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As we enter the Holiday season I hope you know I'm thankful for YOU!

*YouTube Calendar attached



Easy Breezy Bri

Continuing the Mike Flanagan journey, I see!! Yesssss!

Monk Without a Cause

YES! MIDNIGHT MASS!! Flet's lucking go!! My favorite of the bunch!!

Rasmus Larsen

With you continuing on the Mike Flanagan journey, I'd definitely recommend you also checking out "Doctor Sleep". It's an amazing sequel to Kubrick's "The Shining"


While I don't plan to watch any of his other films at this time, I think it's fair to say I started with Doctor Sleep two years ago. That movie stayed with me and is the entire reason I thought to start his series. https://www.patreon.com/posts/epic-choice-cut-72547738

Rasmus Larsen

I should've searched before recommending it 🤦🏻 His other movies are good, but Doctor Sleep is the only one to match the quality of his shows imo

Dylan Humphries

I don't even celebrate Thankgiving, but I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you too. I started out picking re-capers that were watching shows that had been important to me and a lot of them have come off as just being performative or being more interested in their gimmick than anything else. Every video you do is filled with genuine enthusiasm and joy and curiosity and I love joining you for the series I follow.