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The story just shifted into high gear as all roads lead to Hill House! Incredible dialogue, storytelling and the greatest jump-scare in history immediately followed by one of my favorite scenes! 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/tmY-Bi2a4TY

(I have watched the whole show now so no need to fear spoilers! The final two episodes will release Monday & Tuesday.)




Just about every Flanagan fan will tell you this show has the greatest jump scare ever made, both being absolutely terrifying in the moment but also genuinely having a purpose beyond that momentary shock that serves the rest of the story and the characters. The really amusing thing is how similar it is to the classic "screamer" prank videos from a while ago. And of course, it's the best part of any reaction to this show, so I've been eagerly looking forward to this day.

Laura Dawson

Yep, the jump scare and Theo’s monologue are so well done. Kate Siegel really is outstanding. I love Hugh and Steve’s discussion too, and the ramping up of the sense of dread. Hugh’s ‘I never built you kids a treehouse’ gives me chills every single time I watch it. I think it’s the sudden realisation that we the audience can’t trust anything we’ve seen during the flashbacks. Our reaction of ‘WTH?!’ exactly mirrors Steve’s. Holy crap I love this show!


This is probably a favorite episode in the sense that I loved every conversation, ever monologue, every aspect from start to finish.