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We spent a lot of time in the past as the mystery is slowly coming into focus. The funeral service was moving, but it’s the ending that definitely has my mind reeling right now.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/QT2IesaSkpM

Here is a bonus clip of my "editing cam" when I realized what was on the floor right before the final haunting: https://youtu.be/CZMzuoDgj44



Laura Dawson

Mr Dudley’s monologue is mesmerizing. So well done, it gives me chills every time. I’m so glad you’re loving this show. I’d also recommend Midnight Mass by Flanagan if you haven’t seen it. It’s a different vibe, but also fantastically good!

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Midnight Mass is tied with Usher at #1 in the Flanaverse (though if forced to choose I would choose MM juuuuuuuust slightly over Usher), for me, and I think Chris said he wants to make his way through all of the Flanaverse, so we'll probably get there!


At the moment, I am planning on continuing through the Flanaverse, at the rate of 1 episode a week. Looking to go in order, so Bly Manor next.