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Well this was a pure DELIGHT! How had I never seen this? They were both perfect in these roles and it was just really everything I wanted in a romcom! 

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[Full Reaction] Overboard (1987)



I knew you would love this one. Can't really go wrong with the cast they had in this one.

brooke atkins

Will watch when I get home from work. But I never had a doubt you would love this movie Cassie!! Good to see I was right. Kurt and Goldie are one of Hollywoods true golden couples. Never married but been together forever now.

Jason Fulbright

Looking forward to this reaction. Hope you are enjoying Big Sky country. Are you getting Yellowstone fever yet?


For another rom, I still recommend both versions of the Thomas Crown Affair.


Under the radar favourite or mine!


Wow, surprised you hadn’t seen this one before; someone refresh my memory: were Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell already together, or did it happen after this movie?

nick bell

One of those movies I can watch anywhere, anytime. And I don't like these types of movies. Must be the Kurt Russell factor.


pretty sure they were around for a while this movie was made in 87. Their son Wyatt Russell was born in '86 Incidentally, Wyatt was in an excellent tv series called Lodge 49 which was cancelled after 2 seasons but honestly i rate it in my top 20 of best tv series of all time. He also plays USA Agent in The Falcon and Winter Soldier.


Cassie seems to really be enjoying Kurt Russell Movies of late. Now is the time to Pitch "The Thing", "Big Trouble in Little China" and "Escape from New York". Quickly chaps! Strike while the iron is hot!

James UK

If you want more Kurt Russell movies I’ll throw Executive Decision into the mix.

Robert da Spruce

Had a feeling you’d love this one! Looking forward to watching your reaction! Have a great day Cassie! Oh, there’s also a 2018 remake starring Anna Faris. If you’re interested in checking it out. Although, I feel the original is the definitive version.


So many good ones! Breakdown, stargate also


Cassie we need some Kurt Russell polls. There are so many excellent movies that also have a lot of the elements that you will love….. and then there is also The Thing! 😃

Bubba Fett

A other classic Kurt Russell I'm sure you will love, captain ron!


They got together in 82 or 83 I think. So they were together while filming this.

CG Shunk

Yep pretty much knew this was going to be a favorite. I've watched it multiple times. One of my wife's favorite sayings when she sees an adult acting childish is "You can't be the baby if you have a baby".

Rick Williams

This movie is a good one for you Cassie. It is a cute fun movie perfect for refreshing you between big action movies like Fifth Element and James Bond. Good fun movie. There are a number of good Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell movies out there. I don't recall if they did any other movies together.

CG Shunk

Here's another ROMCOM that I tripped on and loved that I don't think anyone much has ever heard of. The Decoy Bride with David Tennant (Dr. Who, Good Omens), Kelly Macdonald (Voice of Merida Brave), Alice Eve (Star Trek Into Darkness).


You said you wanted to watch every Kurt Russell film! You just trapped yourself into watching The Thing this October!!! 😂😁😁

Wesley White

I haven't seen this movie in years, but it's one of my favorites! My father showed it to me when I was a kid, mainly he knew I'd like it for the humor, and he was right, so many scenes from this movie make me laugh histerically lol! I unfortunately have to go to work right now, but tonight when I get off, I'll watch your reaction and give you my commentary lol! Have a great and Happy Saturday, much love and support, and stay classy Cassie lol🥰😁😉👍🌹


WOW… I haven’t seen this movie in years. I also knew you would love it Cassie. I believe Kurt and Goldie have been in other things together. Since you love sports movies, I would recommend Kurt in Miracle. BTW Kurt and Goldie have been together since 1983.

Bill Hayden

Tootsie, Moonstruck, and Romancing the Stone are 3 classic 80s Rom-coms

Mike LL

Oh! Cassie didn't know she was watching a horror movie! I think Cassie was more horrified during the "cleaning montage" than I have ever seen her. More horrified than The Shining, Poltergeist, or Nightmare on Elm Street! The Horror of that montage! 😂😂 This was the most fun reaction I've seen in a long time. Will watch this again and again. Maybe now Cassie will want to finally watch STARGATE. But for sure ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK and BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. Also haven't seen anyone mention BACKDRAFT in the comments yet! A little Kurt trivia. He did the voice of Elvis Presley in FORREST GUMP! For Goldie Hawn, I think she would really like PRIVATE BENJAMIN and I know more people are going to recommend DEATH BECOMES HER.

Mike LL

I became convinced Cassie could handle THE THING after she did so well watching all the horror movies last October. There is no question she can handle THE THING now.


