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This show gripped me SO hard. I loved it, I hated it. I am so conflicted. The end was so complex and it's going to kill me to wait until the second season, might have to start playing video games ;) PLEASE NO SPOILERS! Thanks so much for watching this series with me, hope you enjoyed it!

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[Full Reaction] The Last of Us EP 8-9



There's a show called STATION ELEVEN you might like with some similarities to The Last Of Us, I highly recommend it

Chip MC

Canā€™t wait to watch later. Also you mightā€™ve been kidding but if you do play the game, put it on the channel lol That would be so fun to watch


I've been dying for you to finish the season so I could share this. Zero spoilers if you've finished the first season, so no worries. It's just a good laugh: https://youtu.be/z8XN7eoZr0Y (For context, it's an "alternate ending" they shot for the game when it was being made. It's just the actors and director having a good time after such a serious ending.)

George Stapp

Am I crazy or are we missing episode 7?


The full reactions are a different order than the highlights. She did the first three at once, then two at a time so she did 6&7 last week:)šŸ–¤


So glad I stayed up late, Iā€™ve really been looking forward to seeing what you think of this storyā€™s conclusion.

George Stapp

Just seeing it now. Iā€™m an I D 10 T! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I like all movie genres, but my fave is horror and I'm so proud of you for making it to the end and giving this series a chance. Another step closer to watching The Exorcist (1973) šŸ˜

Marko T.

My favorite episodes are 3, 6 and 9.

David Freese

Spoilers dude. Not everyone has seen the last 2 episodes or played the game.

Ishan Behoora

also the game literally made us confused when it came out 2013 . One of the original actors asked why make it a show and Neil Drunkmann said because some ppl will never play games and it makes sense Im glad so many non games can see this story.


Oh for crying out loud... This is the discussion section for the final episode. Do I really have to avoid spoilers for the final episode? This is the place to discuss what happened.


SPOILERS for those who haven't watched these yet: The man Ellie kills with the cleaver in episode 8 is played by Troy Baker, who plays Joel in the games, and the woman who plays Ellie's mom in episode 9 is played by Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie in the games


Very cool cameos. Also, Perry in episodes 4 & 5, is Jeffrey Pierce and he voiced Tommy in the games.

Jyn Jilly

It amazes me that everyone who has reacted to this episode without playing the games has said "Wow, the actress who plays Ellie's mom looks and sounds like Bella". Everybody. The fact that Ashley Johnson played Ellie in the game and the fact that Bella was cast as Ellie yet closely resembles Ashley never ceases to amaze me. What perfect casting.


Imagine a bunch of 14 year old boys crying in their rooms alone playing this game

Nolan B.

Laura Bailey also cameo'd as one of the nurses in E9 (don't Google her if you don't want spoilers for Season 2)

