Wedding Mayhem, Part 1 (Multi TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Story Tier Prompt for TG Sorcerer
Jace and his fiancee Harper are getting married. It is a small, low-budget event with only friends and immediate family invited, but when a vengeful ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend crash the event with new magical powers, the most romantic day of Jace and Harper’s lives turns to pure chaos as their wedding party is transformed, followed by them too!
Wedding Mayhem
Jace fiddled with his tie again.
“Stop it,” his best friend Brendan warned him. “You look perfect, buddy. Just relax. You won’t be thinking about your tie the second you see her walking down the aisle.”
“I know. Just getting jitters.”
“Not the backing out kind, I hope!” his other groomsman Freddie replied, chuckling.
“Hell no. This is going to be the best day of my life. I know it.”
Jace put his hands back down by his sides. His mother grinned at him, while his father was engaged in eager conversation with Harper’s mother beside him.
‘She’ll be here. It’ll be fine,’ his mother mouthed to him.
‘I know,’ he mouthed back.
And he did. Jace was only twenty four years old, but he knew he’d found his partner for life in Harper. She was a gorgeous, energetic, vivacious woman who lit up his world with her passion, particularly her love of animals and the wild. There was a reason she was a veterinarian, after all, and a damn good one at that. She was kind and sweet, and not at all like his ex. The two had been smitten from first sight when he’d taken his labrador in for a check up and she’d been the one to see him over. And, of course, she was quite the looker too, with dark skin and gorgeous frizzy-curly hair which she often wore tied back in a sort of afro-ponytail.
She in turn had fallen in love with his loyalty. They’d both had bad experiences with terrible exes, and so his own patience and positive attitude was something she had clung to. He attributed this to his farmer upbringing. He worked on his father’s farm and would one day start his own, and you had to be patient in such a profession, and take the seasons as they came. It also left him quite fit, and due to his 5’11 height and manly jawline, Harper had also been quite intrigued by his good looks too.
Together, they had dated for two years, and after that time Jace had gotten tired of waiting. He’d gone to his best friend Brendan, who was often described as ‘the most reliable man in a crisis’, and asked him his advice.
“Dude, stop being a moron. Hurry up and fucking marry her already.”
“I just think that after Samantha-”
“She’s not Samantha, dude. That woman was a viper. We all love Harper. Now hurry up and go buy her a ring. A good one, before Freddie thinks you’re not serious and thinks he has a chance with her.”
Jace had to laugh at that one. Freddie was a great friend, but also a huge ladies man. He was still a party guy at heart, and was hoping to get with one of the bridesmaids, preferably Lila, who was Harper’s best friend and not a bad looker herself.
So he’d asked Harper’s parents for their blessing, and they’d enthusiastically given it, and then he’d proposed after a romantic dinner at home, and she’d cried and said “yes! Yes! What took you so long!?”
And now, a whirlwind engagement and wedding planning later, he was waiting to see his blushing bride appear on the horizon. He didn’t have to be so nervous. Neither of them loved the spotlight, so this was just a small event. There was the bride and groom, best man Brendan and groomsman Freddie, and maid of honour Paris and the other bridesmaid Lila. Then it was just the parents on both sides, and a few other friends who filled out a couple of extra seats. Just twenty one people in all. A small, personal event without great extravagance, with just a family friend Tommy who was a celebrant to marry them, and who had to keep reminding Jace to stand still.
“You’ve been a quiet, patient boy the entire time I’ve known your family, but you’ve got ants in your pants today!”
Freddie giggled, and Brendan had to shush him.
“I’m just waiting to see . . . her.”
And suddenly, there she was. They were getting married at a quaint farmhouse on an idyllic spring mid-morning, and the sun was to her left, bathing her in perfect tones of gold. She emerged, walking around the side of the farmside in a white dress that hugged her figure beautiful. Her shoulders were bare, and a taste of her small cleavage showed through the slight v-neck of her top. Her hair was as frizzy and wild as ever, with flowers woven through it. She stepped slowly, holding her bouquet, her two bridesmaids behind her, both dressed in lilac. Paris was fully six-months pregnant and glowing, while Lila was looking stylish and thin, already batting her eyes towards Greg.
But all Jace could focus on was his bride-to-be. His jaw dropped, and for a moment he almost couldn’t think, let alone breathe. She was more stunning to him than ever before, and when she smiled at him - beamed at him - it lit up his entire world. He loved Harper’s smile.
“That’s the money shot!” the photographer said, capturing his amazed gaze. Brendan and Freddie chuckled lightly, and the celebrant Tommy leaned forward just a little.
“I’ve officiated more than a few of these things. Your is the best reaction. You two are meant for each other.”
Harper’s father walked her down the aisle, then retreated to his seat as she reached the marriage altar. Paris took her bouquet, stroking her round stomach idly. Then the bridal couple turned to one another, feasting their eyes on each other.
“You look beautiful beyond words,” Jace said.
She giggled, practically bouncing on her feet. “Thank you! It was hell to put together, but I feel so cute! And how gorgeous is Paris, all big and pregnant! I’m almost jealous.”
