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I don't want to give away too much about the reaction but HOLY CRAP! We were absolutely SHOCKED multiple times and the acting was incredible, on the edge of our seats the whole time, what a rollercoaster!

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[Full Reaction] The Departed (2006)


Burrito Jimmy

Glad you got to this one!

Danny (Icarus)

Great cast, great story, crazy ending !👍

nick bell

Been waiting for this. Woo-boy!

Robert da Spruce

Looking forward to watching this tonight! Have a great day!

Just Plain Bob

When I first saw this movie in the theater, the ending immediately brought to mind Asian cinema. Sure enough, it’s partially based on the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs, melding that story with the real life exploits of Whitey Bulger. Brilliant movie.

Jon Johns

The De-paw-dead... We can sometimes pick good ones for you 😜

Christopher Smith

**Don't forget to Subscribe to the PiB Patreon Exclusive Content youtube channel while you are there.** If Cassie can get the numbers up on that channel, video processing priority++.

Robert da Spruce

I was just watching your intro ladies. Speaking of Jack Nicholson movies, can’t forget about your favorite. Batman 1989 😉


I saw this in the theater when it came out one Sunday morning in 2006, almost nobody else in the theater and I loved it

Zane From Canada

The Departed is ranked 4th for most F-bombs used in a Scorsese movie. Behind Goodfellas, Casino, and The Wolf Of Wall Street. 😁

Bill Hayden

This is going to be good. 🙂 And if you want Jack Nicholson at his best, consider Chinatown or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.


In my opinion on of the greatest crime movies and one of my favorite movies. Scorsese is the king for crime movies. Jack Nicholson’s character is based off real life criminal James “Whitey” Bulger.


Also if you are interested I posted this on discord. Here was who Scorsese wanted for roles: Brad Pitt in Matt Damon's role Tom Cruise in Leo's Robert DeNiro in Martin Sheen's role Ray Liotta or Denis Leary for Mark Wahlberg Mel Gibson for Alec Baldwin Emily Blunt or Kate Winselt for Vera Farniga

Richard Bourne

I stopped calling Mark W Marky-Mark after the movie Shooter which was pretty good.

Patrick Gibbs

^^ yes Cuckoo’s Nest! Milos Forman, Nicholson, and Nurse Ratched. Wonderfully directed and acted! A masterpiece!

Andrew Rose

lol if you think Jack is good at crazy you should watch the movie As Good As it Gets.

Gunnar Rea

Mark W Marky-Mark after the movie "Shooter&quot What's up with that.. does it happen if you write "Shooter" ? Edit: YES

Bubba Fett

Probabaly my favorite Leo movie, Wahlberg was hilarious, I loved the interview with sheen Leo and Mark, they really leaned into their roles, you could almost feel how uncomfortable Leo's character was.

Shehab Dawoud

Pacino in the Nicholson role and this would've been as good as you could get. I love Jack but he mailed it in on this one, especially that dreadful attempt at a Bah-ston accent. Always good to get some proper filmmakers like Scorsese on here, but this is one of his weaker ones IMO, at least of the acclaimed ones. It's definitely inferior to the original Infernal Affairs. Crazy that it's his only Oscar-winning film..

Bill Maurer

Great reaction ladies !! Nice to have the both of you back in "bed".

Jimmie V

You're hitting most of the heavy American directors, but you have a HUGE gap by not watching any David Lynch. I'd go with Mulholland Drive, but The Elephant Man and The Straight Story are also good if you want to ease into him with more traditional-style films rather than the insanity that typically goes on in a Lynch film.


I’m not a big Leo fan in general, but he was good in this one


Is there an accepted explanation for the movie title? I've seen several versions.


I always assumed it had to do with a meaning behind the card "Heaven helps the faithful Departed" from the funeral but I'm not smart enough to figure it out lol

Brent Petty

Cassie/Carly: I really like xyz character. Me: Don't get too attached.

nick bell

I'm offended by the over the top Boston accents. Only Marky Mark sounds legit ( being from here helps)

Alex Gorell

My favorite Scorsese film.


