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Well Howdy Huckleberrys!!

WOAH! YUGE stuff upcoming!!

I am back from our spring break trip, I am feeling REfreshed, REvitalized, REjuvenated all the RE's!! We went to the good ole House of the Mouse. I know, I have a problem. We tried to go other places, but nothing was falling into place and so we went with the rest of the world's population to Disneyland, because we know how to do that trip.  It wasn't a relaxing trip per se, and the magic seemed a bit dulled there for some reason, but there was sunshine and blooming flowers and my youngest was princess obsessed and so I really can't complain! I watched a movie last night and it felt fun and like HOME and I missed you ALL!

This week we have some good ones! That western poll is pretty dang close (1%)!! It ends Wednesday! The Departed will be up tonight too! 

Then...EVENTS! Yay! We've got a LIVE fun time package opening, q and a, games and popcorn taste tests! Trivia Night Round 4 will be 5/1 and those are always more intimate and my favorite! Can't wait, start studying up suckers ;)

Ok really am so happy to be back and am excited to share this lineup with you this week!

Much Love, 


Ps-The rest of Mando season 3 is going to be patreon exclusive, #perks!


Sam Fuller

You've been to Disneyland tons, but have you ever been to Disney World?

Robert da Spruce

Welcome back Cassie! Sounds like the trips to Vegas and Disneyland did you a world of good! We’re glad you’re back though! Ready for some reactions!

Bill Maurer

Welcome Back !! Hope and pray you and your family had a great time together. Looking forward to what you got in store (The Searchers !). I think you will like Timothy Dalton as Bond. He was the Daniel Craig version of Bond before Craig became Bond. Thanks to you and the entire PIB crew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Glad you had a good break Cassie! I have those events plugged into my calendar and looking forward to them.

William Bryan

Did I see that right? YT Live on a Friday?

Jon Johns

Todzilla better start studying!!!

Patrick Egan

Really looking forward to your Living Daylights reaction, I think it’s one of the more underrated Bond movies. Glad you enjoyed your trip!


Glad you had a good time on your trip. It’s always good to get away when you can. The last trivia night was my first one. It was a lot of fun.

William Bryan

Aha I see now. I was looking at 2022. Well that's no good then. The Live is the exact same time my Evil Dead Rise ticket is. Ugh

Larry Darrell

Just FYI: Timothy Dalton is the SAME James Bond as Sean Connery, George Lazenby and Roger Moore. SAME BOND, SAME WORLD, SAME LIFE, SAME Continuing Story.

Gábor Árki

Really looking forward to your take on Dalton as Bond. 😃 May I have a suggestion for the trivia night? I think the most valuable prize is the opportunity to suggest movies. How about extending that beyond the winner? 1st place would still get a chance to send in their suggestions directly to Cassie to choose one of them, so they would have a guaranteed reaction to one of their picks. But 2nd to 6th place could also get a chance to submit their suggestion: 2nd - 3 movies, 3rd - 2 movies, 4th to 6th place - 1 movie each. This would be 8 movies altogether. These then could go to a trivia night poll on Patreon and the poll winner movie would also get a reaction.

