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Ooookkkkk I mostly get what you guys were talking about with this one....I feel like they were trying to change it up and the initial idea was interesting but then it went a little cray cray haha... we can laugh about it now though right? I still like to hangout with the crew! Onto the next one! 

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[Full Reaction] Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)



Have to admit - not going to even watch this one at all,.... sorry Cassie - ST 6 makes up for it though

Konstantin Knopp

Yeah... I don't really like this one but the next one will make up for it. For me, TUC is the best movie with the original crew ;)

Gábor Árki

As I wrote before, this is like Rocky 5 of the ST franchise. Many blame this one on Shatner, who wanted to direct one as well after Nimoy's double success, but this entry has suffered from multiple issues. What I read everyone loved the concept of Shatner and the script as well, but they all had a different idea what this movie should be about. Also, no one really knew how to end it without feeling a disappointment. Add to that, Paramount had a very strict deadline to begin with, and then they even halved the approved budget just before production started. This meant several scenes had to be altered or dropped/cut altogether. For example, Kirk would have had a fight with some rock creatures (like in Galaxy Quest, which I think was a nod to this), but the effects simply didn't work and there was no time or budget to fix them. Also, the usual VFX company, Industrial Light & Magic, was not available within the production time frame due to fully booked on some other movies, like Ghostbusters 2 and Indy 3. There is a longer and different Shatner cut somewhere in a vault, but the studio insisted on cutting down the runtime to allow for more screenings per day. So, the theatrical cut has been created by producer Harve Bennett, and Shatner was allegedly very unhappy with this version. I would be curious to see Shatner's original cut one day, but I doubt it would turn the movie into a good one. Still, it's far from the worst movies of all time. Parts of it I do enjoy, and bringing back Jerry Goldsmith again after TMP to do the score was a great idea.

Brian McGovern

I will have to watch this tomorrow or on the weekend. By the way, they wanted to get Sean Connery to play the role of Sybok, or so I heard.

Clay F

I will skip this one. Looking forward to the possibility of Star Trek: First Contact (1996) [the best of TNG movies] and the Chris Pine Star Trek trilogy [at least Star Trek (2009)].


We’re doing Generations too, right?


"What is happening...?" Yeah, that perfectly sums up Uhuru's fan dance. A truly bizarre moment The song is called “The Moon’s a Window to Heaven” and that isn't Uhuru (Nichelle Nichols) singing. It's truly weird that this is the best thing they could think of to create a distraction. But admittedly, it distracted the hell out of me while I was in the theater.

James UK

I’ll probably wait for the YouTube edit with this one. ST6 is great though.

Jens Kristensen

I have just seen ST VI this morning, and I still love it. Great story and maybe a bit funny with a lot of quotes from litterature, so it feels like a Shakespearian story or play. Even if its not in klingon... 😉 Christopher Plummer is just top notch as klingon commander Chang... and Kim Catrall does a nice Vulcan...

Christopher B.

Asked the most important question of all time: what DOES God need with a starship? Seriously though, ST 5 has far too many haters IMO. Sure it's flawed, but also entertaining, and had Shatner been given the budget and time he wanted for this, Star Trek 5 could've been something truly outstanding. As it stands, I still love the movie warts and all. IMO, I'd rather watch it many times in succession over one more viewing ST Generations or ST Nemesis.


can’t wait to see you react to who gets added to the crew for the next movie. It’s a pretty interesting choice.

Patrick Flanagan

This isn't the worst STAR TREK ever (the reboot movies starring Chris Pine are The Worst, no fault of Pine or the other actors), but it's pretty flawed. The studio cut the budget severely, meaning several big special effects sequences got junked, and after the success of STAR TREK IV insisted that the script for V cram a lot more jokes into it. A baffling decision considering this is supposed to be a quest for God and the meaning of the universe. Also, the story just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Besides the fact that they never explain just who or what "God" is, the idea that they could travel to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in what seems to be a long afternoon is ridiculous. There are limits even in STAR TREK, and even with the future tech of the Enterprise it would probably take at least a decade flying at Warp 9 to get there. They did indeed want Sean Connery to play Sybok, but I doubt Connery even considered it that much before saying no. As a joke the writers changed the name of the planet they find to Sha Ka Ree. The scene between Sybok and McCoy is one of my favorite moments in all of STAR TREK. With all of the problems this movie has, the chemistry between Kirk, Spock and McCoy still works.

