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Woah. OK! Well that was A LOT! I was trying to imagine myself watching that at the beginning of the channel haha I've come a long way because I can honestly say I liked it, when I would've hated it before. I appreciated the kind of grandness/epicness of it. I haven't read about it yet, what was exaggerated and what was not etc. Daniel Day-Lewis was actually insane in that role and another one where poor Leo was conflicted and hiding his true identity from a crazy person and I just wanted to hug him again. Let's talk about it in the comments, I know nothing yet about how this was received or how it ranks on Scorsese's others!

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[Full Reaction] Gangs of New York (2002)


Alex Villarreal

So, Cassie: did you notice Henry Thomas, the little boy from E.T., playing Leo's best friend Johnny in this movie?

Night King01

I don’t know do some reason this ranks lower on Mr. Scorsese’ filmography but I enjoy it. The only bad thing is Cameron Diaz because she just feels out of place. I think Daniel day Lewis stole the movie and overshadowed the rest of the cast but I can’t blame the movie for that he was just that good as always. I think another good Scorsese movie is Casino because I personally think it’s superior to goodfellas. And also Hugo for a good family friendly film from Mr. Scorsese. He’s done so many genres I don’t want him to be put in that group of just being the crime movie guy. Also King of Comedy.

David RedEagle

Silence is my favorite Scorsese film, everything else is a close 2nd.


I had to stop watching and write that immediately my favourite part is when Cassie says “maybe they’re re-enactment ppl” Never change Cassie - you’re the best


It's always fun to revisit this one. I always enjoy seeing Daniel act circles around almost everyone here.

Tim Raths

This is one of my favorite Scorsese films (my favorite being Goodfellas). My only gripe with this film is the casting of Cameron Diaz. She is definitely the weak link here and not sure why she was cast.

Neill Shaughness

This movie was received relatively poorly for Scorsese but I think unfairly so. Frankly I think this is his only great movie since Goodfellas, but I'm certainly not speaking for the majority

thomas king

Daniel Day Lewis is amazing in this movie. I think DiCaprio is a great actor but was miscast for this role. Cameron Diaz was a terrible choice for her role. This movie fell far below expectations. But I still watch it for The Butcher

Night King01

The draft riots we’re certainly a real event. Boss tweed was a real figure considered one of the most corrupt political figures in US history. And there was a bill the butcher just not the same guy. This is more historical fiction based around real events.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

"The appearance of the law must be upheld, especially when it's being broken." Love that line, if that doesn't describe politics perfectly. This movie is fascinating to me as a total history nerd. One interesting fact (I could be wrong so feel free to correct me if I am) is that the Dead Rabbits were a real gang, but the name is actually from a mistranslated Irish term, "daid raibead", which means something like "man to be very feared," but it sounded like Dead Rabbits so that's what they went with. That and supposedly they would throw an actual dead rabbit on the floor as a challenge. Also, in that scene when Leo, Amsterdam, explains what a Turtle Dove is and Jenny is shown robbing the rich family eating at the table, the father at the head of the table is Martin Scorsese.


I would say this is close to Leo’s best performance next to What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. As far as Daniel Day Lewis goes, he was amazing in that role. I don’t think anyone else could have played Billy the way he did. He was nominated for an Oscar. Thought he should have won.


Only thing I'll type out tonight is that you absolutely must watch more Daniel Day Lewis. Specifically Lincoln and There Will Be Blood. Transcendent performances in both movies


Hell yea! This has been one that's been on my request list from day 1, glad to hear you liked it! Can't wait to see the full reaction myself.

tiny baby kitty man

+1 on watching Lincoln. I live less than a mile from his home and DDL's performance in that movie honors the man in a very specific way that contributes to - if not encapsulates - the pride we feel here in Springfield, IL.

Brian McGovern

I love the music being played during the first battle. Peter Gabriel, Signal To Noise.

Chip MC

this is one of my favorite movies. i love that we get to see a realistic portrayal of the draft riots of new york. the themes of religion, immigration, and 9/11 packed into an entertaining work of art. the final shot of the film always gets me emotional. i also gotta disagree with everyone on this but i think cameron diaz did a great job and held her own in the shadow of two of the greatest actors of all time.

