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Ggggoooodddddd Mmooorrrrnniiinnngggg Vvviiieeettttnnnnnaaaammmmm!!  I'm embarrassed that the way I knew this famous line was from an episode of Gilmore Girls, but wow!! Robin Williams really was so talented, wasn't he? I have since read about this movie and the man who inspired it and am astounded by both talents. I feel really happy to have seen this. Thanks for voting for this! 

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[Full Reaction] Good Morning Vietnam (1987)


nick bell

Great film. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

brooke atkins

One of the few robin williams movies I’ve never seen. I’ll be watching with you later tonight. Always heard this was a great movie but was too young to be interested in it at the time.

Jerrod Acree

Yes! Hilarious film. Amazing soundtrack!!

Richard Bourne

He was an amazing talent, but as with some genius level people, was tormented leading to suicide. Thankfully he had a great run before that. It should be noted Johny Carson had him as one of the guests on his final show. That was a tribute to Robin Williams IMHO and Johny knew Robin could always entertain and bring on the laughs. Viet Nam is a minefield of a topic to use as the back setting for a comedy. I haven't seen this since the 80s, but remember that.

Matt Rose

Definitely one of the better theatrical experiences back in the day.

Ben Livingstone

Donna Reed. Mary, in IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE.

David RedEagle

Patch Adams would be another great one if you havent already.

Tim Raths

Patch Adams is awful. I don't know why so many people recommend it.

Stick Figure Studios

Williams was indeed exceptionally talented at both comedy and drama, but as is often the case with brilliant artists of his caliber, he's frequently better than the material he's given. In this case, I think he rises above a fairly mediocre story. It's competently done (from the director of THE NATURAL and WAG THE DOG) and still worth watching, but Williams has done vastly superior projects. I would recommend THE FISHER KING, DEAD POETS SOCIETY, INSOMNIA, ONE HOUR PHOTO, AWAKENINGS, THE NIGHT LISTENER and even POPEYE if you want to get a really good sense of the breadth of his extraordinary abilities.

Alex Gorell

I’ve never actually seen this movie so I will be watching it for the first time with you.


RIP Mr. Williams; you were a legend indeed


I was very young when I saw MORK AND MINDY, POPEYE, and THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP (my dad didn't really censor movies, haha). But GMV was the first time I recognized the talent of Robin Williams and have been a huge fan ever since.

Robin Craft

Incredible range just on the films you mentioned. As far as my personal favorite roles of his, I gotta go with Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting.

Bill Maurer

The "twins" in the movie were also in Terminator 2. The scenes they were in are the ones in the mental institution: think of the coffee vending scene

nick bell

Another really good Robin Williams film is INSOMNIA w/ Al Pacino. Different role for him. But he really nails it


one of my favorite Robin Williams movies is One Hour Photo

Mike LL

One could make the argument that this movie is not really a comedy at all, but a drama about a very funny man making human connections in a horrific situation. A lot of the topical references to such '60's personalities as Gomer Pyle and Ed Sullivan and Mr. Ed probably went over the head of a lot of people who saw this movie when it came out in the '80's, but Robin Williams comedic talent made it funny even if you didn't get the references. A great reaction to a very poignant film.


please watch Platoon, Im a Vet and this is my favorite war movie also Forest Whitaker

Art of Free Speech

You're not alone, @David RedEagle. I adored Patch Adams and think those that don't like it are just probably like the miserable guy in the movie that Patch cheered up. No doubt they are bothered by those who display excessive happiness.


the part where he is talking with the big red 1 guys that are about to leave for battle made me shed a tear, than playing what a wonderful world

Mike Lemon

She would probably love Awakenings, probably not so much One Hour Photo.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, AWAKENINGS is definitely a Cassie movie, but ONE HOUR PHOTO is one of those ones she'd "appreciate" more than like.


I even remember his introduction as Mork in an episode of Happy Days as a lead-in before Mork and Mindy first aired a short time later. It was his early stand-up routines that first showed me his real talent, though.


Glad you watched this. What makes this movie fun for me is that you get to see both Williams’ skill at dramatic acting and his unmatched talent for comedic improv. If you’re interested one of my favorite things I’ve watched with him is the interview he did on Inside the Actor’s Studio (I think you can still stream it on the Ovation channel’s website). It might be the most hilarious hour and a half ever-I laughed so hard I cried and my cheeks hurt from smiling. For more Vietnam war films, on the serious side, I suggest Platoon and there a few good Vietnam Vet films like the Deer Hunter, born on the 4th of July, and more recently Da 5 bloods. Also, not really a war movie, but Vietnam war adjacent, The Post, which is about the Washington Post and the Pentagon Papers was really good if you haven’t seen it (can’t really beat Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep together in a Spielberg film).