I smell a rat…

Matt Rose

'Who am I? I'm the guy who loves this movie. You must be the other guy.'

Mike LL

Yes, one of my most favorite crime movies also. This and L.A. Confidential.

Mike LL

I've been noticing that in comments for weeks. Weird.

Mike LL

We are finding out that if you use the quotes symbol it just puts in the word quote so it is best not to do it. Edit: I see it doesn't do that in the mobile app, only on desktop. Well, now we can tell who is using the mobile app. You are if you are using quotes!

Mike LL

Absolutely a slam bang reaction, the ladies reacted just the way we all did in the theater. Stunned and speechless. This is one movie I've never tried to analyze. I don't agree it is lesser (I had to be careful not to use quotes) Scorcesse. I think it is a fantastic film, well deserved of its awards. And I could care less it is a remake, it stands on its own.


It’s implied that the envelope had Costigan’s full account of the situation and probably instructions to get it to Dingam, which you’re correct he’s not the sort of man to do that without being 100% sure... okay maybe a cool 98% lol

Brent Petty

That settles it. Carly must do a reaction to Inception.

Matt Rose

Possibly Jack's best performance, and that's saying something.

Robin Craft

As much as I love Goodfellas, The Departed is my favorite Scorsese film. Great cast!

Super Powered Design (Jim)

I'm gonna drop this here... The movie "Draft Day" for this years Draft Day.

Robin Craft

I'm the guy that does his job. You must be the other guy. Maybe my favorite line from the film.

Brian Harris

Not my favorite Scorsese, for a lot of the reasons you guys were confused by it. It’s too convoluted, and sometimes feels like it’s being edgy for the sake of it with the constant swearing and Nicholson’s dick and the gratuitous violence. And I’m not squeamish about any of those things, I just think you need to have a reason for them, just like anything else in a screenplay. Also, Mark Wahlberg is fucking awful in this, his character is literally a joke. Can’t believe he got an Oscar nomination for it.


First, I agree with you ladies that any ending that requires explanation is imperfect (and considered a failure in my book). I enjoyed the heightened stakes and suspense of this movie, right up until the end. I would have preferred a tidy conclusion and I would even accept a romantic “Leo lives happily ever after with the mother of his child” though that would have been jolt from the mood of the film. This ending however - the one we watched - feels like it wasn’t peer-reviewed by other writers, or a writer/director under extreme time pressure to finish, or genuine writer’s block. I say that because of threads setup but not finished: 1) the envelop 2) the baby 3) Frank’s other mole 4) who in the FBI was handling Frank?, and 5) what did Dignam know exactly? Untidiness is sometimes called “artistic flair,” but I call it sloppy, lazy writing. I don’t care how famous Scorsese is. He botched this one. Great ride and great reaction though!

Peter MacColeman

Agreed! One of my favorite films and great celebrity spotting before they were celebrities in that one!

Damien beatty

I love Lynch, and I think Mulholland Drive is the best film of this century so far. You cannot have her dive in the deep end though. Your recommendation of "The Straight Story" though is right up her alley.

Wes Stewart

I enjoyed this a lot on first viewing but I had already seen Infernal Affairs on which this is based so I broadly knew the beats to expect. I might have been wowed even more if not for that. Still a great adaptation though.

Michael Lynch

Starting the movie right now. Just saw yawls conversation in the beginning and I popped in to say Leonardo DiCaprio is not the greatest actor of this time. I would give that award to Christian Bale.

Stick Figure Studios


Jeff I.

DiCaprio's accent in the line, 'He was a cah-pit lay-uh for Jordan MAH-sh.' is absurdly bad. :-p

Jeff I.

If you want to see a more subdued Jack Nicholson is one of his most underrated roles, you should check out the comedic drama 'About Schmidt'. It's great film! There's also the drama Five Easy Pieces, which was one of his early breakout roles. He does an excellent job in that one.


