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SURPRISE! Cinebinge reached out about doing a collab reaction with Simone and I, and YES YES!! It was so fun to change things up and Simone is beyond lovely. We watched Hachi, and SHEESH KA BOB I was not ready for this. I don't know if a ton of you have seen this, so I won't give too much away but Richard Gere has never been more handsome than when loving on that puppers!

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[Full Reaction] Hatchi: A Dog's Tale (2009)



Epic collab! 🥳

Wu Sha Ling

you probably read that the dog has a statue at the train stop. it is quite the story.

CJ Ilano

The perfect collab!!! Do more reactions together please!!!!

Robin Craft

Simone and George crack me up as CineBinge... two of my favorites. Looking forward to that.


We don't deserve Dogs.

Bill Maurer

Great idea !!!!! Will have to watch this over the weekend!!

Ari-Pekka Lindqvist

What the hell 😮 WHAAT!!?!?! 2 of my loved channels. No way 😮😊🥳

Robert da Spruce

Cassie: “I’ve never had any guests before except Carly” Cassie’s Mom: 😢 Just teasing Cassie! 😉


If you haven't seen it already, you should totally check out Togo! If you know the sled dog Balto, Togo was the true hero dog!

Tim Raths

I’ve never seen this movie but I’ll gladly watch this because I love both channels.

William Bryan

I know a Simone. Simone Kross 😅 😉


Wow! My two favorite reactors together? This makes me so happy! Can't wait to watch this!

Daniel H.

Loving this collab, big fan of both PiB and Cinebinge.

Wu Sha Ling

going into it i expected an extended blubber off, not disappointed. btw there is an episode of futurama which is a tribute to hachi's story. jurassic bark


This movie is incredible and I’m looking forward to watching it again with you


This is one of my favorite crossovers of all time

David Collins

I keep waiting for you to go down the Richard Gere rabbit hole. An Officer and a Gentleman is a classic and one of his best. First Knight, which is actually a multifaceted love story, might be a good place for you to continue the dive. He plays the fabled Sir Lancelot - with Sean Connery as King Arthur and Julia Ormond (Legends of the Fall and Sabrina both of which you loved) as Lady Guinevere.


I love both of your channels. I am a fellow Canadian. I have not seen this movie, but because of you 2 I will watch it with you. I have a hard time watching Dog movies because I get very upset if you kill the dog. I mean sobbing out loud upset. I think I was traumatized as a kid by the Disney movie "Old Yeller". The Godfather of Dog movies. I could never watch Marley & Me or I am Legend because I knew they were going to kill the Dog in the end just from the trailer. I highly recommend"Eight Below"(2006)Starring Paul Walker. Oh man I had to leave out the back exit of the theatre after this one. I started to choke up just thing about it. When I was a Kid I loved all Lassie movies and Jack London novels. As a Canadian kid of the 70s & 80s The Littlest Hobo broke my heart every week on tv. My favorite Dog actor of all time is JED a Wolf/Malamute mix who starred in "The Thing"(1982), "The Journey of Natty Gann"(1985), & "White Fang"(1991). All 3 are fantastic movies!! I think every young girl should watch The Journey of Natty Gann. A beautiful Disney film thats gone under the radar. What young person wouldn't want a Wolf/Dog as their protector.


Not sure if youve watched her reaction yet but I can tell from this pots you're going to love this movie =)

Björn Karlsson

Omg 🫣🫣 but I must ask you 😬😬 I guess you are from Finland. I'm a crazy swedish guy with a "problem" 🤪😜 I want Cassie to do a reaction of a swedish movie. Sooooo I'm wondering. Have you seen the swedish movie Fucking Åmål from 1998, if you have, did you liked it???? and have you installed popcorn request 😬😬😬???

Johnny Liu

This collab was a ton of fun… until it got really sad… but this was a great surprise and I hope we see future Cinebinge in Bed videos.

Terry Yelmene

...sobbing... nothing but sobbing... in stereo. I'm with you Simone, I hate that movie too. It's the only possible outcome when two people like Cassie and Simone 'feel' that much and this is such a heartbreaking story. Great collaborative reaction!

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Oh this is gonna ruff, sorry for the pun but I'm still not quite over my Geisha, and all my dogs because they were all the best dogs ever in history lol, man, I deliberately avoided the movie because I've heard the true story, but... It's Cassie and Simone, excited for the crossover lol can't wait to get sad after work 😂😭


I love dog movies, and this one is heartbreakingly beautiful. Can't wait to see your reaction.

