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Here is the stream! 

Link for the quiz! 



Richard Maurer

I have somehow managed to miss every one of these things. Tonight I was doing a full watch along of Return of the King on another patreon channel, so I completely missed the announcement and the trivia night itself by the time it was done.

Wesley White

sorry I couldn't make it Cassie, long day at work! sorry I missed out! hope y'all had a lot of fun, and congrats whoever the winner was! better luck for me next time I suppose lol! much love and support🥰😁😉👍

Mike Carey

I was looking forward to this but forgot it was last night :( Guess I have to wait for the next one


So sorry to miss this. I also was at work.

Alan F

you should have done this on Star Wars day (may the 4th)

Robert da Spruce

Had a great time last night! So thank you Cassie and everyone else that helped make the quiz happen! Congrats to Choof! You’re good dude! Personally, I finished the highest I’ve ever placed. So I’m pretty happy. I’m not in the league of some of you guys though. Looking forward to what suggestions you come up with Ben. Thanks again everyone! Looking forward to Quiz 5! (Rocky themed poster? 😀)

Celeste McAllister

I joined in half way through,finished 77th bummer♡ :) ❤

Larry Darrell

So who had the Most Embarrassingly Wrong Answer? I said Gerard Butler was John Spartan and Sylvester Stallone was Leonidas. Demolition Man was one of my Favorites growing up too. :-(

Larry Darrell

Also, never heard of Alienated or there being a Theme Song. Me personally, if I ever thought of Popcorn and Music together, the instrumental song "Popcorn" by Hot Butter, from 1972, came to mind, originally composed and released in 1969, by Gershon Kingsley. His was the first ever Electronic Hit Single. Now looking the song up, I see there are A Lot of versions. And apparently people like to do the Shuffle Dance to it. Even Tove Lo has updated the song. Hot Butter, "Popcorn" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS3_SgILyy8 Gershon Kingsley, "Popcorn" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjT7ECeCKO0 Tove Lo, "2 Die 4" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSkZCoGalo Shuffle Dancing to Popcorn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrzUzv8LmoY HubDub, "Popcorn" (80s Synthwave) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA-XhNS17ac I'm digging the Tove Lo one.

Björn Karlsson

This one is great :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-q5UrokgW4

Larry Darrell

I like that one too. Very 80s Arcade like. Cool video. I’m totally getting into these. It’s like my favorite tune right now.

Larry Darrell

Italo Disco… that’s new to me. Thanks, I’m gonna check that out. I’m not too familiar with Electronic music, but have always like the sound when I hear it, especially the 80s Synth Pop. After, Drive (2011), came out, I got really into Kavinsky. Now that is my Fast Driving Music. Soundtracks are where I mainly learn about these types of Music. Tangerine Dream’s Soundtrack to Thief (1981), is an All-Time Favorite Album (not just soundtrack) of mine.