Henry Graham

I have nothing to contribute here beyond dusting off this Dad joke: How many ears does Spock have? Three: the left ear, the right ear, and the final frontier. I'm here all week, folks!

RJ MacReady

The movie had good character moments but that's about it. Now Star Trek VI is an excellent Star Trek movie and a great sendoff for the original crew.


Good Lord, this was a bad movie, but you were smiling throughout most of the film, so it’s hard to be negative. Re-examining the bad ones can be just as fun as the good ones. The next one is one of my all time favorites and ranks right up there with 2, 3, and 4. (I apologize in advance to ‘The Motion Picture’ and ‘The Final Frontier’ fans for those two not making my list)

Zachary K. (Verified Swiftie)

Star Trek V : The Restaurant Frontier https://youtu.be/SpPgavT5am4?si=6lhzqglSL3cqhQkP Star Trek XII So Very Tired https://youtu.be/w1gO-Pf18Yg?si=Xk2FoRl3qEAOIVEY

Matt Rose

Shatner didn't do a great job at direction overall but he was also completely cut off at the knees by Paramount with his budget being slashed right before principal photography. This really cut into his ability to hire a good special effects company and to realize his planned third act climax. There's a lot of good stuff in here when the characters are allowed to just riff off of one another, but there's also a lot of forced comedy that doesn't work/isn't timed right. The film has its fans, though. I've mentioned this before but I have a good friend of mine who cites this as his favorite of the 6 original cast films.

Mayan Luevano

Yea 5 is a pretty bad movie but I do love seeing the crew together just being a bunch of goof balls. Number 6 is definitely my favorite, the themes are prescient for what is to come in shows like Deep Space Nine, where you see the darker side of starfleet.

Matt Rose

anyone citing this as 'the worst Star Trek film' needs to revisit NEMESIS or INTO DARKNESS.

Matt Rose

I just rewatched the Nu Trek films. '09 is still pretty great, INTO DARKNESS is still unbearably stupid, and BEYOND is solid but unremarkable. Personal opinion of course.

R Harper

I couldn't agree more. The JJ Abrams reboots make a mockery of all the characters. Abrams stated he never understood Star Trek so he tried to make it more like Star Wars and failed miserably. The characterization of beloved characters is overly broad and satirical in nature. They are horrible. Abrams had no respect for source material and true Star Trek fans do not consider these cannon they totally ignore Rodenberry's vision for the franchise. Star Trek for frat boys.

Matt Rose

It's been said that Shatner made two great decisions with STAR TREK V: 1. Rehiring Jerry Goldsmith for the score. I can't disagree here as this is definitely up there among the best scores in the franchise. 2. Hiring Laurence Luckinbill as Sybok. He brought great character and real pathos to the Sybok. He found a lot of things 'not on the page' to enhance the part. He's arguably the best part about the movie.

Scott Macaulay

Uh oh! The red-headed step-chhild of the Star Trek movies! I have come to love it just to see my beloved characters again, but dang it is cringey. edit: Cassie unironically loving the sentimentality in this movie is heart-warming edit edit: "God or Klingons?" is my new favorite quote.

Clay F

The Chris Pine Star Trek trilogy is well done, slick and entertaining, and does an excellent job with the characters. Highly recommend. Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek (2009) is a nice touch. Canon with alternate timeline and honors the Star Trek franchise. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989). RT 21% (Audience score 24%). "Filled with dull action sequences and an underdeveloped storyline." Star Trek (2009). RT 94% (Audience score 91%). "Star Trek (2009) reignites a classic franchise with action, humor, a strong story, and brilliant visuals, and will please traditional Trekkies and new fans alike."

Matt Rose

To your point of a longer cut: you can absolutely tell that huge subplots were cut out of the film. The three representatives (Federation, Klingon, and Romulan) had much bigger parts originally, for instance. The whole implied romance between the Federation and Romulan reps at the end of the film? That comes out of nowhere in the theatrical cut.

