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Well well well we meet again Mr. Wick... This secret society got deeper, and I HAVE wanted that. It was so fun to see Halle B in there with him! This was a PURE action movie and so it did what it came for, I think I just wanted a few more non-shooting distractions? (cough love story cough) haha.  If I had to rank my favorites it's 1, 2 then 3, what would yours be?

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[Full Reaction] John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum


Bill Maurer

Glad you enjoyed it.

Bill Maurer

I forgot .. "The Searchers"?

Damien beatty

Did Cassie actually say " he's just raw doggin' it in the streets of New York" classic Cassieism #1,000. Hilarious!

Damien beatty

My ranking of the Wick films would be 1 followed very closely by 4 then 3 then 2. That being said this is a great franchise..


I’m only partly in. Wondering if Cassie will recognize Zero as The Chairman from Iron Chef…


John is too much in love with Helen to make another connection like that. He knows where Sofia’s daughter is because he helped get her to safety but Sofia doesn’t want to know so she stays safe. “Has he even had a proper meal?”🤣😂 Cassie, never change. Watching movies with you always makes me smile


Also it hasn’t even been a month since he buried her.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Yes all of these are definitely aimed towards those of us who are gun people and fighting/action people haha honestly I see action as a sort of performance art, it’s all about showcasing the choreography and shooting techniques lol Like when John is reloading that shotgun with quick swipes towards the end, he is doing what’s known as “quad loading” he’s loading 4 shells into the shotgun with each swipe lol it’s just really cool to see how proficient Keanu got in his firearm training and how it plays out on screen. John Wick 4 is amazing! And the action tops the last 3 lol they pushed boundaries of what is possible to do in action movies, there were a couple sequences I’ve never seen anything like in a movie before lol I was blown away and if you like action, it is an amazing theater experience!!

Alex Gorell

1,4,3,2 is my ranking. I didn’t much care for 2 and 3 but 4 is incredible.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Also, a bit of a character analysis of John Wick: I saw a comment somewhere that said the movies can be seen as a sort of metaphor, that John is delving himself into violence and anger because he doesn’t want to face the pain of losing his wife. I thought that was very interesting and hits hard lol


You watch John Wick for the non stop action. That’s the selling point of the movie. As to rankings since I just saw 4 recently I would go 1, 4, 2, 3

Dave Hill

Cassie, you said it was a very John Wick thing to say when he said he needed "Guns, lots of guns." Well, in a wonderful nod to The Matrix...Neo actually said it first. ;) https://youtu.be/j_urZ5KDPec


"I've never seen a person get hit by so many cars" Flashbacks of Meet Joe Black

Mike LL

Another great reaction. But does anyone know where to download that Assassin's App? I've been looking for a killer side hustle

Josh Phillips

Looking forward to watching this reaction tonight! Think I’d definitely agree on your rankings… 1 is by far my favorite. Btw there’s a cool YouTube video out there showing Keanu Reeves training at a gun range doing some speed shooting drills. He’s pretty freaking good at it too lol.

Chip MC

Watching those youtube vids of Keanu going at it for real makes the movies so much richer knowing it’s really him in the movies with all that gun and hand-to-hand combat training and doing his own stunts etc.

Chip MC

Oh god lol i haven’t seen the reaction yet but man that phrase has really changed in meaning haha

brooke atkins

Yeah I’m little surprised Cassie wants John to fall in love so quickly after his wife’s death. That’s not how it works. And a love story in the John wick franchise? Only someone as innocent as Cassie would ask for a love story in a movie that’s strictly about killing people lol oh the innocence of this woman will never stop making me laugh and face palm 🤦‍♀️ lol

Mike LL

It was just non stop funny Cassie comments one after another. Something about the long dialogue free action scenes gave Cassie much room to come out with one funny comment after another. "The thing this man can do with school supplies" got the biggest guffaw from me.

John Drake

I never really got into the Wick franchise, what makes you prefer 1 to 4 ?

John Drake

I never really got into the Wick franchise, what makes you prefer 1 to 4 ?

John Drake

I never really got into the Wick franchise, what makes you prefer 1 to 4 ?

Robin Craft

Definitely in the minority here...2-1-3. Haven't seen 4 yet.

Cassie Tremblay

hmmm i should watch the next one with a gun expert so they could tell me stuff like that, that’s cool, i had no idea

Gilbert Gonzalez

Haha that would be cool, they’d definitely probably geek out and know how to explain things like that lol

Nolan B.

