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Well, this was ADORBS! So West Wing-esque, I loved that quick witty dialogue! It was light and romantic and just what I needed!

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[Full Reaction] The American President (1995)


John Burns

Great movie! Donā€™t forget Michael J. Foxā€™s performance speaking about leadership!

Matt Rose

Knew you'd like this one. I rewatched this about 3 months ago and seriously, THIS is a script. Give DAVE a go. You'd dig that one too.

Steven Ashford

Didnā€™t realize you hadnā€™t seen this one. Good one!


How are people planning to watch this one? $4 rental?


It is the West Wing!! This is the prologue to the West Wing in many waysā€¦ The creator of the West Wing, Aaron Sorkin, wrote this movie. Also, hes able to tackle in depth on the West Wing issues he could only touch in the movie (ex. the virtue of a proportional response). Thats why so multiple actors in the movie are on The West Wing aka Martin Sheenā€¦ Great movie!

James UK

I think we all knew youā€™d love this one. If thereā€™s a list of people recommending DAVE, add my name to it. Another presidential movie youā€™d enjoy.

Matt Rose

If you want to see a really good one with Annette Bening, do THE GRIFTERS. One of her earlier films. Great film also featuring John Cusack and Anjelica Huston.

Zane From Canada

I always try and guess all the presidents in the opening credits, but I can never get them all. I think it goes: Jefferson, Kennedy, Truman, Lincoln, Wilson, Johnson, Coolidge, Hamilton, Eisenhower, Van Buren, Harrison, Teddy Roosevelt, Washington. šŸ˜

Robin Craft

Personally when I think of great actors, Micheal Douglas doesn't immediately come to mind but he has a great filmography. Wall Street, Romancing the Stone, The Game, Basic Instinct, The Ghost and The Darkness ( with Val Kilmer) The War of the Roses and Fatal Attraction just off the top of my head. Also in a TV series back in the day...The Streets of San Francisco. Glad you enjoyed this as we knew you would Cassie.


The West Wing was developed from this. Same writer/creator, some of the same actors, obviously the same concept. Some epsiodes of the West Wing expand on some of the themes touched upon here. Even lines of dialog re-appear nearly verbatim in TWW. Incidentally this was the first movie date I ever went on (high school). I was too nervous to fully enjoy the movie. I rewatched it years later and loved it.

David Crabtree

I'd love to see you do a rewatch of the West Wing, which is my favorite TV show of all time (and I'm a Republican!). I saw the West Wing for the first time in 2015, and I've watched it all the way through 6 times since!


havenā€™t seen this one in a while but always enjoyed it, well-cast all around; Rob Reiner (director) and Aaron Sorkin (writer) did A Few Good Men years before this one which you reacted to on the channel and loved

Wesley White

Haha, knowing you Cassie and how much of a sucker you are for romance lol! I don't really have much to say, considering I've never seen this movie, heck I don't think I've ever even heard of it lol! However, I am a fan of Michael Douglas, he's a great actor, plus I'm also a fan of his late father, the legendary Kirk Douglas, he lived to be a 103šŸ˜± they both look so identical lol! Hope you have a great day Cassie, love and support always, you're the bestšŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜‰šŸ‘šŸŒ¹


I don't really seek out movies or shows because of a writer, but I did notice the writing of Aaron Sorkin at some point and did watch pretty much his whole catalogue. His dialogue has a certain flow to it which is very pleasing. He also created/wrote The West Wing, Moneyball, A Few Good Men and The Social Network amongst others. A Sorkin movie tip for some who may not know it, is Molly's Game. But my absolute favorite is The Newsroom. A 3 season 25 episode show, which if you like some of the the above is really worth your time. It's got drama, some romance and great dialogues.

Bill Maurer

Dave is another great one. Even has a younger "Luther" from the Mission Impossible series. No, not Ed Harris or Viggo Mortensen

Steve Sanders

I was hoping you would do this movie. I didn't have a lot of hope because it was pretty far down the request list. A nice surprise!

