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Tonight! Should we say 7:15 to be safe? haha ok see you there, cant wait! I'll update this post with the link to join!



Will C


Mike LL

I'm not sure if I can calculate the difference between 7pm Cassie-time and 7:15pm Cassie-time, but I will try!! 😂


Is the movie trivia night quiz still going ahead, or is that now postponed?

Steve Barrett

Would love to join, but you’re conflicting with the Boston Bruins potentially breaking my heart in Game 7!!

David Freese

Will see you whenever you're ready tonight.

Mike LL

Also, assuming the link is to the PiB Patreon Exclusive Content channel, this would be a good time to ask everyone who attends to subscribe, it still has less than 600 subscribed, needs 1000.

Dave Hill

This is the way!

Jerrod Acree

Lol good lord Cass

Brian McGovern

Of course the trivia night has to be smack dab in the middle of my work hours. Can sometimes suck living the other side of the world.🥺

Steven Ashford

I see Seabiscuit won the poll. A little disappointed but still excited!

Steve Barrett

Yep, Boston born and raised. I’ll have to watch the PiB-video delayed finale!! Lol

Cole Jennett

I’m less surprised about that then Hidalgo also being ahead of Secretariat. I was hopeful we might sneak in and get a 2nd place watch

Steven Ashford

People who aren’t familiar with horse racing or Kentucky don’t understand how special of a horse secretariat was. Honestly the movie isn’t spectacular I just want her to learn the historical significance.

Uncle Phoenix

The Abyss (In case I get called away.)

David Collins

I agree, not spectacular, but still pretty good. I had never watched his actual races before and thought the movie might have embellished his performances some, so I went back and watched them on YouTube. Nope, no embellishment. That horse was a badass.

nick bell

Thought the notification was for GANGS... But this is very good .


has this started then?

Alan Kobb


Robert da Spruce

Hi everyone! Am I in the right place? I’m not seeing a link

Christopher Smith

I think it is 7pm MST, that is 9pm EST, aka 7pm EST in Cassie speak.

Alan Kobb

On Discord,l Cassie said EST, but that's more confusing because we are in EDT now...

Matt S

She said 7:15

Matt S

Eastern time


I think the EST is erroneous above and she meant MST

Cole Jennett

She clarified on discord that it’s definitely 7:00 MST

Michael Lynch

I hope you watch the American president soon.

Douglas Armstead Jr

Any word on whether or not there will be a Season 4 of Mando?


surely there will be, it's a cash cow for them

Mike Gallagher

Jon Favreau said he already wrote season 4. The movie to wrap up all the shows is probably at least 4-5 years away I'd guess. So I'm pretty sure they'll have season 4. Fingers crossed.

Douglas Armstead Jr

With the death of Kenobi Season 2 and scrapping the Rangers I was unsure where they were planning to go with Din, Grogu and friends...

Christopher Smith

I heard some plot from the Rangers show is just gonna move to Din/Grogu hunting remnant empire folk.

Bill W

Apparently this is 7pm Mountain time.

Matt S

Im back, where is everyone?

Mike Gallagher

Waiting patiently while humming the Mando theme to myself.

Matt S

I’ve never done a live before. Am I at the right place….she said something about sending a link

Jon Johns

Hey Matt, not sure if it will be a youtube livestream? Probably, if you're on Discord (you should be!) we'll post the link there, too, and have a live chat going on as well. We like our gifs.

Matt S

Thanks Jon…over to Discord for the link

Jon Johns

You are in the right place! The link should be here, but will def be on Discord!

Travis Starnes

Bummer, I really wanted to watch the reaction to this, but watching live reactions afterwards are way worse, because I can only see half of what's being said.

Alan Kobb

You can wait here for the link or you can go to Discord. Over there it's very exciting because everyone on Discord is discussing how excited they are to be waiting on Discord for the link instead of Patreon!

Mike LL

It's in your Patreon Settings page under Connected Apps


The 65-minute intro to this was fantastic, still haven't watched the watch along,, LOL


Yes watch all the new monster movies for $12,000 by the way, LOL

David Freese

Its okay we can cry in our collective corn flakes tomorrow because my Avs lost tonight as well

Rick Williams

Good reaction, Cassie.

Craig Russell

Well, that sucked. Her copy and my copy don't start at the same place and there are no visual or audio cues to sync to.