The ending is pretty clear. But not everything is spoon fed, sometimes you got to connect the dots yourself. 1. You can safely assume the envelop had all the evidence that Billy had in it or a link to and had instructions to give it to Dignam. 2. You probably mean who's it was, it is not relevant to this story. 3. He exposed himself at the end to save himself and was killed. His backstory is not important to this story only that he existed. 4. Also not relevant to this story, just the fact that he was an informant. 5. See 1. In story telling you only tell what is needed for the main characters and story you want to tell. All other characters and plot is to facilitate that and are not end goals in and of themselves. It is not lazy writing.

Mike LL

I cannot agree. The movie was not about what was in the envelope or what happens to the baby. The movie was about the double lives of the two protagonists, and their stories came to a definitive conclusion.


Nice reaction. As to if people find it rewarding if there is no happy end. A happy end is not a requirement for me to be satisfied with the ending and story. But there has to a point as to why the story was told and closure is needed (although not clean cut per se). Happy end and redemption are not the same thing btw. There was redemption. Colin finally got what was coming to him, making it a satisfactory end. The cost was just extremely high. So not a happy ending no, but these kind of movies justify that. And yes, that is because life is complicated. Movies which challenges us like this tend to be more rewarding for me in the long run than happy ends as much fun as that can be. It usually requires more thought processing and might give you something more to chew on. Especially with well told drama's. But it's all good. Sometimes you want brainless action or romcoms and sometimes you want heavy war or drama movies. That's the beauty of variation.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

The Irishman (2019) was a good Scorsese flick. Personally I liked Gangs Of New York (2002) the best. When looking at Oscar winners for best adapted screenplay. You can't go wrong with The Pianist. Adrian Brody won for best actor. Polanski won for best director. So powerful.

Jimmie V

Maybe, but I think it does somebody some good to watch at least ONE true art-house film where they have no idea what's going on. From there, she can choose if she wants to continue the journey.... I'd say MD fulfills that without being as disturbing as some of his other work.

Just Plain Bob

Whitey Bulger, the basis for the Frank Costello character was, in fact, an FBI informant. They protected him for years while he extorted, assaulted and murdered his fellow Bostonians. Your tax dollars at work.

Stick Figure Studios

I realized a long time ago that it's not about whether a story ends happily or unhappily, it's about whether it *earns* whatever ending it does have. Many do not. This one does.

Michael Lynch

Everybody seems to love this movie so much. I think it’s just a good movie. I would never seek this movie out to watch again. It’s not as classic as Casino or Goodfellas or Scarface. The best thing about this movie is the cast.

Sean Maher

I'm pretty sure the envelope that Leo gave her had everything to prove Matt Damon's crimes and instructions to contact Digglet in case Leo dies. So, in a way, it does come full circle and Leo's backup plan worked in the end. Even though Wahlberg wasn't a cop anymore, he still got to get justice for Leo outside the law.

Just Plain Bob

I find it interesting that Cassie seemed to be an enthusiastic fan of Inception given her outspoken disdain for ambiguous endings. It doesn’t get any more ambiguous than Inception’s ending.

Just Plain Bob

I agree. They don’t spoon feed that information to the audience but it’s the only logical conclusion to be drawn from the available facts. Btw, I love that they don’t spell out everything for the audience. It doesn’t hurt to have to think every once in a while.

Just Plain Bob

Having seen Infernal Affairs, I would say that this is that rare occasion when the remake is not only worthwhile but really excellent. They change enough to make it a different film and setting it in the world of Whitey Bulger gives it an immediacy it might otherwise lack.

Just Plain Bob

Agree 100%. I’d like to see Cassie get past her need for a “happy” ending and for every film to have a love story. The ending needs to be tonally consistent with the story being told. Wanting happy endings and love stories in every film, regardless of the story being told, is no different than someone criticizing a romantic comedy because there were no fight scenes, explosions or car chases, just because the viewer is an action movie fan.