“She’s putting thoughts in your ear,” Jace said.
Paris loved kids, and was excited for her first. Baby crazy would be the best way to describe it. She was already egging them on to have “beautiful mixed babies,” a wording that made them both feel a little awkward, though it was just Paris being Paris.
“You look very handsome too, by the way.”
“First time I’ve worn a suit since prom.”
“Mhmm, you fill it well. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
But then they had to hush their proclamations of love, ironically because it was time for them to get married. Tommy made a joking show of rolling his eyes before the small gathering and imitating that he was pushing them apart, something the whole group found hilarious. Everyone knew how cuddly the bridal pair were, and so they held their hands together, giggling and smiling and feeling foolishly head-over-heels in love, as the marriage ceremony began. It didn’t take long. The introduction by the celebrant, the declarations, the readings, the exchange of rings. Brendan was trusty as ever, having safeguarded the ring all day from nonexistent threats. He passed it to Jace, who placed it carefully onto Harper’s ring finger. Her parents were already in tears, especially her mother, whom she got her excitement from. She herself could barely wait to be this man’s husband, to kiss him and hold him and love him. And the more excitable, passionate part of her couldn’t wait for them to retreat to the little on-site cottage and fuck each other’s brains out after their little reception was over that night. Without protection, if she could convince him. Just having her baby-crazy maid of honour so close was making her baby crazy too.
Finally, the moment had arrived when it would all become official. Almost as if making a joke, Tommy threw out that old line.
“Before we wrap this up with romance and love, does anyone object to the lawful union of this frankly wonderful couple, even if you’d be admitting you’re crazy to do so?”
There was a chuckle from the small gathering, and he grinned before proceeding.
“Very well then. Jace Mosswell and Harper Christensen, I hereby pronounce you-”
There was a gasp from several individuals in the gathering, particularly from the parents of the bride and groom. Everyone looked in the direction of the two voices that had shouted their objection.
“Oh, fuck,” Jace said. “It’s Samantha.”
“And Jacob,” Harper hissed, clinging to the man that was meant to be her loving husband by that point.
“What!?” Lila cried. “How do they know each other?”
“I have no idea,” Jace said. “But it’s them.”
There was no denying it either. His poisonous ex-girlfriend Samantha, and Harper’s own venomous counterpart ex-boyfriend Jacob, were approaching the gathering from the same direction the bridesmaid party had arrived from only twenty minutes ago. Samantha looked different from how she had been three years ago. Her black hair was longer, going all the way to her waist, and she had green eyeshadow on. She wore a dress that was far too tight and revealing for a modest occasion, as if to show Jace that she must have had work done. Her formerly plain figure now had impressive curves, and what had to be a pair of double-D breasts straining against her dress, if not larger. But even from a distance, he could see that cruelty in her eyes. The controlling nature that had caused him to leave her, because she demanded that he always worship the damn ground she walked on and not even dare to see his friends unless she permitted it. Which was barely ever.
Jacob likewise looked changed, and Harper gasped to see the impossibility of those changes. He was taller - literally several inches taller! He had previously been below average height, but now would compete against her groom quite easily. But he still had his sharp, shark-like features, the same olive Mediterranean lips, and the same smug smile upon his features. He moved with the confidence of an apex predator, and she imagined it was the same look he’d had when he began seducing his coworker. Last she had heard he’d been kicked to the curb for that stunt after she found out as well, and he’d lost his job over the incident. She was happy to have heard it, but now he was here, not begging for her to take him back as he had once, but looking at her like he knew something she didn’t. It sent a shiver down her spine.
“Someone do something,” she said.
“I’m on it,” Brendan said.
“Me too,” Freddie replied.
Paris also stormed ahead, not minding her heavily pregnant figure but instead using it to be even more imposing. The gathering was already standing to look around as the pair drew closer to the rear, and several people were shouting at them, shaming them.
“We object!” Jacob yelled.
“You’re not a member of the guest list,” Tommy replied. “You both need to get off this property. It’s trespassing.”
Brendan and Freddie were moving to intercept the pair, and Paris was not far behind them. Several others were blocking the interlopers’ entry, but neither looked worried or personally confronted.
“I don’t care about trespassing!” Samantha cried in her high, reedy voice. “I have a right to be here! That man doesn’t deserve happiness, not after he dumped me so cruelly!”
“Back off!”
“Get out of here!”
“I will remove you if you don’t back the fuck off right now. Both of you.”
This last sentence came from Brendan, whose fists were clenched, knuckles white. He was ready to throw down at that point, and the bride and groom were happy for it. But there was a nervousness to the air, a tension that could be sliced with a butterknife it was wound so tightly.
But neither were showing a willingness to leave, and both had smirks planted fast on their faces. It took Paris stepping forward, thrusting her pregnant figure out at them, to finally wipe the smiles off of their faces.
“Right, I’m six months pregnant and hormonal as hell, and I am absolutely craving some of that wedding cake. So you both have ten seconds to turn the fuck around and get the hell out of here, or I’ll be calling the police while these two gentleman handle you. Isn’t that right, Freddie? Brendan?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Damn straight. Get the fuck out Samantha.”