Terry Yelmene

"I feel sick. I don't know why." Our intuitive Cassie was already thinking at David's portion at the diner. Then, "They killed a good horse. They're separating MY friends!" And at the end, EVERYBODY cries, but Cassie wept and sobbed at the greatest seven word payoff in television history: "It's okay baby girl. I got you." I didn't think Cassie was going to make it through the 'David' episode... but she did. Then Cassie wept and sobbed at Ellie's violent, awful birth scene. "This is the worst world." Finally, a high point when Cassie realizes our story culminates in Salt Lake and with her migration, she feels closer to Pedro. Followed by more crying at "It wasn't time that did it." Then just mostly silence - through the violence - excepting "It's John Wick right now." and "The most protecting protector of all protectors." Until Cassie finally realizes the whole premise of 'The Last Of Us' and says; "This is not fair - it's just not fair." - "They really made this complicated!" Many reactors and commenters simply characterize Joel's dilemma a the classic 'trolley problem.' While it technically IS the trolley problem... it's not JUST opting to sacrifice one to save many... rather, it cleverly poses two complicated questions, that when combined, forms a fundamentally unanswerable human-defining paradox: 1. "Do the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, the one?" - and - 2. Regarding 'parental love,' what would you do (do too much) to protect your child... in evaluating the worth of YOUR ONE against ANY OTHERS?" Of course the 'trolley' situation in Episode 9 holds many more complications; Marlene's belief in the potential cure over her commitment to Anna... the Firefly doctor whose all-or-nothing impatience at sacrificing his only test subject may, or may not prove the right thing to do... Joel's belief that his second chance would be vindicated only by saving the second daughter that has now graced his life, saving him... and Ellie, whose seemingly best life's purpose was her own death on that surgical table in Salt Lake... which would likely have been her decision, if she was given the choice - or not. We'll never know. All of which serves to make TLOU the story-telling masterpiece that it is! At this point, I've literally seen dozens and dozens of TLOU Ep. 9-Finale reactions from gamers, non-gamers, young women who cried, burley old men who cried, (and me, I cried too), those who've called Joel a traitor to the human race... and others (mostly parents) who supported Joel's actions 100%. My favorite Ep. 9 reaction to date, is from the 'Kelseaā€™s Comments' Patreon/YT channel (I know PiB is nearly always my favorite, but this time I'm giving the nod to Kelsea). Kelsea is a young mother whose take was decidedly (and emotionally) for Joel. Kelsea concentrated on Ellie... opining "it's not fair... NO CHILD should make THE SELF-SACRIFICE decision... and in fact, Joel SHOULD HAVE lied... and only tell Ellie the truth after she becomes as adult... when Ellie can then 'maturely' decide... all of the fates. For myself... I'm left back somewhere within the two question paradox. I can't say what's right, what's wrong... a new chance for humanity, or a world that still has our beloved Ellie in it... was Sam's life more valuable than Micheal's... was Frank right to decide to leave Bill... was Bill right to join Frank... can Joel ever be completely free from his actions in Salt Lake... can Ellie ever be free from Joel's actions and broken trust? And finally, can I ever be satisfied with where I've been left, until I can see TLOU Season 2? I don't think so... I've loved this show too much even as it's left too much of that hole in me. After everything, the parting comment; "When's Season 2 coming out?", I am more than compelled to Thank You Cassie for gutting TLOU out for us. We can all see how hard this was on your precious heart... but I for one, believe it's your heart that should be, that is, the best, last of us.

Bjƶrn Von Knorring

I heard that they, before filming the episode, let the crew play the game. Of those without children it was kinda 50/50 if Joel made the right thing or not. Of those with children 100% (no exceptions) would have done the same thing.

Wu Sha Ling

this show is exemplary of why i love scifi writing. when the world changes, what remains of humanity? both utopian and dystopian scifi. in the post apocalypse, it offers many scenarios to explore these questions. the games fallout 1 and 2 have a lot of similar trolley problems as the last of us has. choosing one group over the other, while neither is wholly good or bad. but to the point of this show, if the story was that it was joel's daughter sarah instead of ellie, it would be no question. by writing it like this, a kid with no parents and a man who lost his daughter, the trolley problem becomes much more nuanced and moral ambiguity increases dramatically. and that is where you feel so invested and struggle with the outcome and anguish of the choices. if there was a clear resolution, this story would be unremarkable. it is great writing.

Alex Gorell

If it makes you feel better the general consensus among doctors and scientists is that making a vaccine would have been virtually impossible. So Joel probably made the right decision. You should definitely play the game. The actor who played James plays Joel in the video game and Ellieā€™s mom is Ellie.

Richard Maurer

Episode 9 spoilers. In the end you have to side with Joel. The fireflys were going to kill Ellie without giving her a choice, and even if they did give her a choice and she said no I don't believe they would have just let her go anyway. Then there's the fact that there was no testing, and so no proof, that the cure would even work. Joel probably shouldn't have lied to Ellie, but even then I think he was mostly doing it to spare her so she could move on with her life.

Ben Cookie

My all time favourite game. Cassie you have to play this !

Bjƶrn Von Knorring

I feel that this kind of arguments is just a cheap way to dodge the dilemma. The in-universe assumption is that it wpuld have worked. Otherwise you can get put of most movie dilemmas by applying real physics and biology (ā€well faster that light travel is not possible so this Star trek-dilemma is not validā€)

Robin Craft

Agree with you šŸ’Æ Killing the host of a "possible" cure should be the last resort anyway.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

When he called her baby girl I was right there with you. The last show to suck me in like this was The Mandalorion, Game Of Thrones or Dexter. This show could be right up there with them. It has the potential to be that good

Robin Craft

Episode 8... for those that thought Bella Ramsey was the wrong choice to play the Ellie role, what are your thoughts now?

