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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for Point Break, which will premiere shortly. Hope you enjoy! Also, Everything Everywhere All at Once will be up as soon as it's finished processing! 

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie.  


[YT Edit] Point Break (1991)


Neil Varma

Do people actually like this movie unironically hahaha

Happy Hanukkah

Cassie, I don't mean to judge, but, well, ... this movie is rated R. Do you really think you should expose your daughter to this at her young age?

Neill Shaughness

You guys should watch Hot Fuzz next

Just Plain Bob

Agree. I also don’t like the way some of the “bad elements” are romanticized in the movie. Cassie has only herself to blame if Carly starts hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Javier Hernandez

There are rules in surfing, particularly right of way rules. Johnny gets punched because he cut someone off. Swazye did most of his own surfing and all of the sky diving. Also did you spot the cameo of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers? Reeves and Swayze were contemporaries in the 1980s Swayze with The Outsiders (Teen Beat dream cast), Red Dawn (original), Youngblood, Roadhouse (how is this not on the channel?), Next of Kin, and Dirty Dancing. Meanwhile Reeves was also in Youngblood, River's Edge, Babes in Toyland, Dangerous Liaisons, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and Parenthood. Admittingly Reeves really took off in the 1990s. At the end I think Utah wanted justice particularly for his partner yet still felt a kinship with Bodhi. Bodhi had also lost friends in the story so for Utah, in a moment of compassion that would serve both justice and his new found respect for surfing culture he let Bodhi go. But letting Bodhi go and letting him off the hook are two different things as Utah's last line expresses, "He's not coming back."

Bill Maurer

Will check this out when it runs, just watched your YouTube edit of "12 Angry Men" and "Rear Window". Excellent !! May I suggest "to Catch a Thief" with Grace Kelly and Cary Grant? I think you should add more Cary Grant to your repertoire. Enjoy and have a wonderful week

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Anthony Kiedis from The Red Hot Chili Peppers who I saw at Woodstock '99 was one of the guys in the first group of bad guys.

Padraig Glennon

Great Movie, with one of the all time greatest chase scenes ever. "Utah!!!! get me two✌". Surfs up dudes!!! I loved this reaction vid, Comedy duo (C&C) in full effect 🤙

Morgan A. Colbert

I love it. So many great quotable lines. "I AM AN FBI AGENT" what a jam. Keanu and Patrick looking aaaaahmazing and just so cool. What a movie.

Wes Stewart

I thought Gary Busey was the best thing in it.


Patrick Swayze was in a little-known made-for-tv movie called King Solomon's Mines that was actually pretty good. Would be worth a watch if you can find it.

Michael J

Love this one to. No time to watch reaction yet. Take that back ,might find time. Vary reparable lol

Bill W

Now when you re-watch The Avengers and you hear Tony call Thor "Point Break".... Speaking of nicknames... "Johnny Utah".... one of the most ridiculous, fakest sounding names. I know you guys know Lori Petty from A League of Their Own, and you've seen John C. McGinley in Scrubs, Office Space and he had a small role in The Rock.

john francis

its certainly possible that they've watched A League of Their Own, but ... maybe they havent? Bill has brought up a fantastic baseball flick (and my personal favorite sports movie of all time). Perhaps A League of Their Own can be considered (or maybe it has on older polls, idk i havent been a member for very long :)

Gilbert Gonzalez

Carly thought Bhodi’s name was Boaty 😂😂😂 love it when you two watch stuff together! People might be torn on seeing you react to it, because of how over the top the franchise has become lol but still I think it would be pretty fun to see you react to The Fast and the Furious (2001), whether you decide to watch them all or not haha the first movie actually has a strikingly similar plot to Point Break lol it’s been described as Point Break but with street racing instead of surfing 😂😂

Bill W

I misspoke. I thought Cassie had mentioned that she's seen it, but it's not on her Letterboxd page. That needs to be remedied. They also need to see Eight Men Out.

John Murphy

Don't forget McGinley in Platoon.

Topher Cast

After seeing Keanu in this you ladies HAVE to watch Bill and Ted!

John Murphy

Hey, just throwing this out there......would "Excaliber" be a military pick? Maybe a military/love story, eh? Cassie and Carly should love that then.

S Elphick

You need to watch Speed

Bill W

Excalibur (1981)... a "military" film? That's kind of a stretch.


I don't understand the mentality of posting "you need to watch..." Without checking if they have already watched . I just couldn't do it!