“And you too, Jacob, you cheating ass,” Lila said. She didn’t have the same fire as the maid of honour, but she hated Jacob for cheating on her friend, and small as she was she was willing to pipe up. The rest of the crowd joined in, yelling out all manner of angry phrases ranging from the polite-but-firm to the utterly obscene. The message was clear: leave, or there will be trouble.
For just a moment, it seemed like they might do so. Samantha swallowed, and Jacob rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.
But then everything went wrong.
Samantha turned and flung out a hand. It glowed a vibrant, unnatural green, and this strange energy expanded from her fingers to enveloped Brendan in a vortex, right before he could lay a hand on her or Jacob. He was instantly stuck fast, surrounded by this green magic. Several people screamed. Some even tried to run, but then Jacob flung out his hands, and dark purple beams spread out from his fingertips to envelop them as well, holding them in place. Jace and Harper clung to one another, watching this unfold in horror. In mere moments, the entire gathering, themselves included, were stuck in place. They were able to move everything but their feet, effectively leaving them immobile.
“What have you done to us!?”
“Someone help us!”
“This is sorcery!” Tommy cried. He was quite religious, even if the ceremony was secular, and he began making the sign of the cross.
“That’s right, bitches,” Jacob sneered in his arrogant voice. “This is sorcery. It turns out that after me and Samantha here got dumped around the same time, that we crossed paths. Together, we found out we made quite the pairing. A pair of vengeful exes who’d been cruelly let go by our partners who refused to take us back, all because of some . . . indiscretions.”
“Indiscretions!?” Harper yelled from the altar, incredulous. “You cheated on me, you bastard! Let us all go!”
“You still kicked him to the curb!” Samantha replied, looking utterly furious. “Just like you kicked me to the curb too, Jace.”
“You were a controlling bitch, Samantha, and you know it! You didn’t let me be me, and you tried to separate me from everyone!”
“I was doing what was best for us, but you couldn’t commit!”
Jace stepped forward. Well, he tried to, only to nearly stumble over. Harper managed to help right him. The two lovers were quite literally stuck at the altar, moments before marriage, as their two tormentors ruined everything.
“How are you doing this!?” he demanded.
Samantha giggled, especially when Paris repeated the question, looking utterly furious. Harper looked to Jacob who shrugged, clearly amused.
“Let’s just say we were both looking for a way to get revenge,” Jacob called out. “And we found it in a book Samantha found. A book that had all the right instructions to make a deal.”
“A deal that gave us power!” Samantha declared. “And meant we could finally put you two, and all your friends who rallied behind you when you dumped us like trash, behind us.”
“By inflicting a delightful revenge on all of you,” Jacob finished, grinning. “That’s right, Harper. We could have worked things out. You could have forgiven me. I would have redeemed myself. But you were just too full of anger to see sense.”
“YOU CHEATED ON ME!” she cried, full of that very anger. “And worst of all, you cheated on HER too! She didn’t know! And then she told you to fuck off as well, Jacob!”
Tears streamed down her eyes, but Jacob just laughed.
“Well, you can see it that way, but it doesn’t matter. Now you’re the one who’ll lose out on love.”
“And you too, Jace,” Samantha said. “You ghosted me after you left me. You changed the locks. You refused to acknowledge me. ME! Well, looks like you’re got your perfect girl. Now it’s time for you to feel what it’s like to be ripped away from your one true love.”
Jace grimaced. He swallowed his hatred for this manipulative woman, and tried to appeal to her instead: “Sam, I know you’re angry. Let’s just - let’s just talk this out, okay? There’s no need for anything drastic.”
She crossed her arms. “Too late for that, Jace. I have all the power now, and so does my new lover. Jacob’s a better boyfriend than you ever were, and together we’re going to make sure you, your bitch of a wife-to-be, and all your friends and family understand not to get in our way. We’re going to transform all of you.”
Brendan struggled against his magical restraints, and almost succeeded until Jacob reapplied some.
“You always were a crazy bitch!” he said. And then he spat on her.
For a moment, Samantha was shocked. Everyone was. But then she looked up at him, eyes gleaming unnaturally. Infernally.
“That’s going to cost you, Brendan. You always were the tough man, the big guy, the ‘most dependable guy in a crisis.’ Isn’t that how they always put it? Well, maybe it’s time for everyone to see you how I do: as the devil on Jace’s shoulder, always leading him away from me, whispering in his ear. Time to show your horns, Brendan. But don’t worry, you won’t be the last to change.”
With that, she extended her hand out to him, and there was a flash of green energy. Brendan tried to shield himself, but he was helpless, lost in the bright green rays that soaked into his body.
“NNGHH!!!” he groaned, as the light became ever more brilliant. “Wh-what’s happening t-to me!?”
“Oh honey, just you wait,” she declared.
Freddie and Paris went to speak. Harper and Jace went to yell, to plead. But they all stopped dead in their tracks at the sight before them.
Groaning and moaning and grunting and whimpering beneath the magical light, Brendan’s body was beginning to change.
To Be Continued . . .