Mini-Story: Lumin's Twins (Twins to Hot Girlfriends TG) (Patreon)
Not in the incesty way! I could not figure out how to word that title, haha. Based on the vote by our deluxe tier patrons. Hope you enjoy this short little one!
Lumin's Twins
Steven and Tony may have looked identical, but the pair of university-aged twins couldn't have been more distinct in personality. Steven was a party man and athlete, the kind of guy who liked to impress a crowd and draw a group of adoring admirers around him, especially of the hot, female variety. Meanwhile, Tony was much more shy and quietly nerdy. He wanted to be popular like his brother, but struggled to be in front of crowds, and the night life was not for him. Consequently, despite sharing his brother's looks, he struggling to pick up women. Thankfully, Steven was always there to encourage him, even if it didn't always work. He was a caring 'older' brother, even if he was only older by about fifteen minutes. Still, Tony got the distinct sense that his brother never truly understood him, and he wasn't exactly wrong in that assumption. Neither really existed in each other's world. And perhaps that's how their relationship and their trajectories would have continued, were if not for the unexpected diagnosis of Lumin's Syndrome.
It was first discovered in Steven. His performance in football had been flagging lately, and he was feeling increasingly weak. Furthermore, his chest was sore, while his hips seemed oddly pressurised. His facial hair was no longer growing out as it once did, and all these factors were making him worried. Unfortunately, his doctor made clear the diagnosis.
At first he couldn't believe it. He was the life of the party. He had a new girl on his arm every week. He was damn masculine, at least he was meant to be! But nothing he did could forestall what was coming, because over the next few weeks his body continued to change, losing body mass across the board, particularly in his muscle, and all while gaining a soft layer of feminine fat. His hair grew out longer, and he found his dreams were increasingly filled with muscular men that left him oddly turned on. He tried not to touch his nipples or genitals offten, the former of which were growing, and the latter of which was shrinking. It was a true nightmare scenario, particularly since his crowd of followers were increasingly interested in finding out what was going on with him lately. He didnt want them to find out: Lumin's Syndrome had a reputation for creating bombshell bimbos, and he knew how his crowd would react to that.
Fortunately and unfortunately, Steven was not alone. At the same time as he was changing, his twin brother was also experiencing odd changes, though given that he was less muscular and overtly manly, his transformation was more subtle at first. But soon the hair growth on his scalp and loss of hair elsewhere was too hard to ignore, not to mention how his face was looking increasingly androgynous. Like Steven, his chest was getting sore. But unlike Steven, he didn't immediately search for medical help. He was too shy, too worried about how he would be perceived.
But someone perceived it. While Steven did his best to cover himself up, get away from the spotlight, and pay for medical treatment to at least not end up too girly, his hated rival Carter was watching and noticing. Carter had always been jealous of Steven. He was his opponent on the football team, his competitor when it came to courting women, and the guy who also drew a crowd of followers. But he was always coming in second against the charismatic Steven. Thus, he was always trying to find a way to get revenge and one-up him.
And when, by sheer chance, he happened to stumble into Tony in town and saw how much his rival's twin had changed, he decided to shadow him. Tony had been told by Steven about his condition by that point, and so was going to a doctor's visit of his own. That very afternoon he walked out of the clinic very pale-faced and terrified, realising that he not only shared the looks of his twin, but his new genetic condition too. He had no idea that Carter was trailing him, or that a plan was forming in his mind.
From that day on, the shy and nerdy Tony - even more shy now thanks to his worrying condition - found himself suddenly in the company of Carter. He swore not to tell his twin, since he knew they were enemies, but Carter was shockingly affable and friendly, and showed great patience in learning about Tony's interests. He in turn talked about sport, about women, and even how to get them. The shy twin was shocked: this man was understanding him more than Steven ever had, and was even mentoring him about how to find the perfect lady. He didn't have the heart to tell Carter that he too was turning into a woman, doing his best to hide this fact instead. He had no idea that Carter was already in on that little secret, and more than that, he was intent on getting the ultimate revenge on Steven by making his twin brother into his gorgeous submissive girlfriend.
It worked a charm.