Cassie, Kurt Russell in the movie Miracle is excellent. It's based off a true story and inspiring! Oh and as Canadians, it involves hockey. LOL Some people say it was the greatest sporting event.


Moonstruck is a wonderful rom-com and it features Nicolas Cage and Cher as the couple. I think Cher even won an Oscar for her role?


How Annie (Joanna) developed real love and concern for those (b.a.) kids is the most endearing part of this movie. I’m so happy these two actually spent a lifetime together for real. It really is Kurt and Goldie forever.

Cole Jennett

I missed out on this one being the wrong age when my parents were watching this growing up. It was so good, and Cassie’s reaction was top tier. She’s never better then when she’s watching a classic rom-com😊

James UK

I’m still waiting for her to get to Four Weddings and a Funeral!

tiny baby kitty man

Lotta people pitching more Kurt movies but the fact that Cassie doesn't know who Pee Wee is... wow. Can you imagine her watching Pee Wee's Big Adventure for the first time, with absolutely no idea who he is or what he's all about? That has to happen!

Gábor Árki

I'm so happy that you chose this movie, even if you didn't mean to. 😊This is one of those favorites of mine that I always enjoy watching whenever I find it on TV, although haven't seen it in years. I had a hunch you would love it too. Although the part after they took her home made me a bit worried, overall, this reaction was priceless and lots of fun. Kurt Russell has some great movies, some I'm sure you would enjoy are: MIRACLE (2004) Based on the true story of the US hockey team on the 1980 Olympics STARGATE (1994) Not just for Krusty. 😃

Raven Dark

But I think she would hate every second of it. I don't say that to be a party pooper. Just that I really don't think it's her thing.

Gábor Árki

I concur, I think she could handle it. Apart from the gorier visuals, I think it is actually quite close to Alien in style.

Neill Shaughness

Kurt Russell in the Thing this October!!!

Neill Shaughness

Also Kurt Russell in The Christmas Chronicles this December!

Gábor Árki

I feel the same. Even though I just finished, it was so much fun I just want to watch this reaction again. 😃

Robin Craft

If we're going to mention Kurt Russell movies, let's not forget his iconic role as Stuntman Mike in "Death Proof "...a quality Tarantino film.

Odd Thomas

Love Kurt and Goldie but honestly I liked the Anna Faris remake more

Odd Thomas

Want to see a great movie with Kurt Russell AND Tom Cruise AND Cameron Diaz? Vanilla Sky.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

So Kurt Russell has been in a lot of movies. Big Trouble In Little China (1986) Elvis (1979) the John Carpenter flicks The Thing (1982) Escape from New York (1981) Escape from LA (1996) Tango and Cash (1989) Executive Decision (1996) Breakdown was a thriller (1997) the movie that really made you think Vanilla Sky (2001) not mention the Tarantino flicks Death Proof (2007) The Hateful Eight (2015) you saw him in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2019) He was with Goldie Hawn in Swing Shift (1984)


A lovely a one.

Ryan Woodmansee

I am over the moon to hear that you’re going to watch Point Break! Love that movie! Can’t wait!

Raven Dark

I loved this reaction so much, Cassie. Rewatch material for sure. "You don't cry at Overboard!" - Cassie. Yes. Yes you do. :D Oh, Jeez. How in the hell do you explain Pee Wee Herman? Pee Wee Herman is a character from a kid's show called Pee Wee's Playhouse. It's from the 80s. There might be earlier shows based on him, but I'm not sure. Around the time Overboard came out, a movie was made based on the character, Pee Wee's Big Adventure. His signature thing is talking pretty much like the little boy in this movie. I know a lot of people liked him, but I just found him irritating. I'd say he has the world's most annoying voice, but that spot would have to fall to the chair. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZzdr2491xs If you can stand to watch the above video long enough, you'll see what I mean about the chair. It has a name, but I don't remember it, and I can't get through the video far enough to hear it. The movie is a lot less annoying, but it's still way too silly for me.

Rick Williams

Great Reaction. I enjoyed watching you fall in love with this movie.

R Harper

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell worked together on 1994's Swing Shift. That's when they started their relationship and have been together ever since!


Aren't to many rom-coms in Kurt's library. Maybe Big Trouble in Little China. Action Kurt is easier to find: The Thing Escape from New York. The ones you love will come from Goldie. Great reaction by the way. I knew this would be a good one for Cassie, oh well.

