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I was waiting for Luke’s story and it didn’t disappoint. I think my heart might be the heaviest for him and what he’s going through. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/EDy6VWfS5sQ




Honestly, that schedule works. From here on out, you'll want to let each episode marinate a bit before moving on!


Before this show, I knew Oliver Jackson-Cohen from the miniseries World Without End, where he plays a VERY different character than Luke, so I was quite caught off guard by how great he is here. And the character here is especially different from the book, where he's pretty much the comic relief of the story as a wisecracking party man who's only in the house due to being in the family of the current owners rather than being a ghost investigator like the others. It was also quite a surprise that we get such a clear look at one of the ghosts in this episode, as a big part of the appeal of the novel and the first film, which the remake was harshly criticized for going against, was that you never actually saw them and in fact the story could be read as just a bunch of people losing their minds together. But this version works so well on its own that I'm perfectly fine with it.


One of the great things about this series is how jam-packed with details it is, which are hard to notice the first time round. I must have watched this ten times already, and I only just picked up that the rehab is called Sanderson Recovery House. Sanderson is Luke's surname in the book.