Robin Craft

Remember in Ep.3 in the letter that Bill wrote to Joel about finding someone to love and protect. " That's why men like you and me are here and God help any mfs that stand in our way" I didn't like Joel lying to Ellie but I understood why he did. I have no problem of what Joel did. Marlene and the Fireflies were sketchy to say the least on how they handled the situation. Cassie had me crying.... again. Thank you for your wonderful reaction.

Jesus F Christ

The HBO companion podcast about the last episode addresses the ending and multiple schools of thought about the character's mindsets. It's a really interesting discussion.


I think even if it "might've" worked applying basic human nature to the equation one could still conclude Joel's *decision* (not the murder spree) to save Ellie is the one that isn't morally corrupt. FF is a paramilitary organization losing a war to an oppressive military state, there's no way they have the infrastructure to get a cure out in a way that would do the most good, they'd likely use it to leverage an advantage over the populace in their war with FEDRA. The alternative is FEDRA gets their hands on the cure, defeats the FF, and holds the cure over humanity as a means to retain control. Either way leads to more suffering and a prolonged war. At the very least Joel is certain he can save and protect one 14-year old girl.


This show is still on my to do list. So is playing the game after hearing so many glowing reviews. Even though I'm yet to join in on the fun I think it would be great for Cassie to branch out and try playing the game.

Andrew Ramos

Actually, the math adds up for warp travel and it's technically not faster than light. Just saying...

Andrew Ramos

This might be an unpopular opinion but I think this series is pretty good. I'm not sure it's great. I know the video game is beloved by many but as a show I don't understand how it's groundbreaking. Before I watched an episode I read an article talking about how The Last of Us displays what The Walking Dead "forgot". So I was expecting something innovative. It's weird to see this show getting praised for what The Walking Dead was getting bashed for...I've heard TWD get criticism for forgetting about the zombies while TLOU getting praised for the same thing. It's interesting. TLOU isn't bad by any means it just doesn't match the hype in my opinion. It also doesn't do a very good job of setting up the reality of the apocalypse for Cassie. She's still saying "Why can't you just talk before bombing them" etc. That's not her fault with the time jumps and ultra narrow character focus it doesn't quite layout the mindset of the world as a whole.


If season 1 destroyed her, season 2 will much worse. 2025 is the estimated release day for the Last of Us season 2.

Cody Nelson

I would love for you to react to the cutscenes from the game. It's easy enough to find on youtube. As faithful as the show was there are some notable differences. It also helps that the game ends exactly how season 1 ends. Since season 2 is so far away, I wouldn't mind seeing you react to the second game, though I don't know how feasible that would be. Just something to consider I guess. I'm also curious to know how you would compare Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson's Joel and Ellie to Predro and Bella. I loved the second game... but it's brutal. It's also cool that Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie in the game, plays her mom in the show.

Uncle Phoenix

I was so sucked in from the beginning of Cassieā€™s first reaction; and it seemed so long for her to get to episode 9. I tried watching other reactorā€™s and I was so surprised at the breadth of content out there, some were good. I am so impressed with how good Cassie is at this. When I watch with Cassie, because thatā€™s what it feels like, I always feel like Itā€™s the first time watching it. Every single time. Thanks, Cassie.

David Guin

Joel couldn't (didn't) save Sarah. He has gone over that night in his mind and in his dreams thousands and thousands of times, trying to figure out what else he needed to do to make the outcome different. In at least his subconscious mind he has decided that if he had it to do over again, he would do **whatever it took** to save her. He got a second chance with Ellie. He did what it took to save her. Ellie being alive is justification enough, in his mind, for "whatever."


He saved her at least twice that night before she was shot.

Wyatt Nuxoll

If you want to play the last of us video game Cassie, I fully support that , however it might be a little hard to play and get used to at first and if you don't have the time to play the game you can always watch the walk through game plays that YouTube has , some are edited and created to feel like a TV show or movie. I highly recommend doing this because there're a lot more content in between the major ploy points that the television series couldn't cover any way have a great day and congrats on the 300k subs I'm happy for ya

Steve Mercier

I loved your reaction to this. Made me cry just as hard the first time I watched it...


Should play the game, there's so much more character development between Joel and Ellie.


The situation is crazy, if they asked ellie , she would have convinced joel, Fireflies deserve it for their lack of communication , emotion and humanity and for treating Ellie as a lab rat.