Andrew Rose

You always catch stuff that I miss in movies.. I have seen the movie many times in the past but I don't think I ever caught that he was sweaty from "bowling" lol... Nice catch.. way more perceptive than me. Wonderful reaction once again. TY


The 4 main movies people are gonna likely recommend are The Thing (which will make for AMAZING reaction), Escape from New York (probably not for you but who knows), Big Trouble in Little China (which could be 5th element level of confused for you but maybe that one clicks) and Stargate (which i think you'll enjoy a lot), those first 3 are directed by John Carpenter who did Halloween and Christine and has several other movies with Kurt as well.

Mike Lemon

"I'd say he has the world's most annoying voice"- ??? Fran Drescher doesn't play Peewee...(jk)

Uncle Phoenix

Great Kurt Russell Movies; Backdraft, Soldier, and Executive Decision. IMO.

Uncle Phoenix

Btw: So could “10 Days to Lose a Guy” be the logical and unintended sequel to Overboard?

Just Plain Bob

I first saw this movie 35 years ago, when it came out on VHS, with my girlfriend/future ex-wife. I remember thinking it was a pretty good movie. Seeing it now, for the first time since that initial viewing, I realize that . . . this movie is way, way better than I remembered. I’m NOT a fan of rom-coms but this is just a great, rollicking good time of a movie. I want to mention that the part of Andrew was played by the utterly fantastic Roddy McDowall, a true member of Hollywood royalty. In addition to about a million other roles, McDowall played Cornelius in the original Planet of the Apes and two of its sequels and Peter Vincent in the 1980s horror classic Fright Night (an absolute must-see for scary but not too scary October). Everyone that ever worked with McDowall had the same judgement of him as a human being: solid gold – an exemplary person and true gentleman. His encyclopedic knowledge of old Hollywood is legendary. As for Kurt Russell, my Cassie reaction wish list is as follows: Escape from New York (dystopian future classic directed by John Carpenter of Halloween fame) The Thing (my personal favorite horror film, again directed by Carpenter) Big Trouble in Little China (a comedy/action/dark fantasy – again, Carpenter) Backdraft (superb film directed by Ron Howard of Apollo 13 fame) Captain Ron (comedy that really showcases Russell’s charm) Dark Blue (fantastic cop drama) And many, many more . . .

Raven Dark

HA! Okay, you got me. I forgot about her. I suppose there's Bobcat Goldfinch too. Although I like him, so in my head he doesn't count.

Patrick Toscano

Breakdown is another Kurt Russell movie worth checking out.

Mike Lemon

Kurt movies- Big Trouble, The Thing, Escape from X- very likely Cassie wouldn't like them and everybody does them, so, of course, if they are on a poll they'll win. Miracle (2004) is the obvious one to watch, but judging from whenever Carly brings it up, there is a good chance Cassie has seen it too. Captain Ron (1992) is the just fun one she is almost guaranteed to love. But how about some that never get love- The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969)- one of his earliest not TV roles- or The Fox and the Hound (1981)- the biggest "cry like a little girl" movie ever.

Johnny Salinas

OMG....Yeah this a perfect Popcorn In Bed movie 😀

Raven Dark

Oh, I forgot to answer a question you had. No, that wasn't John Candy. I don't know the actor's name, but it's not him.

Steve Miller

Glad to see this one. I ws going to recommend it. So much fun.

Stick Figure Studios

"I love that it's Kate Hudson's parents." It's been a long time since you've done it, Cassie, but you managed to make me feel very old again. :-/ In my mind, it's not that these are Kate Hudson's parents, it's that Kate Hudson is Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell's daughter. Oh, well. LOL. Pleased to see that you enjoyed this. It's a charming little film (shot in my home state of Oregon). You all right that they just don't make them like this anymore.. although sometimes they try (they recently did a remake of this one; I haven't seen it but from what I hear it's awful). If you are looking to check out other Kurt Russell movies, I recommend THE THING, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, ESCAPE FROM LA, MIRACLE, VANILLA SKY, BREAKDOWN, EXECUTIVE DECISION, BACKDRAFT and STARGATE (and if you really want to go way back in his career to the Disney movies he made when he was an adolescent, check out THE COMPUTER WORE TENNIS SHOES and THE BAREFOOT EXECUTIVE).

Tim Raths

Rosanne could also be in contention for the most annoying voice ever.

Odd Thomas

The Thing is great but I predict Cassie will, um, not enjoy it, lol. But that sometimes makes for a good reaction too so... who knows

Mike LL

I agree. I was charmed watching Cassie being charmed by this movie.

