up if you think Cassie would react well to "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (the movie or the Netflix series - although the movie will probably be easier to include) The music is amazing

Matt Rose

I knew you'd love this.

Matt Rose

My personal favorite exchange: 'Doc, you oughta be in bed, what the hell you doin this for anyway?' 'Wyatt Earp is my friend.' 'Hell, I got lots of friends.' 'I don't.'


Maybe I'll enjoy it more watching it with cassie

Cassie Tremblay

wow! impressive, and so cool, you are right i love all those guys, hmmm wyatt erp week a la Robin hood week?

Ronny Boss

So excited to watch this with you when I get off work today. Also can't wait to watch hachi with you and Simone! My two favorite channels collaborated, That's flippin awesome 🎉

Mike LL

You would have to have a poll. 😂 I forgot James Garner played Wyatt Earp twice, once as an elder Earp in the early days of movies (Wyatt Earp actually consulted on Hollywood movies in that era) in a Bruce Willis movie, Sunset (1988).

Jason Mangen

You need to watch the movie Sunset starring /James Gardner as Wyatt and Bruce Willis as Tom Mix. It is a period movie set in the 1920’s and is a murder mystery. Very cleverly done and enjoyable.


I'm sure it's been mentioned but Dr. Holliday was a dentist. Hench the doctor tag. A lot of poetic license, need to keep it entertaining, but also lots of truth with this movie. I knew this would be a fun watch, thanks ladies.

Phillip Ribbink

A little context on the beginning where the Cowboys attacked the wedding. Ike and Billy Clanton's father Newman Haynes "Old Man" Clanton and four other men were killed by Mexican Rurales (Mexican Rural Militia) as they were smuggling cattle across the Mexican border into Arizona. This was in retaliation for at least two massacres of Mexican Ranchers by the Cowboys and the ambush of Rurales sent in pursuit. Now as far as I know there was never any retaliation against the Rurales for killing Old Man Clanton. But in the early script that was apparently supposed to be the reason for the wedding massacre. That storyline was cut from the final movie however.

Celeste McAllister

"Isn't that a Daisy",add Tombstone,Az.to the poptour Cassie please,don't forget the midnight ghost tour I've been there it's fun,I tried on the period clothing,had dinner eating the foods of 1881,less than 250 miles east from your home is Glenwood Springs Sanitarium,Colorado that's where Doc Holliday passed away..Doc was a Dentist from Georgia he contracted TB in a Union pow camp during the Civil War..Wyatt & Josephine toured the Yukon and Northwest territories during the gold rush..they settled in Socal around 1900,Wyatt worked as a consultant on silent era western films until he passed away around 1928,Wyatt & Josephine were laid to rest at 'The Hills of Eternity Memorial Park'Colma,California. 💜 Did you recognize Charlton Heston(Ben Hur,Moses) as Henry Hooker?

David Collins

In the lead up, you mention True Lies as the most requested movie and it being an Arnold movie, which is true, but it has a LOT more than just Arnold and the supporting cast makes that movie wonderful. Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Bill Paxton (one of his most iconic roles!) a young Eliza Dushku and several others you'll recognize from other movies. You (and Carly!) are going to absolutely ADORE True Lies. I bet it wins a Poppy award when all is said and done. But now it's time for Tombstone, and I can't wait!

Mike LL

Open Range would be such a fantastic reaction, I'd be over the moon.


I met him twice in the late 80s. Second time we had a beer together. He was a very nice down to earth guy.

Bill Hayden

This is a Hollywood version of events. When Ike Clanton called the Earps "pimps" he wasn't exaggerating. To quote the District Attorney of Wichita, Nola Foulston a few years ago... " I don't know what the big deal about Wyatt Earp is all about. Wichita had to run him out of town for running prostitutes. One of whom was his so called wife,and the other was his sister-in-law"

Gary Smith

True Lies has The Recent OSCAR WINNER Jamie Lee Curtis!