Be forewarned - get a good night's sleep and eat your Wheaties before seeing JW4. It is over three hours of non-stop action (all of it necessary, of course). And of course I'm gonna say it again - now that you're more into our beloved Keanu, please be sure to check out Point Break!

Gilbert Gonzalez

That’s true lol I mean they also speak of the duality of the character, there’s John Wick, the Baba Yaga, and then there’s just John, the husband/grieving widower. When he’s the Baba Yaga, killing and fighting, in that world, he’s in control. When he’s John, dealing with grief and pain, he’s not in control.

Bill Maurer

I only know you from this channel, but have you ever gone out to a gun range and just tried shooting some handguns, shotguns ... or anything?

Bill Maurer

another great "Cassie-isms" ,... "the thing this man can do with School supplies" Gotta love it

Bill Maurer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-04 00:34:40 4 was extra special for me since I was in Paris over Thanksgiving holiday. A lot of the filming locations are places I visited: Eifel Tower, Opera House, Louvre (great painting called "The Raft of Medusa") Arc de Triomphe and of course Sacre Coeur. Paris is a must !!!! I would go with a tie between 3 & 4 then 2 followed by 1.
2023-04-03 21:20:14 4 was extra special for me since I was in Paris over Thanksgiving holiday. A lot of the filming locations are places I visited: Eifel Tower, Opera House, Louvre (great painting called "The Raft of Medusa") Arc de Triomphe and of course Sacre Coeur. Paris is a must !!!! I would go with a tie between 3 & 4 then 2 followed by 1.

4 was extra special for me since I was in Paris over Thanksgiving holiday. A lot of the filming locations are places I visited: Eifel Tower, Opera House, Louvre (great painting called "The Raft of Medusa") Arc de Triomphe and of course Sacre Coeur. Paris is a must !!!! I would go with a tie between 3 & 4 then 2 followed by 1.

Steve Colletti

Youtube now has plenty plenty of videos that describe and show quadloading. It was less known before the John Wick franchise.


Yeah it’s almost 3 hours and can drag a bit, but overall it’s really good.


I’m a big action fan and John Wick felt like it breathed new life into the genre. Most action movies were a combination of too much CGI, shaky cam/quick cuts. Think Bourne or Quantum of Solace. You couldn’t really see the action on screen. This movie felt like a needed correction. It was fresh and influential.


You need to earn one of those gold coins first to get access to the app, but you didn’t hear that from me ;)

Mike LL

"Guys, I want to two times speed this!" 🤣🤣🤣

Rick Williams

Good job, Cassie. You made it through. Now you can go to the theater and see #4. I saw it last Tuesday at the theater. It was good. Great reaction. You have a real thing for romance. Not much of that with John Wick. But, it's good for you. Too much romance is not good for you. Makes you to soft. 😁

Ben Livingstone

Blowfish is deadly poisonous, unless it's prepared by someone who really knows how. Even then, accidents happen. I think that guy was proving how good with a knife he was, and the adjudicator acknowledged this by eating what he gave her. The ballet teacher was played by Anjelica Huston--a fine actor, whose father John was one of the greatest directors who ever lived. I can't wait for you to see some of his movies! For me, the main appeal of the Wick movies happens at the edges--a little dialogue and worldbuilding to flavor the violent stew. It must take a really light touch to get the balance right. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do on number 4.

Bubba Fett

"School supplies" hahahaha, I laughed so hard at that


Wasn't a big fan of this one. To me, this John Wick underscored the meaning of the phrase "bigger is not always better."

Just Plain Bob

Mark Dacascos, who plays Zero (aka “blowfish man”) in this movie, also played Mani in Brotherhood of the Wolf. As much as Cassie hated him in this movie, she’d love him even more in that one. It’s a fantastic movie that combines palace intrigue, the supernatural, Kung fu and even a little romance. A completely original and highly underrated movie IMO.

Damien beatty

It's a combination of the originality of the story when it first came out. The excitement of seeing it opening week and the crowd was electric, even though it didn't really gain in popularity until after it came out on hard media. The characters in the first were more compelling until the fourth one. Also, though there is a personal reason in that it was one of the films my dad and I really enjoyed together when I showed him the bluray a couple of years after it came out.

