Spa Treatment, Part 2 (Multi-Anthro TFTG Preg) (Patreon)
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By FoxFaceStories
A Commission for Al
When four friends break into a condemned mountain lodge spa in order to fulfil a dare, none of them could have guessed it would change their lives forever. All they have to do is dip into the waters for one hour and they will be accepted into a local fraternity, but the mutagenic run off into the spas waters will instead begin to change them into female anthro creatures! Without options, the four must find a way to turn back . . . or uncover a community of other transformed spa goers.
Chapter 2: Rejuvenation
The four friends had expected the one hour to take forever, especially in such a dark and ‘haunted’ place. Instead, it passed so quickly and comfortably. The flow of mountain river water through the spa had ensured the various water spas were almost entirely clean, and the water itself had attracted no flies or creatures that might have filthied it from above. Instead, it really did feel like being rejuvenated, to the point where Chris only checked the timer on his waterproof watch once or twice at most. Instead, apart from the occasional itch or pressure, he had his eyes closed, even humming along to himself happily.
“Feels like being reborn,” he murmured to himself, idly rubbing the area around his left nipple, which was throbbing in a rather . . . arousing way.
Indeed, all of the group were starting to feel heightened in sensitivity, their libidos stirring in response to the mutagenic qualities of the spa. Their bodies were changing, DNA reforming to become something entirely new. The mutagens seeped into their respective nervous systems, and the first changes were already beginning without their knowledge.
Chris continued to occasionally paw at his chest. His nipples were throbbing, and he couldn’t help but rub his fingers over them, enjoying the quiet bliss it brought.
“Mhmm,” he murmured, soothing himself with his hands. He cupped his chest, and it did indeed expand a little two new breasts forming as more and more mutagens seeped into his system. But it wasn’t just feminine attributes that were appearing; two bumps were beginning to push up from the top of his scalp. The handsome dark-skinned man had a large member, and that was slowly shrinking in size. When a small pressure made itself known at the end of his spine, he didn’t think much of it at all. Instead, the charismatic leader of the group simply settled even further into the waters, dunking his head under a second time. He had no idea that he was being infused with mutagenic extracts of female bovine, and that his body was absorbing them almost hungrily.
“Ahhhh,” he mumbled, stroking his manhood into impressive hardness. “That’s . . . ahh, that’s good.”
He wasn’t the only one beginning to indulge in a little private self-pleasure. Doug, who had always been the most sex-obsessed, girl-obsessed, and party-obsessed of the group, was already stroking his cock hard and fast, his entire grip upon his member. He didn’t even notice it was shrinking, because something about the bath chemicals were driving his libido out of control. It only made sense, given that rabbit DNA was bonding with his. The young man bit his lip, his four front teeth fusing to become just two front teeth, even as he furiously stroked his member, overcome with arousal. His tailbone pushed out, just a little bit, and he had to adjust himself in the pod as something rather . . . fluffy developed down there. He even began to stamp his feet, sloshing the warm water about.
“God, what is in this water!? Anyone else getting horny!?”
Lee blushed in his own spa room. He had been trying to hold off as long as he could against the strange, overpowering feelings of lust. The normally quite reasonable young man had had his mind hijacked by fantasies of entering Alpha Kappa Kappa and becoming, somehow, a stud with the ladies. Perhaps there would be some sexy Asian girls who were into him, or perhaps a gorgeous busty blonde. His scientific thoughts were no match against this sudden race of desire, and so he too was writhing in his pod.
“I’m f-feeling a little - meow! - nice as well!”
He halted just for a moment. Had he just meowed? Why had he done that? He gripped himself, digging his long fingernails into his skin, skin that was starting to feel strange, as if hair was collecting upon it. Like all the others, his tail bone was pushing out, and the young man shifted from a mix of discomfort and strange, cathartic release. Lee twitched the muscles around his nose and cheeks, purring a little from the sheer relaxation of the bath. The whiskers continued to grow, just like his eyes began to change colour and his pupils shift in shape.