Shehab Dawoud

MY top 10: Scorsese Taxi Driver (De Niro) The King of Comedy (De Niro) Goodfellas The Color of Money (Cruise & Newman) After Hours Raging Bull (De Niro) Casino (De Niro & Pesci) The Aviator (Leo) Cape Fear (De Niro) Hugo Gangs of New York probably falls in the 15-20 range You've now reacted to half of the Leo-Scorsese collaborations. Only ones missing are The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street (tough one) and the upcoming 'The Killers of The Flower Moon'. The only collaboration that's better is the one between De Niro and Scorsese, which goes back to 1973 and spans 10 movies this fall. If you thought Daniel Day-Lewis was good at playing crazy, check out De Niro in Cape Fear. One of his finest!

Ben Livingstone

I found an interesting video, explaining some of the history behind the events in the movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F2HC51TydQ

Henry Graham

A real 'what if' movie for me. Scorsese had dreamed of making this film for decades and did a deal with the devil to achieve it, going into production with Harvey Weinstein. This unfortunately led to constant battles and numerous compromises, particularly in the edit, where Scorsese's 3.5 hour version was ultimately cut down. That's why the film feels so rushed and disjointed in places, and major elements like the draft riots kind of come out of nowhere. Those who have seen the longer cut rave about its epic scope. Weinstein also insisted on the casting of Diaz over Scorsese's preference of Anna Friel, who I can imagine being much more convincing in the role. I think this movie has staggering moments - and Daniel Day Lewis's performance is a tour de force - but it's ultimately a bit of a mess that doesn't rank highly in Scorsese's filmography (which, to be fair, is arguably the greatest in contemporary American cinema). Cassie - treat yourself to a less violent and more romantic Scorsese experience! Watch The Age of Innocence or The Aviator!

Henry Graham

If you're looking for more Cameron Diaz pictures to watch, may I suggest Being John Malkovich? Particularly as you've already enjoyed Mr Malkovich so much in In the Line of Fire.

Adam Grunther

Bill the Butcher is genuinely one of the scariest movie villains I have ever seen. Daniel Day Lewis absolutely crushed it in this movie (like always).

Patrick Flanagan

I love the setting, love the first half but it definitely begins to slacken near the end. Leo's accent isn't the greatest either (and let's not mention Cameron). DDL is pretty good though.


I think this is one of the middle of the road Scorsese films for me. My top 5 The Last Temptation of Christ Goodfellas Taxi Driver Raging Bull Cape Fear

nick bell

Daniel Day Lewis.....more from him please


That is one I will never understand. Why do people like Scorsese’s Cape Fear? DeNiro is never as good as Robert Mitchum, Nick Nolte is nowhere near Gregory Peck’s lead and the scene they put in there… just did not need to be there in the least.


The Aviator is a must watch, IMO. It has so much going on in it. I particularly am a huge fan of the color grading, and the fantastic 1920's sets.


She probably more recognized him from Legends of the Fall as the youngest brother. Samuel I think?


Right well I gotta add it since it hasn't been mentioned too much. Almost everything you saw in this movie was quite historically accurate. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, obviously the aspects to immigration that we saw, the conflicts between "Americans" and Immigrants, even down to the gangs themselves. NYC was absolutely full of the kind of gangs shown in this movie, as were many other major cities across the world. Even the Firefighters fighting each other, and the Police fighting each other, was essentially accurate to NYC at the time. The draft riots absolutely were real, and to this day I believe are one of the deadliest and most damaging riots in US History. So yeah, there's soooo, sooo much in this movie that is absolutely true to history

Je suis Napoleon

If you'd like to see another mustachioed diabolical performance from D Day-Lewis, I can't recommend "There Will Be Blood" enough.


Yes Cassie you're seeing what I love about this movie. It's an onion of conflict, personal vendetta, meets street gangs, meets race tensions, meets city politicans and rich vs poor, meets the backdrop of the great civil war. Its just one big onion and you can keep peeling back layer after layer of scope of human conflict and in the end you do have to ask yourself: Where does it all end? Where did it all start? How do you ever fix it? Well I like to think, that the answer to that too is like an onion. You start at the bottom, of learning how to let go of personal hatred and bigotry, and you work your way up.