Richard Bourne

I remember this one. Kind of a chick flick to me as I recall. Eh. I didn't really like the female lead character at all. DC is a swamp of terrible people, many doing consulting and lobbying. I remember being unwhelmed with her as they tried to make her look so smart.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, this movie has Cassie written all over it. Figured you'd like it. Can't wait to watch this reaction. Also, want to reiterate my DAVE suggestion. A very similar and quite wonderful movie (I actually think it's a little bit better than this one, but whichever you prefer, I know you'll love both).

Stick Figure Studios

Oh, and my 4th of July tradition is to watch the musical "1776" (one of my favorite movies).


Knew you'd love this one. The minute you said you were a fan of the West Wing I added this to my requests on the app. Aaron Sorkin is my favorite writer/creator in this genre of filmmaking.

Andrew Rose

Newsroom got me at the very first episode with the rant in the college campus.. loved that show. Molly's Game was a fantastic movie as well.. good sleeper picks!


The best things for 4th of July for me are backyard BBQ's and local fireworks shows.

Gary W

I think the line you were thinking of is "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her" from Notting Hill.


If you were fans of this and West Wing, I would suggest watching The Newsroom as well. Another Sorkin series, and itā€™s brilliant.

Michael Lynch

I know this movie is all fluffy and lovey-dovey but I absolutely love it and the cast.

Mike LL

When you said this was a charming movie, that is just the word I was going to use. No Michael Douglas on the channel yet? And now you are doing two of his best back to back? Fantastic! Gives one a chance to suggest THE GAME (1997), a kind of mystery movie, and FALLING DOWN (1993), hard to describe that one but it is enthralling. This occasion also gives one the chance to talk about Michael Douglas' very famous actor father, Kirk Douglas (SPARTACUS, GUNFIGHT AT THE OK CORRAL, PATHS OF GLORY, SEVEN DAYS IN MAY, TOUGH GUYS). All in all you have my vote, Cassie, but as for President Michael Douglas, I'm sorry but my cinematic President is still Morgan Freeman from Deep Impact!

Robin Craft

Cassie...the line you were asking about " I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her" is from Notting Hill. Julia Roberts to Hugh Grant. I know some rom- coms. šŸ˜


Both the Game and Falling Down are excellent movies. I don't know if Cassie will like Falling Down but it will make for great reaction content.

Uncle Phoenix

I definitely think that Cassie and Carr would love ā€œThe Paperā€ with Michael Keaton. It is so sharp and witty, with a love story.

Stick Figure Studios

I used to watch Disney's 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA a lot as a kid, so I was already familiar with Kirk Douglas when I saw ROMANCING THE STONE for the first time and commented to my parents that the main guy reminded me of the sailor in 20,000 LEAGUES and they told me that he was his father.

Stick Figure Studios

I love Sorkin too. I've enjoyed WEST WING, MONEYBALL, A FEW GOOD MEN, MOLLY'S GAME, TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 and even the short lived SPORTS NIGHT show, so I should have loved THE NEWSROOM as well, but felt like it's quality really dropped after the excellent first season. By the third season, I was ready for it to be over, so I was not upset that that was the end.

Mike Lemon

Hamilton wasn't President (and I didn't see him. The debating group?), and I don't think that was Coolidge. Based on the others Coolidge would never be in that line up, maybe Taft? I think you missed Grant and Jackson(?), and I didn't see Van Buren (fun fact- first President to be born in the U.S.).

Philip Herman

Michael Douglas will hopefully be coming very soon to you in Romancing The Stone and then the sequel The Jewel of the Nile.šŸ˜‰šŸ¤—

Zane From Canada

Thanks. As much as I know or claim to know about US presidents. I'm Canadian šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦. Anyone who grew up and went to school in the US would have a leg or two up on me. šŸ˜

Uncle Phoenix

LOL. I want to respond, but there is always a 2% chance someone might read this; and ā€œNo Spoilersā€.