Rob, on the other hand, hardly felt relaxed at all. It was strange, because for a time he had been, but the longer he stayed in the bath the more difficult it was to stay put at all. It was as if he had taken a whirlwind cocktail of cocaine, ecstasy and speed all in one go, and a triple espresso to wash the whole mix down. He flexed his fingers, shifted his rear, scratched at his body. The series of little bumps down his chest were purely there for scratching, while his nose, now a little more bulbous, existed purely to paw at. His body was gaining hair but it was too hard to fixate on anything. He just wanted to pant, sticking his tongue out to one side - it had grown longer without him quite knowing. His teeth sharpened, but the real changes were happening around his hips and rear; they were gaining fur steadily, but also taking on much more female proportions. If Lee had been given cat DNA, then his was most certainly canine, and it was starting to show in new instinctive behaviours already.
“Is - is anyone starting to feel kinda anxious?” he called out, still panting a little. He stitched his fingers, which had swollen a bit, though he assumed it was just from the water. “I feel like I n-need to go for a r-run or something!”
Chris chuckled, still cupping his growing breasts and luxuriating in the bath. He hadn’t even questioned the strangely sensitive region above his penis, how the flesh was rising slowly. “Robert? Going for a run? That’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing!”
He began to laugh, with Doug joining in, but then a very different kind of sound emerged.
“Ha ha ha ha MOOOO!!!”
Silence fell, but for the bubbling of their spa pods. Chris’ eyes went wide, and he placed his hands over his mouth, only for them to feel all kinds of strange and wrong. He pulled his hands back, and it was then that he finally noticed that something was wrong. Something was very, terribly wrong:
His fingers had begun to fuse and harden. In fact, they were starting to look like hooves, complete with white and black hairs along his palms.
“M-m-mooooo hands! Mooo hands! MOOOO!!!”
“Chris, are you mooing?” Doug asked from the other room, still masturbating and nearly at his third climax. His enlarged feet stamped upon the ground and he chatted his larger teeth.
“I’m not mooo-eaning too! I’m just - mooo hands! MOOO!!!”
A few of the young men started to become alert, Lee especially. He could hear Chris’ struggles much more clearly than before, because his ears had migrated to the top of his head and become feline in nature. They swivelled slightly, pricking up, and it made the nerdy man alarmed.
“Meow! MEOW! I think something’s wrong!”
“Now you’re meowing!” Doug said. “Wh-what’s going on. Ohhhh, why can’t I stop f-fucking masturbating, it’s like I need to - NGHH!!!”
His tail exploded out from his backside, popping into a wet cottontail shape just like that of a rabbit’s, and making him literally leap without meaning to from the bath, his thighs strengthened, his feet enlarged for just such a purpose. He crashed into an old rack of now-weathered towels, causing a ruckus.
“Doug?” Rob announced. “Was that you? Woof! Answer me! WOOF WOOF!”
It was at this point that Rob now truly grappled with what had happened to him. His hands were above the water line, and were looking far more like paws than hands, covered in blond fur as if he were part golden-retriever. It was the same blond colour as his hair, and it alarmed him enough to set his tail wagging - and that was a whole other revelation too.
“A tail! Shit!”
He barked in agitation, and when that scared him, he let loose a howl without a second thought, which only left him barking in even further agitation. This set the terrified Doug off, the increasingly rabbit-like man squealing and squeaking just like an actual scared bunny. Soon the entire abandoned spa sounds more like an overwhelmed and understaffed veterinary clinic instead of a condemned relaxation spot.
“What the actual fuck is going on!?” Chris screamed, trying to escape from the bath. But his feet were twisting, becoming hoof-like themselves, and this made getting out of the tub increasingly difficult. When he pulled himself up from the water just a little he could see and feel two large weights upon his chest, and that just set him off screaming again.
“Oh God, I’m mutating! I’m growing tits!”
“Meow too!” Lee announced, running his pawed hands down his petite but clearly feminine front. “A few of them!”
“Me as well!” Robert called, clambering out of the bath. He shook himself, letting water fly everywhere off of the fur coat that was expanding down his back and over his legs. “I’ve got - holy shit, I’ve got like eight nipples now!”
Doug reported the same, stamping his foot in agitation once again. His feet were now twice as long as they should have been, and they only had four toes each now, which were more like paws anyway. His ears slapped against his shoulders, and he grabbed them, screaming like Chris. His voice cracked up half an octave.
“I’ve got b-bunny ears! Eep!”
The announcements and shocks continued as they assessed themselves and ran into the central hall separating the pods. Chris was last: his feet transformed entirely into hard hooves, little dewclaws extending from his extended ankles, and this had the effect of him scraping up against the porcelain until he finally tipped over, his new, still-expanding boobs making the gravitations difference necessary to escape. He landed with a loud thunk upon the tiled floor, screeching as his short tail fell beneath his weight.