Michael Enos

I will get on this today. But I just started watching Longmire ..Cassie or anyone here watch this? Opinions?


The draft riots only come out of nowhere on your first viewing, but on repeated viewing when you start to expect them to show up, you see that the movie is carefully building up the dread of anticipation by talking about how much the city is ready to explode. It's all there you just don't see it on first viewing because you can't imagine that it's going to end up like THAT. But the warnings are all sprinkled in throughout even though its separate to the main story going on with the gangs.

Just Plain Bob

The tv show is good, but the books are way better. They completely changed the characters to make them much more dour in the show. The characters in the books are much more humorous and, frankly, likeable.

Shehab Dawoud

De Niro’s Cady is different from Mitchum’s, which was the right thing to do. He’s not trying to be Robert Mitchum. People can then debate which one they prefer. I rock with De Niro but I’m also a bit biased. One of the reasons why I prefer the 91 version is because of how flawed the people are, especially the family and Nick Nolte. The moral questions that get asked during the film, the conflicting feelings, the theme of religion. All those things succeed in making it a worthy remake that truly stands out as its own thing, and doesn’t just change things for the sake of it.

Just Plain Bob

Great movie but Cameron Diaz is just awful, reminiscent of Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It’s like somebody from a poorly cast high school play wandered onto the set and was given a part.


Maybe it was a singular scene and age doesn’t play well w me but maybe that’s what I just saw

Michael Sutton

Yes, I teach college history and am a Civil War specialist that has written on the New York City Draft Riots, and this is overall historically accurate with some Hollywood thrown in. Bill the Butcher existed but died before the war. Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed, Gallus Mag, entertainment of the era is all spot on. The costuming is the best of any Civil War film in terms of the civilian clothing, I give this about an 8/10 in terms of the history and the average Hollywood production is maybe a 3.


Day-Lewis was Oscar nominated, but lost to Adrien Brody for The Pianist; Brody was the only nominee that year who didn’t already have an award as he was also up against Michael Caine, Nicolas Cage, and Jack Nicholson

Tim Raths

The closing shot of this film is one of the all time great endings. This was released a year after 9/11 and when you see the Twin Towers, Scorsese wanted to focus on the people who built the city and not the people who destroyed it.

Matt S

I have never watched this film. Being an armchair Civil War historian and buff somehow this movie flew below my movie interests. I of course, was fully aware of the draft riots in New York and Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed. Lincoln, was our greatest president and the only politician of that time period who could have and who did save our Union. He had several inept generals and copperheads (peace Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War) to deal with besides the Confederates and also with the residence to the draft. During the Civil War, President Lincoln also laid the groundwork for our National Park System, the Morrill Act, which created public colleges and universities in every state as to make higher education available to all Americans, not just the wealthy, he also set the transcontinental railroad in motion which connected the west coast to the east coast. He freed the slaves and saved our Union. Also Cassie more than 50,000 Canadians fought in our Civil War, the majority on the Union side but many also fought with the Confederates. I am looking forward to you watching Lincoln, based on Doris Kerns Goodwin Pulitzer Prize book, “Team of Rivals”, produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis, in which he won the Academy Awards for Best Actor. After reading all the interesting PIB reviews I’m looking forward to watching Gangs of New York. Cassie, I also hope the movie Gettysburg gets on your schedule. Thanks everyone for your very interesting comments.

Damien beatty

I really enjoy this movie very much. Actually, I prefer it to "The Departed" in which I liked the original Hong Kong version better Infernal Affairs (2003). For me it is a bit outside my top 5 Scorcese films maybe around 10 or so. I love the story and the acting a lot. I know that people cannot stand Cameron Diaz in this film and she is overplaying it, but I thought she was fine. The story is so intriguing, and Scorcese loves his New York. There are parts of the second act that do tend to drag, but I would only take out maybe ten minutes of the film. The Leads are at the top of their game in this one I love Bill "The Butcher" I will never stop saying "For Good and All" epic delivery from Daniel Day Lewi and him tapping on his glass eye Great!. I also wonder if you noticed poor Henry Thomas who played Johnny in this and was the brother in "Legends of the Fall" and of course Elliot in "E.T." that man can do pain and anguish like a champ. I just wish he was in more films.

