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This was more of almost a survival movie than a war movie. I have since looked up and read about this and again, seems it's not very historically accurate but for a movie and this story, it was suspenseful, heart pounding and I enjoyed Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman so much! Sorry about the audio, we had a little mishap with some settings/knobs being changed. Hopefully, you can still enjoy it! Everything Everywhere All At Once and Quantum of Solace will be up tomorrow!

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[Full Reaction] Behind Enemy Lines (2001)



This is one of my dad's favorites. It's not one of mine but it does have its moments. Funny that Cassie is making fun of Owen Wilson feeling out of place almost immediately.

Wesley White

Gosh, I haven't seen this movie in a long time! I'll admit, I almost forgot it existed lol! I'll definitely have to check it out! However, I'll be watching your full length reaction of Die Hard 2 tonight when I get home from work later today, for the first time lol! I recently finally watched your full length on the first one for the first time and I loved it! And another thing, like I already told you that some friends of mine recently went to Universal Studios, prior to that, my friends and I binged watch your YT edit reactions of the Jurassic franchise to kinda put us in the mood for Universal for the next day lol, just thought I'd share that lol! I'll watch it when I get a chance and give you my commentary about it lol! Have a Happy Father's Day on behalf of your father and mine and many others around the world! Much love and support, you're the best, and as always [snaps fingers] stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹


Love Gene Hackman in just about everything. Funny thing is that this movie has a simular premise as Bat*21, also with Gene (and Danny Glover).


Not historically accurate is putting it politely. O’Grady literally sued Fox for this movie. So they made 3 or 4 more hahaha.

Allen Bond

What about Jerimiah Johnson? :P

Just Plain Bob

Three Gene Hackman films I'd recommend to Cassie: The French Connection, The Quick and the Dead and Heist


Haven’t seen this one in forever; honestly the only thing I remember is Gene Hackman’s character picking up the radio and shouting: Burnett!

Richard Maurer

Cassie, the best advice I can give you on historical accuracy in films is don't bother looking for it, because it's not going to be there. In fact looking for accuracy about any subject in films is basically a lost cost. Take Jaws for instance, real great white sharks behave nothing like the one in that movie. In fact people have free dived with them on a number of occasions, I've even seen footage of a diver holding on to the dorsal fin of one and getting a ride. The point being it's best to watch movies and take them them for what they are - stories that are just peoples romanticized version of the truth. Sort of like a urban legend, just on a much larger scale.

Alex Gorell

Scott O’Grady is my second cousin on my mothers side. While on public he gave the movie good ratings he actually really hates it because of how they portrayed him and how they made up stuff and left other stuff out. I find this movie funny because they make him seem like a much better person than he actually is because in He’s a real asshole in real life. He sued the studio for this movie over it.

Gábor Árki

I really enjoyed Cassie's emotional reaction but I'm still not a fan of this movie. I saw it once after it came out. It didn't win me back then either, and now even after the second viewing, I think it's a bit too sensationalistic in its style, especially during the action scenes, and I'm not a fan of the photography and editing either. Cassie, to answer your question Gene Hackman was in the military. He lied about his age and joined the Marines at age 16. But he wasn't a great soldier, he had trouble with authority and was even demoted. My suggestion for the next WMW poll: Classic WW2 movies. The top requested pre 1980 war movies from Popcorn Requests are: - PATTON (1970): A biographical war movie about General Patton - KELLY'S HEROES (1970): A fictional war/heist movie - A BRIDGE TOO FAR (1977): One of the most historically accurate war movies about the retake of the Netherlands - THE LONGEST DAY (1962): The events of D-Day - TORA! TORA! TORA (1970): The better Pearl Harbor movie

Celeste McAllister

Long on drama,short on historical accuracy,still better than 'Pearl Harbor'..HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!💙💙💙

Mike LL

I would love to see such a poll. There were so many good war movies made pre 1980's. THE DIRTY DOZEN (1967), another fictional war/heist movie, and THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE (1965) which contained the relief of Bastogne and other subjects touched upon in Band of Brothers.