Bjƶrn Von Knorring

Assuming you think it is ok to put that decision on a traumatized child who probably would feel forced to agree. When Ellie is old enough and has rwcovered from her trauma it is more fair to ask her what she want to do.

'Pappy' Johnston

Are you kidding!?!? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Let me tell ya', I'm a BATTLE HARDENED 58 year old veteran of 3 armed conflicts and ONE WAR and I STILL bawl like a baby at a few places both in the game and the series, not the LEAST of which is, when Sarah dies!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ No shame in it. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ™‚

'Pappy' Johnston

VERY well said. In the post-production podcast, Neil Druckman told the story of how they did continue testing while making the game to make sure they were on track to still be telling the story they wanted to tell. In it he said they would have people play the game and one of the questions they would ask at the end was, Do you think Joel did the right thing?" Mr Druckman said that of non-parents it was about a 50/50 split. But he said that of people who had children, it was, and WITHOUT A SINGLE EXCEPTION 100% on Joel's side as being right in what he did. Speaking purely as a father of five, (yes I five kids), I know how I felt when I played the game and got to this part. Looking back, I must honestly say that, that "DAD" part of my brain immediately clicked on and I went through that hospital and killed everything that moved to get to my kid, who was in danger, AND I DIDN'T EVEN BLINK! Now, whether or not he should have LIED to Ellie about it or not... that's a whole another debate. But, in my humble opinion, whether or not to save your child from death even if it's to save humanity, or in this case, a possibility to say if humanity, in this particular post-apocalyptic world, it's not even a question for me as to whether or not Joel did the right thing. (Again JUST MY OPINION, don't hate me 'cuz I'm beautiful.... LOL)

TinCan Cosmanaut

I know you think Carlie canā€™t handle these shows but itā€™s exactly the raw emotion everyone on YouTube craves.


@Bjorn, thank you. As as someone new to the story (I didn't play the game), I cannot stress enough how much these "scientific" arguments irritate me. The fact is that the Fireflies, Joel, and Ellie think this will work. All three told us as much through the series. No one cares what your nerdy ass viewer thinks. That the cure WILL work is fundamental to the moral dilemma of this episode. To remove that, is to invalidate the core moral conflict of the ending. Absolute cop out indeed.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Iā€™ve seen a lot of reactors talk about cgi/actors/writing but what we all really wanna is this unfiltered raw reaction. I think itā€™s Cassieā€™s secret recipe to getting so popular so fast

Steve Barrett

He absolutely did the right thing IMO.

Cornelius P. Stranglefart, Attorney at Law D.D.S.

People are struggling to come to terms with the fact that they empathize and relate to the villain of the story. Joel killed a couple dozen people to keep them from fulfilling ellie's wishes. He lied because he knew deep down what she would have chosen. I love Joel. I'm just past trying to justify his actions as something other than what they are. You can like him, and he can be wrong. His actions, though understandable, are no less horrific.


Do yourself a favor and watch the cutscenes for the second game on YouTube. There's zero chance the show will live up to it.

Ray Johnson

The Walking Dead was a great show for a few seasons. I think it just dragged on for way too long. This is the first season for TLOU. And I think a show where they just fight off infected every episode would be boring and repetitive. It's the focus on the relationships between the characters and the adversity they face that makes it interesting. And the emotions that people have reacting to their struggles make it so impactful. I think it's the best show in years.

Ian from wine country

Tell me, are you familiar with the writings of Shan-Yu? "Baby girl" makes me cry every single time. Every. Single. Time. I'm a big strong dude. I'm Wayne from Letterkenny. "Good'n"you" "Not's'bad" Episode 8 is full abandonment/redemption trauma. Full tears, every time.


Except the first 2 episodes open with the statement that a cure is in fact impossible.

Ian from wine country

And please don't ask for spoilers for season 2. Only thing I can say about season 2 without spoilers, is it gets even sadder, and happier, and even more wholesome


LuMarq, I don't know how to drill this into the the heads of you and your Ilk but hopefully the caps will help: MARLENE AND THE FIREFLIES AND JOEL AND ELLIE DID NOT KNOW THAT. This entire moral dilemma is based on subjective belief, not objective knowledge. It doesn't matter what external evidence you bring. It doesn't matter that right now, on the other side of the planet, people are getting cured. The central moral conflict of the finale is that everyone involved believes the cure will work and acted with that knowledge: Marlene chose to sacrifice Ellie without her consent for the good of mankind. Joel chose Ellie over mankind because he loves her, she healed him, and he couldn't bear to lose another daughter. Ellie didn't choose anything. But the closing moments of the finale suggest that given the choice, she would have given her life to save mankind, and that both Marlene and Joel denied her that choice. ALL the central conflicts above depend on the characters' subjective (internal) belief that the cure will work. It wouldn't matter if God himself told the audience that it wouldn't work. All that matters is that all three believed it would. Without that, there is no dilemma, there is no moral conflict for the characters or the audience, just easy, dumb "yes but the science" neckbeard nerdery.