Chip MC

🔥🔥🔥 looking forward to watching this later. love this movie

Oisin Clissmann

I agree with Pickupthepieces76. Everything is very clear when you give it some thought. Everything is very well woven together and tied up in the end. It's a masterpiece for me. Only plot hole I can think of off the top of my end is why weren't cell phones being tracked and traced more? As to his point #2, it's not integral to the storyline but it is important emotionally. There are major signs potentially pointing to whose it was in Vera Farmiga's scene when she gets given the envelope and also her emotional reaction at the end.

Oisin Clissmann

Bale is my favourite actor, ahead of Leo in 2nd and I think both are 2 of the best but I think Leo gets talked about as being the best because he might be considered more likable than Bale and has that "heartthrob" thing attached to his persona?


I understand all of your points, guys. I just happen to disagree on this one. I’m okay being in the minority on The Departed. I’m glad you all loved it.

Tim Raths

It looks like she’s already seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. https://letterboxd.com/pib1/films/by/name/page/8/

Jerrod Acree

I’m not sure if I’ve ever said it before but I absolutely love spending time with you two watching movies. You make me laugh so much! 😂

Jon Jon the Milkshake Man

On my phone watching one of their reactions, I just tap YouTube in the lower right on my screen and it takes me right to the channel and then I subscribed to the channel that it took me to. I'm not sure if that will work for you, but it worked for me.

China Andronicus

THANK YOU! I don’t think Bale gets his due, far too often overshadowed by people’s obsession with DiCaprio. Leo is fantastic, but imo Bale is greater.

Rick Williams

People actually like this movie? It was depressing and a waste of time. Good reaction Ladies. I agree with you two. Unsatisfying.

Cassie Tremblay

what happened? they didn't want them or the others auditioned better, im so glad it wasn't brad pitt, would have maybe ruined him for me

China Andronicus

I love this film, and I think the ending is perfect. As much of a jerk as Dignam is, he's one of the most interesting characters. I was talking to the screen during Colin's debriefing where he gave his version of events and cleared Bill of all wrongdoing, worried you two were missing all of it. But I’m a nerd and detail obsessed. 😂


People are all entitled to their own opinions. For instance, i think Zoe Kravitz is a horrid Catwoman but thats my opinion. If there is evidence to back up your statement then it could lean towards fact and not opinion

Cassie Tremblay

I get that....ish.....redemption for me would have been Leo alive :( @just plain bob I think Leo living but all those other guys dying, even Queenan still could have been tonally consistent? I really can't stop thinking about this one though....WOW!! Hmm I wonder if ill ever get over that i would rather feel happy or redeemed at the end of a movie vs depressed haha even some war movies or total tragedies can still make you feel redeemed and happy at the end right?

Cassie Tremblay

i read another theory on reddit today about diglet actually being another mole for Costello but that is WRONG and i refuse to believe it

Just Plain Bob

That’s correct. For years, Bulger continued his criminal activities unabated. Eventually, it came out that he was an FBI informant. His FBI handler was a childhood friend. The full story finally got out and the government was left with no choice but to go after him. He learned that there was a warrant out and vanished for twenty years with his girlfriend. He was eventually caught and convicted, dying in prison. His handler was also charged due to the embarrassment he brought the agency. There are lots of great books, documentaries and movies about Bulger. His reign as a crime lord in Boston was one of the more shameful episodes in law enforcement history.

Joe Mallard

There's a Johnny Depp movie called Black Mass that is based on a book about Whitey Bulger, it's pretty good.

Bubba Fett

Yeah was rough, I don't think it was gratuitous though, at first I thought man he's an ass but after a rewatch I could see he was testing him, seeing how he acted under pressure knowing he'd probably be grilled heavily

Just Plain Bob

I agree. Good movie. I was really amazed at how much they were able to make Depp look like Bulger.

Michael Lynch

I’ll tell you guys who else is ahead of Leo, but I’m not sure if he’s doing movies anymore. Daniel day Lewis.