Uncle Phoenix

Anyone else want to send Cassie and Carr’s dad DVD’s; because I really think that Grandpa Popcorn would love “The Abyss”, “The 13th Warrior”, “Presumed Innocent”, and “Night Falls on Manhattan”.


Well, unlike Scott, Lt. Burnett (Owen Wilson) did everything right. The film may have been loosely based on the events of Operation Deny Flight in ‘95, but the connections stop there. And I would have pointed out to O’Grady, that he isn’t the first pilot to be rescued “behind enemy lines.” I flew in a USAF rescue squadron and always found his recollection of events in speeches quite preposterous. I am however glad that Cassie enjoyed it.


who is suggesting these awful movies.


Bridge over the river Kwai, Platoon. I like your suggestions; Cassie is getting bad advice for a lot of her movie choices lately.

Greg S.

This has been one of my favorites since I saw it in the theater on release.

Tyler Foster

Only issue with The French Connection is that it has recently been censored on all streaming services, so to view the film properly, she would have to do so via a physical version.

Gábor Árki

@Mike LL, or WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968). But I only picked the top ones which might have a chance on a poll. @Michael A Lipke: I was on the fence regarding THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI, because it is WW2, but I would rather classify it to a POW subgenre which could be a separate WMW poll alongside EMPIRE OF THE SUN, UNBROKEN, etc. I guess PLATOON and APOCALYPSE NOW could have a big fight on a Vietnam war movie poll.

Gábor Árki

They completely removed a short scene between Hackman's and Scheider's character, possibly due to few racial slurs.

Jon Johns

I guess we need a "War movie of the month" naming contest? "Military Movie of the Month? = MMoM?" 😂

Josh Phillips

It’s not very historically accurate, but still a fun watch! Owen Wilson did an awesome job playing a downed pilot. If you’re interested in how an event like this would really play out, here’s a great short video on the shoot down of Lt. Devon Jones and Lt. Lawrence Slade during Operation Desert Storm. https://youtu.be/jYTES85S1kI

Just Plain Bob

That’s a shame and it shows that they missed the point. The Popeye character was an effective cop, but also a deeply flawed person as demonstrated by his racism. That kind of nuance is no longer allowed.

Gábor Árki

Also, I would presume in the context and setting of the movie it was common back in the day to use such slurs and it's not like other parts of the movie are free of racism anyway. Interestingly, I think Disney only updated the movie in the US market, internationally it is still streaming with the original cut. I guess one more reason to keep buying physical media. They can't alter what you have on the shelf.

Jon Freezin-Rain

Keeping with the theme of historical inaccuracies. and as pertains to the movie Battle of the Bulge: (Allied forces commander) Eisenhower came out of retirement and held a press conference to denounce the film for what he considered its gross historical inaccuracy. I own a copy of the movie. still occasionally re watch it Just know it's not history

Richard Maurer

It's funny that many here judge the newer war movies on their accuracy, then go on to recommend the older war movies. My father, a Marine veteran of both WWII and the Korean War would watch the older war movies and point out all the inaccuracies, sometimes laughing out loud at how far off the mark they were. Some things never change in Hollywood, and lack of accuracy is one of those things

Gideon James

Cassie, if you haven't seen it The Thin Red Line is arguably the best contemporary (1998) films about WW2. It's about the South Pacific and the Battle of Guadalcanal. I saw it over a year ago and still think about it constantly. Thanks for all that you do. 

Rick Williams

Lots of action. Been a long time sense I saw this movie. I remembered some of it. Great reaction, Cassie. Thanks for the fun time. The movies on Midway are good. There are two movies on Midway. The original from 1976 that I grew up on and the modern one from 2019. I am not sure which version to recommend for you. I guess you would probably like the newer one better.

David Crabtree

Great reaction! I adore this movie, I think it's very underrated. For a future war movie recommendation, I recommend 2016's, "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi", a movie, like the book, completely faithful to the events that happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi. A truly remarkable film. If you like John Krasinski in Jack Ryan, you'll love him in this.

Mike LL

THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI is a reaction that is still owed to us, as she committed to watch the runner up of the Classics Chaos bracket. Maybe because the subject, WW2 POW's was the same subject as the bracket winner, THE GREAT ESCAPE. I don't know why she won't watch it.