“MOOOOOO!!! Oh shit, I’ve got a tail too!”
“We all do!” Robert cried, running back and forth and checking on everyone. His feet were paw-like, and were taking some getting used to, but his energy was boundless, his asthma and genetic weakness nowhere to be found. “We’ve all mutated! We’ve all changed! Hurry Chris!”
“I’m trying, I’m trying! It’s hard to mooo-ove when you’ve got hooves and tits and - oh God, are these fucking horns!?”
They were, as the group quickly assessed. The full moon and their own lights allowed them to view one another fully as they met in the central chamber of the Overview Spa, and each of their jaws fell as they took in the other.
“Lee, you’re looking like a cat person!” Rob announced. “You’ve got glow-in-the-dark golden eyes and everything! And fur! And a tail!”
The nerdy one of the group assessed his own form, shocked at what had occurred and was still occurring. He appeared to be growing dark black fur across his flanks and stomach, and it was extending slowly. His ears were already atop his head, and his nose was looking more triangular by this point. He’d also noticed his whiskers, which seemed to twitch habitually without his consent. With a strangely soothing grunt, he felt his tail extend. It was already a couple of feet long, but it was gaining further vertebrae and length in real time, muscle and bone providing it with the full flexibility of a new limb. Right now, it shifted slowly side to side to match his own anxious state.
“I - I don’t need glasses,” he said, as if this was one thing he could take in and understand. “I can see in the dark. I’ve got cat eye vision.”
“That doesn’t h-help us!” Doug whined, gesturing to himself. “I’m turning into a rabbit, look at me!”
They did. It was indeed obvious that rabbit DNA had infused his being, because Doug already had brown and grey fur along his shoulders and hips. Like Robert and Lee, he had a number of extra nipples now, and like them he appeared to be developing a rather womanly chest, though not too pronounced. The real shocks were his long ears, already long enough to touch his shoulders and right now standing well above his head, and his rabbit-like feet, fully covered in fur and stamping upon the ground by instinct. A cottontail was above his rear, and his hips seemed to be swelling wider judging from the way he shifted them back and forth in discomfort.
“Shit, you are a rabbit,” Rob said.
“Yeah, and you’re a dog! We all heard you doing the woof woof!”
Rob swallowed. It hadn’t quite come together for him, perhaps because his mind was still racing, the excitement of the proceedings almost giving him sensory overstimulation. But it made sense: he had a wagging blond tail, even if quite a short one, and his hands and feet were looking pawed. Furthermore, his nose was now dark and wider, his jaw a little achey from the way his teeth had reformed to - appropriately enough - canine shapes. And there was the matter of the spreading blond fur.
“Hot damn, I really am becoming a dog,” he said, looking over himself. He extended his tongue and panted. “This feels really weird. Does anyone else feel kinda energetic and, uh, good about this?”
“Good!? GOOD!? What the hell is wrong with you!? Have you gone mooo-ad!?”
It was at this point that Chris stepped in, grabbing a bar along the wall to keep his new hooves steady upon the old tile flooring. Lee had already seen him with his cat vision, but was too preoccupied with his own changes to really take in how much Chris had changed. Now, all three other individuals saw their powerful, masculine leader, and what they saw wasn’t nearly so powerful, or masculine.
“Look at mooo-ee!” he cried, voice cracking so that it almost sounded like a bellowing woman for a moment.
They did, and what they saw was distinctly bovine, and getting more cow-like by the minute. Chris stood uncertainly upon two hard, unfeeling hooves, his thighs thickened and his middle also, his hard-earned muscles still-present but disguised beneath bloated flesh. Like the others, he had more nipples, but in his case just an extra two below his current ones. Said current ones were sitting atop a rather impressive set of C-cup breasts, however, large enough to bounce and jiggle and fill a palm each. And that wasn’t all: his hips had broadened and were covered over with black-and-white Holstein fur. A ropey-tail fell from his rear, thick though still short. His hands only had a thumb and two digits, and these were all like humanoid hoofs, looking much less manipulatable than they had been previously. Even his face had changed: his eyes looked bigger and somewhat doe-like, while two small horns were pushing up from his hair. They were barely an inch long, but they jutted from his dark curls easily.