Alex Villarreal

Am obsessed with Marky Mark's character, Diglet. 😉

Alex Villarreal

The movie was in development for a few years, and Brad Pitt realized he got a little too old for the part, and actually reached out to Damon on the OCEAN'S movie set and asked if he wanted to work on a Scorsese movie.


A lot of it was scheduling. For example Robert DeNiro chose to direct the Good Shepard and Mel Gibson was still filming Apocalypto. Brad Pitt actually stayed on as producer. I’m happy he isn’t ruined for you, at least not yet any way.

Alex Villarreal

Scorsese had been ignored at the Academy Awards for so many decades, and people seemed to agree that his time had come. It was actually a sweet moment (that you can watch on YouTube) when he won his first and only Best Director Oscar for THE DEPARTED; it was presented to him by his friends Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas.

Just Plain Bob

All three of the movies you named are absolute classics. Casino, in particular, doesn’t seem to get the appreciation it deserves IMO. But I still think The Departed is also superb.


It’s an interesting theory, but I think the only good guys outside of Leo were Dingam and Queenan

Just Plain Bob

That’s a horrible theory and makes no sense. If Dignam were a mole for Costello, why kill Sullivan at the end? Costello was already dead, so it would serve no purpose. Also, if he was in Costello’s pocket, he could’ve just picked up the phone and warned him that Costigan was an undercover cop.

Michael Labs

Very rewarding reaction to watch... two things: I'm pretty sure the young ladies that were seriously into Leo at the time got the shock of their lives when the elevator door opened... think an entire theater yelling NOOOO!!! The other thing; I never gave any thought to how Dignam found out Colin, I was just happy Costello's rat got his, so to speak... That being said, I think that Dignam genuinely had great respect for Queenan and Colin being heavily involved probably set him over the edge into murder at the end; not that being a spy in the police didn't already have the potential to do it. Once again, very rewarding reaction.

Jesus F Christ

I think we already have a winner in the bag for “Best Surprise Reaction” for next year’s Poppies.

Tim Raths

When Coppola, Spielberg, and Lucas came out to present the award you knew who was going to get it. I was still super happy when he did.

Night King01

I think that anyone watching should watch the original version from Hong Kong. I think it’s superior. Only because for some reason dingams inclusion in this film completely ruins the revelation that Leo is now unable to be a cop anymore when Dingam already knows who he is and is alive.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I'm one of those people that never gets sick of this movie lol, and I'm good with the ending. I like the movie's grittiness, and gritty crime movies should be kind of pessimistic, I think, it's what makes them feel more realistic. And I assumed Dignam just figured out that Colin was the rat, I think even Alec Baldwin's character had already figured it out, or at least suspected him. I will admit that if this were a real life true crime story I would definitely want to see what happened with the envelope, and if the cops even cared after Costello died and tried to cover things up. But in terms of movies and movie making, I loved the way it ended basically because it was cool in a dramatic way. Plus the reactions to Leo's last scene in this are honestly always funny, it's always a shock but everyone reacts a little differently, it was a shock to me and I remember I was pissed, but just dropping a lot of F bombs, other people's reactions are sometimes hilarious. Like Movies with Mary, Mary slapped the microphone out of her face it like it bit her, so funny. Casino next?!

Uncle Phoenix

These Cassie and Carly reactions are so awesome. I heard that they are finally going to bring back Firefly. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Carly watched Firefly with Cassie, a la LOTR?

Patrick Gibbs

Maybe she did to Diglit! 😂🤣 Dying of laughter from your pronunciation of Dignam!! at 2:28:59 (reaction) / 02;24;53 (movie runtime)!!!

Ben Livingstone

I found the ending fairly satisfying, surprisingly. I guess because in the last minute of the movie, Dignam was shown to care about his CI more than we thought he did.