John Liebling

Cassie, I didn't know you could sing. You did a good job with sassy Cassie; I've never heard that before.

Keith Jacobsen

Hahahahaha, take heart, Start Trek 6 is sooooo good, maybe my favorite.

Terry Yelmene

Cassie... those who warned you that this was the... 'worst movie ever'... well, they forgot... forgot Cassie would be the reactor - "Heaven looks like Utah." and the credo of "boldly go"... But in the end... Yeah... it was... PRETTY BAD!


I wouldn't call it the worst movie ever made. I've seen far worse. But it is the worst of all the star trek movies.

christopher b swanson

story aside, I always felt like the production value was cheap and poorly designed....................6 will make u smile again............

Hail to the King

JJ Abrams Tween Trek are an abomination. They are popcorn fodder and an insult to the Trek legacy and general intelligence

Mike LL

This movie was undersold to Cassie, some calling it a bad movie, when that is not the case at all. It just has a weak ending, and has some very funny lines, most by Spock, like "Hold your horse, Captain" and "Captain, not in front of the Klingons". And just like V was undersold to Cassie, the next movie has been oversold because I don't think it is as good as everyone says it is. Of course it is a good movie, just not as good as II or IV. And people saying it is the best of the lot? Crazy talk, crazy talk (I"m hiding behind rocks now 😂).


Ah, but would a "true Star Trek fan" know the difference between cannon and canon? Sensor readings seem to indicate they do not.

Odd Thomas

6,7,8 are all great

Stuart Biegala

It's not necessarily bad it's just the least good! Apart from the motion picture which I don't rate at all!

Stuart Biegala

Enjoy VI tho, it's definitely the 2nd best of all after Khan!

Just Plain Bob

Among this film’s many problems is the casting. Specifically, the Klingon commander, who looks like a puffed up and pissed off teenager.

Doc Larry

It was a real letdown after the fourth movie. Movie 6 is a little better 5 and then the transitional movie to the next generation.

Stick Figure Studios

I had a feeling you would enjoy this one while watching it, but that it would ultimately be your least favorite. I feel the same way. It's a silly, clumsy movie, but there is still much here to like (particularly stuff involving our beloved characters). As others have said, it is the ROCKY V of this franchise and VI is a vast improvement over it. I notice you didn't recognize David Warner (Dillinger/Sark from TRON) as one of the hostages. A fine actor who has also appeared in such films as TITANIC, TIME BANDITS and TH E OMEN. He passed away not too long ago (RIP), but you will see him again in the next movie as an entirely different character. Also, you have no idea how happy it made me that you took note of composer Jerry Goldsmith's name in the opening credits. Having also scored THE MUMMY, AIR FORCE ONE, POLTERGEIST and FIRST BLOOD, he was truly (as you aptly put it) a "wizard" with music and wrote IMO the definitive Star Trek theme (which you'll hear a lot more when you get to the Next Generation show and movies). Shatner did a lot of things wrong with this film, but one of the things he did right was to bring Goldsmith back to the franchise.

Gábor Árki

Usually, underselling works out much better than overselling. I really don't like when people hyping up movies in advance and creating expectations that may not be matched.


Release the Shatner cut!!! Wait. No. That's probably not a good idea. Sorry. I like Shatner well enough. He was a favorite guest on the previous previous version of Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and he generally comes off well - available on Youtube. But putting Shatner in charge of a movie seems like a bad idea.

David Patterson

Off topic but I just rewatched Cassie's 'Groundhog Day' reaction, when she had hit ONE THOUSAND subscribers. Congrats on your continued and well deserved success.

Brian McGovern

Problem with JJ Star Trek is that the first 2 retcons the original franchise, yet claims to be honouring it. WOK Kirk said he got a commendation for original thinking in Kobayashi Naru. JJ has Spock accusing him of cheating and gets hauled before Starfleet tribunal to answer accusations of cheating. In Into Darkness, they introduce a character that only has meaning to the audience but no meaning for the crew, so the new crew would have had no sense of danger. The character was completely irrelevant.

Jay Dunnavoci

This movie really isn't that bad, I've never understood why its so disliked. It simply was in the the unenviable position of being the movie to come after Star Trek(s) 2-4 which are a series of acts that are virtually impossible to follow.

