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I had a great time with this one! Imaginative, suspenseful, and a thief you can't help but love.n

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/wAw2BmSEPn8




This one suffered a very unfortunate production issue compounded with RTD failing to think things all the way through on what I'm sure was a very tight schedule, that got the episode horribly mocked for years. The desert scenes were filmed in Dubai, and on the way over the bus got horribly damaged in a way they couldn't possibly shoot around. So RTD threw in a line about how going through the portal had caused that damage. Just one problem: he didn't bother to make any script changes to how the driver is fully confident he can just go back through it unscathed, which now makes him look completely insane, and the others not much better as they make no effort to point this out.


🤣🤣 amazing! I didn’t think too much of the damaged bus, but I did think the driver was incredibly foolish to try to leap through specifically because of the damage to the bus.

Izzy Griffiths

I was waiting for you to realise the head unit woman was the one who helped rose before lol but as usual great reaction! Love the episode and Christina is great


Oh yea! Would have been great if I did lol. But nah, I was so over stimulated during those last 3 episodes, I doubt I absorbed any memory of side characters or moments.

Izzy Griffiths

So excited for the next episode the David tennant specials are some of my favourite episodes! And I’ve just got to say the personal message you sent was so cool a great surprise

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Doctor Who Confidential: Planet of the Dead https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6tr73t I love this episode - it's pure Who! Adventure, comedy, a fun companion, sci-fi gobbledygook that we say wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey to because who cares; it's *so much fun*. I wanted Christina to travel with the Doctor as well, but at least he gave her the flying bus (who doesn't want a flying bus?) I love how you're always thinking ahead -- when the show drops info like "song coming to an end" or "knock four times," you're theorizing out loud for us right away (which allows endless amusement to come in ROT13). It will be a treat to see what you make of the answers when you get to them!


That’s it, the fun! I love that the show can hit hard emotionally, but not many other shows can bring the level of fun that Doctor Who can.