Night King01

You are completely right my man. What’s even more confusing is his character completely wrecks the latter half of the film. Mind you he was not a character in the original Hong Kong version only the captain knew he was the undercover cop and when in both versions the captain was thrown off the building it made more sense why in the original film he can’t be a cop anymore because his records don’t exist they died with the captain. Also in the original he’s undercover for over a decade in this it never made sense why he began to crack that easy. Anyone interested should check out internal affairs I think it’s superior to this remake

David Freese

This was my first time watching The Departed as well. I was just blown away by how good this is. I'm sure hearing the sisters react as well helped but if I was more into these movies back in the day I would have really enjoyed it.

Night King01

I can think of one giant plot hole that is never addressed because it’s a fabrication of this film and not in the original Hong Kong version. Dingam as a character is completely useless. Why because his character ruins the conflict of the film. When queenan dies why doesn’t Dingam immediately spill it that he knows costingan is the undercover. His whole death could have been avoided if billy walked up to Dingam instead of going to the rooftop. In the original it really doesn’t make sense why he goes to the rooftop but I can forgive that. In the original the secret of his undercover work was lost when his captain flew off the roof. His life as he knows it is over. Dingams inclusion in this remake kind of creates a giant problem once you realize costing an could have went to him.

Shawn Kildal

Cassie, the lesser-known actor that you said looked familiar to you, the guy that shot Leo in the elevator, you probably know best as Chase from season 3 of the TV series 24. He was Jack Bauer's partner who was dating his daughter Kim. He was also a bad guy in Iron Man 3.

Sean Stuart

I remember chuckling after Sullivan kills the other rat because I was so in shock of those 2 deaths the 3rd made me chuckle. Don’t know if was body releasing tension or at the pure craziness or absurdity of it all. Always loved the movie but still don’t know if I liked the last 5 minutes or so

Shehab Dawoud

My personal Scorsese top 10: Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, After Hours, The Color of Money, The Aviator, Casino, Hugo, and Cape Fear. The Departed doesn't get in. Now that's more of a credit to Marty that he has so many incredible films, but I do feel that The Departed is slightly overrated these days. The changes made in it feel more like just for the sake of changing things, not necessarily to try and improve the story. I mean, what do we get out of the love affair(s) or the overly-heavy emphasis on the over-the-top Nicholson character? The dialogue is pretty weird as well. I don't think the majority of people in Boston talk like that. Take Cape Fear as an example, now THAT is a film that truly holds its own and managed to be it's own entity, even though on the surface it may not seem like it. The changes in that film manage to add different dimensions and improve the original imo. The moral questions and dilemmas we face truly leave an impact. Again, The Departed is a very good film, definitely a rewatchable, and a great way for casuals to get into Scorsese. It also deserved its awards but 2006 was also a lousy movie year. My point was just that it should not have been the first film to win Marty an Oscar. Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, and The Aviator had much more of a case.


Actually she would probably recognize him best as Robert Leckie in The Pacific

Mike LL

I didn't realize After Hours with Griffin Dunne was a Scorsese film! I really haven't thought about or seen that film since I saw it in the theater when it came out. I am going to have to take a second look at that one! It was a little different, from what I remember.

Shehab Dawoud

Yeah, you should definitely give it a rewatch, Scorsese's most underrated. It is dark humor at its finest XD

Mike LL

I love a great crime movie. And The Departed is certainly that. The cat and mouse games as the two protagonists try to navigate their complicated double lives, and then later come into conflict with each other makes for a very engaging plot. Agree to peacefully disagree. As can be seen in the real world, good guys don't always win in the end.

Christopher Smith

the "Direct link in case the above player doesn't work" click is probably easiest way. Takes you to that locked youtube channel where you can subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/@pibpatreonexclusivecontent6426

James Keller

I loved the ending. You guys mentioned how everyone had 'alpha-male' energy. The purpose of the ending is to show how that kind of toxic-masculinity can ultimately lead to your own destruction. If Costello, William, or Colin had stopped to think with their heads, they'd still be alive. Whether it was Costello's decision to go along on that drug deal to show how in control and unafraid of the cops he was, William's decision to try to arrest Colin himself as opposed to simply finding Dignam and letting him deal with it, or Colin's refusal to run and instead try bury everyone to be the big hero. They all tried to be the dominant alpha in the situation and they all died.