Tim Raths

She also did that in-theater reaction with Brandon from Brandon Likes Movies.

David Guin

OMVG's! Simone and Cassie on the same screen . . . . I can die a happy man


Is this the place to request additional collabs with Cinebinge? Because if so....yes, please.

Robert Haynes

I only follow two reaction channels, yours and cinebinge's... this is a crazy surprise!

Steve Arnold

Not sure what is more heart breaking: The movie or the two of you sobbing your hearts out?!? Yours are my absolute favourite channels and it is really awesome to see you together. Please give us more of that!

Mike Lemon

Judging from Simone's reaction, I am never going to watch this. I can barely handle the Futurama episode, I would never make it through this movie. But I will give Toby Sniffington (Basset hound) some extra lovins in honor of you two ladies and leave the following- God Summoned A Beast (A Fable) Author unknown God summoned the beast from the field and He said "Behold, man is created in my image. Therefore adore him. You shall protect him in the wilderness, shepherd his flocks, watch over his children, accompany him wherever he may go... even into civilization. You shall be his companion, his ally, his slave." "To do these things," God said, "I endow you with the instincts uncommon to other beasts: Faithfulness, Devotion and Understanding surpassing those of man himself. Lest it impair your courage, you shall never foresee your death. Lest it impair your loyalty, you shall be blind to the faults of man. Lest it impair your understanding, you are denied the power of words. Speak to your master only with your mind and through your honest eyes." "Walk by his side; sleep in his doorway; ward off his enemies; carry his burden; share his afflictions; love and comfort him. And in return for this, Man will fulfill your needs and wants... which shall be only food, shelter and affection." "So be silent and be a friend to man. Guide him through the perils along the way to this land I have promised him. This shall be your destiny and your immortality." So spoke the Lord. And the dog heard, and was content.

Tim Raths

I loved the banter between you two at the beginning.

Odd Thomas

I'll tell you a good dog movie: Togo

Alan Kobb

Not a movie that I was looking to watch, but I'm a big fan of Cinebinge, and I can just imagine how much fun it will be to see you and Simone together, so this is definately on my weekend watch list now!

salim alvarez

That was a great collab guys! looking forward to more....maybe you can add on both patreons a poll about collabs! ahhhh and I bet George knew how sad this movie is, he just dropped poor Simone in Cassie's channel with this tear jerker movie and left ....mmmmm next time he must join us to cry over a sad story...

James Loveless

Another Great True Story film about a Dog is 2011 Red Dog

Andrew Rose

Ya I knew the story before watching the film and I'd specifically never watched it because I knew what it would do to me. However, since you did a reaction I watched it with you both and it ripped my heart out just as expected. You owe me a box of tissues lol

Timothy Burrows

A collab I didn't know I needed. Also this just made me notice that all three of my patreon memberships are Canadian.

Jason Mangen

This movie breaks my heart. I have owned 4 Akitas and there is a no more loving protective dog in the universe along with them being hilarious and unique

Captain Caveman

After reading Where the Red Fern Grows, I no longer watch or read stories about dogs unless I know ahead of time that the dog doe NOT die at the end. I got no clue about this movie. DC League of Super Pets was a fun ride.

Ronny Boss

Like Simone I told myself I would never watch this again, then I watched both of your reactions. It was not a pretty sight to see me ugly crying. Thank y'all for this collaboration 💜💜


What a great surprise. Big Pib fan obviously and also really enjoy George and Simone over on cinebinge. I had never seen this movie but knew the legend of the original hachiko so I had a feeling where the story was going and it would be tears all around. I mean you have to be made of stone not to shed some tears watching this. If you ever decide you do want to watch another animal movie I can recommend the art of racing in the rain. The movie is based on a book of the same name and stars milo ventimiglia and Amanda Seyfried but is told from the point of view of the dog Enzo voiced by Kevin Costner.

Mr Trick

I love CineBinge. I just wish they took a chance on more older movies, like you.

Moe howard

Sorry... I can't watch this movie, I love dogs too much.

Steve Barrett

I watched this when it first came out and thought it was ok. A lifelong owner of dogs (mostly vizslas) I watched this movie with you and was kinda p#!@-Ed off. You think the wife or daughter or son in law would have stepped up and helped the dog instead of just saying nice little things while this beautiful dogs life is wasted. The dog needed someones help to get him unstuck and moving forward. Somebody call Caesar Milan for gods sake!!!