Evan Lewis

You should try Hugo for the softer side of Scorsese. I voted Bedknobs and Broomsticks hope you enjoy that some Day but this movie is GREAT!! The performance from Daniel Day Lewis is extraordinary!!

John Drake

I have a family member who worked for Daniel Day Lewis a few years ago, and I met him a few times. You wouldn't believe how unassuming and introverted the guy is. Zero pretentions for a man who won 3 Oscars - its all about the craft for him.

Mike LL

I'm with you as I don't see any problem with Carmen Diaz's performance, I just think a few people seem to think she needs to stay in comedies and out of drama films. I did like her in this role.

Henry Graham

I just think it doesn't have enough time to breathe. Everything feels wedged in awkwardly, and the riots taking place alongside the final showdown between Vallon and Bill unbalances the climax. The whole film feels that way to me, although I do believe a lot of my issues with its structure and pacing could have been alleviated in a longer cut.

Alex Villarreal

I think Cassie would enjoy HUGO (2013), which is a sweet family film by Scorsese.

Bill Hayden

IMHO Scorsese's greatest film is the boxing bio pic Raging Bull, starring Robert De Niro.

Steve Barrett

I’m realizing as I get older that I either love or hate Scorsese films. I never got why he is so revered in Hollywood. I loved DDL and LD as actors. But I dislike most of Scorsese’s directing. I loved goodfellas, taxi driver, the aviator, and I have yet to watching Raging Bull (which I suspect I’ll love). clearly I’m in the minority.


Run b**** they got cannons! LOL. This was a great much long cuz you were so angry just like I was so angry when I watched this movie

Thierry Côté-Leduc

Loved the movie even when I first watched it at 8. Super violent, dense and grim. It would have better suited for a miniseries. Great film .

Grégory Gautier

I haven't seen the reaction yet, I'll watch the end to see your opinion cassie. I like Scorsese a lot but I always had a problem with this movie, I don't like this sticky atmosphere, I don't know if sticky is the right word but I don't like the atmosphere and the story... I know that Day-Lewis' performance is just awesome but for me it doesn't make a good movie. (I know, I'm in the minority) I prefer Casino, The Departed...

Gábor Árki

+1 recommendation for HUGO (2011). That movie has Cassie written all over it and would make for a great reaction. Also, a great insight into some cinema history I personally did not know anything about before watching.

Michael Enos

I know you want to stop short of making things political. But watching this makes me think of days like Jan. 6th 2021. Think if the people who marched on the Capitol did so with the ferocity of these New Yorkers in this film. I know people still died in Jan. 6th. but it was far and away from the massacre we saw in this movie. That is scary. It's scary to know that we could potentially go that way again. Talking. Compromise. Compassion amonsgt us adults.. And teaching our kids whatever we can honestly about out violent past and not sanitizing it may hopefully help us to avoid a violent future.

Connor P

cameron DiAHHHHHz lol gerat vid! Keep it up

Mike Lemon

"I know people still died in Jan. 6th." One. Only one died in the riot, an unarmed rioter.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:13:02 The New York Draft Riots were the worst race riots in US history. The amount of dead is unknown but the number is staggering. Up to 1,200 dead
2023-05-01 21:50:10 The New York Draft Riots were the worst race riots in US history. The amount of dead is unknown but the number is staggering. Up to 1,200 dead

The New York Draft Riots were the worst race riots in US history. The amount of dead is unknown but the number is staggering. Up to 1,200 dead

Dean Holt

With this, The Departed and 3:10 To Yuma I really think you need to watch a few more comedy films as I just hope the heavy movies aren’t getting you to depressed. As I know both The Scorsese films are really well made and put together but if your not in the right mood they can be a bit of a slog to get through.