Philip Alan

"Who's Pee Wee Herman???" - Cassie - June 3rd, 2023

Raven Dark

*laughs* Okay, okay. No, seriously, maybe it's just me, but, although I find Rosanne's voice mildly irritating, it's not so annoying that I can't watch the show. The problem is, I hate the show, and it isn't all due to her. Pee Wee Herman is worse, IMO. And that chair ( I think it's supposed to be the chair's voice that sings). My god, that's like ear-assault.

Mike LL

I had a feeling and checked her Letterbxd and Cassie has seen Christmas Chronicles and seen Kurt and Goldie together before in Christmas Chronicles Part Two. Too bad. I wonder if she realized Goldie Hawn was Mrs. Claus was when she watched Part Two.

Mike LL

That is a very good point about Roddy McDowell. We will see him in the channel again, in either or both PLANET OF THE APES 68 (in which she will not recognize him) or in THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE (Disaster Poll/Week 😁 ).


I could never get over the fact he tried to gaslight her into sleeping with him. Different time period or not, it was always too much for me.

Cole Jennett

As I was watching I was really hoping they wouldn’t sleep together before he told her the truth, but the movie kind of glosses over that. Still really enjoyed it, and choosing to gloss over it myself.

Mike LL

Kurt and Goldie met long before they were a couple, they worked together on the Disney film THE ONE AND ONLY, GENUINE, ORIGINAL FAMILY BAND in 1968. Goldie married Bill Hudson in 1976 and they had two children, Kate and Oliver, and they divorced in 1982. Kurt and Goldie met again when Kurt auditioned for SWING SHIFT in 1983 and they've been a couple ever since. Kate has always thought of Kurt as her step-dad, even though Kurt and Goldie never married. That is a great list of Kurt's movies you have there.


Cassie, I have a minor addendum to your Happy Ending: they do all of the things you said, but they keep the house. It gets renovated inside and out completely (it’s the kids’ late Mom’s home also) and they use it for summer vacations. Goldie Hawn - “Seems Like Old Times” (with Chevy Chase)

Cole Jennett

I thought it was mentioned that they were new to the area, ie, since his wife passed. Now I’m not sure anymore, ha


I agree... She really does look like Kate Hudson.

Mike LL

Kurt Russell films ranked by the Requests app (https://popcornrequests.com/)(the highest requested films, anyway, not all of them) 22 Stargate 24 The Thing 27 Big Trouble in Little China 215 Executive Decision 240 Miracle 348 Escape From New York Don't like the ranking?. Get in there and request. I was really surprised about the ranking of Escape From New York. That should be much higher! Edit because I missed Miracle.

Mike LL

I'm just a nerd who likes to share info, that's all.


Kurt Russell is one of my favorite actor - He started way back in Disney's movies and stared in movies with people like Elvis Presley. Alway like Goldie Hawn since her Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (60s&70s TV show) days

Mike Lemon

Why should Escape from New York be higher? It's terrible. Not only that but there is a very high chance Cassie would hate it.

David Bunnetto

If you want a fun summer comedy starring Kurt Russell, I would suggest Captain Ron.

Mike LL

I’ve always had fond memories of ESCAPE, if nothing else for Russell’s great Clint Eastwood imitation and for being the first time I had seen Lee Van Cleef on the big screen since the Dollar trilogy of the sixties. It is a cult classic with other fun supporting actors like Adrienne Barbeau, Issac Hayes and Ernest Borgnine. Whether it is actually a great movie, opinions may vary.

Desmond King Descepticon

Kurt Russell movie - Big Trouble in Little China. Who is Pee Wee Hearman - Pee Wee Big Adventure.

brooke atkins

I can not like this comment enough!! Although I’m actually not sure Cassie will like it or appreciate the humor or how amazing the special effects were for it being 1991??


Before October. It’s not horror it’s sci-fi! 😉


I cannot wait till October. Need sooner. I wish Carly could handle but no.

Cole Jennett

Ugh, October is coming too soon, lol. At least it means I will be watching NFL on Sunday’s😂

tiny baby kitty man

I get it, but let's be real here. Dude, people are pitching THE THING to her. There's no way in heck she likes that movie more than Pee Wee's Big Adventure.


I love this movie and Cassie reaction to it. Another good Goldie Hawn movie is “Private Benjamin” which was a box office smash in 1980. Be nice to see a reaction to it.

Robert da Spruce

Seeing Cassie in her happy place puts a smile on my face 😊 Oh, and my Kurt Russell film suggestion would be Tango and Cash (1989). Kurt and Sylvester Stallone in the same movie. Enough said!