Mike Lemon

Maybe if they went to school before 2000-ish. I took a few college classes 10-ish years ago, I was not impressed. I can't really talk, I saw an 8th Grade test from 1895 and could only answer about 1/3 of the questions. I might have been able to answer half when I was in school, but not much more than that. 1895 test - https://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/p_test/1895_Eightgr_test.htm

Damon Corrigan

4th of July traditions were historically fireworks, but unfortunately fireworks are banned in many city neighborhoods now for a number of reasons. I think we will just have a firepit in our front yard and cook hotdogs and maybe some slugs. We may have some sparklers and small things, but that will be it. This movie. It's a good one. You may have missed Josh Malina who played David (Sydney's co-worker at the GDC) also played Will Bailey in the later half of The West Wing. Also, Sydney's sister Beth is played by Nina Siemaszko, who played Eleanor Bartlet (the middle daughter) on The West Wing. Also also, Anna Deavere Smith who played Robin McCall the press secretary played Bartlet's Secretary of Defense Nancy McNally on The West Wing. Rob Reiner (Directed The Princess Bride, A Few Good Men, When Harry Met Sally, This Is Spinal Tap, and one of my favorite favorites, The Magic of Belle Isle) is amazing, and of course Sorkin. My goodness, an amazing great dromedy. Thanks for letting us watch it with you. A great time.

Brent Petty

Sydney is played by Annette Benning, who was Sue in Open Range.

Katie Jackson

So for the 4th of July we've always done a BBQ and fireworks. We used to go to a nearby lake and swim, BBQ and then they'd shoot off fireworks there that night. In recent years we go out and buy large fireworks and BBQ at home. We also invested in a very large blow up projector screen and a nice projector during covid. We sit out after dinner, invite a bunch of family and watch a movie outside then shoot off about an hour of fireworks. It's a lot of fun and everyone always has a good time.


FYI, this is currently free to watch on YouTube.


As a Dutch citizen the 4th of July is just another day for me. However, fun fact, The Netherlands was the first to unofficially acknowledge the USA by giving the first formal salute (firing its guns nine times) to a ship flying the American flag. And officially it was the second or third to recognize the United States. The two countries have always had very close and positive relations. Basically we very old and good friends :) . So happy birthday to the USA next week from our little country. Have a good one.

Luke Godfrey

Well I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Never saw this movie before so it was nice to discover a new movie I would watch again. This movie kind of reminds me of Dave (1993) starring Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver, which is also a comedy romance based in the White House. Hopefully Cassie will watch it on the channel one day. šŸ¤ž


Well, you got 16 points, Cassie! - 1 point for each actor or actress you recognized. - 1 additional point each for naming where (or why) you recognized them. I think Iā€™ve seen every reaction and this is definitely new record! We donā€™t even have to discuss subtracting points for someone being Ed Harris šŸ˜ Iā€™ve always loved this movie. Aaron Sorkin has written some good ones. Wonderful, refreshing reaction after disaster week.

Terry Yelmene

I had forgotten how much of a dress rehearsal this charming little political romance really was for 'The West Wing.' West Wing is my Number One All-time Series, but had forgotten how much I loved ' The American President' as well. Cassie... great job!

David Collins

Michael Douglas has a couple of must watch movies, imho. Falling Down is my favorite of his and one of my all time favorite movies overall. It's the quintessential popcorn movie and everyone should see it at least once. Fatal Attraction is a pretty good edge of your seat thriller, as is The China Syndrome. Wall Street is extremely thought provoking. Also, you're going to really like him in Romancing the Stone and probably The War of the Roses.


You really need to watch Lincoln, for real. It's an amazing, amazing movie with one of the finest performances of the last 30 years from Daniel Day Lewis

Jason Dolan


CG Shunk

Other Fun Presidential movies, My Fellow Americans and Dave

Alan Jones

I believe I recognized them, as follows: 0:10 | George Washington (1789-1797) 0:30 | Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) 0:47 | John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) 0:54 | Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) 1:00 | Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) 1:04 | William H. Taft (1909-1913) 1:18 | Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969) 1:24 | Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) 1:36 | Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) 1:43 | Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961) 1:48 | Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) 1:52 | Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) 2:00 | Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) 2:02 | Franklin D. Roosevelt (again) 2:09 | George Washington (again) For timing, start 0:00 when Castlerock logo fades to black.