Clay F

Leonard Nimoy very much liked Star Trek (2009): "I had a great time. I thought that J.J. and his writers had captured the essence of the fun of the Star Trek characters, the chemistry between the people, the excitement of becoming part of that crew and going out on this adventure. I thought it was a great ride as a film. I was pleased with how they treated the Spock character. I thought that they really got it. When they first called me and asked me to come to a meeting, I went to meet with J.J. and Orci and Kurtzman, and the conversation was very moving to me, because I thought these guys really understood what an audience really loves about Star Trek and what an audience loves about the Spock character.... When I read the script I called J.J. immediately and I said, 'Let’s go. Let’s go to work. I love it.' I had a great time doing it." "I finally got a real good sense of closure for myself with Star Trek, and I was very happy to see Zachary Quinto take over the character. I think he’s an excellent, well-trained actor and excellent for the job." "This movie contains a very broad spectrum of Spock’s character. I had a wonderful time making the movie. It was very close to myself. I felt totally comfortable, very much like I feel personally. Having arrived where I am as a person, and the place that Spock has arrived, I felt very, very comfortable with it. It was totally like slipping into a warm bath or an old, comfortable sweatsuit." "The movie is big, gigantic movie movie, cinematic movie. But it's also got great heart with the characters."

Larry Darrell

She recognized Jerry Goldsmith? Too Cool! I have to mention my personal favorite of his… Explorers (1985). If I ever get the chance to go into space, I’ll be listening that score.

Stick Figure Studios

Yeah, she recognized the music and made a point to me mention the composer by name. :-) EXPLORERS is a great score. All of the work Goldsmith did for Dante (like MATINEE, INNERSPACE and LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION) are good, but my favorite of their collaboration is GREMLINS. One of Goldsmith's best scores imo.

John Liebling

Two movies I haven't seen in a very long time and would like to watch Cassie's reaction to... 1. Last Star Fighter (84) It's the second sci-fi movie after Tron to use CGi and 2. Enemy Mine.

D. T. Nelson

When this movie came out there were MANY fans who had a problem with the character of Sybok and the idea of an emotional Vulcan. The original series, however, had already hinted at the idea, and shortly after this movie Star Trek: The Next Generation created episodes that grounded the idea firmly into Star Trek canon. Despite that, this film still had the poor attempts at humor, weird plot points, and overall, just didn't fit with the movies that came before. This is not the case with the next movie. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country returned to the tone and story quality fans had come to expect. In fact, the sixth movie is arguably the best Star Trek movie out of all ten (with the possible exception of Star Trek First Contact, which is definitely the best Next Gen movie)

Rick Williams

Thanks for the song Sassy Cassie. You should serenade us more often. Thanks for the ride down memory lane. This movie is still weird. But, as you said. It is good to visit these old friends again.

Ryan Geiger

GET HIM! I'm going to be saying that to myself all day.


I’ve rewatched V the fewest times, but it’s still Star Trek, so I still enjoy it, especially the Spock scenes. Then the franchise really redeems itself with VI, which I love. I’m still going to watch Cassie’s reaction because she makes every movie fun to rewatch. What a genuine, wonderful person.

Patrick Flanagan

Who cares if other people liked it. Other people can be wrong, and they're wrong about those movies, which are terrible. But no more spoilers in case our host intends to watch them.


"Oooookkkkk"? Is that how it should be spelled? I get the 'Ooooo' part sounding a long, drawn out 'Oh', but the last part makes me hear Otto from A Fish Called Wanda ("Oh look, it's K-K-Ken! C-C-Coming to k-k-kill me! How you gonna c-c-catch me, K-K-Ken?"). But then that means Cassie sounding like . . . Otto?

Neill Shaughness

You made it through STV! Thankfully VI is much much better. If you're checking out the Chris Pine trilogy next I recommend watching two more TOS episodes to prepare for them. The Menagerie Pts 1 and 2 (only two parter in TOS). There's a character you haven't met yet who is featured prominently in the Pine trilogy


i like that trek(old trek) had the ability to take some risks on some wonkier philosophical concepts and scifi ideas. it doesnt always hit but it at least makes you think.