Jessie Zimmer

Oh my God! I've been hoping you would watch this. It's just a ridiculous romp and their chemistry is off the charts. I can't wait to see your reaction to it!


what a likeable movie and what a great reaction 😊 loved it

Robert Snyder

Tango and Cash (1989) Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone; Miracle (2004) sports movie…perfect for hockey playoffs 😈Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Wesley White

Man oh man! This was exactly as I predicted, especially your reaction, I knew you would love it, I knew you would get all tear up a few times, especially at all the romance parts and the way you got all emotional...... priceless! You are such a softie Cassie, but that's one of the many qualities I like about you, you've got such a kind heart! Gosh, I forgot how good this movie was, I haven't seen it in years, thanks for getting me to watch it again😁👍 I could not stop laughing at all the funny parts and of course your reaction to the funny parts! Heck, I laughed so hard I got a little light headed! You know, in many ways, and I'm about to get a little personal here, without to much detail, but this movie kinda reminds me of the way my Father and Mother were when they were still together, my Dad was a General Contracter in construction and he was always working, my Mom was a manager at a fancy woman's clothing store that had a lot of fancy clothes that almost looked like they were for rich people and on some levels my mother would usually act all pompous, but at the end of the day, she was a hard worker and they loved and supported each other, at least for a while! They split when I was 6 years old lol! Anyway, aside from that, this is my own speculation so I could be wrong, but in many ways, the plot of this movie was to show Goldie Hawn's character that being rich doesn't mean you'll be happy and that there's a lot of people trying to make a living, so in short, her character got a reality check! Seeing the world from a different perspective and realizing it's not so bad not being rich, but that's just my own speculation! Really enjoyed this reaction Cassie, thank you for making my night and making me smile and laugh, you're the best! Other Kurt Russell films I recommend you watch are: "Tango & Cash", "Soldier", "Captain Ron", "Backdraft", "3000 Miles to Graceland" and "Big Trouble In Little China" I'm fairly certain you'll like all of those! Sorry to bring this up, but if you were to do another Popcorn Pick of the Month again, in this case September, I hope you'll consider picking the one childhood favorite of mine I keep recommending you and Carly to watch, Disney's "Iron Will"🥺lol😂 I promise and I give you my word, you two will love it! Again I'm sorry I keep bringing it up lol! Once again, really enjoyed this reaction, you're the best, thank you so much for making my night, much love and support and as always....... stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹

Shawn Kildal

So much to say on this. I've been hoping for Kurt Russell movies to be reacted to and I'm thankful that she's adored both movies she's seen and is now wanting to see more of him. I remember first seeing him in Disney movies like The Strongest Man in the World and The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. Those were in the 1960's probably. Cassie, if you would be interested seeing him as a young child, he was in one episode of The Fugitive (you have the box set). Season 2 Episode 5 titled "Nemesis". He plays the son of Lt. Gerrard (the man trying to capture Dr. Richard Kimble.

Shawn Kildal

When the song "I can't help falling in love with you" was playing in this movie, I couldn't help to remember that Kurt Russell actually played Elvis previously in a 1979 ABC TV movie special. It was a big deal when it made it's debut. Elvis had died in August of 1977. Russell was also the voice of Elvis in Forrest Gump (uncredited role) and played an Elvis impersonator in 3000 Miles to Graceland with Kevin Costner. He also had a very, very brief appearance in a 1963 Elvis Presley movie called It Happened at the World's Fair.

Gratch... just Gratch

This movie really speaks to the incredible levels of charm between Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. I mean, Goldie is a horrible character in the beginning and Kurt commits MULTIPLE felonies against her. In real life this would be a three part true crime miniseries on Netflix. And yet... I'm so happy when they get back together in the end.

Shawn Kildal

My Kurt Russell movies I'd like to throw in the hat are 1) Executive Decision (suspense), 2) Breakdown (suspense), Unlawful Entry (suspense), Miracle (sports movie based on a true story), Used Cars (comedy) and Best of Times (comedy). Besides what you've seen and the movies I've listed above, he's also probably best known for Escape From New York (a dark, action movie) Backdraft (drama), Silkwood (drama), The Thing (horror), and Big Trouble in Little China (action / comedy)

Shawn Kildal

I'd like to recommend 1984's Swing Shift with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn but I haven't seen it yet. I'll probably have to sit down and watch that sometime soon. I know that's how they met and became romantically involved.

Shawn Kildal

Starting not to become a fan of the ranking page. It's a great idea, but the results are mixed to me. How the heck is Starship Troopers in the top 20. C'mon.

Shawn Kildal

Cassie, Point Break is actually a crime / heist movie. There is surfing in it though.

