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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Departed, which will premiere tomorrow morning! Hope you enjoy!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] The Departed (2006)


Nerd Jared

This movie left me unfulfilled and extremely sad/mad 🤣🤣. Its like a Game of Thrones/Doctor Who - everyone you love dies. I wont ever watch this again lol

Just Plain Bob

For a COMPLETELY different performance by Jack Nicholson, check out The Pledge. It’s a great movie. Also, I never understood why Mark Wahlberg received such plaudits for his performance in this film. He’s fine in it, but DiCaprio gives an extraordinary performance and should have taken home an Oscar for this role.


read a story online that DiCaprio didn’t want to be favored over his co-stars in this movie, thus he was nominated for Blood Diamond instead

Bill W

I feel like Wahlberg somehow still gets point for being a 'non-actor', since he came from a pop-music background (sort of). Like you said- he's fine, but DiCaprio and Damon were the show.

Anthony V Petty

So underrated (Pledge) Nicholas is awesome. Sean Penn directed that one. Age of Innocence, Goodfellas, then Departed are my three favs by Scorsese.

David Woodbridge

Few movie deaths are as upsetting as Bill Costigan’s in “The Departed.” Bill went through so much in this story. He was so brave and sacrificed so much for the good of others. We desperately want him to be safe and finally be able to rest (throughout the movie, Bill talks about how tired he is). And we want others to recognize him as a hero. So to see him killed in such an abrupt and unceremonious way provokes not just sadness but a bitter feeling of injustice. At his funeral, Bill is finally honored as a hero. As for his tiredness, I don’t think it’s an accident that we hear the priest say, “Eternal rest, grant unto him, oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.”

Mike Coughlin (mjc1389)

It seems that for awhile in Hollywood the only movies that got any Oscar buzz where ones with convoluted plots and dissonant endings.

David Ulrich

I really wish someone would watch Infernal Affairs sometime. It is the film the Departed is a very direct remake of.

Just Plain Bob

Bill W I think you're probably right - they were grading Wahlberg's performance on a curve.


I know Cassie shouldn't/wouldn't watch it, but Wahlberg's best movie ever was Boogie Nights.

Anthony V Petty

Def should watch Inception even though Cassie has seen it. Also, I agree with sis Titanic is bleh


Actually she needs to see Five Easy Pieces. And Broadcast News. (Not sure if she would like Chinatown or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.)

Jeff I.

Yeah, Five Easy Pieces would be great! I also suggested About Schmidt for what I consider one of Nicholson's most underrated performances.

Brent Petty

Shakespeare In Love is the worst best picture winner of at least the last 60 years. It beating Saving Private Ryan was a travesty.


I agree, for film buffs *plus* fans of Departed, then Infernal Affairs is a go to but I think it would be tough for any reaction channel. Unless you are really into film I don't a lot of casual movie watchers being into it.


Not everyone enjoys this movie. You don't need to feel bad for feeling disappointed.

Brent Petty

Yes Carly. I loved the multiple twists leading to the ending. Real life is messy.


A Leo movie that seems to be getting forgotten as the years go on is What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Johnny Depp and a young Leo plus it’s the same director as Hatchi. I think you’d enjoy it.

Tim Raths

I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Terms of Endearment as another great Jack Nicholson performance. He did win an Oscar for that and I think Cassie would like it.

Stick Figure Studios

William Shakespeare wrote two kinds of plays: comedies and tragedies. Comedies always ended with everything turning out okay (often with a wedding, a double wedding or sometimes even a triple wedding). Tragedies always ended sadly (often with the stage littered with dead bodies). Both kinds of stories have their place. One makes you feel good and leaves you happy (nothing wrong with that).The other one challenges you and leaves you thinking. So, to answer Carly's question: yes, I am satisfied by the ending. It is a very fitting ending to this particular story. Is it how I would ideally have liked it to have resolved everything for the characters? No, of course not, but it is still a powerful, dramatic, emotional and provocative resolution. If a story doesn't end the way we'd like, that doesn't automatically make it a bad story (perhaps we should ask ourselves why the storyteller chose to end it that way; what are they trying to say to us through it?). I realized a long time ago that it's not really about whether a story ends happily or unhappily, but about whether it *earns* whatever ending it does have. Some stories end badly and it feels like a cop-out. Other stories end happily and it feels like a cheat. This ending is neither. It feels appropriate for this particular story.

Jim H

"Something's Gotta Give" is a good Jack Nicholson movie if you want to see him in a romantic comedy with Diane Keaton. And don't forget, "Wolf of Wall Street" to see Leo play another great character!

Brother Who

Diglet! Can't wait for the spinoff!

