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Edit: I did watch the disney plus version but still thought i saw BUTT! haha i’m confused but i did watch it on disney plus

For this months PPOTM, I wanted to watch something fun and lovey as I've watched a few sad movies lately. I don't want to spoil it, but this one has been on my radar for a while and it did not disappoint! It was great to see a young Tom Hanks, and Daryl Hannah was adorable. It felt a bit like Enchanted but with more mermaid.

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[Full Reaction] Splash (1984)


Johnny Salinas

Awww. This was one of my favorites when I was younger. Such a fun movie 😀

Brian McGovern

Definitely not the Disneyplus version? So no digital hair covering her buttocks?😁

Patrick Gibbs

It has come to symbolize hope for naked women everywhere. Bocci Balls!!

Ben Livingstone

Madison's use as a given name is generally attributed to this movie.

David Collins

Old fuddy duddys like me remember Ron Howard best as Opie from The Andy Griffith Show. He grew up to be a fantastic director though. He directed at least 3 of the movies you've reacted to. Cinderella Man, Far and Away and Apollo 13 each of which you enjoyed. There may be others. I generally will watch his movies without knowing anything else about them. He does great work.

Ben Livingstone

I just realized--the professor with the mustache is Howard Morris!

Just Plain Bob

The 'Burbs, a comedy/horror from 1989, features a young Tom Hanks and would be PERFECT viewing for "Scary But Not Too Scary" October.

Andrew Rose

I'm watching this and dying laughing ten minutes after the line... Cassie says "On top of the refrigerator??" lmao so relatable that's what keeps circling around in her mind... 🤣😂🤣😂

Richard Bourne

Daryl Hannah before Wall Street. Too much of a chick flick for me.

Richard Bourne

Yup, he's Opie and Rob Reiner is Meathead. I've heard both of them complain about that. Ron in particular has done a lot of great work, but he's still Opie.

Shawn Kildal

The name Madison was pretty much non-existent before 1984 and then because of this movie it all of a sudden became one of the most popular name for girls. I don't think Cassie saw that the Daryll Hannah character had the idea for the name by looking at the Madison Ave street sign


It's a fun romantic fantasy and right in Cassie's wheelhouse. Just remember, she's a Chick Flick Connoisseur.

Shawn Kildal

Ron Howard, who I always remember as the little boy Opie from The Andy Griffith Show and Ritchie Cunningham from Happy Days also directed Apollo 13, Cinderella Man and Far and Away (the movies that Cassie has reacted to) among many others. He's also the father of actress Dallas Bryce Howard from the Jurassic World movies

Shawn Kildal

Other Daryl Hannah movies Cassie would love are Steel Magnolias and the pair of Grumpy Old Men films

David Collins

If Cassie knew how good Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau are in Grumpy Old Men, I have no doubt it would be a surefire PPotM.

Allen Bond

This is what I signed up for.

Tim Raths

I hope she watches both Grumpy Old Men films. There’s another actor she’s familiar with that is in those films.


Is it true, I wonder, that Cassie has not yet watched the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle? It's a must watch in the romance genre IMO.


Yes you do like Ron Howard, he directed Far and Away, Apollo 13 and Cinderella Man

Christopher Smith

The greatest of the "fish out of water" movie tropes.


If she hasn’t, then I hope she reacts to it! That’s the definitive version of this great classic.

Dave Sees Movies

Veronica Mars was created by Rob Thomas. 😉

Wyatt Nuxoll

Cassie if you haven't seen " the money pit " or the burbs I highly reccomend them they're two of tom hanks comedies that are hilarious

Just Plain Bob

Great flick and a delightful reaction (as always). Side note: The guy who wants to buy cherries in an early scene is Ron Howard’s father, Rance Howard, and the bride’s brother that Tom Hanks yells at before the wedding is Ron Howard’s brother, Clint Howard.