Steve Barrett

My sentiments exactly - I wished I had your insight before I rewatched it! Lol

Nathan Swapp

Dang, George got pretty.

Nathan Swapp

I think there's a website that specifically says if the dog lives or dies in the movie with no spoilers.

Shawn Kildal

I remember watching Born Free as a preteen and being emotionally drained. I haven't been able to watch it again. Here's hoping Richard Gere's An Officer and a Gentlemen will get into the mix sometime also.

Shawn Kildal

On an airplane flight they showed Homeward Bound. I was sitting next to an older gentleman and he was full out sobbing at the end.

David Nesbit

Now you need to watch “Marley and Me”, starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Anniston. It’s a truly heartwarming story about a man and his dog, very good movie with a happy ending. Definitely not a tear jerker.


Cassie, more Richard Gere!! An Officer and a Gentleman, please🙏🏼

Shawn Kildal

I wouldn't mind a Debra Winger triple header week with An Officer and a Gentlemen, Urban Cowboy and Terms of Endearment.

Robert da Spruce

Oh my gosh! Who chose that movie?! What are you trying to do to us?! 😭 Yay to the PIB/Cinebinge collab. But please, maybe something a little lighter next time!

David RedEagle

I needed this today, great story. And Cinebinge is one of the few others that I follow. Just been really depressed, so a movie with Cass and Simone. Gonna be a good time.

Shawn Kildal

Cassie, you might recognize the wife from The Bourne Trilogy. She played the CIA agent Pamela Landy who helped Jason Bourne at the end. Most of us probably remember her also as John Travolta's wife in Face / Off. She was nominated for best actress in The Contender

Erik Daniel

Hey I made it through the entire movie without needing any tissues! However both my shirt sleeves are a complete mess. My word that is a touching, sweet yet heartbreaking film. Just when I think I'm able to hold the tears back I get a look at the both of you and it's over lol. Btw my dog is now either mad at me or just weirded out. Poor girl just trying to sleep while I watch the movie and every 10 minutes she gets smothered by me sobbing "I love you!!!" lol. Also, the director Lasse Hallstrom has another film I'm sure has been requested a lot. Chocolat. A very sweet movie that I'm sure you would both love. Not nearly as sad too, I promise. Looking forward to another collab for sure, Simone is great she's always making me laugh....er cry in this case.

Steve Colletti

I didn't watch JOHN WICK for years for the same reasons. Who knew that it was both a love story and a dog story?


I don’t have this movie in my arsenal, but I’ll get it because I love both channels. I watched the intro and this looks like fun - I’m all for it! It’s a crossover moment like when someone from The Practice visits Grey’s. Archie Bunker meets The Jeffersons or Phoebe visiting her sister, Ursula? Anyway, it’s cool!


Cassie, the wife was the controlling mother in The Notebook

Richard Maurer

@ Nathan - Telling if the dog dies is by definition a spoiler. But I guess if you seek a spoiler out then it's not really a spoiler.

Richard Maurer

It would be nice but the hard truth is no reactor is going to do a lot of older movies because they just don't do that well and no reactor can afford to take that big of a financial hit.

Richard Maurer

As someone who saw a news show piece with the real Hatchi's story years ago, my first thought was "I hope they brought enough tissues". Hell, that news piece I saw was enough to make me shed a few tears.

Mike LL

Ok, you got me. I had never heard of this movie or Hachiko's story, so I was not expecting this and went in not knowing how devastated I would be by the end of this reaction. Thank you and Simone.


How much would Cassie love Officer and a Gentlemen.


Ok thanks a lot I cried my ass off!! I thought my neighbours were going to see if I was ok. I couldn't even look at Simone without loosing it. I can't even think about it with out starting to cry. Dam it these movies kill me. It reminded me of the movie "Challenge to Lassie"(1941) based on the true story book "Greyfriars Bobby". About a Dog who would not leave his Owners grave after he died. I would like to recommend my favorite dog movie "The Journey of Natty Gann"(1985). Jed always for the win!

Sam R.