Uncle Phoenix

I always thought that Platoon was a great movie.

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Cassie, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now who was directed by Francis Ford Coppola who did Godfather, Godfather Part II which you have watched Zero Dark Thirty, all great war movies. The Dirty Dozen, is the movie they mention in Sleepless In Seattle Flags Of Our Fathers, and Letters From Iwo Jima, two movies that are directed by Clint Eastwood

David Crabtree

Cassie's seen some of these, but here are my favorite military-related films: 1) The Patriot 2) Top Gun: Maverick 3) 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 4) A Few Good Men 5) Saving Private Ryan 6) Heartbreak Ridge 7) Top Gun 8) Patton 9) American Sniper 10) Crimson Tide 11) Hacksaw Ridge 12)Men of Honor 13) Rules of Engagement 14) Pearl Harbor 15) Sands of Iwo Jima 16) Battle: Los Angeles 17) Midway (1976 version) 18) Behind Enemy Lines 19)To The Shores of Tripoli 20) Gung Ho!

Craig Cooper

Enjoyed the reaction to one of my favorites! Highly recommend watching Hell or High Water with Jeff Bridges and Chris Pine if you haven’t already watched it. One of the best movies of the last ten years IMO.


YES, Gene Hackman was in the Marines 1947 - 1952 he broke his leg in a motorcycle accident. He crashed into a tractor that had no lights breaking his right leg, right shoulder, and left knee leaving him unfit for active service. At the age of 20 he was discharged as a disabled veteran. He moved back home with his parents in Illinois to study journalism and TV production at the University of Illinois. Then moved to California in 1957 to study acting. There, befriended another aspiring actor, Dustin Hoffman. 😊👍

Robert da Spruce

Excellent reaction Cassie! Haven’t seen this movie since it came out. Took a minute to get past Owen Wilson starring in a military role, but once I did. I thought he did a good job. My recommendation for your next movie would be Tears of the Sun. Starring Bruce Willis.

Shawn Kildal

Another good Owen Wilson survivor type movie is NO ESCAPE with Peirce Brosnan. It will definitely have you on the edge of your seat.


I haven't seen this in about 20 years. I liked it back then but not really as an adult. I felt like they were trying too hard to make an amazing 10/10 movie when all they had the tools for was a good popcorn flick. It's not a bad movie, just not a really good one either. 5/10

Just Plain Bob

Never enjoyed this movie. Owen Wilson just isn’t a strong dramatic actor IMO.

Björn Karlsson

How good are Indictment: McMartin Trial and Show me love?? 😜😏😆 Good enough for a request perhaps?? 😉😉😆😆

Russell Teo

This movie is too underrated. It’s even better than Top Gun

Philip Alan

Speaking of No Escape. No Escape with Ray Liotta. I just love that movie.

Wesley White

This was a great reaction, I just cannot help but smile and laugh every time I see your shock and awe expressions on your face, it's one of the many reasons why I became a subscriber and patron lol! It's too bad this movie doesn't get much recognition as it should, because it's a good action/war like movie with a strong enough message! It's funny how most movies that might be slightly successful, can just fall under the radar and become a forgotten gem! I haven't seen this movie in a long time and I forgot how good it was! Great reaction Cassie, much love and support, and as always [snaps fingers and winks] stay classy Cassie🥰😁😉👍🌹

Gilbert Gonzalez

Gene Hackman was in fact in the US Marine Corps, completed boot camp in 1947 and was sent to be stationed in China as a radio operator. And next war movie should be 13 Hours! Lol

Guy Gordon

Check out 1988's Bat 21. Based on a true story, and Gene Hackman and Danny Glover are great in it.

Dean Holt

Heartbreak Ridge is really underrated in my opinion and Hacksaw Ridge is one of my favourite War films

Gideon James

The Thin Red Line is a must watch. It's about the Battle of Guadalcanal. It's a film i wished I had seen in the theater. Very moving and heartfelt. I think you would like it Cassie. Carly, not so much.