Stick Figure Studios

Glad you had a great trip. Even more glad that you made it home safely. :-) You're right. This is a big week. My hope is that BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID wins the Western poll. That's one of my top 10 favorite westerns and I've been hoping you'd watch it ever since you saw a Paul Newman and Robert Redford together in THE STING. This is their first collaboration together (and the same director too). Just a wonderful, Witt y, delightful experience of a movie. You've already watched two great films by one of our greatest living filmmakers Martin Scorsese (SHUTTER ISLAND and GOODFELLAS), but now you're going to watch the movie that finally won him his long overdue Oscar for best director and best picture: THE DEPARTED. It's going to be intense, but it's going to make for a great reaction. At the very least, you're going to love the cast. But as always, the movie I'm most excited about is your entry into Timothy Dalton's sadly brief but nonetheless excellent tenure as James Bond: THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS. This was not only my favorite Bond movie when I was a kid (it was the first recast *new Bond* inmy lifetime), but was my all-time favorite movie (period) for a few years there. I watched it more times than I can count as a boy. I was 11 years old when my dad took me and my brother to see it on the first day of our family vacation in Seattle. We took a taxi from the hotel to the theater (the first and so far only time I've ever ridden in a cab). When we got to the theater, there was a line around the block. EVERYBODY wanted to see the new Bond. I predict that you and Carly will both really like it because it is a more stripped down, realistic Bond adventure. Yes, it still has spectacle and humor, but the plot is a more traditional espionage-oriented one (it's probably the most spy-driven story since FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE) and Dalton's interpretation of Bond is a tougher, grittier one. In many ways, he anticipated Daniel Craig and although people weren't too enamored with it at the time, his two movies are appreciated much more now. He was essentially the proto-Craig. You may also notice that he is the most romantic of all the Bonds... particularly in THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS. I don't know if you will recognize Dalton at all (if you've ever seen the movies THE BEAUTICIAN AND THE BEAST, LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION or HOT FUZZ, he's in all of them), but he is a terrific, legit Shakespearean actor, arguably the best actual actor to play Bond thus far. I love all the Bonds to some degree, but he is probably my favorite one. Can't wait for your reactions this week. :-)

Robin Craft

Jack is not as scary in The Departed as he is in The Shining.....or is he?

Gábor Árki

I also love Dalton in The Rocketeer (1991) playing a dashing '30s Hollywood movie star, practically on the set of a movie that could be The Adventures of Robin Hood.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, he's great in THE ROCKETEER, clearly doing an Errol Flynn-type character. I just didn't mention it because I knew for a fact that she hadn't seen that one, though I really hope she does a reaction to it someday because I'm sure she would love it.

Stick Figure Studios

Although, now that I think of it, I should have known for a fact that she also hasn't seen HOT FUZZ because it's the second entry of the Cornetto trilogy which she watched the first one of (SHAUN OF THE DEAD) already and everybody was telling her she needed to continue with it.


I think she's going to really like it. It holds up really well. I last saw it back in October and I love the hell out of it still. Great action set pieces, nice Cold War storyline, and a very modern movie structure. The one question mark I have is will she like Dalton's different portrayal? I hope so.

Mike LL

Wow sounds like the Popcorn Mamma got all spring breaked out and is ready to Par-tay! Whoo Hooo! The lives are fun and the Trivia nights are the best, I just need to figure out how to win one of those suckers! With a great line up of movies like this one, all I know is that the popcorn cooking is going to be hot and heavy this week! Looking forward to all of it!

China Andronicus

Scorcese was also a pretty damn good actor. His cameo in Taxi Driver was really good. The man could have had a career acting if he wasn’t such an amazing director.

Björn Karlsson

Awesome!!!!! Keep an eye open for a package with "Toyota genuine parts" on the cardboard. It´s not spare parts for fork lifters in it 😇🤣

Gábor Árki

I wouldn't be surprised if TLD would be their first encounter with Dalton. He didn't have that many roles during the past few decades and the ones he did were mostly smaller movies, tv series and voice acting. I think Cassie does watch The Crown, so if she's seen the latest season, she may recognize him from there.

Johnny Liu

Super excited for the lives, and especially trivia night. I think they might actually be my favorite content.

Tim Raths

Can’t wait to see The Depahted reaction.

Stick Figure Studios

@China: Interestingly, I actually first knew him as an actor (in the film GUILTY BY SUSPICION) before I had ever seen any of his movies. His performance in TAXI DRIVER is chilling.

Stick Figure Studios

@Gabor: Yeah, I wouldn't be at all surprised either. He's been in a fair amount of movies, but not necessarily the kind of ones that Cassie and Carly would watch (that's why I picked the few that I thought they would be most likely to have seen). He's a superb actor, but he doesn't appear in many big blockbusters (good call on THE CROWN though). It also just occurred to me that the girls will almost certainly have heard his voice as Mr Pricklepants in TOY STORY 3.


Controversial Mandalorian news! How will YouTubers feel? I generally prefer edits to watch-alongs and I'm guessing it will be full reaction only.


