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Silence has fallen. Or is about to. Or did we win? I definitely ended this episode asking more questions than I started with. Oh and my heart feels very sad for those living in opposite directions. 😭

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DarkStar 57

It is truly great writing and it's really nice to see you experiencing this!!

Jonathan Foreman

I wholeheartedly agree about the does Amy love Rory or the Doctor thing. It’s really the one thing that really bugged me when I first watched these seasons and still does upon rewatches. I love your theory’s all I can say in response to them is…. “Spoilers” ;)


Rory the Roman, I absolutely love him, the best man ever. I always have faith in him and I know Amy does too. The Doctor will always be her imaginary friend brought to life, but Rory is her anchor. So, I agree, the shoe horning of trying to make people think that MAYBE Amy loves The Doctor more than Rory, is getting old. One of the few things I dislike that Moffat kept throwing in.

Maria Stoycheva

"the wibbly-wobbliest of timeline" - for sure, this season is a bit of a mess timeline-wise :D also, I like the DW/Community crossover there ;)

Josef Schiltz

On a personal note, my dad was a POW with Wernher von Braun - Boxford, England. That is, until he 'disappeared' one night. The next time that dad saw him was on an American newscast in the early sixties. "I know him! Tell them the truth! You were abducted!" My father died suddenly of a heart attack in October 1969. My last proper memory of him is of us standing in our garden and looking up at the moon, whilst the astronauts were there on July 20th. "Boy," he said - sometimes I wonder if he remembered my name,. He always referred to me as 'Boy'! - "There are men up there!"


I mean, she loves both and I can appreciate her having to work through her feelings for the doctor, but we've done that. She chose Rory and has realized the propper place for her feelings for the doctor. That was the story for series 5 and I can appreciate that. So let's leave it there. 🤞

Maria Stoycheva

#6seasonsandamovie !!! I cannot wait. particularly excited for the fact that the whole gang will be there!

Josef Schiltz

Thing is, that Amy not only had the universe pouring through her head, she also had psychiatrists! Yikes! It's hardly any surprise that she had difficulties finding a place for her true feelings to stand! - and why she keeps asking other people, "Why am I feeling this?"

Phil Robinson

Yeah, the stuff about whether Amy wants the Doctor over Rory is played out to death, but I'm pretty sure that's the last of that as portrayed here. As for standalone episodes, yes there a good few, so no worries there. I'm particularly excited for you to watch EP4. I hope that's not too much info!


The love-triangle baiting did kinda annoy me too, the first watch through. I was really glad they put 'Amy's Choice' in nice and early to nip in the bud. With this episode, I've always assumed that the reason it raised it's head again was because the writers are fully aware what fandom shipping is like and wanted to disabuse any new viewers of that idea right off the bat. They give quite a few explanations about things that series 5 and earlier viewers would know, presumably because they're expecting new viewers for a new season. That's how I soothed my annoyance, anyway.


I absolutely love your reactions and I always look forward to them, even if I don't always comment. But these episodes are a lot lol, and I was inspired to. Sorry it's so long! Blame the show for packing so much into these two episodes. Firstly, a slight clarification: in the series 5 finale, River didn't say he'd find out who she was next time they met / see her. She said you're going to find out "very soon", and that's when everything changes. So it could have been these episodes or some other time. Though our wibbly Wobbly adventures don't exactly make “very soon” a definitive hint lol. Upon re-watching with you and enjoying your perspective, I realised why River's stuff hit differently in these episodes (this is spoiler-free, I promise). I think because, until now, we have mostly experienced River stuff from the Doctor's POV. Like we were excited each time we saw her because we gained more insight about her. But this time, with the Doctor being the one out of the loop (the letters, etc) we got to see River's POV. The way she guided Amy and Rory through the spoilers also gave us a glimpse into her life, and how she probably navigates her time with the Doctor too. Yet seeing her perspective, and hearing her actually talk about their journey, her thoughts and feelings, etc made us realise that while we've been happily gaining something each time... hers have been slipping away. These episodes, rather cleverly, really showed us the other side; that, generally speaking, (since the order is still all over the place) while the Doctor gains, River loses. And it has a sadder implication / vibe that perhaps the more WE see her, the less we will in the future. Or something to that effect; just this general sense that nothing lasts forever. It's rather mean of the show lol, as if they saw how much we love River and decided to remind us of the type of show we're watching. That callback to the Library, just to hurt us, was plain rude haha. The next episode is not my favourite, but I'll enjoy it anyway because you are such a wonderful reactor who not only genuinely loves the show, but you truly GET Doctor Who. That's rarer than you might think. It also makes your theories all the more interesting, as you really do pay attention and get invested in everything. You know that not every adventure has to be a big deal or spectacular or even make sense half the time; you're just happy to be along for the ride, and it shows. I think that makes this all the more fun. Especially for episodes we (who've already seen it) don't typically find memorable or re-watch often. You experiencing it for the very first time, with your open mind and really understanding what this show is about, and of course your fun theories or reactions etc, makes it new to us in a different way. And I just wanted to thank you for sharing that with us. Again, sorry this is so long but consider it making up for me only commenting now and again. But your reactions are always great and a joy to watch. You're one of my favourite Doctor Who reactors because you understand the heart of the show and don't nit-pick or set personal expectations – your approach feels very much just “what adventure does Doctor Who have for me this time?” And I think it's fair to say that you are, in fact, an official Whovian. I am so happy to be on this journey with you, and (as always) I'm excited to see your next Doctor Who reaction!


I hope it's the last of it, I can kind of get playing with it one last time in the sense to let Rory show growth and security, even if I don't like it lol


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! One thing is for sure, when I get to rewatch the Library episodes after knowing the whole story it will certainly hit in a whole different way. I can't wait.