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Things just got even more Wibbly Wobbly. This really did feel like a show refresh. It is different, but our first story with Matt Smith’s 11th doctor and Amy Pond still captured the spirit of Doctor Who!

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I upload these episodes to Patreon, but some people prefer the youtube video player so I provide a YouTube link as well.


YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/diyD-XuCXMc




David Tennant met with Steven Moffat who pitched his plans for S5 over dinner. It would definitely have been David's last series but in the end David left a small voicemail politely declining the offer to stay on. 10's series 5 story would have been very similar to this beginning. The 10th Doctor would arrive in Amy's garden on the verge of regeneration, he would then be helped by little Amelia back to his broken TARDIS & fly off. She would then meet him again as a grown-up Amy Pond but she would know him but he would not have any memory of that encounter. We would then come to realise that The Doctor who crashed into Amelia's garden was a future version of The Doctor in the finale.


On set they were almond cakes in batter with custard. Always blows my mind how many people tried fishfingers and custard, mad people!


Yes that is Oscar winning actress Olivia Colman & Moffat has continually joked that he was stupid for giving her such a minor role lol

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Here's a bit of the very last Confidential from the Davies and Tennant era - Matt Smith's first day on set - STOP THE CLIP AT 4m30s so you don't see a spoiler from the stupid YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dobxbndOqd8 Here's a brief bit from Moffat about that opening scene for The Eleventh Hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNOBxUz4Wy8 And here's Doctor Who Confidential: The Eleventh Hour - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6hznd3

Jason Jeffery

Matt Smith is my favourite doc and I hope you end the same. David Tennant was great but I don't know what it is about Smith but he makes the role his own.


Oh that would have been a great surprise had they gone this route, but I think it is fitting that the new showrunner gets a new doctor, although I can imagine a lot people were hoping David stayed a bit longer, because of how much of a cultural icon he had become in the role. Maybe that is even more for the best that he left when he did?

Maria Stoycheva

dude, we have the same shirt! so happy to see other supporters of Hoeg Law around the interwebs <3 how did you stumble onto his content? did it have anything to do with a certain high-profile court case a couple of years ago?


lol I 100% discovered him and lawtube as a whole during that trial 🤣 I really enjoy his headlines videos and particularly this catchphrase. It's basically the only merch I've ever bought from a creator.

Maria Stoycheva

new people jumping in just now? what? how?? how do you skip Ten??!?! never mind, the more the merrier. but really, those people should go watch *all* your previous Whoniverse reactions - they are all excellent ^^ very excited for you to get a bit of respite with this new Doctor who, we are hoping, will be much more chill and goofy than Matt Smith's most recent role ;) (tell us when you start being able to see him as the Doctor and not as Daemon first :D )

Maria Stoycheva

Yeah, I love the catchphrase too, it speaks to my soul ^^ that trial really contributed to a lot of people learning so much about the US (and, thanks to people like Runkle, not only the US) justice system

Jimmy Jones

This is my Doctor. His theme tune is also one of my favourite pieces of music. I was won over by him with "Hello. I'm the Doctor".

Maria Stoycheva

I have my theory on that. Chris will tell us later if he agrees. I think Matt managed, somehow, surprisingly, masterfully, to appear both young and old at the same time. his performance in that regard is amazing. also, he does that half-wink sometimes, when he is being both wise and reassuring, that is the most calming thing ever and I instantly trust him. Tennant is *my* Doctor but Matt Smith definitely has a very special place in my heart.

Maria Stoycheva

well, they originally gave Karen Gillan a minor role and then she came back... not to mention the other dozen or so times that has happened. I wouldn't mind seeing Olivia Colman back tbh. would have been fun to see her during Tennant's run but, you know, you never know (iykyk) :D

Maria Stoycheva

that's so interesting. it's like reading an AU fanfiction :D I cannot fully imagine what that would have looked like. also, I feel that Moffat will probably find a way to recycle that story in some shape or other... it's not a bad story, that's all I'm saying ;)

Jimmy Jones

I think any youtube clips are a major risk of spoilers. I just watched them and then looked at the recommendations (on PC righ next to it). It then had a video covering what you were trying to avoid. Along with once you start watching the official channel, youtube is going to offer similar content related to it.