I have been a Kurt Russell fan since I was 5 in 1969 when I saw "The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes". As I grew up his career grew was in perfect sink with my age. At 17 in 1981 I was given the 2 best movie heroes Snake Plissken and Indiana Jones. I've seen everything Kurt has ever done. His movie with the real Elvis, all the Disney and tv shows. Even "The Quest". Yes he played the perfect Elvis. That's why they had him play Elvis again in Forest Gump. Kurt has made so many great movies! A few more of his films "The Mean Season", "Silkwood", "Tequila Sunrise", "Sky High", "Bone Tomahawk", "The Hateful Eight".


John Wayne was friends Wyatt Earp and said his screen person is an impersonation of Wyatt.

Steve Holton

In this context Ringo was looking for trouble and Doc was saying, unlike the Earps, he was on board for it. Saying “I’m your Huckleberry” is playfully saying I’ll tag along as Huckleberry Finn to your Tom Sawyer on this nefarious adventure. The ”Huckle-Bearer” interpretation of this line is unlikely. Val Kilmer denies he misspoke the line and says his script had it as “I’m your Huckleberry.” He even titled his autobiography “I’m your Huckleberry.”


Funnily enough, i was listening to the inside of you podcast the other day, and it had Michael Biehn on there. Fascinating conversation. He mentions tombstone and says the actors pretty much directed the movie because the director was an ass, biehn ended up speaking only 5 words to him th entire shoot. https://www.insideofyoupodcast.com/podcast-episodes/michael-biehn

Bill Maurer

Great reaction girls !! Your facial expressions in this one were priceless. Other great Westerns to see are: The Searchers (John Wayne) The Outlaw Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood) The Man who Shot Liberty Valance (Jimmy Stewart and Wayne) Shane (Alan Ladd)


I just listened to that one too. Great podcast, the one with Robert Patrick is a good one as well!


It's on the list but so are a lot of good ones. Open Range currently sits at #62. Cassie has job security for years to come! LOL


That would make perfect sense in this context for sure. The rest of it is very interesting too! Thanks Steve.

David Collins

If you want to go further down the Wyatt Earp rabbit hole, I thought I'd just throw out there that Kevin Costner played a fantastic Wyatt in the movie Wyatt Earp. More of a sweeping saga, with a star studded supporting cast and well worth a watch. Kevin Costner has never made a bad movie, despite what some overstuffed critics (who hated some of his best movies, ala Dances with Wolves) have to say about it.

'Pappy' Johnston

Agreed Mike LL! Me as well. I'd love to see Carly on this one as well, as I think she'd love it as well. 👍🏻🙂

'Pappy' Johnston

I hear ya' there JC762! Hopefully she watches it before I DIE of OLD AGE!!! LOL😂🤣😂🤣


I was just gonna write about this one! It's a great movie with an amazing cast - yes, with a young Kevin Costner! It's a sweeping epic of a movie with all the western tropes done in just the right way. Really fun, great action, fantastic characters! High recommend.


Cassie, if you google something to the effect of "Walt Disney's Last Written Words" you will find various stories about one of the last notations made by Walt in his office. The short note was about some projects and included the name "Kirt Russell" who was a young teenage actor working on the lot at the time. Why do I mention this? Well because I think you owe it to Disney to watch more Kurt Russell movies of course! :)

Matt Rose

It's one of them for sure. It encapsulates everything you need to know about their friendship and their motivations. It's beautiful.


But not available anywhere right now so it’s DVDs only. Bummer

Matt Mabry

Yes Liberty Valance. I have to watch that again now. Truly the best of the best

Matt Rose

Opinions vary. Will Patton is great but the rest of it...not so much. Regardless, Costner does have a pretty solid filmography overall.

James Young

I'm Your Huckleberry


your next western should be true grit


kevin costners wyat earp is really good too

Scott Curry

The real Doc Holliday (John Henry Holliday) was in fact a Doctor...of Dental Surgery. He was a trained dentist and received his degree from the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery (now UPenn). Kilmer's portrayal of him was brilliant and it's criminal that he didn't get an Oscar nomination for his performance.