Mike LL

Shawn, Knocketh not the films ranked by thee, but only those ranked by others, eh? 😁

Allen Bond

this is right up there with Rocky 2 reaction

Jedi Psy

My vote would def be for Big Trouble in Little China! My friends and I would quote this movie all the time as young fellas. It has a great blend of comedy, action and mystical silliness. Its kinda like a B Grade Indiana Jones with magical elements and Kurt Russell shines as the cocky yet less-than ideal hero. Great movie!


Backdraft! Yes, one of my favorite Kurt Russel films. Breakdown is a nice little thriller. Escape From New York...I mean, I liked it as a kid, but it's pretty objectively bad. Not something I think Cassie would enjoy. But Russell is great. He's always great.

Ryan Towell

Kurt Russell must see films: The Thing, (wait for October), The best of Times (Robin Williams is also in it), Big Trouble Little China, Tango & Cash (Stallone is also in it, good action buddy type film), Captain Ron (hilarious Martin Short is in it too), Stargate, Miracle, Deepwater Horizon, But Goldie has some fun movies too: Private Benjamin, Seems Like Old times (my families favorite also stars Chevy Chase), Wildcats, Protocol, Bird on a Wire (w/ Mel Gibson), House sitter (also w/ Steve Martin), Death Becomes Her w/ (Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis). Just to name a few from both that I think you'd enjoy


No doubt a lot of people are going to say Big Trouble in Little China for Kurt Russell. I.... heard a lot about that movie when I was in college. I usually love cheesy '80s movies. But that's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 😂 It literally took me four tries to get through it. It's one of those cult classics that I just don't understand the appeal of.

Mark M

I think Backdraft would check a lot of boxes for Cassie. Starring Kurt Russell. Directed by Ron Howard. Music by Hans Zimmer. Action/Suspense/Drama/Investigation/Romance. Montage scene.


You've forgotten Miracle had Kurt Russell, which I know you've seen.

Cole Jennett

You know, I was pretty sure she’d seen that too, but it doesn’t appear seen on the request app. I think it was talked about when they were talking about epic speeches in one of the other reactions.🤷‍♂️


I would agree with you but this is Cassie. It’s definitely horror for her 😂

Brian Lowery

Breakdown. Great Kurt Russell suspense thriller. Also, Bird on a Wire with Goldie Hawn and Mel Gibson.

Odd Thomas

Top 3 Kurt Russell movies imo: Death Proof Stargate Big Trouble in Little China

Jon Johns

"Who's Pee-Wee Herman?" Oh my... Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, here we come!


You should definitely watch "Cactus Flower", Goldie Hawns first major film role back in 1969, which earned her an Oscar for best supporting role. It's a very charming old school comedy with Walter Matthau and Ingrid Bergman and is in line with other great movies of that era like "African Queen", "Roman Holiday", "Breakfast At Tiffany's" or "Some Like It Hot". If you didn't watch them already I recommend them all to you. 🙂

Jens Kristensen

One of my favorite Goldie movies is "Wildcats" - where she plays a head coach for a off beat high school football team, while she has trouble with legal actions from her ex-husband. Great funny stuff - some great little roles for Woody Harrelson, Wesley Snipes and Nipsey Russell as the school Principal..

Jim Williams

This is one of my "special" favorites. I loved the original "Taming of the Shrew" starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. And normally I despise "modernized" retelling of classic tales (usually because moderns insert their own twisted values into the story). But I loved this movie. I had a girl friend once, to whom I confessed my appreciation for the original Taming of the Shrew... and found out she loved it too! Because, like in this movie, as the 'shrew' learns to be a human being with a human heart... the "tamer" learns to be a man and accept manly responsibility.

Jim Williams

My absolute absolute absolute favorite scene in this movie is where Annie goes looking for Dean, thinking he's cheating on her... and found out he took an ego-crushing night job shoveling fish guts to provide a better home for his family... because of her. It reminds me of my favorite line from "As Good As It Gets"; she made him want to be a better man. My second favorite scene was where she apologized to the magnificent Roddy McDowell, her manservant, for all the abuse she gave him over the years. Being Roddy McDowell (you probably don't recognize him from the original Planet of the Apes w/o his ape makeup, but he was Cornelius), his response to her was delivered so... wisely, so kindly, that it pretty much summed up the point of the movie. (Roddy also voiced my favorite robot from any movie, ever, V.I.N.Cent from "The Black Hole").