The whole "James Bond is just a code name" theory doesn't stack up at all. So all these different men happened to like quips, womanising, shaken and not stirred martinis and to introduce themselves a certain way? Not to mention his relationship with M, Q and Moneypenny. One character, that's it.

Alex Gorell

I’m glad you had a good trip with your family Cassie. Looking forward to the Departed and Butch Cassidy.


I don't want to see even an inkling of what the ladies think of the film before I watch the reaction!

Robert Nelson

1. Glad you took some family time.

nick bell

The Departed 'elevator scene' is the stuff I'm looking for. Welcome back

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, the codename theory is ridiculous. The kind of nonsense concocted by overly literal minds who take imaginary worlds /characters too seriously.


Welcome back hope you had a great time!!

Larry Darrell

Disney World is the Happiest Place on Earth, or at least it was in the 90s. I'm long overdue for going again.

Steve Barrett

You do need to try a non-mouse destination. But if got young kiddos, Wally World is hard to beat. My first time to Disney World was when I was 9. They were just opening Epcot center the following week. Yup, old. ;)

Philip Alan

Nice selfie, Cassie! :)

Keith Jones

First time I saw The Living Daylights all I could think is Wait...that's Prince Barin! But he was a great Bond TLD is one on the better movies in the series

Just Plain Bob

When I was ten, my uncle took me and my cousin to Orlando by train (Amtrak). While there, we went to Disney World, arriving shortly after it opened. He told us both to meet him at a designated spot during the end-of-night parade, and left us to our own devices for the remainder of the day. It was 12+ hours with my best friend, riding rides (especially Space Mountain and the Haunted Mansion) and eating chili dogs and burgers and other junk food and exploring the park. Imagine, as a young boy, riding on a train for the first time followed by a day of unsupervised fun with your best friend at the Magic Kingdom. Amazing. More than forty years later, it still may be the best day of my life. PS: Disney World is approximately 50 times the size of Disneyland, so Cassie DEFINITELY owes it to herself and her family to visit for several days. The entire park system at Disney World is 43 square miles - roughly the same size as San Francisco!

Marko T.

Movie suggestion: King Kong (2005) directed by Peter Jackson.

Wesley White

I'm glad you had a good enough yet wonderful Springbreak with the family Cassie! sure is a lot of stuff going on this month! unfortunately I won't be able to attend both the next Live Stream and Trivia Game Night, I have to work both days, DANG IT!!!😭😭😭 although, I might drop in and say Hi on my break during your Live Stream, so there's that lol! no surprise that y'all went to Disneyland knowing how much you love it there, and I do too, and that's where I bought the Minnie Mouses for you and Carly last year in November lol! looking forward for more James Bond, I'm surprised you'll be watching one of the Timothy Dalton ones, I think he only played Bond twice before Pierce Brosnan took over! and I'm looking forward for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid if that wins lol! as for me, like I said, I got my car back finally, all repaired and good as new! I consider April ALIEN month because April 26th, fans of the ALIEN franchise call that LV-426 day, get it lol! so, I've been watching nothing but the ALIEN and PREDATOR movies all month, listening to the soundtracks on my Ipod and recently for the first time ever, I watched your full lengths of both ALIEN and ALIENS and I laughed my head off at your jumpscares LOL🤣🤣🤣 hope you, and Carly, and the family are doing well! you're awesome, oh and BTW, you look very pretty in that selfie at DCA if I may say lol! much love and support, and as always......... stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍

Will C

The show isn’t doing all that well this season. Probably isn’t worth the extra editing for YT. Glad she’s gonna finish it up though

Justin (CaptainProton)

Vacations are the best! Vacations to Disneyland are even better! Glad you REsted and REjunvinated so you can continue to REcord all of this amazing content you create.

Marko T.

I recently rewatched the original for the 90th anniversary. The 1976 remake is great too. I like all the versions expect Kong: Skull Island.

Jon Johns

Marko we were discussing monter movies marathon on Discord! This was included in the list. The 1977 Kong film is not as popular, and Skull Island is kind of, part of, the modern 'monsterverse' - would enjoy your thoughts over there!

Matthew S Graham

I'd invite you to visit Nashville...but I hate country music so I wouldn't know where to advise you to go! 😁