Stick Figure Studios


Stick Figure Studios

Glad you finally got a chance to see this and now know who Wyatt Earp is. This really would have been a much better movie with which to introduce you to the Western genre then UNFORGIVEN because it's basically an action movie that just happens to be set in the wild west. Violent and macho and melodramatic in the extreme, I think that's why it's so enjoyable and so popular: it's simplicity and it's accessibility. UNFORGIVEN is a much deeper, more mature and more profound meditation on both the west and on human nature. This is just a kick-ass shoot-em-up (practically a comic book movie) and on that level, it's a lot of fun. UNFORGIVEN is a western for grown ups. TOMBSTONE a Western for adolescents.

Stick Figure Studios

Oh, and as long as everybody is giving their suggestions of westerns they think you should see, here's my list: -Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -3:10 to Yuma (the original, not the remake) -High Noon -Stagecoach -The Searchers -Silverado -Outlaw Josey Wales -Pale Rider -A Fistful of Dollars -For a Few Dollars More -The Lone Ranger (2013) -The Man Who shot Liberty Valance -Red River -The Gunfighter -Two Mules for Sister Sara -The Ox-Bow Incident -Shane -The Magnificent Seven (again, the original, not the remake)

'Pappy' Johnston

And who could forget her as Colleen McMurphy in China Beach!?!? 👍🏻🙂 I wonder if Cassie realized that Henry Hooker, the ranch owner that gave them shelter when Doc was sick was Charlton Heston, who was none other than Moses in The Ten Commandments? 🙂


Cassie, I’m surprised you didn’t recognize the “pretty” theater actor. He was Rose’s fiancé Cal in Titanic

Alex Gorell

You should watch True Grit. The remake not the original.

Steve Barrett

Had been waiting for this one, great watch a long. Val Kilmers best role IMO. Also, the old rancher that puts them up near the end was Charleton Heston - Moses from the 10 commandments that you watched before

Just Plain Bob

All superb choices, but I think Cassie would particularly like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Silverado.

Just Plain Bob

I’d love to see Cassie’s reaction to this, the best eight minute western I’ve ever seen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cWs4WA--eKU

Brian McGovern

It is amazing Tombstone turned out to be a good movie considering it never seemed to have a director. The original was fired and the replacement was apparently not loved by any of the cast or crew that they never listened to him, at least Michael Biehn didn't.


I’m sitting here wondering, when this goes live on YouTube - one day soon perhaps - how can I ensure that I receive one U.S. nickel for each instance someone posts, “I’m your Huckleberry.”

Jonathan Hall

Next western should be Maverick!

Shawn Kildal

I'm sure I'm in the minority here (or am I?), but Kevin Costner's Wyatt Earp is a hard pass for me. I'm a big fan of his but to say it pales in comparison to his movie is an understatement. It's over 3 hours long and felt like it was 7 hours. It was a huge box office bomb and critically lambasted for good reason.

Alex Villarreal

Val Kilmer was great in THE GHOST AND THE DARKNESS, which would make a great reaction. That movie was marketed "Jaws with Paws," which is the corniest line ever, but still kinda accurate.

Rodger Johnson

Cassie you should go to Tombstone. Its just a few hours from Phoenix and its absolutely worth the trip. They do a live reenactment of the story most days. So much fun!

Mike Lemon

She has. The "watched list"- https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/


Fun movie! Would make for a great "scary but not too scary" October movie pick

Sawyer Wick

Day 165 of me asking you guys to watch Quigley Down Under

Sawyer Wick

It’s been stated a few times that Kurt Russel really was the director for the film.

Bill Maurer

Original is much better. But if she seen the remake, really not much need to see the better, original movie

Alex Gorell

I respectfully disagree the remake is much better. Better acting, better storytelling, better scenery.