Tim Raths

Insomnia is Christopher Nolan’s most overlooked film. Great performances by the entire cast.


“There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.” - Robin Williams

Stick Figure Studios

I guess that includes the real Patch Adams too then because he famously hated that movie. Called it "shallow."


Robin Williams was such a gift of a human being. There will never be a time where I don't miss him.

Rick Williams

Robin Williams was a treasure. Gone to soon. Great Reaction Cassie.

Celeste McAllister

More RW,I have to recommend RW's 1st feature film 'The World According to Garp' ⭐⭐⭐


Just throwing this out there: Air America for another "comedy" Viet Nam war movie, with Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr.

Ronny Boss

I love this movie so much, it's so sad that he's gone😭

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Born on the 4th of July was a great war movie have to agree on that. Donna Reed was in the movie From Here To Eternity which she won a academy award for. She also had the the Donna Reed Show.


Cassie, I’m sure you are absolutely correct that the majority of his “airtime” was improvised. They probably gave him a topic and let him do what he did best. As everyone else has said, he was an incredible talent. I believe you have seen him in Dead Poets Society which is a drama with some RW comedy sprinkled in… Ianother one of his comedies which I hope you will watch soon is The Birdcage with him and Gene Hackman like you’ve never seen him before. I just made a point to vote for it on your requests, I was surprised to see where it was ranked. I’m also looking forward to Platoon

Alberto Blanco (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-01 04:49:41 Another great Robin Williams..World According to Garp & especially The Fisher King.
2023-04-01 02:31:10 Another great Robin Williams..World According to Garp & especially The Fisher King.

Another great Robin Williams..World According to Garp & especially The Fisher King.

Phillip Ribbink (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-01 04:49:41 The problem with Adrian talking about the bombing of Jimmy's bar on air. Was largely a morale issue, the troops already have to worry about getting killed out in the field. What happens to morale when they could potentially be killed on R&R in Saigon in a terrorist bombing. Similar situation with the two Marines that Hijacked a plane to bombe Hanoi. That one is more to stop other members of the military from getting some bad ideas. Having said all that Sgt. Major Dickerson was way out of line trying to kill Adrian. The only reason he did face a court martial is because of his rank, seniority and the fact it was Adrian's word against his. The General did a good job of levelling the playing field even if it wasn't the result we would have all have loved to see. He sent him to Guam basically bringing an end to Dickerson's career (Guam isn't exactly the most prestigious spot to be posted) which to a man like Dickerson. Would've been just as much of a punishment as being sent to Leavenworth.
2023-04-01 02:36:03 The problem with Adrian talking about the bombing of Jimmy's bar on air. Was largely a morale issue, the troops already have to worry about getting killed out in the field. What happens to morale when they could potentially be killed on R&R in Saigon in a terrorist bombing. Similar situation with the two Marines that Hijacked a plane to bombe Hanoi. That one is more to stop other members of the military from getting some bad ideas. Having said all that Sgt. Major Dickerson was way out of line trying to kill Adrian. The only reason he did face a court martial is because of his rank, seniority and the fact it was Adrian's word against his. The General did a good job of levelling the playing field even if it wasn't the result we would have all have loved to see. He sent him to Guam basically bringing an end to Dickerson's career (Guam isn't exactly the most prestigious spot to be posted) which to a man like Dickerson. Would've been just as much of a punishment as being sent to Leavenworth.

The problem with Adrian talking about the bombing of Jimmy's bar on air. Was largely a morale issue, the troops already have to worry about getting killed out in the field. What happens to morale when they could potentially be killed on R&R in Saigon in a terrorist bombing. Similar situation with the two Marines that Hijacked a plane to bombe Hanoi. That one is more to stop other members of the military from getting some bad ideas. Having said all that Sgt. Major Dickerson was way out of line trying to kill Adrian. The only reason he did face a court martial is because of his rank, seniority and the fact it was Adrian's word against his. The General did a good job of levelling the playing field even if it wasn't the result we would have all have loved to see. He sent him to Guam basically bringing an end to Dickerson's career (Guam isn't exactly the most prestigious spot to be posted) which to a man like Dickerson. Would've been just as much of a punishment as being sent to Leavenworth.