I'd like to nominate an episode to go into what's you guys are probably evolving into a short(ish?) list of "The Essential TNG" Season 6, Episode 4: Relics (1992)

Brian's Dog

I saw this in the theater when I was 10, I thought it was great back then. But I was mostly a Star Wars kid and thought Trek was boring. As I get older I miss watching orginal trek reruns on the old tube TV and all of Trek that came after became more important to me too.

Anthony Perez

Ok...this was not THAT bad ...saved by the interactions of the trio of Kirk,Spock and McCoy. Not to mention the Uhura/Scotty duo. Now all I can think of is : is that couple name...Scottura or UhuScott ? The latter sounds like a chocolate drink? While the former sounds like a brand of paper towels.


What I like about 5 is the Character Development.

Robert da Spruce

I had only watched this film once before. Now I remember why 😄 Not my favorite. On a side note. I think the room is coming along nicely Cassie! I see you turned down the “PIB” neon sign. Probably for the best. It was making you and Carly looked sunburned. I would probably turn down the rope lights around the headboard just a hair also. It’s outshining the rest of the accent lighting. Looking forward to seeing how the room progresses! Bring on Star Trek VI!!!

william aaron sleeper

Arrow video did a Phenomenal Blu-Ray release of the Last Starfighter just a few years ago, cast interviews, behind the scenes, a commentary with Lance Guest and Nick Castle, (movie lead and director respectively.)


My personal favorite Star Trek in all these series of movies is actually the next one you are about to watch. "The Undiscovered Country" I think its just a very fun one. Hope you enjoy it too! My dad who is a fellow Treky also loves it. He loves quoting it.

Clay F

Patrick, when you say "other people" are you including Leonard Nimoy? Leonard Nimoy very much liked it. I guess he could be wrong. Some of us listened to him and cared what he thought. After all, he was Spock for almost 50 years, and directed III and IV.

william aaron sleeper

It’s so disliked because of its unfortunate placement in the series. Between the beloved, high adventure-family friendly 4, and the cinematic, moving societal commentary that was 6


They were trying to recreate the old episodes, the silliness that they had, which was Shatner's idea.

Patrick Flanagan

Why do you listen to other people about what you yourself enjoy? Are you unable to decide on your own?

Clay F

So you don't care that Leonard Nimoy very much liked the movie? I listened to other people (e.g., Leonard Nimoy) and read reviews, and then watched the movie and decided for myself that Star Trek (2009) is stunningly good and an honor to the franchise. Very much enjoyed the movie. Found the movie highly entertaining, especially with the excellent depiction of the characters. As Leonard Nimoy said, the movie has "great heart with the characters." With respect to Spock in particular, Leonard Nimoy said "I was pleased with how they treated the Spock character. I thought that they really got it." Nimoy: "I was very happy to see Zachary Quinto take over the character. I think he’s an excellent, well-trained actor and excellent for the job." I strongly agreed with Leonard Nimoy that J.J. and his writers "captured the essence of the fun of the Star Trek characters, the chemistry between the people, [and] the excitement of becoming part of that crew." Leonard Nimoy summed it up well in stating that J.J. and his writers "really understood what an audience really loves about Star Trek and what an audience loves about the Spock character."

Mike LL

I still have Jerry Goldsmith's vinyl soundtrack to 1968 Planet of the Apes that I bought in the early 70's, one of the prides of my record collection.

Hail to the King

Leonard Nimoy liking the movie is irrelevant. Are you saying you wouldn't like JJ Abrams Trek if Nimoy didn't like it?

Patrick Flanagan

No, I don't care if the entire cast loved the reboots, they're terrible no matter who loved them.


OMGoodness!! I'm so late to this party! 78 comments before me and I'm only now about to watch. Wellll.... Except for a few "it has its moments" moments, :D I am not very fond of this installment. Still, like you say Cassie, it's still fun to spend time with the crew so LET'S GO! EDIT -- Okay whoever said "...worst movie ever made..." must never have seen 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' (which is almost so awful that it's good lol) and a few other contenders. This isn't EVEN close... :D This was Bill Shatner's baby and it didn't quite come off even the way he wanted it to. Oh well...