Larry Darrell

"You Don't Cry in Overboard, Right?" Yeah... You Do. I was already there when Annie stood up for the kids and told Ms. Burbridge off. The Looks on the Kids' Faces. They had a Mom. Other than The Thing (1982), an ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH, 3 more Kurt Russell Films to watch Next... Backdraft (1991) Captain Ron (1992) Breakdown (1997) I'd rather start with his Big Break Films, Elvis (1979) and Used Cars (1980), and go from there, but that ain't gonna happen. This is a Great 3 to Start with though. There are Many more. Other than Swing Shift (1984), which is the Film that brought Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell together as a Couple, 3 more Goldie Hawn Films to watch Next... Cactus Flower (1969) Private Benjamin (1980) Seems Like Old Times (1980) Goldie Hawn only has about a Third of the Credits Kurt Russell has. So Starting Earlier works better for her. One more for Myself, which was my Personal Favorite growing up was Foul Play (1978). Fell in Love with her after this Film.

Larry Darrell

I'd love for her to watch The Thing anytime, but if I was going to pick a time window, Winter is a Perfect Time.

Larry Darrell

I think Cassie will get into the Suspense and Mystery of The Thing (1982), and would very possibly like it more than Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1985). That being said, Pee Wee Herman is such a Huge Part of Pop Culture, he Must be Experienced. Just for One Movie, at least.

Larry Darrell

She needs to see More Kurt Russell films first. But Then, Definitely Death Proof (2007). Such a Great Film. She may get a Kick out it.

Larry Darrell

Recommend for Roddy McDowall... How Green Was My Valley (1941), directed by John Ford, and also with Maureen O'Hara. Same as The Quiet Man (1952).


Sky High he is not the main character but you would love the movie, Captain Ron is great, and of course there are escape from New York and LA. For Goldie Wildcats is great.

Terry Yelmene

Wow… that famous Cassie happily ever after with the perfectly imagined epilogue, and all the smiles and a few of the tears definitely happened here. BUT... for at least 3/4 of ‘Overboard’… Cassie was mostly speechless, more puzzled than not, and a bit put off. It’s so incredibly fun to know a classic PiB reaction is coming before Cassie magically makes it so.


Sadly, there are a few people in my personal experience who are exactly like Goldie's character (sans the reform). My mother was a decorative painter who worked on very expensive homes. She had occasional customers who would try to stiff her on a $500 bill for work in their multi-million dollar houses. Always a fun lawsuit.


....we're talking about them having sex lol. what are you talking about?

Larry Darrell

Also, they have been making this type of Romantic Screwball Comedy for Years, To Name a Few, going back to the Thirties, My Man Godfrey (1936) The Awful Truth (1937) It's Love I'm After (1937) Vivacious Lady (1938) Bachelor Mother (1939) and the Forties, My Favorite Wife (1940) The Lady Eve (1941) The Palm Beach Story (1942) The More the Merrier (1943) It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947) and the Fifties, Born Yesterday (1950) The Long, Long Trailer (1954) Sabrina (1954) Designing Woman (1957) Houseboat (1958) and the Sixties, began to see a little less Screwball Donovan's Reef (1963) The Americanization of Emily (1964) Barefoot in the Park (1967) The April Fools (1969) Cactus Flower (1969) and the Seventies, Darling Lili (1970) Avanti! (1972) The Goodbye Girl (1977) Heaven Can Wait (1978) A Little Romance (1979) and the Eighties, Tootsie (1982) Victor/Victoria (1982) Crocodile Dundee (1986) Blind Date (1987) Broadcast News (1987) and the Nineties, Doc Hollywood (1991) Soapdish (1991) Only You (1994) One Fine Day (1996) Blast From the Past (1999) and just One from the New Millennium, Juliet, Naked (2018). Just FYI, "Naked" Does Not refer to a Naked Person. Thank You for Your Time.

David Collins

My favorite Kurt Russell movie is Executive Decision with John Leguizamo and Halle Berry. It got panned pretty hard because one of the prominently billed performers (none of those three) had a role that didn't live up to the billing, but the movie is a non-stop suspense thriller. And Kurt and Halle had great chemistry.

Ben Livingstone

Maybe somebody else said this, but Kurt Russell's father Bing was a beloved character actor. You saw him recently in THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960). Also, he bought the Portland Mavericks baseball team, filled it with rejects from the major league, and proceeded to win games against the big boys. I recommend the entertaining documentary, THE BATTERED BASTARDS OF BASEBALL, made by Bing Russell's grandsons, featuring Kurt Russell. Good stuff!

Stevan Carter

Tombstone and Overboard are Russel's best films. You really need to check out The Fisher King with Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges, and Mercedes Ruehl (who won an Oscar for the film). It's the perfect Cassie (and Carly) film. Amazing performances, TWO love stories, all the feels, and the perfect ending.