Brent Petty

RW made 7-8 trips to Afghanistan and Iraq to entertain the troops as part of the USO. There are some great videos of him performing there. "GOOOOOD MORNING KANDAHAR!!!"

Brent Petty

I have to say I was a bit disappointed you didn't recognize Robert Wuhl as one of the other DJs. You loved him as the assistant coach in Bull Durham.

Robert da Spruce

Wonderful reaction Cassie! I haven’t watched that movie in a long time. I forgot how good it was. Robin Williams was such a talent. I still remember hearing the news when he passed away. Even though I never met him, I actually teared up. Being from the San Francisco Bay Area, I would often hear stories about Robin. Everyone that ever met him, always said how kind and down to earth he was. RIP Robin


All of the on-air radio scenes where 100% improve. The director just told him to go crazy. They filmed him for hours just being Robin Williams and edited it down to the very best bits for the movie.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Yeah this is a good one, and a good way to ease Cassie into the Vietnam movies, they do tend to be pretty dark. I do miss the hell out of Robin Williams too. I used to watch reruns of the old Mork and Mindy show when I was a kid and I even remember the Happy Days episode where Mork got into it with the Fonz. I have to recommend one of his first movies, and a movie not a lot of people have seen or even heard of, and it might even be a little controversial but I love it, so maybe not for the channel but if you just love Robin Williams like I do and want to see him in something very early in his career, it's THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP.

Seth R

Surprised you didn’t catch that Don Stanton and Dan Stanton, were also the twins from terminator 2

Jake McNulty

I highly recommend "The Fisher King" (1991), a truly beautiful film defiantly worth checking out.

Dean Holt

I know the movie isn’t 100% accurate but tbh very few are. But I personally think this is his best movie as you get to see just how talented he was as you see different sides of his acting ability. And one of the greatest scenes for me is when they are stuck in traffic and he just entertains the troops on the truck and when they drive off it’s just the look on his face that tells you he knows all of those guys aren’t going home alive.

Randolph Tirazona

Don't feel embarrassed about anything! As I am Thee Original Gilmore Girls Guy! If anyone should be embarrassed it should be me, but I proudly tell anyone and everyone that I do love The Gilmore Girls!


another ones for awakenings. dead poets is greatm but cassie loves true stories and awakenings is great.


Robin wherever you are, we truly miss you buddy. Robin Williams stand-up: I can honestly say that I only heard every other one-liner and joke because he was so fast, so funny… that my own laughing often cancelled out the next hilarious thing this man said. The energy he possessed on stage was a sight to behold! Great movie!! And God Bless Adrian J. Cronauer, SGT, USAF as well. Thanks Adrian.