Larry Darrell

Totally! It’s Not About the Ending, it’s About the Journey, and what you do with the Run Time that you have. How Well did you Impact the Lives of Others who continue in the Story and the viewers in the Audience. Lessons can be Learned from Films, Plays and Stories. It’s a Lot Like Real Life. Shakespeare was a Smart Dude. Scorsese’s pretty Dern Good Too. ;-)

Robert Jewell

Definitely check out What's Eating Gilbert Grape if you haven't seen it and you have a Leo marathon.

Larry Darrell

It would certainly be interesting for us, but there may be some Memorable Rewards to be gotten from The Wolf of Wall Street, for Cassie… and Carly. Cassie and Carly will Need Each Other on this one.

Grégory Gautier

Great movie, great reaction! No happy ending, but Leo's death is so unexpected that's why I love this film. Inception!!, Carly will love it! ^^

Steve Barrett

Cassie and Carly - great reaction as always. you didn’t miss anything, this is poorly directed, badly written movie. Great acting with bad accents. I am Born and raised in the Boston area. This movie sucks, personally feel the ONLY reason it gets the respect it has is due to the number of name actors. From a Bostonian perspective I have a hard time listening to the atrocious attempts at Boston accents. Even Matt Damon who grew up in Cambridge (which doesn’t have much of an accent) forces this phony accent. Mark wahlberg is the only one that sounds natural. When I saw this in the theater and it was over; I was like, ok, everyone is basically dead. Who cares? Mystic River : best Boston accents by non-Bostonians. 6 academy award noms. 2 wins.

Steve Barrett

….and before everyone jumps all over my critique, I know it very well acted. I suppose, in hindsight, it’s the Boston accents that prevent me from getting into the performances. Plus the story - I don’t see the point. :))

salim alvarez

I love when you ask Carly "you haven´t seen inception?" and then see your face in awe hahahahahah.....now you know how we feel most of the time hahahahaha ohhhhhh please you have to see Invictus....Matt Damon, morgan Freeman, real sports movie...

Robert Nelson

That's what really happened. You can't change the ending of a true story just because you didn't like the ending.

Gilbert Gonzalez

Being as Martin Scorsese is a fan of Hong Kong films, he stated that this is actually a remake of a Hong Kong movie called Infernal Affairs (2002), which is a series of 3 movies. Also, Mark Walhberg apparently pitched a sequel idea to Warner Bros. that would of taken place before, during, and after the first movie, but it didn’t go well and they chose not to go forward with it lol

Mss Lee

People in Cambridge totally have the Masshole accent, there just happen to also be a lot of students from elsewhere as well. But I agree- so many ridiculous accents, Matty lost the touch he had in Good Will Hunting - ofc Robin Williams southie accent was atrocious in that one, but he won an Oscar lol


It’s cute that you think it was a true story


Infernal Affairs is indeed the superior film/film series but The Departed is far more accessible for western audiences


What about Coda? A movie that doesn't even exist?

Steve Barrett

I thought Sean penn and tim robbins, in mystic river did a good job, best put-on Boston accents I’ve heard. Of course he won - the Oscar’s are kind of screwed up. They seem to get overly enamored with an actor/actress and after that they can do no wrong. ….and regarding the Leo DiCaprio being the best actor of his generation, I disagree. He is phenomenal, no doubt, but I’d go with Christian Bale. He has tackled a broader range of roles.


"Leo is so good. He can be anyone and I believe him." "Yes. 1000%." This is why you have to watch The Aviator, and watch it together. Scorsese also directed it, and DiCaprio is great. Gangs of New York, too, but that one might be a bit much.

Bill W

I feel Gilbert Grape, Basketball Diaries, Aviator, Departed, Shutter Island and Blood Diamond are his best.

Steve Barrett

Classy rebuttal. Just my opinion, I didn’t ask you to agree. Obviously I’m in the minority. It won 5 academy awards including best picture. I just don’t agree. But you don’t need to insult someone when you disagree.

brooke atkins

She would love that movie. And finally a chance for her to see jack play a not bad guy.

Bill W

OOPS!, I forgot about The Revenant until I heard Cassie mention it in the intro.

Aaron Hawkins

This film won the Academy Award for Best Editing and that inspired me to give praise to the channel in a way I don't think I have before. The editing in this reaction was really great and I would think it would be a tricky film to do. Lots of cursing, violence, copyrighted music, and the unique way the film is put together. And I realized after watching this video, that the editing on this channel is consistently excellent. There are quite a few reasons why Popcorn In Bed is the best reaction channel on Youtube. I believe it's one of the best channels on Youtube, of any kind. But one of the reasons why is because how well done the editing is on this channel. So my compliments to everyone who works to make this channel as a great as it is. Specifically, whoever does the editing.


The Aviator is so, soooooo good. Highly recommend it for so many reasons.