Stick Figure Studios

There were a lot of E.T.-type stories in the 80s. Some of them stunk (like MAC & ME) and some of them were good, like this one. The first ever Touchstone film (a "Disney" studio set aside to do more adult-oriented fare without carrying the family-friendly Disney logo), I saw this in the theater as a kid and subsequently watched it a lot on home video. I knew Tom Hanks from the show BOSOM BUDDIES but this was my intro to Daryl Hannah (who btw, if you want to see her kick some ass, watch the KILL BILL movies), John Candy, Eugene Levy and Ron Howard as director. A sweet, charming little gem of a movie. I knew you'd love it.


Such a good adaptation! I thought you might have, even though it says otherwise on popcornrequests.com.

Stick Figure Studios

Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau are great in anything (separately or together). The GRUMPY OLD MEN movies are good, but the original ODD COUPLE is even better.

Stick Figure Studios

I hope Cassie eventually gets to some of his other (mostly even better films) like BACKDRAFT, PARENTHOOD and RANSOM.

brooke atkins

Remember at the beginning of the channel she said she saw grumpy old man and that it wasn’t very good. I remember being shocked to hear anyone say that movie isn’t good. I’m thinking maybe she got it confused with another movie. I hope so. I love that film. And Cassie would love it for sure. I’m hoping she has t seen it and was confusing it with something else.

brooke atkins

All of these are great augg. Ransom will keep you on the edge of your seat Cassie and parenthood features a very young Keanu reeves and a 13 year old Joaquin phoenix. Great movies all of them. No bad choices.

brooke atkins

I have been pulling for steel magnolias for 2 years cause I know she’d love it. As all women do lol hopefully one day she will get to it.


Years ago I was working with a 20 year old girl named Madison. Joking I said. "Hey are you name after the movie Splash?" With a straight face she looked at me and said. "Yep!" I named my daughter after a little tv Witch named Samantha.


Before Grumpy Old Men a person should watch The Odd Couple. Gives it a better feeling realizing these 2 classic actors have been performing together for a long time.

Shawn Kildal

I've seen her receive the Grumpy Old Man movies as a gift during a livestream saying she's heard good things about and gave no indication that she knows anything about much less seeing it. It's not listed on her Letterboxd

Mike LL

And to bring it all around, Dallas Bryce Howard has directed 3 episodes of The Mandalorian and an episode of The Book of Boba Fett that has been watched on this channel. Night Shift was a great movie, the first one I saw that was directed by Ron Howard. That movie was a modest hit, but this movie, Splash, was Ron Howard's first big hit, and was Tom Hanks first big movie role.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

This movie reminds me of the Money Pit (1986) with Tom Hanks and Shelly Long or Funny Farm with Chevy Chase (1988)


AND it can be given to a boy OR a girl, though today it is generally used as a girl's name. My Paternal Great-Grandfather was named Madison Love (and then our Surname). He was born in late 19th century Middle America and he passed not long after my birth in the 60s. I have two middle names and the second is Madison.


See my reply to Fingers of Ink. I am a man and one of my two middle names is Madison.

Kevin B.

From what I read they changed the disney + version back to original when they upgraded splash to 4k. so no more digital hair.


I was looking to see if anyone mentioned this before I commented... Rance and Clint are also both in Apollo 13. Clint is Sy, the tech who talks to Flight Director Gene Kranz (played by Ed Harris). Rance plays the minister who is at the Lovell house while they are waiting for reentry/splashdown. He pats little Jeffrey on the head after he says, "Mom, you're squishing me..." I'm not sure how many Ron Howard projects feature Clint and/or Rance but it is a fair number. Fun fact: First time I ever saw Clint was on Star Trek Original series season 1 (1966) episode called The Corbomite Maneuver". First time I ever saw Rance was in a few episodes of Babylon5.

Just Plain Bob

Clint was also in a handful of Andy Griffith episodes, his first acting job I believe.

Jesus F Christ

To answer a question you posed in the video, a group of mermaids is called "a gossip". A gossip of mermaids.

Philip Alan

Love this movie! Great reaction! Only one other Daryl Hannah movie you should see! Kill Bill Volume 2. Fight me! Byyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!

Philip Alan

Money Pit. Another fantastic Tom Hanks movie. I believe this was the first time I lost my breath laughing as he was *frustrated* laughing during the tub scene.

Christopher Carr

I remember seeing this with my wife and kids in a theater.