Brian McGovern

I have often heard that but there is a recent interview Biehn did with Michael Rosenbaum I think his name is on his Inside of You podcast where he says he was more caretaker, did not actually say director. I need to listen to all of it to be sure. It is available on Youtube

Art of Free Speech

I kind of knew you two would love this, but part of me just wasn't sure because of all the violence. Still, to me, this is the best western ever made. I love that you both loved it as much as I do. Yes, BTW, true story. The "Gunfight at the OK Corral" is likely the most famous gunfight in the history of the old west. Not all of the details in the movie were right, but close enough. In real life, a 4th Earp brother, Warren Earp rode with Wyatt and Doc to hunt down the cowboys. Also, it was several months between the first gun fight, then Virgil getting shot, then Morgan getting killed.

Rudolph Koch

love when you guys do reactions together, you feed off each other so well. The reason Doc drank and gamble ( and wasn't afraid to be in a gun fight) was because of the TB, he knew it was a death sentence. So he tried to live his life like it was his last, cause it could have been.


Is great as this movie is personally I still prefer Wyatt Earp starting Kevin Costner. It doesn’t have as many memorable lines but it’s more historically accurate and shows Wyatt over his entire life.

Christopher Gray

He was a dentist from Georgia. And yes it was a true story, but the movie, while good, is so far from fact that really only the names of people can be taken as fact. The town was pretty divided between the both sides. The Earps were not as clear cut good guys as the movie made it seem, but that does make for a better story.

Christopher Gray

Silverado is a better western with Kevin Costner.

Rick Williams

Great Reaction Ladies to a great movie. And yes. It was based on what actually happened. Look it up. Wyatt an Doc were real. So was the fight at the Ok Corral.You ladies need more westerns in your lives.

Paul Patine

I think you both would enjoy watching Miracle, also with Kurt Russell. Miracle is a true story about a young amateur hockey team in the 1980 Olympics. Kurt Russell plays the coach of that team, and from the reserved-Minnesotan way that he plays it, you also may have trouble recognizing him.


I kind of wish Cassie played games so she could experience the stories of RDR2 and 1. Great western games.


I’ve been waiting for this reaction for almost as long as Cassie has had this channel. People have been requesting this movie for 2 years. Great reaction ladies! I also love Val Kilmer as Doc. He does such a great job and steals the movie from Kurt Russell IMO. His portrayal is genius

Larry Darrell

Waterworld (1995) The Postman (1997) 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001) are All Fun, Fun & Fun Films.

Tom Holman

Looking forward to The Magnificent Seven (1960). (You said that was coming in your Great Escape reaction.) Just joined, so please forgive me if you already did it and I didn't find it yet.

Tom Holman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 00:06:59 Another great telling of the Earp story, and probably the closest to historical fact, is Hour of the Gun (1967) with James Garner and Jason Robards.
2023-03-25 23:01:06 Another great telling of the Earp story, and probably the closest to historical fact, is Hour of the Gun (1967) with James Garner and Jason Robards. The narration in Tombstone was done by Robert Mitchum, another great actor of the 1950s to the 70s. It also featured Harry Carey, Jr as the murdered sheriff and Charlton Heston (of Ben Hur) as the rancher who gave Earp's group shelter. Tombstone is not perfectly historically accurate, but it's among the closer "based on true events" Earp movies. All had copious, non-historical embellishments. Other Earp movies include the following: My Darling Clementine (1948, no historical accuracy, but great), Gunfight at OK Corral (1954?), Hour of the Gun (1967), and Wyatt Earp (with Kevin Costner, but generally negatively reviewed).

Another great telling of the Earp story, and probably the closest to historical fact, is Hour of the Gun (1967) with James Garner and Jason Robards. The narration in Tombstone was done by Robert Mitchum, another great actor of the 1950s to the 70s. It also featured Harry Carey, Jr as the murdered sheriff and Charlton Heston (of Ben Hur) as the rancher who gave Earp's group shelter. Tombstone is not perfectly historically accurate, but it's among the closer "based on true events" Earp movies. All had copious, non-historical embellishments. Other Earp movies include the following: My Darling Clementine (1948, no historical accuracy, but great), Gunfight at OK Corral (1954?), Hour of the Gun (1967), and Wyatt Earp (with Kevin Costner, but generally negatively reviewed).