What a movie to calibrate on 😄 I really like cinabinge also and yes this movie destroyed me 😭😭😭 I was gathering my self together then I heard Simone inhale with such sorrow like gasping for relief and the flood gates opened 😭😭😀😀 but that's why I watch reaction videos , to get true moments shared with friends that don't even know me ❤❤

Gábor Árki

This collab was a pleasant surprise. I don't think I've heard about the movie before, but after half an hour when Hachi started waiting for him at the train station, I remembered hearing the story somewhere. Even knowing and being prepared for how it would end, with both Cassie and Simone sobbing, even I needed a tissue. 😭 This story made me remember "our" cat from during my high school years. She was a stray kitten who showed up in the garden one afternoon meowing and didn't want to leave. Eventually my dad gave her some food and water and after that she started returning daily to our house, but on workdays she showed up only at the same time my dad pulled over with the car. Not a moment sooner. Then she only left after she has been fed and petted. She did remain a stray though living in the neighborhood. Also, not sure why, but your talk about animals made me remember a documentary I loved as a child and watched over and over again: Animals Are Beautiful People (1974). If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. One of the best nature documentaries I've ever seen. Cassie, I hope you are planning some comedies or at least fewer heartbreaking stories for April, because after TLOU and this I'm craving for something positive and uplifting. 😀

Robert C

Loved this reaction!! Can't wait for you two to pair up again.

Robert C

If you have not seen it before, I would love you both to react to Message in a Bottle.


Togo is another movie about a dog that is also awesome. Also it based on a true story.


"Hachi: A Dog's Tale" is the reason my wife won't watch animal movies anymore! I had to promise her the dog was alive at the end of "A Dog's Purpose" to get her to watch that film 😇... anything more would be a spoiler. Cassie you may enjoy "A Dog's Purpose" (and the sequel "A Dog's Journey"). [BTW just joined Patreon just because Cassie's YouTube videos were so great, I had to support this!]


Yeah she mentioned that in the video. Is there a master list of what Cassie has seen somewhere on Patreon? That would be helpful...

Björn Karlsson

Cool!! :) Do you have popcorn request? I´m working on a project since april last year. I want her to do a reaction of Fucking Åmål. If you like that movie and using popcorn request. Could you please do a request of that movie???? The name of the movie is Show me love in the US :) I´m just asking 😆


I didn't know this story until I went to Tokyo. Hachiko's statue is a popular meeting spot and people leave food and small gifts at the feet of the statue. I was always curious about what Shibuya Station was like in Hachiko's time because now it is next to what is basically the Times Square of Tokyo. Look up Shibuya Crossing to get a sense of it. I am a big fan of Cinebinge, so I was really excited to see this collaboration. I really liked director Lasse Hallström's earlier movies, but hadn't seen this one and I am glad this was a good reason to finally see it. I look forward to more collaborations with other reactors and hopefully if you and Simone watch something again it won't be a five-Kleenex movie.

Mr Trick

The problem with not doing older movies, is that you’re just going to burn through the new content, that much faster. Mixing things up seems more like the most logical approach. And it’s not a given that those movies don’t get good numbers. Cassie’s views on something like the OG Frankenstein are considerably better than many current day films. Once you get beyond the big hits, it can be hard to tell what’s going to draw.

Shawn Kildal

If you look at the very top of this page and you'll see PATRON FAQ / START HERE and then hit the continue reading button right below you will see a link to her letterboxd which shows her list of movies seen

Wyatt Nuxoll

The collab was awesome , next time it happens watch a happy movie man that was a hard watch

Chip MC

This was wonderful. More Cassie and Simone reactions please.


You did a great job with this. Two of my of my favorites from YouTube and Patreon. First time watching. My eyes are almost too sore to post. This movie is definitely hitting my dry eye challenge list.

Mark James

Another great dog movie is Dog.


So I'm like I can't sleep. Well I'm going to watch this dog hachi like save the world or something. And then......tears...oof..nice team up.


I needed this in many ways. I lost my beloved little cat Bonnie one year ago and I am not ashamed to say I am not coping well despite my age.

D. T. Nelson

Oh so many Lasse Halstrom movies that should be on everyones must watch list. He started off in the 70s making movies in his native Sweeden, and gained international attention with his award winning film My Life As a Dog. He exploded onto the Hollywood scene in the early 90s with What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and really took off in the 2000s with films like Cider House Rules, Chocolat, An Unfinished Life, Shipping News. And is still going strong with more recent movies like Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and The Hundred Foot Journey. Amazing filmmaker.