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Did Ashford just become a favorite? The response to those aboard the Behemoth was not what I expected, but I couldn’t look away! Amazing episode!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/-n1ihN0Zz3s

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The really amazing thing is, Ashford is a huge dick in the book and they basically just created this character from the ground up and slapped his name on. There's actually a lot more liberties with the plot of Book 3 than the previous two, including removing two whole viewpoint characters and merging their roles into Drummer.


We can regrow a spinal cord, but we couldn't regrow Shed's head.


With a new season coming up soon, look for massive changes to the opening sequence. Season 4 opening will see several changes throughout the first half of the season. Can't wait to go over them next week.


For the Drummer changes at least, I think a lot of it is because they realized by then what an incredible opportunity they had with Cara Gee and the framework of a character she'd filled out so well. It's really such a smart adaptation, helped by not just having the authors be a core part of it but for them being able to recognize a chance to improve on their work (at least as far as it works in a very different medium like TV vs books).


Anna is such a standout character for me, for a lot of reasons. Granted she's among a lot of really great, deep characters I'd be hard pressed to name favorites from. But for her in particular, I recognize so much in moments like her line that she tries to care about everyone, and it's exhausting. As a not very active/not a substantial part of my life Episcopalian (which Anna's Methodist church has a lot in common with) who is an engineer, scientist and doctor she's one of very few representations of a religious person that even tries to live up to their professed ideals. She's deeply flawed, as anyone is, but recognizes it and tries to put others before herself. And even as a pastor doesn't put her faith in conflict with the science around her. Agreed that Amos's reaction to her is fascinating, she so entirely outside his understanding of the world. The core tragedy that I see in Amos is that he's convinced he has to follow 'good people' to be able to do good, because he can't believe that he's able to make the right judgements himself. But to even recognize the good in others, and want to follow it, I don't think he has any less of a sense of good morality... he was just conditioned to ignore it to survive his past too often.


Ashford is absolutely deserving of some favoritism as well. He's one of the best, most believably written characters I can think of that's "incredibly wrong but for exclusively the best possible reasons". He's clearly got a dark history, but at this point is no less committed to doing the best he possibly can for overall good.


I think it makes sense that they would take more liberties with book 3 considering the truncated schedule compared to the first two. It's so much shorter, but it was still really well done for television.


Oh yea! It'll have to change right? I can't wait to see what changes season 4 brings, not only in the title sequence, but it's gonna be wild!


There isn't any characters I dislike, but Anna really stands out for me with my background. I just love how real she's written. I relate a little too hard to her rational for looking for the good in Melba being more a about vanity 😅