Larry Darrell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-26 04:14:21 I’m all for Cassie & Carly watching some more Wyatt Earp movies, and see how They compare them. The Sooner the Better, while the Story is Still Fresh. Especially Kevin Costner’s & Lawrence Kasdan’s Epic, Wyatt Earp (1994). Lawrence Kasdan being of course, the Writer of, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Continental Divide (1981) Return of the Jedi (1983) And the Writer & Director of, Body Heat (1981) The Big Chill (1983) Silverado (1985) Grand Canyon (1991) & Wyatt Earp (1994) (Many, Many more Familiar Faces in this one)
2023-03-26 00:07:20 I’m all for Cassie & Carly watching some more Wyatt Earp movies, and see how They compare them. The Sooner the Better, while the Story is Still Fresh. Especially Kevin Costner’s & Lawrence Kasdan’s Epic, Wyatt Earp (1994). Lawrence Kasdan being of course, the Writer of, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Continental Divide (1981) Return of the Jedi (1983) And the Writer & Director of, Body Heat (1981) The Big Chill (1983) Silverado (1985) Grand Canyon (1991) & Wyatt Earp (1994) (Many, Many more Familiar Faces in this one)

I’m all for Cassie & Carly watching some more Wyatt Earp movies, and see how They compare them. The Sooner the Better, while the Story is Still Fresh. Especially Kevin Costner’s & Lawrence Kasdan’s Epic, Wyatt Earp (1994). Lawrence Kasdan being of course, the Writer of, The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Continental Divide (1981) Return of the Jedi (1983) And the Writer & Director of, Body Heat (1981) The Big Chill (1983) Silverado (1985) Grand Canyon (1991) & Wyatt Earp (1994) (Many, Many more Familiar Faces in this one)

Shawn Kildal

He also played Elvis again in 3000 Miles to Graceland with Kevin Costner.

Shawn Kildal

I wonder if Delany got that role in China Beach in part for her very memorable brief stint on Moonlighting which was also an ABC show

Shawn Kildal

I haven't seen the original, but it's hard to believe it's better than the remake.

Shawn Kildal

Costner was going to do Tombstone but felt it was more ensemble piece and wanted it should be more centered around Wyatt Earp himself and left the project and it was recast with Kurt Russell. Costner also tried to sabotage Tombstone financially since he was now competing against it, but Tombstone turned out great despite his efforts.

Shawn Kildal

I love High Plains Drifter, but I don't think Cassie would get behind the Eastwood character after what happens at the beginning of the movie

Shawn Kildal

I don't think Cassie has seen Miracle. It's nowhere to be found on her Letterboxd, and Carly brought it up as a movie she's seen but Cassie said she hasn't seen it

Bill Maurer

Loved watching Carly try and dodge bullets while watching the shootout at the OK Corral. Classic !!

Ryan Towell

Can't always believe everything you read on wikipedia. Costner was supposed to be in Tombstone, but felt the script at the time was more about the entire family and Doc vs Wyatt himself. Costner wanted to do something about Wyatts life. So he left, Wyatt Earp was originally going to be a miniseries, but once Costner joined up w/ it, they turned it into a longer movie. As for the issues w/ Tombstone, they just felt that at the time, with all the problems Tombstone was having with directors coming and going and script changes and cast changes, once CCostner left they studios didn't think it would be a hit. Once Russell came on board he pretty much directed the film and made it happen. Costner didn't try to sabotage Tombstone. Matter of fact, He and pretty much the entire cast are good friends and went on to do outstanding work together.

Ryan Towell

This film was filmed in and around Tombstone,AZ and other Cochise County Arizona. I grew up there and still live in some of the area's this was filmed. It is very pretty desert.

Stick Figure Studios

I know. I'm definitely in a minority when it comes to that movie. I think it's a misunderstood masterpiece.