Jon Johns

Cassie was in top form. Quotable cassie-isms from literal start to finish.

Steve Colletti

Exactly! Few were putting in the effort to make anything believable. It's only these people (I include Atomic Blonde from the same team as the John Wick franchise) and Tom Cruise who 'bother' to do that. And by believable, I'm not talking about the story or the action per se, but that the actors and stunt people appear that they know what they are doing.


I'd have been fine if they stopped after 1. That was a good movie.

Calum Grace

Seconded! Mark Dacascos rules. Other good ones of his are Crying Freeman and Drive (1997)

Dustin Denner

"I'm about to see something messy, aren't I?" A few moments later... (John stabs someone in the eye with a knife).

Justin (CaptainProton)

I'll be in the minority here and say that JW3 was not my favorite. I cant quite put my finger on it but there was something different about this one that didnt resonate with me. The action was incredible as ever and they delivered with more over the top stunts and gunplay but it just didnt hit the mark for me. My order of favorites for the JW films is 4-2-1-3. The most recent entry is somehow even more over the top but has the style and feel that I wholeheartedly enjoyed. As always, looking forward to your memorable reaction once you get to see JW4! Enjoy your vacation and Happy Easter!

Joe M

FINISH THE STORY CASSIE!!! Chapter 4 drops on digital next week. Trust me, you will not regret it. Your reactions to 2 and 3 were awesome.


Friendly Suggestion Here! I really enjoy your reactions and I hope you do a reaction for John Wick 4, but please...don't view the film as if it's real life or some documentary about an underworld of assassins. I have been able to convince a few of my friends who are really squeamish to violence to watch John Wick 1-4 and they all enjoyed it! Here's the simple trick. Remind yourself that you are watching the nicest and biggest hearted man alive in Hollywood, Keanu Reeves, who has put his heart and soul portraying this character as well as building a strong whole some relationship with his stunt team. They have put all their energy, time, and effort to bring audiences the most entertaining and inventive ways of action choreography possible, and so envision this as a video game or a graphic comic novel. Nobody really got shot, stabbed or died, and after each scene the actors get up and hug each other behind the scenes because they have accomplished some of the most impressive action set pieces in cinema.

Clay F (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 20:06:20 You get no love story, except the love John Wick has for his dead wife. "very inconspicuous" -- good one. The John Wick series is truly impressive at delivering constant stylized action/death. Stellar. Smooth. Flows. You have not liked watching killing (e.g., head shots) in your reactions of various movies and series the last 3 last years? That's all John Wick is = stylized death implemented by arguably a super hero. I am surprised you chose to react to this series. Maybe it's because of how much you like Keanu Reeves, and/or this may not seem as realistic, for example, as Band of Brothers. Halle Berry won an Oscar for Best Actress in Monster's Ball (2001). Stunning acting. Raw. Compelling performance.
2024-02-14 12:40:41 You get no love story, except the love John Wick has for his dead wife. "very inconspicuous" -- good one. The John Wick series is truly impressive at delivering constant stylized action/death. Stellar. Smooth. Flows. You have not liked watching killing (e.g., head shots) in your reactions of various movies and series the last 3 last years? That's all John Wick is = stylized death implemented by arguably a super hero. I am surprised you chose to react to this series. Maybe it's because of how much you like Keanu Reeves, and/or this may not seem realistic. Halle Berry won an Oscar for Best Actress in Monster's Ball (2001). Stunning acting. Raw. Compelling performance.

You get no love story, except the love John Wick has for his dead wife. "very inconspicuous" -- good one. The John Wick series is truly impressive at delivering constant stylized action/death. Stellar. Smooth. Flows. You have not liked watching killing (e.g., head shots) in your reactions of various movies and series the last 3 last years? That's all John Wick is = stylized death implemented by arguably a super hero. I am surprised you chose to react to this series. Maybe it's because of how much you like Keanu Reeves, and/or this may not seem realistic. Halle Berry won an Oscar for Best Actress in Monster's Ball (2001). Stunning acting. Raw. Compelling performance.


John Wick is a love story. That is kinda the point, is that is exactly what it is. That is the entire premise of the series the love for his wife who passed away. That is the entire motivation that started the whole series of events and that is his passion. Just because it doesn't play out like other love stories in its events doesn't make it not one. The entire drive and motivation of the entire series is his love for someone.