Texas Anla'Shok

It's the Enterprise-A. The original one was NCC-1701. This one is NCC-1701-A. When we get to Next Gen, the ship there is USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Between here and there we also have the Enterprise-B and Enterprise-C.


I love this one, I get that people find it boring because it doesn't have a lot of action but as a character driven piece it's impressive and I find it very emotional. It's certainly better than the Motion Picture that's for sure and it has a cracking soundtrack.

Clay F

I think the Motion Picture (director's edition) is one of the best of the six -- has a majestic sense about it with good dialogue, music, visuals, and story.

Clay F

Star Trek (2009). Leonard Nimoy very much liking the movie is relevant to me, but is just one piece of information. IMDb = 7.9. Metacritic = 82%. RT 94% (Incredibly high audience score 91%). "Star Trek (2009) reignites a classic franchise with action, humor, a strong story, and brilliant visuals, and will please traditional Trekkies and new fans alike." What is most relevant to me is how entertaining the movie and the excellent depiction of the characters, and that it canon with the alternate timelime. Truly honors the Star Trek franchise.


The Sha-ka-ree scenes were filmed at Trona Pinnacles in California.


Yes it was obviously not Nichelle singing I realized immediately upon hearing 'her' when I saw this in a first-run theater (OMG I DID NOT YES I DID). And the fan-dance was rather silly too. After all that awesome singing in the show we reduce Uhura to this...? C'est la vie...


THE Christopher Plummer from a CLASSIC that I hope Cassie knows: The Sound of Music (yes, THAT The Sound of Music!)

Darreld Studie

Yea, number 5 isn't the best one of the series in my opinion. 2 and 6 are my favorites. 4 is definitely the most humorous and imaginative. Sadly, the Trona Pinnacles have become a garbage dumping ground. The last time I was there I saw old washers, dryers, lots of garbage bags, several old couches and loungers and other assorted garbage just rotting in the SoCal sun. Such a shame. Some people have no respect for anything.

Jason Chirevas

Although it’s impossible to say Star Trek V would have been A Great Movie under any circumstances, it’s without doubt a movie that was made under the duress of many forced compromises in terms of budget, effects, sets, and storytelling. William Shatner goes into detail about the pains of making the movie in one of his later autobiographies. Once you know, it’s kind of impossible not to see STV more as unfortunate than “bad.” I’d also say DeForest Kelley’s commitment to the material they did have helps the movie a LOT. That said, maybe the worst misstep in the script is not making it explicit Sybok is using a perversion of the Vulcan Mind Meld to force pain from his followers’ minds and then “fix” it. This is spelled out in the novelization and, once you know that, it makes Sybok a much more diabolical character. You can infer the mind meld has something to do with his power from what’s on screen, but the movie never remotely bothers to explain it.

Justin Samlal

Thankfully VI is the best one, so it's an excellent palette cleanser!

Tony Olmos

been awhile since I've seen this not horrible but not their best can't wait for you to get into Tng


Other than being poorly written, badly acted with some of the cheapest looking effects in movie and tv history, this movie is just fine.

Absolute0 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 19:59:47 That whole Federation - Klingon treaty, still a work in progress I'm afraid. And say whatever else about ST5's myriad weaknesses, that camping scene is fuckin' adorable.
2024-02-03 05:24:44 That whole Federation - Klingon treaty, still a work in progress I'm afraid. And say whatever else about ST5's myriad weaknesses, that camping scene is fuckin' adorable.

That whole Federation - Klingon treaty, still a work in progress I'm afraid. And say whatever else about ST5's myriad weaknesses, that camping scene is fuckin' adorable.

Absolute0 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 19:59:47 ST6 fuckin' slaps though.
2024-02-03 17:33:59 ST6 fuckin' slaps though.

ST6 fuckin' slaps though.

Dean Holt

I find this is ok to pop on every so often, yes it definitely has its flaws but both camping scenes are fun to watch. I know we all have our own ranking list but this one isn’t the bottom of it but it’s close to it just in front of Insurrection & The Motion Picture. But one of my favourites is next Christopher Plummer is just a joy to watch.