I watched TWD for 5 or 6 seasons (I've heard that a lot, I think that's the consensus for how long it's worth it for everyone but the die hard fans). I really enjoyed it, and in fact believe that to use you expression, it brilliantly sets up "the reality of the apocalypse." Moreso than TLOU! But setting up "the reality of the apocalypse" is not remotely the point of TLOU. I can't speak for subsequent seasons (I'm not a gamer) but season 1 of TLOU was *emphatically* about a father and daughter relationship, above anything else. Yes, above the apocalypse. My goodness, the entire season is this literally duo traveling across the country. There is nothing in TWD that even approaches the depth of characterization in this show, the growing bond between these two. I saw a lot of fun archetypes in TWD. But depth? Very little. Nothing ever happened in TWD that resonated with me with regard to my relationship with my own child. It's just not on that level. Joel and Ellie's relationship is THE point of this show. Not the apocalypse.

Sean Stuart

Marlene played that scenario out all wrong. Cassie I canā€™t see you playing a shooting game.


In my experience reactors who have played the game first have way worse reactions to the show, because they know what's coming so it doesn't hit so hard. It's just not the same.

Steve Barrett

Not going to get into a big discussion here, but youā€™ve frighteningly missed the point, and the biggest theme of the show. As Joel said, ā€œIf you keep moving forward youā€™ll find purposeā€. The major theme is that through all the shit that occurred, he found the capacity to love again. His love for Ellie was what healed him. Also, it was Ellieā€™s wish to go provide help to find a cure. SHE NEVER AGREED TO GIVE HER LIFE and no one asked her, they didnā€™t tell her she would die. They just decided for her out of their own desperation. Cowardice. They just decided to murder her for a cure without consent. An eye for eye.

Steve Barrett

Joel, through love, decides itā€™s kinder to unburden her and let her have her life. My 2c.

Steve Barrett

When Cassie said ā€œI donā€™t know if Iā€™m ready for thisā€ - I was thinking you are not. Maybe you shouldnā€™t do this to yourself. A tv show shouldnā€™t effect you this strongly- but you are very empathetic and compassionate.


Hey Cassie, was just curious if you watched any of the ā€œInside the episodeā€ for the season after each episode. The creators and actors talk about each episode. Itā€™s really interesting. Also, The Making of The Last of Us.


NO SPOILERS - But the second part of the game left a lot of people scratching their heads. Lets just say season 2 will be a wild ride.

Bjƶrn Von Knorring

Some people donā€™t want to think about bad things so they take the easy way out so they donā€™t have to choose.

Rick Williams

Cassie you were a mess. Great reaction. Unfortunately we will probably have to wait awhile for season 2. I would have done the same. I could not have let them cut her up and kill her. She is his family now. You do whatever you have to do to save family. P.S. People are not trolling you. The CDC put out a warning about a fast spreading fungus that is killing people. Check the CDC website for more information or to confirm if you don't believe me.

Rick Williams

You protect family. Who could just give up a loved one and let her be killed? Even for a chance at a cure. I could not. Find another way.

Rick Williams

And there is no guarantee that they could find a cure by cutting her brain up.

Rick Williams

Yes. You are good. You are very compassionate and caring. It is good to see your take of the different worlds we visit in these shows and movies. You have even made me less cynical about the world. Thank you.


Absolutely loved that the Kevin Conroys (best Batman) of Joel and Ellie got not just cameos, but full-on roles in the show! Buddy boy and Ellie's mom. Well played!

Alex Gorell

Good grief Calm down bro. I didnā€™t take any of the dilemma out of it. I simply said that what scientists know now is that it wouldnā€™t have worked.