Jimmy Jones

Would have to be a makeup role. She's too recognisable as being in it already.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Yes, I'm very careful with what I link Chris to, and he's aware and has worked out some viewing system that allows him to avoid spoilers. We've been doing this for four seasons and I would *never* want to spoil him -- I'm sure if I cause Chris to be spoiled, he'll let me know and we'll figure some other way around.

Maria Stoycheva

oh, me and my brother tried it for sure! we didn't have custard in our country, so we waited until we visited London and bought custard there :D pretty disgusting, as you might imagine (and yet, still better than Marmite ^^)

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

(also - ROT13: ur nyernql xabjf Graanag ergheaf nf gur Qbpgbe - ur zragvbarq vg va n ivqrb be gjb naq V purpxrq jvgu uvz nobhg jung ur xabjf ertneqvat nal fcbvyref ng nyy - ur fnvq ur xabjf arkg vf Zngg, gura Crgre, Wbqvr, naq Qnivq ntnva, naq gura "gur arj thl" nf ur pnyyf uvz. V pbafvqrerq abg rira vapyhqvat gur "FCBVYRE" ovg va zl pbzzrag, ohg vs V unqa'g jevggra vg V'q unir tbggra ybgf bs pbzzragf fpernzvat ng zr nobhg fcbvyvat uvz 🤣 fb vg jnf ernyyl zber sbe gur cngebaf guna sbe Puevf )

Shelby Gentry

Oh to watch that roof top scene for the first time again! It really is a highlight of the entire show for me. So powerful!


We're here!! Matt Smith's entrance is so good!! He was so young and he just shined so bright. He did so well. I feel teary this entire episode. The music and soft lighting. It really feels fairy tale like. And I LOVE Amy. "Why did you say five minutes!?"


Oh man that FIVE MINUTES moment hit hard. I was so impressed with Karen's performance as I was editing this, especially how expressive she is with her eyes.

Florian Hoyer

Matt Smith's is so good! but Amy is the best

Florian Hoyer

the huge difference between this doctor and the last ones is that they all said "run" to their companions and they did run away together, but this doctor says "run" to his enemies as hes coming for them xD


While Eccleston is my Doctor, I think the Moffat era is my favorite. He's a writing hero of mine. Love the vibes of the era an and the overarching storytelling.

Melissa Smith

So many things to absolutely love about Matt Smith's Era. I'm super excited for you!

Izzy Griffiths

I have so many thoughts about this episode!, I love it so much! especially as our first introduction to the eleventh doctor ‘The corner of your eye/six rooms’ part gives me chills every time I absolutely love it! Rory is such a sweetheart too and Amy, Amelia pond is so just FANTASTIC can’t wait to see more reactions to other episode and without giving any spoilers next episode is one of my personal favourites! I think this season has so many great quotes but ofc the iconic one “Bow ties are cool”

Izzy Griffiths

I know this came out some days ago but got round to watching it today and after having a hard week and failing my driving theory test again yesterday this really boosted my spirits so thank you so much as always it’s great to re-experience doctor who with you:)))


I definitely enjoyed the next one! I won't say more, but I am excited to release it tomorrow. About to go edit it now.


Just got back from vacation so playing catchup. Most people have said what I want to say already, so I'll add a little fun fact instead. The scene at the beginning with the food is an almost exact copy of a Winnie the Pooh scene featuring Tigger where he's trying lots of foods and doesn't like any of them, including the part where he throws the entire plate out. Welcome to 11, can't wait to continue this amazing journey with you.

Channy H.

It was so kind of you to put this episode up for free but I also wanted to watch your reaction to the last episodes with David Tennant in order before starting Smith's era and so it was a long hard wait but it at least I didn't have to wait 12 years. It's also nice to see you enjoying this first introduction episode with Amy and the 11th Doctor and just like it is for the Doctor watching the universe through his companions eyes, in a way this is for us watching Doctor Who again though your eyes. Thanks for lending them.

Peter Powis

Loved watching the whole episode with you - first time I've done that and it was so much better than just the highlights! Although I've seen them all I can't wait to see your reaction to the rest of the series!