Rick Williams

Yes, the real world can suck. That's why I like movies where I can get away from the real world sometimes. And I have watched many movies where the good guy dies. Like the movie 300. I understood the deaths. In this movie the deaths at the end seemed to simply be done for the shock value. It would have made for a satisfying ending if Leo's character would have lived. That would have made it a satisfying movie worth watching again.

Eric Wallace

You edited out the theater scene reaction, can I ask why?

David Collins

You thought Leo was good in this, you should see Man in the Iron Mask or What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

Art of Free Speech

No way, IMO, is Leo the best actor of our time. IMO, both Matt Damon and Johnny Depp can act circles around him. DeCaprio, honestly, has never impressed me all that much. As far as the movie... I couldn't get through it. They lost me with all the convolution, just about where you both said "I don't even know what's going on." I certainly didn't either, and I just have no interest in watching a movie like that.

Wu Sha Ling

infernal affairs and departed are both great stories. if you want a more grounded undercover story, donnie brasco (1997) might be a good watch. based on the life of an fbi undercover agent


I don't think I've ever heard Cassie scream like that before when Leo's character was shot. I mean, I've heard her scream in fear, but in disbelief and shock.... nope. I think EVERYONE on here was waiting for that moment to happen so we could see her reaction and Carly's reaction. They did not disappoint!


It was definitely "involved" with all the pieces, but everything was linked and tied together. As for DeCaprio's acting, have you ever seen What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Rick Williams

Now I know why it's called, The Departed. Everyone is killed.

Art of Free Speech

I have seen WEGG. I wasn't impressed. There are some actors that, when I watch them, I say to myself "no way I could have done that." Val Kilmer, Johnny Depp, Michael Douglas, and Matt Damon all come to mind immediately (which is not to say there aren't more, just that those stand out). I have never felt that way about DeCaprio, including WEGG. I'm also not saying others have to agree. It's an aesthetic, IMO, and opinions on an aesthetic are purely personal. As far as the film, perhaps they do tie it all together at some point, but it wasn't interesting enough for me to finish. It didn't hold my attention. Perhaps there were some directing choices or writing choices that could have been changed, or perhaps we're supposed to be confused? I don't know. Either way, I gave it an hour to get interesting. At the end of the hour, I was just very bored.... actually, that's not fair. I was very bored at the 15 minute mark. I stuck it out an extra 45 minutes waiting for it to get interesting. Then I gave up. Again, this is NOT to say others shouldn't enjoy it. I have very idiosyncratic tastes. I despised the Godfather, and Godfather II, and they're some of the highest rated movies ever. I've also absolutely loved some movies which are considered extremely mediocre by many/most (Less Than Zero comes to mind immediately). I can't help it. I like what I like and I don't like what I don't, and I'm not going to lie about it.

Larry Darrell

There have been times in Oscars Past, when the Academy end up giving an award to someone who was Past Due for an Award, for a film or performance, that was Great, but maybe not as Great as Past Films or Performances, that may have been Robbed in their past Oscar Year. Henry Fonda (1982) - On Golden Pond Paul Newman (1987) - The Color of Money Al Pacino (1993) - Scent of a Woman Martin Scorcese (2007) - The Departed Ennio Morricone (2016) - The Hateful Eight Spike Lee (2019) - BlacKkKlansman

China Andronicus

Glad it’s not just me. 😂 I love seeing the two together but I feel like they talk over dialogue so often and miss important moments! Cassie on her own picks up on all the details.