No drilling necessary lol but as the audience the argument is with one another so it wouldn't make sense to have the discussion without all the information available which was the purpose of experiencing the game/series. Itā€™s my stance that the entire moral dilemma presented is in fact a false dilemma and that there is a clear moral high ground to be found. Even without the external evidence given to us viewers the choices presented to the characters set up a false dichotomy, and at least the adults involved in the decision couldā€™ve made that observation (Joel or Marlene). "Either Ellie dies, and the cure is possible, or Ellie lives, and the world is doomed." The notion that Marlene and the FF's subjective belief was that the cure was 100% possible doesn't excuse their decision to disregard further logical thought processes or experiments to find viable alternatives, and to not violate individual autonomy and a person's right to live so their approach is already the clear "wrong" one regardless of the scale of any potential "good" they can do And Joel cannot be certain that saving Ellie will 100% doom the world and since no individual owes ā€œthe worldā€ anything, he is not "robbing" anyone. Also, when a paramilitary organization is given the order to kill you if you try to prevent them from harming an innocent it is ethically justifiable to meet the threat in kind. Joel later violates this justification when he shoots unarmed and surrendering FFs and is placed on equal moral bankruptcy as Marlene the gang. But up until that point he is in fact justified and the clear ā€œrightā€ one. The true moral conflict from this story for me was lying to someone you love with the belief that you are doing so for their benefit, as well as denying them something they truly want because you want to spare yourself additional pain. EDIT: I accidentally hit Enter too early. But I really enjoy this type of discussion!

Rick Williams

Whether they could make a cure or not would not matter to me. Most of the world died. If I was lucky enough to have someone that had become family to me. I could not just let them be killed.

Jared Wiltshire

Itā€™s been a while since I played the game, both the original and the remaster, but Iā€™m pretty sure Joel can find an email or something from the Firefly doctor. In it, they say theyā€™ve tried the operation on like 2-3 other people that they found and thought they were immune. Each time the patient died and there was nothing to help them find a cure.


Great watch! I'm hoping to be in season 2, I am a funguy.....(badambum) thanks I'll be here all week...

Robert da Spruce

Man! Those last two episodes were intense! I have never played the game. I avoided spoilers. So I had no idea how it was going to end. I donā€™t know if what Joel did was right. I have no idea what I wouldā€™ve have done. I would like to think I would told Ellie the truth. And let her make her own choice. Which no one was letting her do. But thatā€™s easy to say when youā€™re not in that situation. Iā€™m no doctor, but I also think there has to be a way to extract the necessary cells for a cure without having to kill Ellie in the process. At least that would be the hope I would cling to. Good show! Very well done! Great reaction as well Cassie!

Robert da Spruce

When Cassie said ā€œPlease No spoilersā€, my interpretation was she doesnā€™t want any spoilers for season 2. As I know absolutely nothing about what could happen in season 2, not sure I can spoil anything. If thatā€™s incorrect, Iā€™m more than happy to delete my initial comment

Just Plain Bob

I just canā€™t seem to get into this series and Iā€™m not sure why. I love the zombie genre, dating all the way back to Romeroā€™s original trilogy. The story is reasonably good, the acting is superb and the production values are top notch. I canā€™t find any fault with any aspect of the series. But, for some reason, it just doesnā€™t resonate with me.


Reactions are a little delayed in Episode 9, not by much but by a few seconds.


Hi Robert, your comment is fine! The comment section on any of Cassie's posts can go into the specifics of what she watched in the particular reaction these comments are for. Thanks! KL (PIB Mod)

David Freese

And you know, that's ok. Not everyone likes the same things. I can respect and appreciate anyone who can give something a try and then doesn't put others down for enjoying something.

Shawn Kildal

I think Cassie has toughened up after all these reactions. That scene at the beginning of Episode 9 when the zombie entered the room would have had the old Cassie hiding under her blanket. She barely squinted her eyes when it happened.

Philip Alan

Chocolate cures everything.


Iā€™m just so happy Cassie has never referred to Joel as ā€œan old guyā€ or similar. šŸ™šŸ˜

Shawn E Mercado

I loved the games and I agree with what you said about it positively, but yeah it just doesn't resonate with me like it should. In some ways it feels like it's "going through the motions" but also rushing toward the end. Removing all the "gameplay" scenes sounds like it should be fine but I think something was lost, not least of which was many bonding moments between the player and ellie. I also don't love their interpretation of Joel. Pedro is great but I feel like Joel should be much tougher than how they chose to play him.