“I’m a f-freaking cow!” he announced. “I’ve got fucking tits! What the fuck is happening!?”
Lee tensed, his scientific mind finally kicking in. He noticed that he had gained a little bit of height too, so he tried to use that to his advantage, stepping in front of his three friends, though his new stance made him balance awkwardly on his strengthened toes.
“The water really was contaminated,” he said, voice softer and almost hypnotically easy to listen to. “The chemicals from up the mountain have affected us. The animal testing clinic was real just like I thought, but they must have been experimenting with stuff far more dangerous and toxic than we thought, perhaps even something deliberately transmissable. It would explain how we haven’t become a weird mix of animals, like a cat-cow-rabbbit-dog, or something, and how our changes seem symmetrical and perfect.”
“I don’t feel perfect!” Doug squeaked, gripping his ears and extending them out for emphasis. “What kind of chick will want to land a guy with rabbit ears and six nipples!?”
“I’m not talking about perfect in that way, I mean that perhaps the clinic was testing viable mutagens - deliberately, not purely as waste product. And now we’ve bathed in them, and it’s causing rapid transformation. Nghhh!”
As if on cue, the still-naked Lee bent off, raising his rear in the ear. He didn’t even question his body’s new flexibility, instead focusing on the pressure in his backside. His rear plumped up, rounding out even as black hairs covered over it, but the real change was in his tail: several new vertebrae formed, and he marvelled at his new length as it swished behind him, the pressure backing off.
“S-see?” he gasped, voice cracking again. His whiskers twitched as he stood back up straight, now a half-inch taller as well. “We’re still changing.”
That was enough to put a new silent panic in each of the friends. Chris cupped his naked breasts, cringing and mooing a little under his breath as he felt them expand. There was a pressure below them as well, and his flanks were now better, as if determined to give him wider hips. His new hoof-hands were too weird, and he accidentally pinched himself, causing another moo in a distinctly higher voice.
“Ohhhh, this is t-too fucking much! Why the hell do I have tits?”
“We all do,” Rob said. He was running his paws down his front. His upper boobs now had a defined weight and heft to them, though they were only modest B-cups. The lower ones not breasts at all, thankfully, though had perhaps just the slightest deposits of fat behind them, enough for just a training bra at best. He panted, licking the side of a mouth that was starting to push out forwards. “Um, this is already crazy and everything, but does my voice also sound kinda higher to anyone?”
“Of course it sounds higher,” Doug said. “You’re looking more like a girl! All of you are!”
Doug managed to even laugh. His fingers kept going close to his nethers before retreating. Damn, if he wasn’t horny still!
“Why are you laughing?” Rob asked.
The rabbit-person pointed a pawed finger at each of them. “Because I might b-be becoming a rabbit thing, but at least I’m not a g-girl!”
“Dude, you’re obviously becoming a girl. Have you looked at yourself?”
“Am not!”
“You’ve got eight nipples! You’ve got wider hips than anyone here. And dude, your dick is like, barely there!”
Doug froze. He could, well, not handle, but at least remain somewhat sane, through becoming some kind of rabbit thing. But becoming a female rabbit thing? Complete with wide breeding hips, itty bitty boobs, and a shrinking penis that could well be on its way to becoming a bunny vagina? Well, that was enough to suddenly make him stamp his feet and squeal to the point where he literally cracked the tiles beneath him.
“Eep! Eep! Lee! You gotta stop this, Lee!”
The cat-person’s tail swished behind him; it was still such an alien sensation.
“Meow? Stop it, how do I know how to stop it! I was against this from the start! It was Chris’ idea!”
The cow-person bellowed. He could feel his horns growing, his boobs too. The fur was spreading slowly but surely, turning his black skin to a mix of black-and-white fur. And there was another pressure above his diminishing member as well, like the whole area of skin was developing a rash. He scratched at it idly, not even wanting to think about it.
“How was I suppose to know this would happen!?” he yelled. “This is science fiction bullshit! You should have warned us.”
Lee was usually quite placid, but at this he stretched out his hands, his claws extending like sharp talons automatically. He hissed, quite literally, like a cat about to launch into a fight. Chris responded by striking a hoof against the ground, readying to charge, his head lowered along with his now-two-inch long horns. Doug responded not by cheering on one side as he normally would have, but retreating backwards, some kind of fearful flight response kicking in. He scratched at the ground, wanting to burrow to safety, only to catch himself and wonder just what the hell he was doing.