Sean Novack

I really enjoy Alan Sorkin and Rob Reiner's work, but they really have a hard time writing facts over their opinions sometimes. I nearly 35 years after this film was made and every prediction made back then has failed to come true regarding the environment. The Supreme Court has ruled that taking handguns violates the Constitution, and the very 2nd Amendment that the ACLU has sworn to protect in that Bill of Rights that the President was discussing. "Republicans" are the usual bad guys in these films, and back then it was easy to paint that way. Things are always a lot more nuanced ("and I'm going to get the guns!", is going to require a Constitutional Amendment that needs 2/3rds of the House and Senate just to start, and then 3 4ths of the State Legislatures to approve when more than half have already said that people shouldn't need to even have a permit to buy and carry one - it isn't going to happen despite the writer and director's dreaming) and that nuance has come more to the front of the public conversation. I enjoy the film, but I wish they would have stuck with the romance and left the politics out of it.


I can't see Martin Sheen in the White House and not hear him as Jeb Barlet. It always makes me think of the West Wing line about the "Presidential Voice" and Toby's line "The thing about the presidential voice is that you have to be president to use it." Dave (another funny quasi political and great all-around movie) staring Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver is another movie about the president that Cassie would love. BTW, Richard Dreyfuss and Rob Reiner worked together before this in Stand By Me. Richard was the grown-up writer and did the voice over throughout the movie. There are so many actors who are in The American President and the West Wing. One that I didn't catch until just now is that Antonina Siemaszko (Sydney's sister) is one of Jeb Bartlet's daughters.

Ryan Towell

Michael Douglas movies you should watch: Romancing the Stone, Wall Street, Last Vegas, Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct, Falling Down, Traffic, and of course the Ant man movies. He's a famous actor but he's an even bigger film producer, and his father was Kirk Douglas a very famous actor (my favorite of his is "The Man from Snowy River" he plays two characters (twin brothers) beautifully shot film in Australia.. great love story too.. I'm thinking Cassie would love that as well. And yes Richard Dreyfuss was in What about bob, but he was also in Jaws..

Stevan Carter

"DAVE' with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver is a VERY funny and sweet story about an ordinary guy who doubles for the President and actually gets to BE the President for awhile. You'd definitely love that film.


I first watched this film as a 12 year old on an overnight flight from Orlando to Heathrow, back in the day when we didnā€™t have individual a screens or inflight entertainment choices. It captured me and itā€™s been a secret favourite of mine for a long time!

Raven Dark

Loved this reaction, Cassie. Also, I agree with some of the other comments--Dave is a great movie, and it's right up your alley. I think you'd love it.

David Collins

Richard Dreyfus best movie imho is Mr. Holland's Opus, a movie Cassie is going to finally learn to love him, after seeing him play a jerk a few times. Always is a pretty good rom com I'm surprised she hasn't seen, another movie she'll like him in.

Robert da Spruce

Charming movie! I forgot how many famous actors were in this one. Iā€™m glad you finally realized how you knew Annette Bening. I was talking to the screen for minute there! šŸ˜€ As far as 4th of July customs. Well, you know what they say. Itā€™s not a 4th, until someone ends up in the ER from lighting off fireworks! šŸ˜‰ JK My whole family gathers at my sisterā€™s house every year for a BBQ. Which is always nice because itā€™s one of the few times a year the entire family comes together.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:51 Cassie, I don't know if you have seen A Man Called Otto (2023), with Tom Hanks but it is sooo good. It's on Netflix. I don't know why but I thought to myself Cassie would love this movie.
2023-06-29 13:54:19 Cassie, I don't know if you have seen A Man Called Otto (2023), with Tom Hanks but it is sooo good. It's on Netflix. I don't know why but I thought to myself Cassie would love this movie.

Cassie, I don't know if you have seen A Man Called Otto (2023), with Tom Hanks but it is sooo good. It's on Netflix. I don't know why but I thought to myself Cassie would love this movie.