Larry Darrell

Loved this Film. Loved the Reaction. Nothing I could say that hasn't been said before. Other than to "Largely" comment on a Song. I have found in the past that many people don't realize, that the song "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd, played during the scene at Madolyn's house, is not performed by Pink Floyd in this film. The Track is taken from Roger Water's Live Concert, The Wall - Live in Berlin, performed at the Berlin Wall on July 21, 1990, 8 months after The Berlin Wall was torn down. Roger Waters sang his original part, while Van Morrison sang the Chorus, and Levon Helm and other members of The Band sang Back-up. Levon Helm has been seen by Cassie in The Right Stuff (1983), as Jack Ridley, Chuck Yeager's friend, who always had a stick of Beemans, and as the Narrator of the film. Other Patrons may know Helm as Mr. Rate in another Mark Wahlberg film, Shooter (2007). I left a short Bio on Levon Helm in the Comments for the Right Stuff Reaction. Recommendation: Coal Miner's Daughter (1980), Levon Helm's acting debut as Loretta Lynn's Father. So, here's the clip from the Live Performance of "Comfortably Numb" by Roger Waters, Van Morrison and The Band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpFo_E9Fq2k Levon Helm is the One in the Hat and the Beard. On his own, his is one of the Greatest Voices in Rock n Roll. (-: Van Morrison ain't too shabby either :-) How 'bout a Remembrance of the Times Cassie has Heard Van Morrison. Good Morning, Vietnam - "Baby, Please Don't Go" by Them (Van Morrison Vocals) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXgnGIYajBM An American Werewolf in London - "Moondance" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kfYOGndVfU As Good as it Gets - "Days Like This" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UUWkr4FUlo Bridget Jones' Diary - "Someone Like You" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QJdRgMLCiE The Five Year Engagement - "Sweet Thing" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu_fgDpyxtM Many more Rom Coms/Romances featuring Van Morrison, that sadly she has not seen as well: An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) Always (1989) Dream a Little Dream (1989) Only the Lonely (1991) French Kiss (1995) Nine Months (1995) Michael (1996) One Fine Day (1996) Fever Pitch (1997) The Matchmaker (1997) with Fitzy’s David O’Hara Who'd a Thunk it, that I'd find a way to recommend so many Rom Coms after watching The Departed. I sure didn't.


I'm guessing that scene made them so uncomfortable that they'd rather not have shown their reactions.

Uncle Phoenix

And; seriously, how many times am I going to rewatch this reaction just so I can hear Cassie saying, “Digglet”?

Odd Thomas

I didn't think much of this on release but I'll give it another go. The Aviator is a better Leo/Scorsese film. Yeah I bailed after an hour. And I'm not sure why it won a poll as its not the kind of film C&C would enjoy tbh


An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) Louis Gosett won an Oscar for his performance. A great movie for Cassie and Carly.


Doesn't make sense. Seemed they enjoyed it plenty. Also pretty sure they don't need gatekeeping from internet strangers.

Daniel Fuchs

Hey Cassie, I wanted to ask if the James Bond film "The living Daylights" is still coming today or next week?

brooke atkins

I thought the exact same thing. I said oh lord these sweet innocent girls are actually to embarrassed to show their own faces. Lol I laughed for 5 minutes straight lol

Ryan Towell

Ok you two ladies..... Together you have to watch What's eating Gilbert Grape Leo was young and should have won an oscar for that, he stars w Johnny Depp in it. He plays a "mentally" challenged kid. Also check out The Revenant stars along side Tom Hardy, Leo finally won an oscar for this role, The Wolf of Wallstreet (Rated R for good reasons though), Gangs of New York stars along side Cameron Diaz, Daniel Day Lewis, Liam neeson, John C Reiley to name a few, Body of Lies along side Russell Crowe and the basketball diaries. Those are some of my favorite Leo films that I don't think Cassie was reacted to yet.



David Poray

Gangs of New York!!!


If you are a Leo fan you definitely gotta watch The Aviator and Gangs of New York, 1000%

Jon Jon the Milkshake Man

When you go there it should take the video you want to watch with you. You can save the video to your Watch Later list, or make your own playlist.


Why does the screen go black when theres a sexual scene? Its not like everyones a child.

Philip Alan

the porn stuff and the gratuitous wee wee shot was probably a little much for both. It wasn't for our sake.


I feel like Dignam will forever be referred to as Diglet now