In the following two weeks, Carter managed always to lift Tony's spirits while always talking about the ideal woman and how she would look. At times Tony had to excuse himself, and it was obvious that changes were occurring as a result. The man himself was humiliating by this, but only found Carter's descriptions, including images he brought up on the internet, increasingly fascinating. The idea of a busty, curvaceous woman who was utterly bimbo-ish and horny and totally devoted to her master continued to play in his mind, even when he dreamed. Over time, his body began to reflect this reality. His breasts swelled, his hips flared outwards, and his voice became higher and sweeter. His hair grew out long and luscious, turning a bright blonde, and his eyes gained a vapid yet cute stare to them. His skin became utterly flawless, and try as he might to hide it, his ass become pert and peachy and perfect. Soon, he was helpless in the aura of Carter. This new friend was someone he would do anything for, but he would also do anything to. As his penis slowly withdrew in coming days, he found himself wanting to become the kind of woman that could please Carter sexually. She had to thank him, and besides, he was so goddamn handsome. At night, she took her clothes off and stared in the mirror, practically willing her impressive double-D breasts to grow yet larger until they were almost the size of her own head.
She hadn't even realised she was thinking of herself in female pronouns.
Carter saw all of this and was immensely turned on. He'd expertly molded his perfect woman, and the only thing left to do was to make her his, and then flaunt her on his arm and reveal to Steven the truth. He had no way of knowing that a miracle had happened, though it was a nightmare for Steven. The athletic jock was continuing his changes, but all the medical help in the world couldn't even mitigate them. He couldn't understand why, but every night he dreamed of conversations with Carter, encouragements and hobby time that was more the purview of his brother. He dreamed of becoming blonde and busty, with big head-sized tits and a swaying set of baby-making hips. He dreamed of becoming his rival's perfect lover. Steven couldn't stop himself from masturbating regularly to this thought, which only accelerated the shrinking of his penis. And with each further change, that strange genetic connection he felt only strengthened.
Until one morning he woke up in pure ecstasy, overwhelmed by a sudden urge to track down her twin. She hadn't seen Tony in seemingly forever, and was worried about him, especially since her body had crossed well over into womanhood, and she now had a dynamite figure. She even had a damn pussy, and it was difficult not to be aroused by how hot she now was, with her gorgeous, sensual features, and her inability to stop thinking about Carter's cock.
She travelled at great speed to her brother's apartment, but when she burst through the door she was shocked by the sight of another woman there that looked just like her. Exactly like her, in fact.
A woman who was getting railed by Carter and absolutely loving it.
In that moment the two of them felt that connection stir, and they knew what had happened. The twins must have shared some kind of connection thanks to the Lumin's Syndrome, and somehow Tony's changes had caused Steven to follow an identical course. She was about to scream when suddenly Tony cried out in agonised pleasure, Carter cumming deep into her wet tunnel. The feelings were utter heaven, and she didn't want them to end.
"Steven! It's wonderful! Ohhhh, you've got to, like, try it!"
But Steven wanted to run. She wanted to get away from Carter. She had trasnformed into a woman with big, soft sensitive tits and the kind of figure that could start a war for Troy. And Carter, the man she hated and always defeated, was now staring at her with lust as he extracted himself from her twin.
"Now, now, Steven. I was just going to keep your twin 'brother' here as my sexy submissive girlfriend to show off on my arm and fuck whenever I wanted, all to make you angry. All to get revenge. But now, if I' figuring this out right, you've changed just like her. Well, why don't I get a two for one deal here, hmm? Why don't you come over here and suck my cock hard again, and then I can make you my woman too?"
Steven couldn't help herself. Thanks to Tony's naivete, she had been left as a horny, sexy, submissive bimbo. She needed sex. She needed to have a strong man like Carter fuck her and keep her as his cute pet. And the thought of sucking his cock was just too hot and delicious to resist. So instead of running, she fell to her knees, took his shaft, and began to suck away at his manhood. It didn't take long to get him hard, and not long after she too was on her back, legs spread wide as the man who had once been her rival now asserted his dominance over her. When he came inside her, she wept with joy.
The brothers were now finally in the same boat together, and as humiliated as they both were, they couldn't imagine being any different now. From that day on, they were the identically beautiful, identically dressed, and identically nymphomaniac bimbo girlfriends of Carter, each always on one of his arms, when they weren't sharing his bed. And while it wasn't the trajectory either of them would have wanted, they weren't complaining after they got used to their new life. The two twin sisters were more than happy to share.
The End