Bjƶrn Karlsson

I have requested it, and the swedish original "A man called Ove" šŸ™‚ They are both on popcorn request.. Lots of swedish films among my requests (big suprise?) šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‰šŸ˜œ


4th of July traditions? Growing up we'd have my dad's side of the family over for a BBQ, then as soon as the sun goes down we'd *allegedly* set off like $500 worth of fireworks (it's usually BOGO in Wisconsin... or so I've heard) These days I have brunch with my parents then go spend the 4th with some friends and their families.


You wish that a movie titled, ā€œThe American Presidentā€ not have a political theme to it?

Damien beatty

As you are well aware context and intent are not available to social media platforms, so I am letting you know that the things I will talk about are not in a yelling form, but as a counterpoint to your writings. You say that they should keep the politics out, but you are bringing it up here. You mention the environment and the 2nd Amendment. I will not bring up the latter because I have few issues with it. Now on to something you said about the environment and facts. I am a geologist and archeologist. I have studied past environments and the current one. The things in the films mentioned by the people arguing about climate change don't really go into many specifics about things (that would be a bit boring), and what they do mention are things that are occurring they just are happening over time. In the 35 years you bring up global temperature average rise has gone up over 1.5 degrees Celsius, and Ocean level rise has gone up by over 3 cm. These may not seem like much, but ask the people that live on islands that are disappearing if they have noticed, When we study Climate change we look mostly at longer time scales. By the way the vast majority of people believe in Climate Change, no matter what political party or what country you come from. The only point of contention is whether humans are the cause, Again, in this argument The vast majority (91 %+) of the evidence points to yes human are the cause. The ones that are contrary, to that are mostly (not all) research funded by oil, gas and coal companies. We also see the evidence in ocean currents, and animal migratory patterns. I do like reading your comments on here. I don't always agree, but you seem to love movies like I do. P.S sorry about the run on sentences.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:51 Notting Hill with Julia Roberts was the movie your were thinking about "standing in front of a girl "
2023-06-29 19:30:20 Notting Hill with Julia Roberts was the movie your were thinking about "standing in front of a girl "

Notting Hill with Julia Roberts was the movie your were thinking about "standing in front of a girl "

Erik Daniel

Look no further than the other movie on that dvd double feature for another political rom com you will like called Dave. I'm sure it's been requested a lot too. The sets used in this movie were actually built for the movie Dave, and then reused here and again with The West Wing. Oh and Anette's short hair definitely threw you off, but it also could have been because she was much more 'bouncy' here too. Thanks Cassie, that was a great afternoon watch.

Jason Chirevas

Iā€™llā€¦fifth DAVE and add itā€™s the best movie of Ivan Reitmanā€™s career, and maybe Kevin Klineā€™s too. Literally helped get me through the Trump administrationā€¦

Jason Chirevas

As a former journalist, I can tell you THE PAPER is both immensely entertaining and pretty close to what the job is actually like.

Jason Chirevas

I would be so bold as to predict Cassie would put MR. HOLLANDā€™S OPUS in her PIB top 10.

Sean Novack

I simply wrote a counterpoint to the points brought up in the film. The rhetoric used in the film doesn't match even the affects that you are bringing up. "Do you want your children to be able to breathe??" As we are emerging from an ice age, and have been for 10's of thousands of years according to the geological surveys I'm familiar with (Yes, I've worked with a couple eminent geologists) seeing temperatures rise over the course of three decades is to be expected. Alarmist rhetoric isn't a solution, reasoned facts are, not matter what those facts turn out to be. The "Climate Change" lobby has done itself precisely zero favors with their financial corruption and data mismanagement. As a conservative, I rapidly get sick of Hollywood using us as punching bags by misrepresenting what we stand for and manipulating the facts. It's frustrating because people watch enjoyable films like this one and "A Few Good Men" and think they represent the truth, when in fact they are made-up biased versions if what the author believes.

Uncle Phoenix

LOL, I love hanging with a bunch of nerds. All we need is a backpack full of booze, flannel shirts, and some Nirvana CDā€™s; and we would be back in my old High School. (Which BTW was one of the locations filmed in this movie.)

Uncle Phoenix

OMG; War of The Roses would be so amazing for this channel. Danny DeVito is so good in it.

Uncle Phoenix

Mollyā€™s Game was amazing; but I prefer ā€œThe Paperā€ with Michael Keaton over Newsroom.