Uncle Phoenix

Definitely made me want to watch the little mermaid. Hope, Cassie and Carly eventually get to watch, “The Joy Luck Club”. (it’s got a Bond girl and one of the characters from The Mandalorian and the Book of Boba Fett.)

Gábor Árki

That was a sweet a lovely reaction and some much-needed laughs! 😄 Gosh, even though it always pops into my head when I see Daryl Hannah, I think it was at least 25 years ago when I've watched this movie, or even more. Also, I don't think I've seen any other of Hanks' earlier comedies since the mid 90s either, so if you're up for it keep 'em comin'. 😉 But, given your remarks about liking the trope of seeing the world or the US for the first time, I have a few different suggestions: - SHORT CIRCUIT (1986), a sweet and lovely story from the 80s about AI - TWINS (1988), a comedy starring Arnold Schwarzenegger - CROCODILE DUNDEE (1986), an Aussie bushman invited to the USA


I have to add Steel Magnolias, Legal Eagles, and there is another right on the tip of my tongue but I can't think of it. I think she already has a reaction for blade runner

Philip Alan

Oh, totally. Steel Magnolias was a fantastic movie for her. I agree.


When I was a kiddo I rented this movie every time we went to the video store. This was my absolute favorite film when I was a little kid.

Alan Kobb

This is a very typical Popcorn Pick. It checks all of the Cassie boxes. Romantic-Comedy - CHECK. Happy Ending - CHECK. Young Tom Hanks - CHECK I was never into Rom-Coms, but I saw my share. THis was 1984, so I was a Sophomore in College. I even remember the girl I took to see this. I'm 5'7" and she was over 6', so I remember feeling particularly awkward, and the date was also awkward. We were friendly enough, but it was doomed to failure. I wonder whatever happened to her?

Terry Yelmene

Cassie: "She loved you dumb, dumb!" Great comment! This movie was released about 40 years ago, a full 5 years before Disney's Little Mermaid. So much was captured in this movie as a snapshot in time before... depicting the twin towers, a rattled NYC police station, the Crazy Eddie TV commercials. And before Splash, 'Madison' was NOT common, or even much of a recognizable girl's name. In fact, the name Jennifer had just come into vogue. This movie shares silly little 'enchanted' love story from a long ago time.

Rick Williams

Yes on top of the refrigerator. Don't knock it. Until you have tried it. Cassie, the movies you have me watching. You are such a chick. You love your chick flicks. But, I'm not mad at you. It was a cute, funny movie. And it was Tom Hanks first. You should check out Joe vs the volcano.

Steve Barrett

I rented it on Amazon prime. The butt is totally bare at the Statue of Liberty. Lol….I didn’t remember this movie being this bad/cheesy but it is definitely what it is….your reaction was great. Daryl Hannah really saves the film!

Joon S

The 'Burbs is an absolute must watch. Probably my favorite Tom Hanks movie ever. And even better, Cassie's already seen Rear Window so she'll get all the references.

Joon S

Um, don't watch Kill Bill 2 without watching Kill Bill 1

Joon S

It's there in the Disney+ version as well. AFAIK that scene was never edited, it was the one near the beginning after she saves him, kisses him, and runs back into the water that was covered up.

Philip Alan

My point was if eye had to pick between these two movies for awesome Daryl Hannah content, it would be Kill Bill 2! But for sure, these two movies are KILLER!

Larry Darrell

Since this is the Third Daryl Hannah film, after Blade Runner and Roxanne…. I’ll post one of the catchiest tunes from the 80s, released one year after Splash. From the E Street Band’s Sax player, Clarence Clemons’ solo album, duetting with Jackson Browne, singing “You’re a Friend of Mine.” Oh, and Jackson Browne’s then-girlfriend, Daryl Hannah, on Back-Up Vocals. https://youtu.be/087mi1e46us Try to not sing that all day. Also, seems like the Perfect Time to recommend, Steel Magnolias (1989) (-;

Super Powered Design (Jim)

Disney+ restored it to the original version last November because of all the backlash!