Larry Darrell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 05:21:53 Yes, that is Robin Williams Improv-ing. He was a Natural. He had a God-Given Talent. He was very much a part of my Childhood, and Hook (1991) will forever hold a Special Place in my Heart. It actually Hurt when I found out he passed. Glad you enjoyed it. AnyWays, how bout that One movie leads to Another bit. So many Names and References from the past in this one. Here are some highlights with some Recommendations. Donna Reed was Mary in It's a Wonderful Life (1946). She was in From Here to Eternity (1953), a Drama/Romance about several servicemen in Hawaii before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. She also had a popular TV sitcom, The Donna Reed Show, from 1958 - 1966. Probably the One of the Best Moms Ever on TV. Recommend a Little Seen film, Mokey (1942). How Robert Blake, even as a child, was never nominated for an Oscar for this film. Man oh Man. I don’t know. Check it out if you can. Robert Wuhl, who you saw in Bull Durham, introduced himself as William Holden. You may see Holden one day, in the original Sabrina (1954), as David Larrabee, or in, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), a war movie that should be on your Wednesday War Poll List. Walter Brennan, who Jimmy Wah wanted nude photos of, was a very talented Character actor from the silent film days to the 70s. Recommendations: Meet John Doe (1941), Frank Capra Film Sergeant York (1941), True Story War Film, should be on War Poll List The Pride of the Yankees (1942), Story of Baseball Player Lou Gehrig To Have and Have Not (1944), with Humphrey Bogart My Darling Clementine (1946), Fictional Wyatt Earp Tale Red River (1948), John Wayne Western The Far Country (1954), James Stewart Western Rio Bravo (1959), One of the Greatest Westerns Ever Made The Real Mcoys (1957 - 1963), Classic Family TV Sitcom Also, if you watch Rio Bravo (1959), you will understand the Full Extent as to why "Nude photos of Walter Brennan" is so Funny. The Film They went to see in the Theatre, Beach Blanket Bingo (1965), was part of a series of "Beach" Films made in the 60s, starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. You've seen Frankie Avalon before, in Grease. He sang "Beauty School Dropout" to Frenchie. Ethel Merman was mentioned. You've seen Ethel Merman. Remember this from Airplane! (1980). War is Hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJofODuHbco Lastly, my Robin Williams Recommendation is, The Best of Times (1986), a Football Comedy Film with Kurt Russell.
2023-04-02 00:56:42 Yes, that is Robin Williams Improv-ing. He was a Natural. He had a God-Given Talent. He was very much a part of my Childhood, and Hook (1991) will forever hold a Special Place in my Heart. It actually Hurt when I found out he passed. Glad you enjoyed it. AnyWays, how bout that One movie leads to Another bit. So many Names and References from the past in this one. Here are some highlights with some Recommendations. Donna Reed was Mary in It's a Wonderful Life (1946). She was in From Here to Eternity (1953), a Drama/Romance about several servicemen in Hawaii before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. She also had a popular TV sitcom, The Donna Reed Show, from 1958 - 1966. Probably One of the Best Moms Ever on TV. I Recommend a Little Seen film, Mokey (1942). How Robert Blake, even as a child, was never nominated for an Oscar for this film. Man oh Man. I don’t know. Check it out if you can. Robert Wuhl, who you saw in Bull Durham, introduced himself as William Holden. You may see Holden one day, in the original Sabrina (1954), as David Larrabee, or in, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), a war movie that should be on your Wednesday War Poll List. Walter Brennan, who Jimmy Wah wanted nude photos of, was a very talented Character actor from the silent film days to the 70s. Recommendations: Meet John Doe (1941), Frank Capra Film Sergeant York (1941), True Story War Film, should be on War Poll List The Pride of the Yankees (1942), Story of Baseball Player Lou Gehrig To Have and Have Not (1944), with Humphrey Bogart My Darling Clementine (1946), Fictional Wyatt Earp Tale Red River (1948), John Wayne Western The Far Country (1954), James Stewart Western Rio Bravo (1959), One of the Greatest Westerns Ever Made The Real Mcoys (1957 - 1963), Classic Family TV Sitcom Also, if you watch Rio Bravo (1959), you will understand the Full Extent as to why "Nude photos of Walter Brennan" is so Funny. The Film They went to see in the Theatre, Beach Blanket Bingo (1965), was part of a series of "Beach" Films made in the 60s, starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. You've seen Frankie Avalon before, in Grease. He sang "Beauty School Dropout" to Frenchie. Ethel Merman was mentioned. You've seen Ethel Merman. Remember this from Airplane! (1980). War is Hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJofODuHbco Lastly, my Robin Williams Recommendation is, The Best of Times (1986), a Football Comedy Film with Kurt Russell.

Yes, that is Robin Williams Improv-ing. He was a Natural. He had a God-Given Talent. He was very much a part of my Childhood, and Hook (1991) will forever hold a Special Place in my Heart. It actually Hurt when I found out he passed. Glad you enjoyed it. AnyWays, how bout that One movie leads to Another bit. So many Names and References from the past in this one. Here are some highlights with some Recommendations. Donna Reed was Mary in It's a Wonderful Life (1946). She was in From Here to Eternity (1953), a Drama/Romance about several servicemen in Hawaii before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. She also had a popular TV sitcom, The Donna Reed Show, from 1958 - 1966. Probably One of the Best Moms Ever on TV. I Recommend a Little Seen film, Mokey (1942). How Robert Blake, even as a child, was never nominated for an Oscar for this film. Man oh Man. I don’t know. Check it out if you can. Robert Wuhl, who you saw in Bull Durham, introduced himself as William Holden. You may see Holden one day, in the original Sabrina (1954), as David Larrabee, or in, The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), a war movie that should be on your Wednesday War Poll List. Walter Brennan, who Jimmy Wah wanted nude photos of, was a very talented Character actor from the silent film days to the 70s. Recommendations: Meet John Doe (1941), Frank Capra Film Sergeant York (1941), True Story War Film, should be on War Poll List The Pride of the Yankees (1942), Story of Baseball Player Lou Gehrig To Have and Have Not (1944), with Humphrey Bogart My Darling Clementine (1946), Fictional Wyatt Earp Tale Red River (1948), John Wayne Western The Far Country (1954), James Stewart Western Rio Bravo (1959), One of the Greatest Westerns Ever Made The Real Mcoys (1957 - 1963), Classic Family TV Sitcom Also, if you watch Rio Bravo (1959), you will understand the Full Extent as to why "Nude photos of Walter Brennan" is so Funny. The Film They went to see in the Theatre, Beach Blanket Bingo (1965), was part of a series of "Beach" Films made in the 60s, starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello. You've seen Frankie Avalon before, in Grease. He sang "Beauty School Dropout" to Frenchie. Ethel Merman was mentioned. You've seen Ethel Merman. Remember this from Airplane! (1980). War is Hell. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJofODuHbco Lastly, my Robin Williams Recommendation is, The Best of Times (1986), a Football Comedy Film with Kurt Russell.