Everything was about to come to blows until Robert raced between the two angry figures, extending a hand out either way. It wasn’t enough, he sensed, and so he gave over to his new canine instincts.
He barked.
And repeatedly.
It was enough to make Lee vault backwards, his half-coat standing on end for a moment. Chris backed away too, boobs wobbling from the effort. His hoof-hands did a pathetic job of covering them, but his tail swayed in submission to this new alpha of the group. Robert seemed to realise how far he had gone, and his still-furless cheeks blushed.
“S-sorry,” he said. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“Instincts,” Lee marvelled, retracting his claws. “The same reason Doug just tried to flee away.”
“Did not! I - I just thought I saw something!”
Lee ignored him. “The DNA change happening to us must also be affecting out minds, at least a little. I’m cat-like, and what cat doesn’t leap away from a barking dog? And the same for a cow too.”
“I’m not some bloody cow! I’m moo-eant to be a man! How do we stop this?”
Lee hesitated. “I . . . I don’t know. And it’s still happening.”
“Will I become a dog? Like a full dog?” Rob asked. “I feel stronger and healthier than I ever have, but I don’t want to be a golden retriever.”
“And we don’t want to eat grass,” Chris said.
“I don’t want to eat carrots!”
“Rabbits eat grass too, dumbass.”
Again, Rob gave a little growl, and it kept them on topic. “Lee, what if we get down to the town and get help? If we’re quick, surely we can get to a place where we can be turned back or diagnosed or whatever?”
Lee nodded slowly, only to hesitate. “We could, but . . . this is beyond anything I’ve ever heard of in science. I mean, I’m half-tempted to lick my own fur right now. And has anyone noticed that we’ve been standing here buck-naked without a second thought for over fifteen minutes now?”
The revelation was like a heavy stone hurled into the once-calm waters of a pond. Everyone looked down, feeling sheepish at their nakedness, but also sheepish at their lack of sheepishness when it came to their state of nakedness.
“Fuck,” Chris said.
“Woof,” Rob replied, only half-joking. “So what are you saying? We can’t be cured?”
“I’m saying we’ll all be on national news and probably experimented on.”
Doug gave an eep. “I don’t want anyone to know I was a rabbit-girl! The only rabbit-girls I want are the playboy mansion bunny girls I’m gonna fuck when I’m rich.”
Rob rested his face in his hands. His skull was sore, and it was clear to him that he was developing some kind of snout. It was . . . odd, to say the least.
“We need to go somewhere. We can’t just stay here.”
It was at this point that Lee remembered the sign from earlier. “The Community?”
“Moo! The what?”
“It was graffiti’d on one of the warning signs back there, before we came in. There’s some kind of community that knows about this, and they said we should ‘follow the signs’ if we ignored their warnings and entered.”
“You’re just telling us this now?”
“Would you have done anything different, Chris?”
The cow-person cupped his big breasts, still sore, and realised he was right.
“Damn it. So what signs?”
“I don’t know. But with my vision we can find them in the dark, perhaps?”
Rob sniffed the air. There was something . . . new. Something powerful. He hadn’t realised how supercharged his olfactory sense was now. Indeed, there was something . . . animalistic yet human out there in the woods. He could tell it was older, too. The person or thing no longer present, but they had been there, perhaps a week or so ago.
“I think,” he started, rubbing his dark, wet nose. “I think this dog has a lead.”
“Then let’s go to it before I grow a goddamn udder,” Chris muttered, wobbling on his hooves past them.
Doug blinked. “Is he? Growing an udder, I mean?”
Everyone had seen the pink-ish bare patched on their leader’s lower stomach.
“I think we should just get moving,” Rob said, following the scent. He motioned for his cat-like friend to follow, and Lee did.
“My nose, your eyes, buddy.”
The feline nerd actually smirked. “Cat and dog, working together, huh?”
Rob smirked back, before the moment of seriousness returned. Neither wanted to admit it, but a few small parts of their changes almost seemed . . . beneficial.
It was a ridiculous thought to hold though, and they quickly clamped down upon it. Both men needed to change back. All of them did. They had moved well beyond any concerns over fraternity by this point.
Now, it was their humanity that was at stake.
To Be Continued . . .