Rick Williams

Starting in the mid 1840's Irish started leaving Ireland due to the great famine and coming to America. The great influx of Irish were not welcome. The Irish faced a great struggle to establish themselves in America. That is what you walked into the middle of in this movie. Hard to watch. Because there was to much truth showed in what life was like in the city. Thank you for watching this hard movie. It's important not to forget the past. No matter how ugly. It's an important part of the history that made America into a great country were even a poor immigrant can build a life. Where there is opportunity for all.

Mike Lemon

"one [police] who also died later in the hospital" That didn't happen. One died from strokes (not caused by the riot as confirmed by family and District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz ), four committed suicide (days or months later). "You conveniently left those details out." I didn't give any details other than saying who was killed without naming her. I just corrected the "people", plural, statement.

Mike Lemon

"... Sicknick ...died on Jan. 7." Of multiple strokes "(not caused by the riot as confirmed by family and District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz )".


This movie solidify my respect and admiration for DDL. I hope you get to watch Lincoln at some point.

Stick Figure Studios

If you are at all interested in more Daniel Day-Lewis and/or Martin Scorsese films, I recommend their other collaboration THE AGE OF INNOCENCE with Michelle Pfeiffer and Winona Ryder. It's a marvelous period love story. Very different from this or DEPARTED of GOODFELLAS or SHUTTER ISLAND. I think You'll dig it (also, HUGO is another unusual Scorsese film you'll like). As for DDL, definitely check out Steven Spielberg's LINCOLN, Paul Thomas Anderson's THERE WILL BE BLOOD and Jim Sheridan's IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER. DDL is fabulous in all of them.

Mike Lemon

"I don't know why you're wanting so badly to split hairs about this. " Because the truth is important. Thanks for the link (and quote) supporting what I said, if you want another one- https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/

Mike Lemon

I don't know why you wanted to get political when I just corrected the falsehood, well I do know, so- "Jan. 6th was a tragedy." OK, but then so was every riot in the "Summer of Love" and so is every legislature take over happening recently, not to mention the physical attacks on courts and "attempted assassination" of a Justice. "You appear to want to spend all your time dissecting just how many people died in the Jan. 6th riot." You have typed far more than I. "The idea is .. that ANYONE suffered injury (which you must agree MANY did.) Is a tragedy." See above. "Are you going to dispute the vaildity of the election?" Nice. Throwing "conspiracy theory" out there, I assume that is some dishonest attempt to shut down debate? Disgusting. But if you really want an answer- it doesn't matter, what is done is done. I'll just quote Joe Montana (Richard Petty said something similar too), "if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying." I think the Ds tried a lot harder than the Rs.

Michael Enos

I deleted my contributions to this thread. Whatever win you were searching for you can have.. I have a fairly good idea who I am talking to and the fight isn't worth it. Peace out.

Mike Lemon

I guarantee you don't know. If you care to search, you will find me defending the likes of Rep. Cortez and Sen. Fetterman, as well as people on the "right". I also call all those out when they warrant it.


Daniel Day-Lewis in IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER (based on a true story), is fantastic. I think you and Carly would really like that one.

Joel P

"I know you want to stop short of making things political..." ...Proceeds to make things political. Nice.


@GamerGal8684 Oh, I think Cape Fear (1962) is superior to a few Scorsese films.

Robert da Spruce

Wow. I guess you guys really don’t think much of Cameron Diaz. I thought she did fine. It’s hard acting next to the likes of Daniel Day Lewis and Leonardo Di Caprio. But I didn’t have an issue with her. Cassie, that looked like a tough one for you. You genuinely looked traumatized a little. I think it was a good idea to take a small break. But I’m glad you came back and finished the movie. Personally, I think it’s a good film. Mostly for Daniel’s great performance as Bill. But not my favorite Scorsese film.

Wu Sha Ling

i've only seen "there will be blood" a handfull of times, but daniel day lewis' portrayal of daniel plainview has taken up permanent residence in my mind

Clay F

Daniel Day-Lewis completely transformed himself into Lincoln in Lincoln (2012). Won Best Actor Oscar. The movie was nominated for 12 Oscars, the most of that year.