Uncle Phoenix

Tsai Chin played Ling, undercover MI6 agent, in “You Only Live Twice”. She also played Auntie Lindo in “The Joy Luck Club”.

Joshua s. Jackson

For your pick next month, I'd love it if you watched 1986 "Legend" starring Tom Cruise.

Robert da Spruce

Fun reaction Cassie! I haven’t seen this film since the 90’s. Geez, has it been that long? It was a fun, light Romcom. Exactly what you were looking for. The ending was a little weird. Is Tom going to become a Merman? Is he going to remain human? But live underwater? IDK. I guess you’re not meant to think about it too much. 😀

Gábor Árki

"Burt Reynolds... Burt Reynolds... 🤔😕🤔" This part made me think and after sleeping on it I have an idea. There are probably many big-name actors/actresses who haven't had a PiB reaction debut yet. Maybe this could be remedied with some special polls. First of all, we should collect a list of such actors/actresses. The 1st round of the polls could be voting just for the actors. Given the size of such a list, this could be one or more Patreon polls or even a bracket. Then during the 2nd round the winners could have their dedicated actor poll to choose one of their movies for a reaction. Alternatively, multiple winners could have 2-4 of their movies going against each other during these polls. Alternative idea: we put together a list of such actors/actresses. Then Cassie can put the names she finds worthy into a bucket and draw one (or few) of them. The lucky one(s) will have their dedicated actor poll on Patreon to pick one of their movies for a reaction.

Jay Robert

"On top of the refrigerator?"

Dean Holt

It’s looking a little dated now but still a fun watch, a few suggestions to some of my favourite 80s films Batteries not Included, Flight of the Navigator, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Crocodile Dundee, The Last Starfighter, Twins and Kindergarten Cop.

David Guin

We're getting closer to Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) :D

Robert Haynes

Oh my god, The Last Starfighter was a defining movie for my childhood. The rest of those movies are also fantastic, and I would love it if any of them got watched.


Should watch arsenic and old lasce starring Carey grant

Dean Holt

Cool, glad to hear someone else loved that movie . When I was a kid I watched it loads of times and it was my favourite film after the Star Wars movies. I still watch it at least once a year now and still love it as it’s so nostalgic and I was and still am a sci-fi nerd 😂😂

Dean Holt

Wow the last time I saw that was about 25 years ago would definitely love to watch it again

Joon S

Short Circuit was a classic, but the Fisher Stevens role was.....problematic.

Joon S

All classics. Batteries Not Included in particular would be a great choice. There's no way Cassie hasn't seen Honey I Shrunk the Kids or Roger Rabbit, though.

Michael Enos

"On the refrigerator???" 🤣🤣🤣..you ARE adorable. This was a fun reaction... thanks for being a great movie buddy!


Yes Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 of Kill Bill are in my top 20 favorite films. It’s really one complete film


Please watch Cocoon!!!! It’s one of my favorite 80’s films and a Ron Howard classic. The elderly in the film are absolutely charming and the film melts my heart.


Cassie, if you want to see more of younger Tom Hanks, check out The Money Pit, Turner and Hooch and of course his first Academy Award winning performance in Philadelphia with Denzel. The next year he won for Forrest Gump. He is only the second actor in history to win back to back best actor Oscars. The first time was about the 1930s, I think.


Spencer Tracy won in 1937 and 1938 (also nominated in 1936). Nine nominations in total. Wow.

Larry Darrell

Next… Tom Hanks - The Money Pit (1986) Daryl Hannah - Steel Magnolias (1989) John Candy - Summer Rental (1985) Ron Howard - Cocoon (1985), Parenthood (1989), or Backdraft (1991)

Mike Gallagher

I'm sure someone mentioned it but I'm not looking through all 100+ comments. LOL This film was so popular it created the name Madison as a first name for girls. That's why you've never met a Madison born before 1984.

Mr. Writhms

I know I'm late to the party on this reaction but I just watched it, and loved it! This is one of my all-time favorite comedies. Another one of my favorites is a zany rom-com called "What's Up Doc?" (1972) with Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'neal. Please give it a shot? At least poll it? I'm not even sure if you read comments on older posts. lol