Aaron Hawkins

Now that you've seen this Barry Levinson film from 1987, I highly recommend you see Rain Man. A Barry Levinson film from 1988.

Ryan Towell

This is one of my wife's favorite films, we watch it often. Robin was spectacular. Crimson Tide. As a former US Naval Vet, it's a hard one for me to watch cause it's just so far fetched. Its a Bruckheimer/Scott film so I get it, it's just hard to watch cause I see all the nonsense. But hope you enjoy it..

Art of Free Speech

Completely irrelevant to whether or not the movie was good. The reasons Patch Adams didn't like the movie were, according to him: 1. They promised to give him money to build his hospital, and they didn't. 2. It was really his best friend who was murdered, and not his girl friend, forcing him to have to apologize to the real family. And 3. His life was far more outrageous than Williams portrayal of him. He admitted point blank he was bitter about all of that, but again, none of that is relevant as to whether it was a well told story that took you on an emotional journey with a defined beginning and end.


Superb reaction, you picked up on all the right themes. I love how you don’t try to predict every next event and just take it in. Sadly many reactors don’t do this and I end up not watching. I recommend ‘The Thin Red Line’, It’s a bit of a harder watch as it’s more imagery and introspection than plot and twists. But it is undeniably a masterpiece. Hans Zimmer knocks it our if the park too which always helps. 🍻

Nolan Ryan

It's real. my ex-father-in-law knew Adrian. Met him in a bar I think in Da Nang..not sure about the actual town. and said he was a funny guy. They listened to him.


Robin plays a lonely guy that works at a local photo developing store, he fantasizes about having a family with one of his customers through her photos, very creepy

Brian McGovern

So sad to see so many actors in the one scene, no longer with u. All taken too early. JT WALSH, BRUNO KIRBY all in their 50s Robin in his 60s and Noble Willingham in his 70s.

Dean Holt

Great reaction and so glad you enjoyed it as it’s my favourite Robin Williams film. He really is missed and a very talented person but we have this and quite a number of his other films to remember him R.I.P one of the kings of comedy

Jason Chirevas

ONE HOUR PHOTO is a suspense thriller and it’s excellent. Maybe Robin Williams’ best performance, he inhabits his character beautifully.

Robert Nelson

EXCELLENT film, but my favorite R.W. film is Mrs. Doubtfire

Mike H

so many movies, way too hard to pick - Mrs D, Birdcage, Flubber, Aladdin, Dead Poets, GMV, Night at the Museum,....


I was waiting for her to say "Goooooooodbye Patreon!" at the end. This is one of my favorite Robin Williams movies. Who am I kidding, there all great.

Terry Yelmene

Thank You Cassie - I appreciate the seemingly immediate empathy and heartfelt fondness you have for military personel.


She has empathy for people, full stop. She doesn't care if they're wearing a stupid uniform. Also, it's spelled "personnel."

Terry Yelmene

Thank you Carol White for clarifying Cassie's boundless heart. I agree. However if you critically consider the PiB reacts to Taking Chance, Hacksaw Ridge, We Were Soldiers, 1917, Band of Brothers, Masters of the Air, of course Saving Private Ryan, and even the fatigue jacket Sly Stallone wore in First Blood, I think most folks will recognize Cassie's underlying 'special' sentiment toward service members... generally. Also, thanks for your attention to detail as I messed up there - sorry.