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Hey guys! Here is the YT edit for The Perfect Storm, which will premiere in a few hours. Hope you enjoy! 

Also, Die Hard with a Vengeance with Carly and I will be up tonight!

Direct link in case the above player doesn't work. 

Here is the full reaction to this movie. 


[YT Edit] The Perfect Storm (2000)


Andy Bodkin

Wait, I had no idea that John C Rielly was in this!

Wesley White

I'll be tuning in for the premiere! see you there, and hopefully for Popcorn Salt & Butter Live tonight lol!🥰😁😉👍🌹

S Elphick

I was gutted about the ending to this film

Richard Bourne

I stopped calling him Marky Mark after the 2007 movie SHOOTER, which was pretty good.

Just Plain Bob

I’m not sure which I liked more, the incredibly bad dialogue and Marky Mark’s corny internal monologue (makes the horrible dialogue in the Star Wars prequel trilogy sound like a masterpiece by comparison) or the God-awful computer drawing of the monster wave capsizing the God-awful computer drawing of the boat. This is one of those movies that goes right past “so bad it’s good” and lands firmly in the “so bad it’s just awful” category.

Stephen Malloy

Some of us Massachusetts members are going to get a hoot out of Glaw-coaster.

Jeff Rogers

Joe versus the volcano is such a cool movie.


This upload reminded me that Cassie would probably like The Guardian with Kevin Costner

Bruce Timmerman

Hey Cassie! Still enjoying your channel! So you mentioned Joe versus the volcano in your disasters week shoe. If you enjoy Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movies you definitely need to watch it. A definite classic!

Tony Olmos

Makes you appreciate the sacrifice people go through for us to enjoy a meal

Terry Yelmene

This reaction is a personal favorite among all the extraordinary PiB reactions. Cassie's heart makes it nearly perfect... she just didn't understand the eye of the storm.. And Cassie, go to Gloucester, experience the proud heritage of that historic seafaring town. I know you said you don't like fish, but if you do venture there, go to a restaurant, and order the Seafood Platter! You'll think you're in heaven. I did!


I just wanted to say that Cassie saying "well, this sucks!" at the end was an extremely memeable moment: https://streamable.com/dhdq1v

Edgar Gonzalez

This is the second time ive seen Cassie curse lol. Once in "A nightmare on elm st" When Freddy's hand comes out of the tub and this movie, when the shark pops out at 36:53 LOL

Bill W

Technically, they're doing it to feed themselves.

Edgar Gonzalez

IDK bruh lol, I keep replaying over and over, but I think it still slipped out LOL

Philip Alan

Nah, the editor would have bleeped it if she did (for the YouTube edit). Sometimes YouTube vids get demonetized for bad language.

Mss Lee

The ocean scares the crap outta me in this movie (idc if it’s cg) and the fact that this is based on a true story makes it so sad. But I gotta say- the horrible Boston accents steal the show every time 😆

Kim Brink

For the love of god please watch "The Guardian" with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. A movie drama about the costguard and really well done. :-)



Mike Brodeur

Ugh, I'm too late. It was blocked. And I've been waiting for this one for so long. 😞

Stan the Man

Lol this movie is a comedy. It’s so bad it’s hilarious. So Hollywood. It’s got every cliche in the book. Everything is dialed up to 11.


Can't decide which I liked better - 'washing up in Bolivia' or (as a meat-eating landlubber myself) her statement that she's 'not part of the problem'.

Bill W

This is like Twister at sea. Similar characters. Plus, they try too hard to make everyone likeable. I forgot how saccharine it was.

Happy Hanukkah

And a belated RIP Gordon Lightfoot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH0K6ojmGZA

Jon Freezin-Rain

I thought about asking that "Anyone else hearing 'Edmund Fitzgerald' playing in the back of their head during this?"

Tre 71

I liked the movie. I knew of the Andrea Gail before the movie and understood that alot of the stuff is conjecture. They did find debis on the shores of Canada eventually.


I love stories based on real events so I would really suggest Finest Hours. It is a completely true story that is simply hard to believe.

Tre 71

I fogot about that one, I may watch it this week.

Björn Karlsson

If you like movies that are based of a real person ,then you should see Lilya 4-ever. It's loosely based of a real girl and her tragic life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danguol%C4%97_Rasalait%C4%97

Terry Yelmene

When Cassie feels this much... it's epic. IMHO, 'Perfect Storm' is another instant PiB Classic!

Mike Lemon

If you like true stories check out Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995). A few people have uploaded versions to YouTube.

Doc Larry

Mauna Loa Rising gradually to more than 4 km (2.5 mi) above sea level, Hawaii's Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano on our planet. Its submarine flanks descend to the sea floor an additional 5 km (3 mi), and the sea floor in turn is depressed by Mauna Loa's great mass another 8 km (5 mi).


Just wanted to say - I love watching your videos with my teen. The reactions are so wholesome.

Russell Teo

The very few movie with Clooney & Wahlberg which I like. Michael Clayton, Up in the Air, The Descendants are the other 3 movies starring Clooney which are really good. The rest from Clooney are real crap with exception of this Perfect Storm. For Wahlberg, the only other movie which he is not hated is The Departed. Anything other than this & The Departed are all Hollywood crap