Uncle Phoenix

Michael Douglas was great in Falling Down. Kind of a harsh movie I thought.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:51 Cassie, I hadn't seen this movie in years but my reaction was right in tune with yours. I just loved your reaction. I am in Kelowna, British Columbia right now. My friends live right on Okanagan Lake I here to help celebrate Canada Day on Saturday so Happy Canada Day!!
2023-06-30 02:35:44 Cassie, I hadn't seen this movie in years but my reaction was right in tune with yours. I just loved your reaction. I am in Kelowna, British Columbia right now. My friends live right on Okanagan Lake I here to help celebrate Canada Day on Saturday so Happy Canada Day!!

Cassie, I hadn't seen this movie in years but my reaction was right in tune with yours. I just loved your reaction. I am in Kelowna, British Columbia right now. My friends live right on Okanagan Lake I here to help celebrate Canada Day on Saturday so Happy Canada Day!!

Odd Thomas

A great Aaron Sorkin film and his directorial debut: Molly's Game. Jessica Chastain and your favourite, Kevin Costner


I enjoyed it as well. Tom Hanks, enough said. It has elements of Up and Gran Torino.

Rick Williams

Good movie. Great Reaction. You didn't recognize Annette Bening from Open Range or Richard Dreyfuss from Jaws. You are slipping. Thanks for a good time. I enjoyed revisiting this movie.

Matthew Periolat

Amazing statistic for me now: with The American President checked, I think Cassie has been through seven of my personal top ten. 10 to 1 was Iron Man, Apollo 13, The American President, The Kingā€™s Speech, The Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, JFK, Titanic, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring and Star Wars. Wild to think only three off getting the movies I treasure most shared. Yeah, I love this movie. Itā€™s a liberal American love letter of what we want a president to be and what we want them to stand for, but at the same time, the President should also just be a guy who loves someone and wants it to work. Itā€™s a classic and Iā€™m grateful itā€™s been watched.

Larry Darrell

Mr. Holland's Opus (1995) is a terrific Music Appreciation Class. I think Cassie might Benefit from it. ;-) :-)

Larry Darrell

My Favorite Word was used in this Film... Capraesque. Some Frank Capra Films (e.g. It's a Wonderful Life) that still need to be seen. It Happened One Night (1934) Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) Lost Horizon (1937) You Can't Take it With You (1938) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Meet John Doe (1941) Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) I also Recommend Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom... ...Very Capraesque.

Mike Lemon

Lucky. I'm still on the big goose egg for my favorites. Maybe someday.

Zachary K. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 00:05:30 Yeah Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) with Jimmy Stewart is a classic. Just a phenomenal movie.
2023-07-02 19:48:10 Yeah Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) with Jimmy Stewart is a classic. Just a phenomenal movie.

Yeah Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) with Jimmy Stewart is a classic. Just a phenomenal movie.

John Deardurff

Been waiting for this one! The logical follow up is "Dave" with Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver. My top 5 Fictional Presidents: 1: Jed Bartlet - Martin Sheen (West Wing) 2: Thomas J. Whitmore - Bill Pullman (Independence Day) 2: James Marshall - Harrison Ford (Air Force One) 3: Andrew Shepherd - Michael Douglas (The American President) 4: Dave Kovic - Kevin Kline (Dave) 5: Tom Beck - Morgan Freeman (Deep Impact)

Herman Orff

Iā€™ll add two: First, Henry Fonda in ā€œFail Safeā€. (I donā€™t think we learn his name. He is only referred to as The President.) Second, Jack Warden in ā€œBeing Thereā€. Only referred to by his first name, Bobby.

Clay F

Agree. One of the best movies of the early 2010s. Daniel Day Lewis completely transformed himself into Lincoln. Lincoln (2102) nominated for 12 Oscars. Daniel Day Lewis won the Best Actor Oscar.

Clay F

Agree. Highly recommend The Newsroom (2012) (3 seasons). Jeff Daniels won an Emmy for best actor.

Butt Head

Everything Michael Douglas did between 1984 and 2000 is worth a watch