Kevin Kuma

Quote of the week "Whacking the donkey"? - Cassie PiB

Mike LL

Thank you for this info. I never knew about Kurt's father, Bing, or that he had such a long career. I looked him up in IMDB and I've seen him in at least 4 movies (very small roles) and could have seen him in up to 10 TV shows. He had a very long career. Finding out that he played Elvis' father, Vernon, in the Kurt Russell TV bio pic ELVIS, it wasn't too hard to find a clip of him in that role on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7o2iOKBLYY


I keep telling myself that since she has done some "scary" movies, i.e. halloween, Nightmare, etc that maybe she could handle The Thing. however, in reality she may hate it which I don't want to see, so we have to be strategic about when to introduce her to this. :)

Dave Hill

Cassie - You could/should totally piggyback off this movie with another hilarious rom com adventure movie that has a boat AND your sister, I mean Kate Hudson!!! 🙃😆 Fool’s Gold with Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey has always been one of my guilty pleasure movies and one you would, without question, love! ☺️

Mike Lemon

Mercedes Ruehl was in another great movie... Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995).

CG Shunk

You said you want to watch all Kurt Russell movies, you really need to follow this one up with Used Cars


I saw Fool's Gold back in the day, and I was surprised that I liked it so much. It was funny and a good adventure. Cassie would like it a lot.

Joe M

Cassie I would highly recommend checking out the 2018 remake/sequel to this one, with Anna Faris and Eugenio Derbez, in which the roles are reversed.


For Kurt Russell movies, I recommend Backdraft, Deepwater Horizon, Silkwood, and Stargate. None of them are rom-coms, unfortunately. He’s done a lot more action and drama as an adult. But if you want to have fun, check out the movies he did as a kid. He was a Disney wonder boy. Try The Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes.


If you want romance and comedy that’s Goldie Hawn. That’s her bread and butter! Some good options are: Protocol Bird on a Wire Cactus Flower Seems Like Old Times Private Benjamin There are so many! I’d highly recommend Butterflies are Free. It’s one of her very early movies and a real time capsule!

CG Shunk

So many suggestions, sounds like another poll

Godzilla Jones

Now for best Kurt Russell watch: Big Trouble in Little China Stargate Escape From New York Tango and Cash (costarring Stallone) Miracle The Hateful Eight Backdraft Capain Ron 3000 Miles to Graceland Used Cars THE THING (I think you're almost ready) and of course, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes for that Disney Child Star of the 60's joy.

Jon Freezin-Rain

Goldie Hawn is a brilliant physical comedian, on a level with Lucille Ball. Worth watching in some of the already mentioned movies

Jason Mangen

Not surprised at the chemistry since Russel and Hawn have been in a 30+ year relationship

Allen Bond

I've watched this reaction 4 times now.

Rodger Johnson

Such a great movie. And one of the greatest Hollywood couples ever. If you haven’t seen it, watch Bird on a Wire from 1990. Goldie Hawn and Mel Gibson romcom

Hannah Mather

A great movie and just a WONDERFUL reaction. I couldnt stop smiling from the start, just knowing how much your would adore the ending


I think the reason they 'don't make movies like this anymore' is because movies today depend too much on special effects, overwhelming quick editing and spectacle instead of letting characters and plot develop as they did in this one. Each of the main characters underwent a journey and they took their time telling us about it. One of the reasons I prefer older movies is because I would rather watch something about people interacting than something filled with CGI that while it might be dazzling, is not necessarily compelling or food for thought. From your reactions to things, I believe you feel the same way.

Luke Godfrey

Yet another reason why I'm glad I became a Patron. I hadn't seen this movie in so many years (at least 15), and if it wasn't for this channel I probably wouldn't have rewatched it any time soon, as I had to buy it on Prime to watch along with you. I'd forgotten just how great this movie is. A timeless classic.


I just watch the full reaction to overboard for the first time and I could give you lots of Kurt Russell movies, but I think everybody else did, but here’s the thing if you’ve never seen Goldie Hawn on laugh-In The TV show from the late 60s go on YouTube just for yourself and watch some clips of it that’s what made her ! and nobody at the time thought she would become as big a star as she did And your right of course about the lack of real romance in our world , But before you blame the Internet, you should know that the real Cause is Feminism and the idea that women in the home as homemakers and mothers and child nurturers creating A place for a family … The only thing American can’t do for himself…. Is somehow like slavery, and her real place is outside the home, working in some office or some job for some other man or men you can blame Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem 2 very unhappy women