Ray Johnson

Since you are such a die-hard Kurt Russell fan, lol, you have to watch Backdraft!


Would probably enjoy Overboard as a Kurt Russell romcom.


Breakdown is another good Kurt Russell movie.

Bubba Fett

Probabaly my 2nd favorite western really only behind Outlaw Josey Wales which is also my favorite Eastwood movie.

Sean Novack

The voters did Cassie and Carley really dirty with "Unforgiven". That's like throwing a High School Senior into a Graduate-level class on thermodynamics. Yeah, it can be really fun for people who understand the material, but the poor person who has no frame of reference is completely lost.


Been a lot of years since I've seen this. Not at all historically accurate and not the sort of film I typically go for on a regular basis but I really enjoyed withing it with Cassie and Carly. Val Kilmer was high in his prime and stole the show, imo. Always been a favorite of mine. Same with Bill Paxton. Not Kurt Russell's best but still a damned good performance. Sam Elliot is great as Sam Elliot in anything he does. Doc Holiday was born John Henry Holliday and was known as "Doc" because he was a licensed Dentist. He also received a classical education in rhetoric, grammar, mathematics, history, Latin, and some French and Ancient Greek. It's believed he contracted tuberculosis while caring for his mother and adopted brother who both died from the disease. The only woman he was ever known to have a relationship with was Mary Katharine "Big Nose Kate" Horony, a dance hall woman and occasional prostitute "Tough, stubborn, and fearless", she was educated, but chose to work as a prostitute because she liked her independence. Wyatt Earp's common law wife was also thought to be a prostitute and she is known to have operated a brothel when they lived in Kansas. Wyatt's other brother James is known to have run a brothel and, while living in Peoria, Wyatt's address was the same as a known brothel. Both Wyatt and Morgan were in and out of jail many times for thefts and numerous other crimes prior to the events in the film. The reality may not be as noble but i find it even more interesting.

Dean Holt

This was also a first time watch, I’m really starting to think 90s serious westerns aren’t really my thing. As it was really hard for me to get through this as it had a few good scenes but that’s all it was as every time it felt like it was getting going the pacing of the film slowed down again. So it just felt really disjointed and a bit of a mess of a movie. Overall I think it’s highly overrated due to the cast and a few iconic lines. I also had similar options about Unforgiven and The Quick and the Dead. The best Western movies for me I think will always be the Sergio Leone films but the two Tarantino made were also very good.

Chris Therrien

Hello Cassie, been with your patreon from the start and so happy for your success. I've seen hundreds of westerns and you're right ,Sam Elliott just looks and sounds like a cowboy should. I know it isn't very well known and probably wouldn't be good for hits on youtube, but if you ever get a chance sometime you should see "Conagher" from 1991 with Sam and his real life wife Katherine Ross. Not a shoot em up but a really good chatacter driven western romance. Other similar ones (not Sam though) are Monte Walsh 2003 and Will Penny 1967. Keep up the outstanding work!!!


Lonesome Dove. You two would love it!

Clay F

Val Kilmer acting is stunning in this movie.

Clay F

Yep, Outlaw Josey Wales is my No. 1 Eastwood western.

Terry Yelmene

Surprise! The ladies loved it!

Ramah Mustangs

Such a great reaction. One of the best movies ever not just western movie. It is said that all lightning and mustaches were real. Tombstone is based on actual events. Thank you for another great movie.


I've been wanting to watch this for a long time and it did not disappoint at all. It is a beautifully shot film, which I did not really expect, and it is never boring. Even at over two hours long I don't think I checked the clock once. Amazing cast but Val Kilmer delivers an Oscar worthy performance. He stole every scene. Brilliant acting. One of the best westerns I've seen.


That would be a long reaction but well worth it. Lonesome Dove is not only the best western movie or tv I've seen but the best western novel, too. I still cannot believe it didn't win Emmy for best miniseries. To be fair, I have also never seen War and Remembrance, which did win the Emmy. I'll have to check that out.